(MTL)I made a fortune picking...

By Darkknight123457

29K 452 44

https://m.shubaow.net/94/94286/ Author: Panzhihua Category: Rebirth through time Release time: 2020-01-18 Lat... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122

Chapter 44

198 3 0
By Darkknight123457

Chapter 44

    It seems that things are really as Ye Qingcheng said, Su Jin did not do anything in the future, he did not find a relationship with the people who were imprisoned, but worked hard.

    At first, Ye Qian also asked 002 to check his latest news, but there seemed to be no special movement, so she ignored him.

    Maybe Ye Qingcheng is right. For a company as big as the Su Yili Group, some things can be resolved privately, but some things cannot be resolved on the table, and Su Jin is here to represent the entire group, so he shouldn't. She would attack Ye Shi so blatantly, and after they communicated, she no longer paid attention to Su Jin.

    The first batch of test students completed the one-week test and are preparing for the joining ceremony.

    After careful consideration, Ye Qian decided to hold a ceremony for the partners who joined in each time, so that not only a sense of ceremony, but also a chance for everyone to get to know each other, and at the same time to enhance everyone's feelings.

    Later, when the number of people increases, she will start the hierarchy system. Only those who contribute to the garbage picking team can become the core team members, and there will be many benefits at that time.

    When Wang Jingwen received the notice, she cried with joy! Ye Qian gave them a lesson that day. She listened to her mother's skeptical eyes. As a result, she not only understood the content of the textbook, but also read the content of the next lesson by herself according to the method she finally gave. , the knowledge that originally rejected her opened the door to her at this time, and she fell into the joy of being able to understand the textbook.

    But then it seemed to be in trouble again, and the knowledge in the textbook closed the door again. Wang Jingwen was thinking and looking forward to it. She just wanted the week to go by faster and she could officially join the garbage picking team.     She completes tasks seriously every day, not only at home, but even when she goes out, she sees garbage on the ground, she picks it up subconsciously, and then takes pictures and sends them to #chaohua.     Her 300,000 fans asked curiously when they saw the little brother who didn't post a good-looking one on the wall recently, and he posted this kind of weird Weibo. After Wang Jingwen saw the comments, she kindly replied: In order to be more popular with idols.

    Some people followed the topic and found that Li Yuxuan often posted such Weibo. As we all know, Wang Jingwen likes Li Yuxuan, so everyone felt that Wang Jingwen was too fascinated by chasing stars.

    Some people are puzzled, some people condemn, some people are curious, and some people are curious. No matter what they think, everyone mistakenly thinks that the idol Wang Jingwen said is Li Yuxuan, and that she is too busy picking up trash. Wang Jingwen seldom manages her Weibo except for posting Weibo check-in cards.

    Gradually, her Weibo comments were not as lively as they used to be, until today, Wang Jingwen posted a Weibo: I finally joined the garbage picking team! happy.

    The accompanying picture is a screenshot of the announcement. It says congratulations to everyone in the group who passed the seven-day test. From today onwards, they are a member of the garbage picking team. There is a party at the Ye's Group Hotel tonight. Please be there on time at 7 o'clock.

    Not only Wang Jingwen, but others also posted on Weibo after seeing the announcement, and their excitement was evident.

    Driven by Wang Jingwen and watched by a group of people who eat melons, the topic has gradually gained popularity, so various comments follow one after another.

    Some people have conspiracy theories, and Li Yuxuan uses this messy topic to attract the public's attention so that he can gain popularity. Someone picked out Ye Qian's identity and thought that a rich second generation had money and had nothing to do to find something to do.

    There are also people who are laughing at it. It is better to spend more time studying to grab the attention of others with this kind of gimmick.

    A small number of people think that this kind of activity is very good. Protecting the environment and caring for the environment are commendable. There is no need to look at this kind of thing with prejudice.

    No matter what kind of comment it was, the topic of the small trash picking team appeared in front of the public. Although it didn't show any effect yet, it didn't take long for everyone to understand Ye Qian's good intentions.     Ye Qian saw that everyone was very happy in the group. She sent a message inappropriately: After joining the team, everyone should not forget the daily tasks. You must know that there are eyes behind me. Who doesn't complete the task seriously? Just got kicked out of this team, is no longer a part of us, and will never accept it again.

    After Ye Qian appeared in the group that had been swiping the screen, all the chat messages on the screen stopped, and no one dared to speak. After someone took the lead in saying 'OK', the group started to become lively. The name changed from the reserve to: 181009 Trash Squad.

    18 is the year, 10 is the month, and 09 is the date, which means they officially joined the team today. Looking at this group name, there was an inexplicable emotion in everyone's heart. It seemed that looking at this name, they could feel that in this world, it was not only themselves who were doing this.

    Wang Jingwen happily fell on the bed with her mobile phone in her hands. She finally joined the garbage picking team! I am so happy!

    At half past six, when everyone came to the hotel designated by Ye Qian one after another, they were all shocked by this scene.

    The students in Nanshi No. 30 Middle School are not like Yayan Middle School. They are almost powerful and powerful in their families. Most of the students in No. 30 Middle School are children from ordinary families. They usually go out to eat in some restaurants. Rarely go to big hotels to eat. Now looking at the layout of Ye's Hotel, everyone is stunned.

    Not only the new partners who were recruited this time, but also the classmates who joined Qiu Jingyu, Wang Zeya, and Li Yuxuan at the beginning, there were more than 300 people in total, and now the entire lobby of Ye's Hotel is all set up. There were more than thirty tables, colorful balloons hung on the walls, and small colored lights were looming.

    The hall is magnificently decorated, and the waiters are neatly dressed and greeted at the door with a smile.

    In addition, the pictures of them during their usual tests were played on the big screen. I don't know when they were taken. The music was accompanied by tears.

    Everyone walked in dumbfounded, and kept shooting with their mobile phones in their hands. At the same time, they were thankful that they had survived the seven-day test. I wonder if the people who quit in the middle of it knew that they would receive such treatment and would regret it.

    At the same time, everyone secretly swears in their hearts that they must complete the task well, isn't it just picking up garbage? What's so difficult? There is garbage at home every day, and you can just bend over to pick up the garbage when you go out. What's so difficult about this?

    Never taking the word had the effect it deserved.

    At seven o'clock, everyone was seated. Ye Qian was standing in the middle of the stage smiling in a red short evening dress, her long hair was shawl, her face was slightly powdered, and her delicate facial features were even more beautiful under the makeup. .

    Standing beside her was Li Yuxuan, who was in a suit with a calm face, Wang Zeya, who was excited but not used to wearing a suit, Qiu Jingyu, who was trying to be calm, but the corners of his mouth kept rising, and Luo who was wearing a pink and yellow dress. Guoguo, five people stood on the stage in high spirits, surrounding Ye Qian in the middle.     Ye Qian held the microphone and tried the sound twice before saying with a smile, "Today is a special day, I didn't expect so many people to join our team, and I saw many students with expressions on their faces. Happy smile, but I tell you, I am definitely happier than you!"     Everyone applauded tacitly, and Li Yuxuan looked at her with an expression on the side, at this moment she was like an angel, her body was shining, making people unable to look away from her body removed.     Ye Qian bowed her head and smiled embarrassedly. She really wanted them to be happy. Their participation meant that she was one step closer to success in her mission and one step closer to her desire to go back. How could she be unhappy?     "I invited everyone here today. On the one hand, I want to congratulate you on joining this small team. On the other hand, I want to introduce my little friends to you." She pointed at the person standing beside her with her palm and introduced, "This is Wang Zeya, the leader of our trash-picking team who maintains safety. There will be many outings in the future. He is specifically responsible for safety. If you have a strong student who likes to protect everyone, you can ask him to sign up to join him. Our small team. Qiu Jingyu is the logistics captain of our garbage picking team. When he goes out to do tasks in the future, he will be in charge of logistics. Students who are careful and like to plan can sign up with him. Luo Guoguo, we The lovely person in the garbage picking team, the captain in charge of online promotion, recruiting and topic management, students who are interested in this area can join her small team.     Finally—" She pointed to Li Yuxuan who was standing beside her, her voice raised After a few times, everyone concentrated, "It's Li Yuxuan, our spokesperson for picking up trash!"

    The audience cheered and applauded.

    Ye Qian squeezed her hands, signaling everyone not to be so exaggerated, she laughed: "I wonder how many people in our team are here for him?" There was a

    lively voice below, "I-me-me-me Seeing

    everyone's excitement, Ye Qian smiled again, "So when Li Yuxuan becomes a star after his debut, I hope everyone can maintain his image. After all, he represents the face of the garbage pickup team. It's all of us here, can you do it?"

    "Do it!" The audience was unanimous and enthusiastic.

    "With the exception of Li Yuxuan, everyone can ask them to sign up to join the group you are interested in. I will tell you in advance that if you are recognized by the group leader, you can not only be upgraded to a core team member, but also have surprises." Ye Qian mysteriously Smiling, she shook her head and did not answer when everyone asked about any surprises, "As long as you know, there will be great benefits. If someone makes outstanding contributions, they will also be rewarded. As for the reward , I won't disclose it now."

    "Sister Qian, what is an outstanding contribution?" Someone asked roaringly.

    Ye Qian took two steps forward, and the skirt swayed slightly to her knees. "That's a good question. Do you know what team we are?"


    "What's the team?" Follow them and follow them.

    "Trash picking team!"

    Ye Qian nodded with a pursed lips, "Very good, everyone seems to understand that the trash picking team, as the name suggests, is related to picking up trash, as long as you have outstanding contributions in this regard, for example, you You can pick up a lot of rubbish, and you can come up with a very good idea to pick up rubbish quickly. These people can use their brains, and I believe everyone can come up with excellent ideas.”

    After speaking, she walked to the middle of the stage, and after standing still, she gathered the smile on her face, and her whole person suddenly became serious, she looked at the more than 300 people in the audience, and said in a deep voice: "Today I am Please come together for another purpose. Although the words 'trash pick up' team may seem weird and funny, you must understand that any decision made by any word I say is not a joke , I'm running this team very seriously."

    "So if I know that someone makes trouble, I will definitely punish them." She glanced at everyone's faces, and everyone didn't dare to make trouble and listened to her quietly.

    "I don't need you to pay any fees like other clubs, I just need you to complete daily tasks and go out together to complete additional tasks during the time I specify, and what you get is not only an improvement in grades, but also The friendship of more than 300 people present. If you can't even do something as simple as a daily task, I don't think our team really needs to keep him. I would like to stress again that once you quit our team, no matter whether you quit automatically Or if I get kicked out, I won't accept it again!" The

    audience was silent, no one spoke, Ye Qian felt the atmosphere was a little dignified, she coughed twice, and said with a smile, "Then I won't say nonsense, I wish you good luck. We can all go on forever, and the garbage collection team is getting stronger and stronger!"

    Li Yuxuan took the lead in applauding, he didn't know why she had such an idea, and spent so much energy to set up this team, but he is where she is.

    This is not a simple emotion, but a feeling of the greatness of her dream, and he also wants to contribute to it. Of course, because it is her, he is happy.

    Everyone followed Li Yuxuan to applaud, but their hearts lingered. Ye Qian's aura is too strong. Although she looks youthful in a red dress, every time she doesn't smile and deliberately exudes her own aura, everyone is silent.

    Ye Qian handed the microphone to Luo Guoguo and asked her to preside over the next activities. She came to the hotel's lounge reserved for the person in charge, and sat on the sofa without image.

    Suddenly, the phone vibrated on the coffee table, and Ye Qian brought it over, frowning, this Chen Mo, let's not help today's party, and even blocked her, why are you calling her now?

    She calmed down and answered the phone lazily, her tone was not very good: "Is something wrong?"

    Chen Mo listened to her unceremonious voice and waved his hand to split the air. If it weren't for her being Mr. Ye's biological daughter, Mr. Ye would He still loves her so much, he has long ignored her.

    "Don't tell me? Don't tell me I'm hanging up?" Ye Qian didn't understand why this person called, but he didn't speak. Could it be that he was kidnapped and couldn't speak? She asked with concern, "Then... if you were kidnapped, just cough twice?"     "You were kidnapped!" Chen Mo felt that the Ye family was not as gentle and kind as everyone said. With good grades, what she is doing now is similar to that of a playboy, she stopped the hotel business, and then invited more than 300 classmates to dinner?     Simply sick!     He usually rarely gets angry, but now watching her come up with this battle, still on the site he is responsible for, he feels aggrieved! The business is not open today, I don't know how much money I lost!     "If you don't speak, I thought you were kidnapped." Ye Qian said lazily.     "When will your classmates leave?" Chen Mo didn't spare Wanzi, and asked directly. If he left early, he could also propose a late-night snack plan to improve his performance.     "Wait for them to have a good time, what's the matter? Is there any problem?" Although Chen Mo blocked, after speaking in Ye Qingcheng, who would dare to stop the eldest Miss Ye from doing things?     "You prodigal! Do you know how much you lost like this tonight? My performance..."     Ye Qian interrupted him, "Mr. Chen Mo, are you calling me tonight just for this?"     "No. ?" Chen Mo frowned.

    "If you are worried about performance issues, I will explain the situation to my father, you don't have to worry; if you are worried about the loss of the hotel tonight, you can rest assured that the hotel is my home, and I will not have any opinion; if you simply have Come and talk to me in your spare time, I'm sorry, I'm very busy, and I don't have time to chat with you; if you are dissatisfied with me as the person in charge, you can go to my father again and talk to him about whether I am suitable for it. What's the matter? Mr. Chen Mo?" Ye Qian said in one breath, not even breathing, and finally asked with a smile.

    Chen Mo was about to explode with rage! A beautiful girl, why is her mouth so poisonous? "You..."

    "By the way, Mr. Chen Mo, be prepared. Soon, I will exercise my rights as the person in charge. I will ask you to cooperate at that time. If you really don't want to cooperate, then stand up. Stay away, lest your mood swings will affect me too much, if there is nothing to do, this call will end here." After speaking, Ye Qian hung up the phone without hesitation.

    Today, everyone gave her a lot of confidence. She believes that the points will be collected soon, all the guides can be collected, and the factory will be opened at that time. After the factory is opened, the kitchen waste can be processed.


    Chen Mo stared at the phone in disbelief, she actually hung up on him? ! He gritted his teeth and stared at the half-written resignation letter on the computer screen, typing viciously on the keyboard, deleting word by word! Rights of the person in charge of driving? He didn't believe it anymore. He was here to see what a little girl could do in a movie, how the Ye family was defeated by her, and he would definitely applaud next to her!

    Ye Qian didn't know Chen Mo's anger, she was happily listening to the progress of the task 002 reported to her.

    002: "Main quest: 412/3000. Remaining time of the quest: four months and three days."

    She smiled, and the quest finally progressed again. It's not worth her hard work, and I hope the next quest will go more smoothly!

    The party is not over yet, because there are many more microblogs in the #rubbish pickup team# topic, everyone is stunned to browse the content of the topic.

    "Are you sure it's not the birthday party of the rich second generation?"

    "It's a party for the new members of the garbage collection team to join the club. Thank you Sister Qian for inviting us to such a high-end hotel party."

    "I'm super happy to join this team. Very friendly, not only there are handsome people like Brother Xuan, but also the generous boss like Sister Qian, who will continue to work hard in the future."

    "Just kidding! A team goes to a five-star hotel for a party? Rich people's party. Ordinary people can't imagine it."

    "I think we went to an ordinary restaurant for the graduation dinner, which is inexplicably sad."

    "The students in your school are really rich, and everyone has to pay a lot of money, right?"

    "A penny . No need to pay, Sister Qian treats you, you don't have to be envious, classmates of No. 30 Middle School, hurry up to sign up, our today is your tomorrow, try your best to complete the test!"

    "Damn it, is it true? Sister Qian is Who? I'm going to hug my thighs!"

    "I'm so excited, the benefits are good, what kind of organization, can't students from No. 30 High School join?"

    "I want to join too."

    "Damn, this wasn't on the news last time. Is it a garbage pickup team? The salary is so good? The old aunt who has worked for two years also wants to join!"

    "What test? Is it difficult to join?"

    "What kind of fairy team is this ? , there is actually such a high-end hotel dinner party, and the most important thing is that the handsome little brother of the school grass is there ah ah ah!"

    Ye Qian's party caused a small-scale sensation on the Internet, especially because he didn't take it seriously before. The classmates who quit after doing the test, saw everyone smiling and smiling at the dinner, and their intestines were full of regrets!

    Ji Minqing also regretted it. She regretted countless times why she disliked the sun at noon and just passed by! If she persisted a little longer that day, the person in the hotel today would be her! If her mother knew about this, her arm would definitely not have a complete place.

    Ye Qian's action has strengthened the minds of the students who want to join. They have inquired about it. The condition for joining is nothing more than picking up garbage every day and bringing the garbage to the place designated by the school. Who wouldn't be tempted to get such good benefits without paying anything special?

    So the next day, as soon as Ye Qian arrived at the school, she was surrounded by people at the school gate, looking at her with anticipation and longing.

    "Goddess Ye Qian! I also want to join the garbage collection team!"

    "I want to, I want to!"

    "And me and me!" As soon as

    Wang Zeya and his party arrived at the school gate, they found the turmoil at the school gate. Keenly noticed that Ye Qian, who was drowned in the crowd, lost her schoolbag and squeezed directly into the crowd. While pushing away the crowd, she shouted loudly, "Get out of the way, get out of the way, what are you doing...

    " Before he got to Ye Qian's side, he found that the classmates around Ye Qian fell out for no reason. Wang Zeya paused before realizing that he couldn't beat her.

    Ye Qian shouted, and she deliberately spent a few points to get 002 to enhance her sound so that everyone could hear it.

    "Quiet, step back, whoever does not retreat, I will not accept everyone present." As soon as the voice fell, everyone pushed out like a tide.

    The audience also became strangely quiet. Instead, Wang Zeya was dragged out from the inside. He was about to speak, but was gagged, "Shh, don't talk, don't drag us down."

    Then he was dragged to the periphery.

    Wang Zeya: ? ? ?

    what's the situation?

    Ye Qian saw that everyone had withdrawn, and raised her voice: "Everyone pay attention to the Weibo of Luo Guoguo, our rubbish-picking team, who is responsible for publicizing new recruits. She will tell everyone on Weibo where to register at the registration time. Thank you for your support. The support of our team, but don’t cause this kind of congestion in the school, next time there is such a thing, everyone present will be revoked the registration qualification.”

    Everyone looked at Ye Qian’s expressionless face and automatically gave way. passage, let her pass.

    But she didn't notice that Ye Qian smiled at the corner of her mouth after she was away from the crowd.

    More and more people signed up, Ye Qian planned to start the hierarchy after the latest test, and the hierarchy would be divided into management. Among the newly joined people, the person with the most environmental awareness and the strongest sense of responsibility will be selected as the team leader, which is convenient for management.

    Not only students from this school signed up, but even people from other schools came to sign up, but because the current system of picking up garbage teams is not perfect, Ye Qian is not ready to expand the enrollment.

    Today was a peaceful day. Except for the students who worked hard today and their points rose to 1500, there were not too many waves. Ye Qian almost forgot that there was another Su Ran at home. When she got home, she saw him sitting upright on the sofa, as if waiting for her.

    Did something happen?

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