Storm in Ocean

By Scratch_your_head

678K 16.4K 3.4K

Amelia McCarthy; a 21 year old young girl, coming from a good family. She is a lively college student, majori... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Book Cover 2
Chapter 51
Character Aesthetics
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Book Cover 3
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Book Cover 4
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Book cover 5 (Fan Edition 1)
Chapter 72
Book cover(s) 6 (Fan Edition 2)
Character Aesthetics 2
Outfits 2
Character Aesthetics 3
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Lil Facts
Vincent, Terrance, Felix × Crystal
Seth × Melody
Zeke × Trisha
2. Shnelle × Ashwin
2. Vincent, Terrance, Felix × Crystal
2. Seth × Melody
Sia × Samrath
New Book

Chapter 14

7.7K 202 12
By Scratch_your_head


Here's an update lovelies!

"You are looking really beautiful honey" Amelia's mom said.

"Thanks mom!" Amelia said. She was getting ready for her date with Eric.

"You are finally going on a date Amy, I'm so happy" Stacy said excited about her sister. She had been hopping around the whole house today in excitement of getting to dress her sister for her first date.

"Yeah" Amelia smiled nervously. She was nervous about her first real date. Her previous experiences weren't good. But she was glad that it wasn't with some random stranger. She knew Eric and she knew that he was a guy who would make you feel comfortable in his company.

"Are you nervous?" Stacy asked.

"I think I am... I don't know how it will go" Amelia said.

"It will go fine Amy and you know what, I think Eric had a crush on you back in high school" Stacy assured her.

"Oh yeah?" Amelia narrowed her eyes. Stacy hummed. "You weren't even with us Stacy" Amelia said. "But I have a sight to see love" Stacy said and stared off on the wall to show her smoldering intensity.

"Or...I can always cover for you" She suggested wriggling her eyebrows.

"Stacyyyy.... Don't bother your sister. Honey you will do good and I'm sure Eric will be a gentleman" Their mom said.

"Do you think my dress is appropriate? Is the skirt too short?" Amelia asked. Ajax had always sent her expensive dresses and jewellery for their date. He would always go extravagant on their meet ups.

"Your dress is fine, don't worry about it" Her mom said as she caressed her head.

Amelia sighed, she was still thinking about the devil in her life when she should be focusing on her date with Eric. She took deep breaths and tried to relax.

*doorbell ringing

"I think it's Eric" Her mom said. They went out of her room to go downstairs.


"And get her back by 9" Her dad was saying to Eric who was standing at their door in white shirt and blue pants. "Yes sir" He said. Her father patted his shoulder.


Date with Eric was going great, he was a nice guy as always. Amelia had talked to him on texts before and he had gotten more mature now. He had taken her to a normal but great restaurant. They had ordered their meals like a normal person and talked about their likes and dislikes. They also caught up on the stuff going on in their lifes after high school.

Eric had told her that he had a crush on her back in high school but he never made a move on her, mainly because she didn't use to date back then. She was focused on her studies and he understood that. She also got to know that his family really liked her. Amelia had laughed on the jokes he made. It felt good and normal. She missed it.

"So are you still in contact with Simon?" Amelia asked.

"Yes I am, you remember him?" He asked.

"I do, he was your best friend. Also because he spilled punch on his white pants at his own party and it looked like he couldn't hold the amount he drank and peed himself" She said.

"And he was wondering why he couldn't get any girl for the night when he had a visible yellow stain on his butt" Eric recalled the funny memory of his own best friend.

"He was a true joker" Amelia laughed. Simon was a funny guy, only he could pull off stunts like that even if it meant humiliating himself.

"It's our date and we are talking about him, he will be thrilled to hear it" Eric said chuckling knowing well about his friend's narcissistic ass.

"Yeah, tell him how people still get entertained by his stunts" She laughed. She was feeling so relaxed tonight. It felt good, after so long time. She caught Eric staring at her while she was laughing. "What?" She asked putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You look really beautiful when you smile" He said and placed his hand on hers which was on the table. Amelia felt the heat rise to her cheeks at his comment. She looked down, blushing.

When she looked back up, breath got knocked out of her lungs. He was there, right behind Eric. And he was furious, his eyes were set on their joined hands.

Amelia felt extreme fear coursing through her body. She felt her mind go numb and heartbeat slowing down like the blood in her chest had ceased moving. That tension in your chest that you feel when you are scared.

SK (Santiago King) was there and he was furious. How could he be there? After every precaution she and her parents took. Her dad assured her that Santiago king wasn't in the city tonight. He promised that it would be fine, she would be fine.

Her dad repeatedly assured her that nothing would happen. Yet, here he was, standing in front of her, looking like a raging ball. The dark look on his face had her body trembling in fear. His eyes were set on them, on their hands. She felt the blood in her chest started moving abruptly and her heartbeat increasing in frenzy.

She instantly left Eric's hand and stood up, abruptly. Eric looked at her confused and slowly stood up. "What happened?" He asked, she was looking behind him with wide eyes and sealed lips. Her face had gone pale as if she had seen a ghost.

He turned around and looked behind him and was surprised to see The Ajax Santiago there, right in front of him. Before he knew it, a hard punch landed on his face making a sound of crack. He fell on the floor with the impact of the blow. "How dare you bastard! " Ajax roared in fury.

Amelia gasped at his move but she was too shocked and scared to move or do anything. She felt like she was frozen in her place. She stared at Eric who was now on the floor. She wanted to go to him and help him but she felt like her body didn't have any energy to move. It was in shock and extreme fear. She had a hunch that he would come. She knew her dates could never go normal. There was nothing normal in her life. He would always be there to ruin everything for her.

People had gathered around them by now. There were silent chatters and whispering but no one dared to come forward and stop Ajax as he kicked Eric in his gut. Amelia felt like she had lost her voice, he was raging. He wasn't going to forgive her.

Where were the security guards of this place?

The staff was out and looking at the scene. Just when she thought, the security came running to the spot but Amelia was disappointed when instead of doing anything, they just stood there and watched Ajax kicking Eric on the floor. The poor guy was grunting in pain. He tried to get up but the blows came relentless not giving him a chance to stand up on his legs.

No one was there to save them. No one had the guts to stop the infamous mafia king Ajax Santiago. How could a person be so powerful. Amelia finally got out of her stunned state and screamed; "Stop!" But as soon as the words left her lips, she regretted it.

Ajax whipped his head in her direction. She felt the shivers run down her spine when he looked at her with those furious silver eyes of his. She unconsciously steped back when he moved towards her in long strides. He caught her by her arm and started dragging her out of there. "N-no" She mumbled as he dragged her out of the restaurant and took her towards his car.

She thought that he was going to take her to one of his mansions so he could punish her. She was so naive to think that Eric was going to be off the hook now but she got to know the reality when she saw his men dragging Eric towards one of his other cars.

His guards opened the car door and he pushed her inside. She landed on the soft seat, he was beside her in no time. The car started moving before she could collect herself.

She was about to sit up when he pulled her by her arm, towards him. "What the hell do you think you were doing?" He roared at her face. She felt fear crippling inside her making her senses go numb. "P-please, I'm s-sorry" She could only muster up an apology in her messed up state. She wanted to get out of the incoming torment by whatever means.

She whimpered when he held her face by her chin and made her look at him. "What did I tell you about doing something stupid? " He asked. She shuddered and kept looking in his dark eyes with her own tear filled ones. She badly flinched when he yelled, "Answer me!"

"What did I tell you about doing anything I wouldn't like?" He asked again. This time she gulped and said; "N-not t-to..." Her voice was meek and the stuttering was so bad that she couldn't form a single clear word. "And yet you went behind my back to date another guy" He gritted through his clenched jaw.

Amelia could see the vein in his forehead vibrating, indicating how much furious he was right now. But her own condition wasn't normal either. Although it was complete opposite of him as her body was shaking badly in fear while his was shaking in anger.

Suddenly he left her and angrily moved his fingers through his jet black hair, combing them back. He was breathing heavily in anger but was trying to control himself. How could he? When he got a call from his men that his fiance was in a restaurant with some piece of shit on a pathetic date. He couldn't control himself, he had to arrive there and kick his ass. How fucking dare he take his girl on a date.

Amelia screamed when he suddenly banged the seat in front of him in pure anger. "I told you, you were mine. I told you, you belonged to me. I made it clear that I did not want to see you with any other fucking guy in this world." He said.

She couldn't do anything besides looking down at her lap. She sat there like a statue, trying to control her shivering and trying not to make a sound. "But you didn't listen to me. You never listen to me!" She screamed when he pulled her to himself making her fall on his chest. She struggled to get away from him but it was all in vain.

"P-please l-let me g-go, I'm s-sorry" She tried to plead. She flinched when she heard his usual dark chuckle. He brought his hand to her face and caressed her left side. "Oh love, I will make you sorry" His words only increased her fear. She looked at him with pleading eyes. He wasn't yelling anymore but his calm and collective voice seemed more dark and dangerous.

"That pathetic boy will never be able to come anywhere near my girl" He said. Amelia felt tremors of fear form on her skin. He was so cruel with Dylan, God knows what he would do to Eric. She couldn't let him get caught in the mess of her life. She had to save him. "P-please, l-let E-eric g-go" She tried to plead to him for Eric's life. His jaw clenched and his arm that was around her waist, tightened.

"He will get his rightful punishment and as for you... " He paused as he tucked one of her brown lock behind her ear and looked at her evily; "-you my love, are going to see the real face of cruelty tonight" He said low in her ear. She sat there with wide eyes and heart falling into the dark pit knowing she was doomed.


Warning: Violence

The cars stopped in front of a dark building with loud screeches of their tyres. The place was dark and abandoned, it looked like a location of a horror movie set. The guards hurriedly got off their cars and opened the door for Ajax Santiago. He stepped out and pulled Amelia out holding her small wrist in his tight grip.

The air filled with her screams and pleadings of letting her go. But they fell deaf to everyone's ear. Ajax dragged her towards the dark looking building, it seemed like a warehouse. Amelia was scared that he would take her to one of his mansions but where she stood now was scaring her to the core. She screamed and begged him to leave her but he easily dragged her through the long, dark corridors.

The place was dark and dirty and it smelled awful. The hallway he was dragging her was long and dark. It had many large metal doors and guards standing at various points. He finally stopped in front of a grey, rusty door. Amelia could feel the dread filling her. Was he going to murder her there, or would he lock her up? Or torture her?

The door opened and he dragged her inside along with him. Amelia gasped when she saw a well beaten Eric in the middle of the room in dim light. He was tied to the ceiling with chains and blood was coming out of his nose. He looked beaten up and passed out.

"Did you like it?" She flinched when she heard Ajax's voice in her ear from behind. "P-please l-let h-im g-go, I b-beg y-you" She joined her hands in front of him. "Oh love, it's his punishment, and your punishment is that you are going to watch it" He said wrapping his arms around her waist. "N-no p-please, d-don't do this" She pleaded.

"I don't want to, trust me" He said making her sniffle and nod. "But you never listen to me and you need to learn what happens when you don't listen to me." He said caressing her cheek, her skin trembled under his touch. "N-no p-please.... " She cried. "I think you underestimate me love, it's time I show you how much of a dangerous man I am" He said and his amused look turned into a hard glare.

"Wake this pussy up" He ordered. His men took a bucket of ice cold water and threw it at Eric. Poor guy jolted up in an instant. Ajax let her go to turn towards Eric and look at him.

He seemed to come to the realization about where he was. He saw Amelia standing in front of him with Ajax Santiago standing behind her. "Let her go! " He screamed and one of Ajax's men landed a punch on his face. "W-why are you d-oing this Mr. S-santiago?" He asked, grunting in pain. He was scared, he knew exactly who was standing in front of him. The devil in flesh, the king of the underworld.

"You think, you can make a move on my girl and get away with it" Ajax gritted with clenched jaw. "Y-your g-girl... " Eric mumbled and looked at Amelia who looked away. "She is mine!" Ajax seethed.

"I'm s-sorry, I-i didn't know s-she was y-your g-girl" He tried to apologize. He was scared out of his wits right now. "I will make sure that you and every piece of shit in this city will know it" Ajax said darkly. He signalled his men and they started landing punches on Eric one after another. His grunts and painful cries filled the room.

"No! L-et him go!" Amelia screamed and tried to run towards him but before she could take a step, Ajax held her from behind in his tight grip. "Let me go!" She struggled and clawed at his arms to get away but he didn't let her go. "Relax love, the show has just begun" He said maniacally.

"No, please s-stop y-your me-n. P-please!" She pleaded. He tsked and put his chin on her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her and watching Eric getting beaten up by his men. She tried to move away from him but it was of no use. Her crying, begging, struggling was useless. "P-please stop a-all of t-this" She cried.

One of his men took a bullwhip and moved towards Eric. Amelia looked at him with wide eyes and pleaded Ajax to stop him but he didn't pay attention to any of her beggings. The man raised the whip and it landed on Eric's front with a crack. Amelia screamed in horror when it cut through his shirt, making a cut in his skin. Blood started coming out of the wound while the poor guy howled in pain.

Amelia screamed, she hurriedly turned around and burried her face in Ajax's chest. She couldn't see it, it was too much. Ajax chuckled and held her in his arms. "My poor girl is already scared" He said patting her head and smirking. Her body was shivering with every sound of the whip and Eric's screams.

She shivered and cried in his arms when he tried to pull her out of his chest. "N-no please n-no, p-please m-make i-it s-stop" She held his shirt in tight fists and repeatedly shook her head. "Come on love, you have to see it. It's going to be fun" He said and made her look at the torture Eric was recieving.

His whole body was filled with gashes and cuts. His shirt was almost ripped and blood was coming out of his wounds. She couldn't do it, she couldn't see the cruelty happening in front of her eyes. She hiccuped and burried her face in his chest again.

He smiled and hugged her back. She fisted his shirt and cried hard. "Baby you need to see the consequences of your actions, you need to learn to obey me" He talked sweetly and tried to make her understand. "Don't you want to see what I will do to anyone who would dare touch you my love, hmmm...?" He asked, it was amusing to him. He was enjoying all of this. She shook her head and cried harder.

"No, no, n-o.... Please no!" She mumbled while crying. Her tears made his shirt wet. "Awww... But you will have to love" He pulled her face out of his chest and wiped her tears; "After all, it's your punishment" He smirked darkly at her. Her lower lip trembled badly, he wasn't going to show any pity on her tonight.

"P-please A-aja-x, p-lease l-let h-im go, m-make it s-stop" She once again pleaded. Ajax narrowed his eyes at her and raised his hand. His men immediately stopped the beatings and whippings.

Amelia wiped her tears and astonishingly looked at him. The room filled with silence, only Eric's light groans of pain could be heard. Only when she thought that it was over, a dark smirk formed on his lips; "Time for the real fun!"


"No! L-let me go!" Amelia screamed as Ajax forcefully held her arm down on the armrest of the soft couch he had made her sit on. With a click sound, her wrist was held in a metal bound. She was now sitting on a big brown leather couch with her wrists and ankles in some metal loops.

"Perfect!" Ajax said as he finished holding her down. "Now sit back and relax, love. You are going to enjoy the show from the front row" He said tucking a hair strand behind her ear. She moved her face away from his touch as he chuckled darkly.

He straightened up and walked towards a large metal table which had different types of torture instruments placed on it.

"Let's see, which one do you like love?" He asked, showing Amelia two types of knives, both looked really sharp and dangerous. They had weird types of patterns and carvings on them. Amelia shook her head and whimpered. "I think this one will be better" He said and picked the one in his left hand.

He took slow and predatory steps towards Eric who was now sitting on a chair. His men had tied him to the chair now. "P-please I'm s-sorry, l-let us g-o" Eric begged.

"A pathetic scumbag like you dared to touch my girl, you need to be punished" Ajax said. He signalled Victor and he immediately untied Eric's right hand. He held it down flat on the small table in front of him. Eric struggled to get his hand out of his grip but his strength was nothing compared to Victor's.

"You touched my love with your right hand, so I'm going to play with it now" Ajax said and slowly moved the knife on the table at it's tip, making a scraping sound which filled the dread in the hearts of Amelia and Eric. He brought the knife to his forefinger and in a swift motion, he cut it. Eric screamed in pain as blood started oozing out of the now amputated part.

There was another deadly scream in the room which belonged to Amelia. Ajax smirked at their states; "I hope both of you are enjoying your date" He mocked. He made another move and now the second finger of Eric was seperated from his hand. His screams of pain echoed through the walls of the dark cell. "Ple-ea-se st-o-p" He pleaded weakly.

When Ajax cut his third finger, Amelia shut her eyes tightly as Eric's painful screams yet again reached her ears. Ajax tsked; "Open your eyes love, you need to watch the whole show and learn. It's your punishment, remember?" He said. Amelia shook her head and kept her eyes tightly closed.

"Open your eyes or your dear dad will be here next" Ajax threatened. Amelia instantly opened her eyes and looked at him in disbelief. "Do you really think, I don't know about your father setting you up for a date with this bastard?" He asked.

Amelia felt her already quickened heartbeat increase. He knew, he was aware of everything. He knew that her parents planned to wed her off to Eric so that Ajax would leave her alone. He knew they were planning behind his back.

He knew everything, about her dad, about his friend Jeff and her friendship with Eric in highschool. He knew Arnold McCarthy would try to do something stupid to keep his daughter away from him. He knew how his brain worked and how he would make useless attempts to snatch her from him who rightfully belonged to him.

"N-no, p-please don't h-urt my d-dad" She pleaded.

"I won't if you will keep your eyes open like a good girl" Ajax said and she nodded fearfully. He smirked and got back to his work with Eric.


Ajax had cut off all of the fingers from Eric's hands one by one. And then he cut off his hands for touching Amelia. His torture was agonizingly slow and he made sure to take perfect amount of time in cutting every single finger before cutting off his hands. All he wanted to do was to make the low bastard feel pain.

Amelia screamed and begged him to let him go but he didn't stop. She struggled, she wanted to come to Eric and help him but she was helpless. She couldn't escape the bounds which were restraining her to the couch.

At one point Eric had stupidly made a mistake of taking Amelia's name and Ajax had cut off his tongue for that. He had pounded both of his knees with a big mallet and had broken them. Poor guy was left barely alive.

Amelia wanted to escape the cruelity happening in front of her, she didn't want to see it but to her unfortunate, she wasn't allowed to close her eyes. She had to sit there and watch as Ajax tortured Eric ruthlessly. She didn't expect him to be so heartless and cruel. But she was wrong, he was a monster.

His men had pulled off all the nails from Eric's toes. They had poured salted water on him making his wounds and cuts burn. He was sitting there covered in his own blood and barely alive.

"Let's finish this bastard off, shall we?" Ajax said darkly. Amelia was sitting in front of him numbly. All her screams, pleading, begging and struggles had dimmed down at some point. It was useless. It was all useless, begging a monster like him. She watched with her dead eyes as Ajax picked up a large knife. He held Eric by his hairs making the poor guy groan weekly. His sounds were low because of loosing so much blood and going through a torture at the devil's hands.

Ajax pulled his hair, making him crane his neck and placing the knife on it. Amelia looked at him with wide eyes, pure dread crippled inside her. Her lips parted and before she could say anything, the knife made a quick slash in Eric's neck. Blood oozed out of it as he choked on it and all Amelia could do was let out a loud bloodcurdling scream in horror.

Ajax left Eric's head making it fall on his shoulders and threw the knife aside. He was dead. Ajax's men brought him a clear bowl of water. He dipped his bloody hands in it and washed them. He dried them off with a towel and looked at Amelia. She was sitting there with wide eyes and parted lips. Tears were freely flowing down her cheeks as she stared at the bloody scene in front of her.

He took slow steps towards her, she sat there in shock. He pressed a button on the backside of the couch she was sitting on and the metal clamps which were holding her down opened.

He raised his hand and was about to touch her face when she screamed in horror and stood up. She stumbled a bit but Ajax held her instantly. She screamed in hatred, disgust and fear. She struggled to get away but he didn't let her go.

"D-don't t-to-uch m-me! Y-you a-are a-a mo-ns-ter" She stuttered badly. Her head was in a haze, she wasn't in her right state of mind. "Calm down love" He said and held her close.

"No! Let me g-go, y-you are a-a m-murderer" She said. She weakly hit his chest, her body was out of energy. "Baby, relax" He said and tried to bring her face in his chest but she pushed him and cried. "No... No... No... No... " She repeated again and again in a daze.

"Lia!" Ajax said as her eyes rolled back and she finally fell unconscious in his arms.


Words count: 4595

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~Till then


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