Konoha's Priestess

By SeenaJ

290K 7.3K 2.7K

(Y/N) (L/N) is from the (L/N) Clan. The most powerful clan since centuries. They have been known to have a po... More

Character Info
Graduation Exam
Team 7 and Introductions
Bell Test
C-Rank Mission
Land Of Waves
Battle On The Bridge!
Battle On The Bridge Part 2
Sand Siblings
Chunin Exams
Genin Takedown: Written Exam!
Forest Of Death
Sound Ninja's
Hinata vs Neji
It's Been Two Years....
A Little Bit Of Trouble
Relaxing Days
A Break From Reality
Color Me Surprised...
Back To Konoha
Convincing Obito
Sasuke, He Left Again
The Talk
Momentary Happiness
Back To Konoha
Kage Summit
Reviving The Dead
Senju Brothers
The Battle Continues
The Legendary Dragon vs Ten-Tails
The Eye Of The Storm
True Ending:(Y/n)'s Version
Itachi Ending
Gaara's Ending
Naruto Ending
Minato Ending
Author Note

To Suna

2K 57 18
By SeenaJ

Sasuke's POV

I impatiently tapped my foot against the ground, I was waiting for Kabuto to emerge. The snake man was definitely taking his time. I knew it would have been suspicious to ask the man if I could meet him out of the blue, and it was, since I plotted to kill him. I sighed, what am I'm doing? Is it really worth it? It is exactly what (Y/n) stands against, she wants to save the world while I want to destroy the world. If I do end up succeeding in my goal, I'm sure (Y/n) will end up hating me, not to say that she hasn't done that.

"Sasuke Uchiha..." A male voice called out, it was Kabuto the snake man and Orochimaru's former apprentice.

So he finally decided to show himself, "Good bye Kabuto." I launched a blow that would have killed the snake man if he wouldn't have dodged. I had an annoyed look on my face.

"I knew that you asking to meet me here was a simply way to assassinate me. I'm very offended that you would think I would fall for something so obvious." Kabuto's annoying voice droned on, sounding akin to a whining child.

"It was worth a try, but now that you know that I am here to take your life, we might as well go on a full out battle." I gathered my chakra to a certain body part, my arms.

"Let's see if you could achieve such a thing." Kabuto grinned slyly, just like how a predator would as he stalked his prey.

My eyes widened in disbelief as the snake man performed a jutsu called Edo Tensei. My eyes somehow continued to widen as I saw reincarnated Akatsuki members emerge from wood coffins. I felt my heart stop as my eyes landed on a familiar face, it was my brother.

"Your goal is to destroy the world, is it not?" I knew what Kabuto wanted to do, he wanted to make a deal.

"What of it?" I growled, my eyes straying to big brother's reanimated body.

"I would lend you these edo tensei fighters if you were to return yourself to me after you have destroyed the world. Keep in mind that these fighters consist of your dead brother and the real Madara Uchiha." The snake man offered, grinning almost evilly, this is like making a deal with the devil.

"What will you do to me?" I inquired.

"Experiment on you and...some other things. But once everything is said and done, you will not have anymore purpose, so why don't you let me experiment on you? It would be a waste to pass on such a wonderful opportunity such as experimenting on a Uchiha." Kabuto's previous evil grin had turned devilish, I could almost imagine the male adorning a pair of horns and a spiked tail; this is what making a deal with the devil is like.

I paused, contemplating whether or not I'd agree to such a thing. This deal would definitely help me in destroying Konoha, but I still wanted to reign over it, but would reigning over the remaining ninja's benefit me without (Y/n) by my side? No, it wouldn't be since she is the only one I still love and she hates me. So yes, I think it would be fine if I threw my life away after I had accomplished my own goal.

"It is a deal." I agreed, sheathing my katana.

Kabuto grinned at this, "You made the right decision, Sasuke."

(Y/n)'s POV

"You want me to go to Sunagakure? Why? Not that I'm disappointed." I was curious as to why Lady Tsunade would ask me to do such a thing, it was pretty confusing.

"Since we now have what we call the 'Allied Shinobi Forces', I would like to station you in Sunagkaure as an offering so to speak. You are Konoha's most powerful fighter, it would give off the impression that I trust Sunagakure if I made you go there." the ash blond explained, she should have put someone else instead of me. But on the positive side, I'll be able to see Gaara again which is good.

"Am I going alone or are some other people going to go with me?" I asked.

"That is a good question. For this mission, Sakura and Hinata will accompany you...and Obito..." Lady Tsunade was still having a hard time believing that Obito, out of all the people that I would have brought back to Konoha, was the one I brought back.

"Alright, I will tell them." I bowed down before I left the office.

Mini time skip~

"Do you have everything prepared?" Hinata asked, sounding similar to a doting mother would.

"Yes, I do. How about you Sakura?" I asked the pinkette who stood beside me with a huge bag in hand.

"I'm ready for anything." she grinned.

I then turned to Obito, "How about you? Have you packed everything? Clothes? Toothbrushes? Underwear? Snacks for the journey?" It was now my turn to sound like a doting mother.

"Yes (Y/n), I have." The ravenette blushed in embarrassment when I had mentioned 'Underwear', I shrugged at his childish behavior, underwear is something you would definitely need.

"Let's start traveling then." I was the first one to take a step out of Konoha's gates, the fresh air of the forrest met my senses, it was definitely refreshing.

Mini time skip~

"Gaara, it's been a long time. I'm really sorry for being cold to you after...you know what happened." I was quick to apologize, regretting my prior actions.

"It's alright, I understand, but besides that, welcome to Sunagakure. It is a pleasure to have you and your friends here, (Y/n)." I was instantly shocked when the redhead had sent me a pleasant closed eyed smile, he's changed a lot since then; I'm really happy.

"Then I guess it'll be better if me and my friends sort things out first. We have a lot to unpack." I lifted my huge bag as emphasis, I knew Hinata was slightly struggling.

"About that, do you mind if you share a room with your friend Obito? We are short on rooms, I'm sorry." Gaara apologized, giving me another heart attack, is this really Gaara? The Gaara that would have killed someone without so much so as a second thought years ago?

Time skip~

I had unpacked my things, now I was comfortably lying in bed with a book in hand. It was a really interesting book, it was called (second favorite book), it was written by (author). I found the book really interesting because of the characters and the storyline, I was sure it was a very well thought out book.

"(Y/n)..." Obito called out, gaining my attention.

"Yes Obito?" I asked, looking away from the book.

"Can I hug you?" My face had reddened at the sudden odd request, the fact that Obito was actually a male adult had only reached me a few days ago, but I guess I wouldn't mind hugging him, Obito's warm and cuddly despite being a murderer and villain not so long ago.

I think you wouldn't mind because you like him. Shadow accused.

I don't like him, at least not in that way. I literally just met him. Do you really expect me to fall for someone that quickly?

You could develop a crush for someone under four minutes, that's a fact.

I really can't change your mind, can I? Well, whatever floats your boat Shadow.

So you didn't deny that he could be a future husband. He's future husband number 5, Gaara being the 6th one. The dragon boldly declared.

I sighed at what Shadow had said, but I focussed my thoughts on Obito, "Of course." I set the book aside, having my arms wide open so Obito would be able to comfortably hug me.

Once the ravenette had pulled me into an embrace, it felt nice and relaxing. The gesture had emitted a sense of security, trust and passion, it made me believe that Obito would stick by my side no matter what just as he had said. Just then, the door had opened revealing Hinata and Sakura.

"A-Are we interrupting? W-We'll leave, r-right Sakura?" Hinata stuttered, turning red.

"We didn't interrupt anything...spicy did we?" Sakura teased.

"Umm, no. Me and Obito were only hugging. He's really affectionate...he's like a big walking teddy bear that needs to be fed." I chuckled at my own description of the ravenette, the male's cheeks reddened at the way I had described him.

"Well, we were looking forward to this as a chance to spend time with you. In team 7, you were always pretty distant...at least that's what I feel like. I'm not too sure about Sasuke, Naruto and Kakashi sensei though." The pinkette slyly smirked as she placed an emphasis on the four males' names, a pink blush coated my cheeks.

"I have to admit, I have been pretty distant with you, Hinata and the other girls. I'll take this chance to get to know you two better, but is it alright if Obito stays? He's got no where else to go and he's not familiar with Sunagakure." I tired my best to ignore what Sakura had implied previously, so it resulted in me completely disregarding her previous statement.

"Sure, but I think he'd feel a bit awkward on what we'd like to discuss." Sakura gave Obito a questioning look, asking if he really wanted to stay in the room.

"I'll stay." Obito agreed, unaware of what we girls were about to talk about, curiosity had gotten the best of him, and curiosity killed the cat.

Me and the girls had gotten comfortable on my bed while Obito sat on his quite awkwardly, "So Hinata, do you like any of the boys?" Sakura started, looking at the poor embarrassed dark haired girl.

"I-I like N-Naruto!" Hinata admitted, her confession somehow made me feel a bit pained.

I am sure that you feel slightly pained because you like the ramen obsessed blond but I'm not complaining, you and him would have such cute grandkids and being related to Minato is the cherry on top.

I completely disregarded what Shadow had said, I was too embarrassed. Sakura turned to face me, "What about you, (Y/n)?"

"Me? I've never really sat down and considered making plans for my love life since everything right now is so complicated and it'll be hard to focus on a relationship, but yes, I guess I've thought of it multiple times. When everything is over and everyone is settled down, I'll probably have a significant other by then. I'd probably have kids too, but I'm not really sure who." I honestly admitted, it is true, I'm not sure about who I like.

As Obito heard this, he brightened, he had a chance to win my heart. I was considering settling down with someone which made him so indescribably happy that a smile had made its way onto his face. Obito's face was coated by a deep red when he had thought of having kids with me, the dirty thoughts wouldn't stop coming.

Unfortunately for the ravenette, Sakura had caught his reaction, but luckily for him the pinkette wasn't that evil, but she sent Obito a wink. It was a wink of good luck, Sakura knew how much boys were pinning after me and vying for my affection. The male reddened at this and looked away, me and Hinata were completely oblivious to the two's interaction.

"What about you, Sakura?" I asked, slightly curious, I wonder if she does end up liking someone else that isn't Sasuke.

"To be honest, I don't really know what's wrong with me, but I think I like Sasuke? But I also like Naruto," Sakura sheepishly admitted.

It is true that you could love multiple people at the same time, but never at the same level. I'm sure she loves Sasuke more since she mentioned him first.

For some reason, I felt a similar pang in my heart, what's wrong with me? Sasuke turned his back on me, on Konoha and yet...I still have the audacity to feel this way about him? But...I really couldn't help it, he's been nothing but kind to me recently...but I'm also bothered by the fact that everything he's doing is to help me; at least that is what Sasuke said.

I looked at the clock, it was getting pretty late, "Girls, Obito, I think we should sleep, we've got a busy day planned out for tomorrow." I pointed at the clock, it was already 23:38pm.

"Okay, goodnight to the two of you." Sakura paused, her devious smirk appearing once more on her expression, "And if you two do end up doing anything...just know that me and Hinata could still hear you."

This time, it wasn't just my face reddening, I felt butterflies flutter in my stomach as my heart skipped a beat, this is so embarrassing. I turned to see Obito, he too had a flustered expression on his face. I looked into his eyes, they say that eyes were the windows to ones soul, but the emotion that was in Obito's dark eyes...I couldn't quite tell what it was.

"Good night Obito," I spoke up, the previous tense aura had faded.

"G-Good night (Y/n)." Obito stuttered, lying down in bed.

A/N: Enjoy

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