By crownsmist

32.8K 1.5K 1.7K


๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ prologue
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ play the part
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฎ do me a favor
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฏ no ordinary dance
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฐ make it happen
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฑ a taste of the past
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿณ a form of child labor
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿด jealousy, jealousy
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿต out of sight, out of mind
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฌ did i drive you away?
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿญ another side that you don't know
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฎ season of the snakes
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฏ demons of the past

๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฒ a feminist's duties

1.5K 85 149
By crownsmist

ミ☆ chapter six; a feminist's duties
[ season 1, episode 5]

✭ ✭ ✭

After Nadia's slight outburst towards Samantha, she had expected there to be slight tension the next time they met up in the class, but surprisingly, there wasn't.

Sam hadn't mentioned their last conversation and immediately dove into the work, clearly distracted by something. Nadia went along with it, knowing whatever the LaRusso had going on was none of her business.

"You know, you were right."

The Hayworthe raised an eyebrow, not bothering to look up from her paper as she continued to write. "About?"

"Kyler, Yasmine, all of them," Samantha answered with a sigh. "They're terrible people, and I feel stupid for not seeing it before."

Nadia finally placed her pencil down. She looked at the LaRusso, prepared to boast, but noticed that she looked to be on the verge of crying. Her face immediately dropped to one of concern. "Did something happen?"

"Have you noticed everybody kind of staring at us today?" Samantha inquired. Nadia looked around, taking notice of all the kids in their class that looked away once they met her disgusted gaze. Nadia looked back to Sam, nodding. "I think Kyler spread a rumor about me. Because I wouldn't, you know..."

Nadia gave her a dumbfounded blank stare, initially unsure what Sam was suggesting. Once it did click in her brain, her jaw immediately dropped. "That asshole!"

"Even though I didn't, he still told everyone that I did," Sam continued. "He also told Yasmine and Moon that I said bad stuff about them, and they dropped me, too."

"I'm so sorry, Sam," She consoled, knowing that whatever she could say to cheer her up would be nothing but words at the end of the day. "I'll kick his ass if you want."

An involuntary snort escaped her lips at the Hayworthe's words. "It's okay. The people here have short-term memories. The second something else happens, they'll forget about all of it. I guess I just needed someone to talk to about it."

"I'm also sorry if it seems like I've been kinda mean towards you," Nadia began, making Samantha look back up at her. "For what it's worth, I actually do think you're pretty cool."

"I think you're cool, too."

✭ ✭ ✭

"Did you hear what everyone's been saying about Sam?" Renée asked with genuine curiosity.

"Word spreads fast, huh?" Nadia scoffed, sending a thankful smile towards the lunch lady before turning away to find a table to sit at. "You know it's not true, right? Kyler started it because he's a touch-deprived asshat."

Renée shook her head, placing her tray down in front of Demetri and Eli and taking a seat. "Of course I know it's not true. Sam's not like that. I was friends with her at one point, actually."

"You? Friends with her? How have I not heard about this?"

Renée's response was cut short due to a clatter sound coming from right behind them. The group's eyes followed the sound, nosy. The same rage Nadia felt just thirty minutes prior returned when she saw Kyler looking at Sam, arrogantly. The tray hitting the floor seemed to attract the attention of everybody in the room, or at least everyone who hadn't been looking before.

If looks could kill, the one Samantha was giving him would've left Kyler six feet under. Instead of showing any sign of being intimidated, he just smirked and raised his voice. "Hey, guys! You know that billboard with the big-ass dick on it? I guess Sam takes after her dad."

A chorus of 'oohs'  and laughs sounded throughout the room, making Nadia shake with fury. She turned to the blonde girl sitting next to her with a sigh. "I'm about to do something really stupid. Okay."

She rose from her chair, disregarding her friend's inquiries, and stomped over to Kyler and his friends. She stood in front of Sam defensively. "Hey, asshole. Do you seriously have to make up rumors like this because your tiny dick gets no action?"

"Why don't you mind your business, bitch?" The boy spat at the curly-haired girl in front of her. His annoyed facials shifted back into an cocky one, as he turned to his friends and spoke rather loudly. "Hey, if you want some too, all you have to do is ask."

The crowd of students began to laugh at his disgusting comment, and both of the girls were just about ready to lunge at the boy and wipe the smirk off his face, but were beat to it by someone else. "Hey, Kyler!"

"Why don't you leave them alone, and stop being such an asshole?"

It was Miguel. Nadia frowned once her eyes locked with his. He constantly would try and stand up to Kyler, only to get his ass beat in the end. It was a humbling experience, but it looked to be one that the Diaz boy would never learn from. Another ripple of 'oohs' came from the students, making the Hayworthe roll her eyes with irritation.

Kyler swayed his attention from the two girls standing in front of him, turning to Miguel with the same grin he had given them. "Want another beat down, 'Rhea?"

He shoved Miguel backwards. "I'm ready for your lame-ass karate this time."

He shoved Miguel once more. And instead of standing down, he stood once again in front of Kyler. But this time, it was different. He looked prepared. Confident, even. "It's not lame-ass karate." The bully sent a punch right towards Miguel's face, and surprisingly, the Diaz caught his arm, using his elbow to strain him.

"It's Cobra Kai."

Miguel threw a punch straight to his face, sending Kyler back with a grunt. When his head went back up, everyone realized blood had immediately started pouring out of his nose.

Nadia's jaw dropped. "Oh shit."

After that, all hell broke loose.

Kyler tackled Miguel onto a table before dramatically picking him up and slamming him onto another one. Kyler kept his arm around Miguel's neck to make sure he wouldn't try anything, but all it did was backfire on him, giving Miguel the chance to elbow him in the gut and free himself from the grasp of his opponent and granting him the upper hand.

Nadia watched alongside Sam, the both of them absolutely stunned and dumbfounded by the sight unfolding in front of them. She pondered whether or not to jump in when Kyler's friends jumped into the fight, but ultimately decided against it once she realized he was holding up on his own.

However, she did feel the need to give him some kind of assistance, so she picked up one of the red trays on the table next to her. "Hey, Miguel! Heads up!"

She threw it into the air, and Miguel caught the item with ease, not wasting any time to utilize the weapon. He hit Brucks in the face with it before kneeing him in the stomach, sending him to the ground with a thud. Miguel sped towards one of the nearby tables, kneeling down as Kyler stood up from the ground and charged at him, to which Miguel blocked with a kick, then sent a final hit to his face with the tray he had in his hands, Kyler hitting the ground with a grunt that made a smile grow on Nadia's face.

As soon as the fight ended, the swarm of students erupted into cheers with their phones out, and it finally clicked in Miguel's mind that they were all cheering for him.

Nadia felt proud. Miguel had clearly learned a few things since the last time they had faced one another, and she was glad he was able to hold his ground. Especially against four other people.

The Hayworthe looked up to the boy standing on the table with his mouth slightly agape, a smile beaming brightly on her face. But, it faded when she realized that he hadn't been looking back down at her.

Instead, he was looking at Sam.

✭ ✭ ✭

Nadia wasn't sure how to feel after the fight.

She was happy that the girl Miguel had wanted to notice him finally did, but there was also a side of her that didn't want that to happen. She felt selfish for even having those thoughts, but she couldn't help it.

"There were so many kids who showed up at the dojo today. I think it was because of the fight!" Miguel shouted excitedly through the phone, seemingly walking home.

"That's great, Mig." A soft smile appeared on Nadia's face.

The boy scrunched his nose up, bringing his face closer to the camera trying to see her background. "Where are you headed to?"

"Sam's house. I think we're...kind of friends now," She answered, partially lying. She was at the LaRusso residence, but not for Sam. Cobra Kai had clearly gotten a head-start since the school fight, and she had yet to have a proper lesson with Daniel.

"Speaking of Sam, did you see how she looked at me today after the fight?"

"I think everyone did," She lightly chuckled. "How does it feel to be a local celebrity now, anyway?"

"Feels great, actually," He joked. "Maybe I'll even start sitting at the rich kids table."

Nadia giggled in response. "All right, but don't let it get to your head, Diaz. You'll become a Kyler 2.0, then I'll have to kick your ass."

"I promise it won't. I'm still me. Still the same humble Miguel!" He quickly defended himself, flashing Nadia a toothy grin that revealed the metal in his mouth.

"Good. Stay that way," She advised.

Miguel furrowed his eyebrows, remembering something. "You never told me how you learned all those tricks you used to...beat me."

"That's something for another day," Nadia dismissed as fast as she could. She placed her bike down once she made it to the front door of Sam's house. The brunette was eager to end the conversation, before he could ask any follow-up questions."I gotta go now, but I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow. And put in a good word for me!"

She rolled her eyes playfully, ending the call without a reply. With a deep breath, she rang the doorbell and waited anxiously for the door to open.

Sam was the one to answer the door. She greeted the Hayworthe with a glowing beam. "Hey, Nadia! My dad told me you were coming. I had no idea you did karate."

"I wasn't going to start back up again, but your dad's dojo is actually somewhat convincing," Nadia confessed, closing the front door behind her and locking it.

She followed Samantha into her backyard, taking in her surroundings. Their home was gorgeous.

Sam paused for a second. "Hey, I never got to thank you for sticking up for me earlier today with Kyler."

"You don't have to thank me, honestly," Nadia replied wholeheartedly. "It's just me fulfilling my duties as a feminist. Plus, Miguel's really the one who did all the fighting."

"Yeah. I was gonna talk to him and thank him, but he ran off pretty quickly after school."

"He's always going straight to his dojo once school ends," The Hayworth informed.

Samantha brushed her hair out of her face. "So, what's the deal with you two, anyways? Are you guys together?"

Nadia hesitated for a moment. She had made a new friend that was a girl other than Renée, and she didn't wanna mess it up. Then there was also Miguel, who had clear feelings for Sam, and Nadia wouldn't want to get in the middle of that due to some unresolved feelings that she was sure would disappear after some time.

So, she laughed in disbelief. "What? Me and Miguel? Pshhh. Him and I are just friends. He's totally on the market, if you're wondering."

Sam furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't know. I just got out of a relationship with Kyler and I just don't think it'd be smart to jump into another one so quickly, you know?"

Their conversation came to an end when the pair reached a separate part of the house that resembled a dojo. Although the vibe of it felt different. It seemed more peaceful, even meaningful. There were different artifacts placed neatly around the room, each with a special meaning.

"Dad. Nadia's here."

Daniel looked like he was in the middle of training, but wasted no time in stopping once he met eyes with his newfound student. Sam sent a grin towards Nadia and her dad before heading out of the dojo.

"I'm glad you made it," Daniel spoke warmly. The brunette had her hair in a ponytail along with biker shorts and a loose tank top.

"I haven't done proper karate in ages," She informed sheepishly. "I warmed up before I got here, but I still might be a bit rusty."

"No worries." He shook his hands dismissively. Nadia took her place in front of him on the mat after slipping off her shoes. "Just so I can understand where to start, show me what you can do."

The curly-haired curled raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Are you asking me to...hit you?"

"I'm asking you exactly that. Go ahead."

Nadia shrugged in response, jumping into action quickly. Her fist collided with his face, and although her intentions weren't to hit him too hard, the faint crack said otherwise.

Of course Daniel wasn't too affected by it, he'd gotten a punch to the face more times than he could count. He was truly just taking off guard, as he was expecting a kick to his leg or something, just not that.

Nadia's hands flew over her mouth instantly once she heard the crack. The brunette sped over to her sensei. "Holy shit. I'm so sorry, Mr. LaRusso."

He brought his head up to reassure her she's fine, but the girl moved fast, heading straight for the exit of the dojo. "Are you bleeding? Do you need napkins? I can ask Sam where they are."

Daniel was quick to shake his hands dismissively, letting her know he was fine with a laugh. "I'm all right. This isn't my first punch to the face, you know."

She finally exhaled, relieved. She was going to mutter one last apology, but Daniel spoke before she had the chance to. "You're very strong, but in Miyagi-Do, we don't strike first. It's all about self-defense."

"That was a test, then?" She quirked an eyebrow. "And I failed?"

"No," He sighed, pressing his lips into a thin line. "It was me just trying to get a feel of what your style is."


Daniel stared at the ground, creating a schedule in his head. "I'm going to have to teach you the basics first. How early can you come in for work tomorrow?"

✭ ✭ ✭


wax on wax off  😏

initially, this was going to be a slowburn for the both of them, but nadia isn't stupid and knows what a crush is, so it's gonna be kind of the "she falls first, he falls harder trope" which is one of my fave tropes EVER. so yeah it's just gonna be a slowburn for miguel 💔

but it's okay bc it sets up his pining era in s2!

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