This Girl Is A Delinquent!, V...

By mangocannon

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Aspiring writer and unabashed loner, Ken Wright, is a second year student expecting another quiet year at the... More

Chapter 26: A Crash Course In Communication
Chapter 27: A Dress To Impress
Chapter 28: A Crescendo On The Festival Eve
Chapter 29: Friends And Strangers
Chapter 30: Seeing Eye To Eye
Chapter 32: Together In the New Year
Chapter 33: Out To Sea
Chapter 34: New Beginnings
Chapter 35: Where Do We Go From Here?
Chapter 36: Unscheduled Heartbreak
Chapter 37: For One's Own Sake
Chapter 38: Growing Pains
Chapter 39: Salutations and Farewells

Chapter 31: The Arms That Lift Us

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By mangocannon

Sunlight crept in from a window across a checkered floor while reflecting off the shiny gloss. Around the perimeter of the room were a stovetop and dishwashing machine connected by wooden countertops. Littering the otherwise clean kitchen were various baking ingredients and dishes; evidence that someone was hard at work. The person in question was a tall blonde man wearing a cream long sleeved dress shirt and dark brown slacks. Despite rolled up sleeves and an apron draped around his waist, the apparel was covered in minute stains.

Narrowing his youthful green eyes, he shrugged his shoulders as he took a break from his work. As he did so, a raven haired woman in a high waisted violet dress appeared from the doorway to the room. Her purple eyes surveyed the room and locked on to his as she spoke in a worried tone.

"Honey... Oh my, Richard, you are quite filthy! Nevermind that! I need to talk to you! It's about Sonya... I don't know where she could have gone."

"Hmm? Is that so?"

Richard smirked as he replied to his wife, Charlotte. He couldn't help but think that her embarrassed yet concerned expression was especially cute. Their daughter was only five years of age and their only child, so seeing her mother get flustered at Sonya's antics made his heart swell. Deciding not to leave Charlotte in dismay, Richard caught her eyes and nodded towards one of the cabinets near his ankles before knowingly addressing the room.

"I guess she won't be getting the special dessert I've been working on for her! I even made it sour!"

Almost immediately, the cabinet doors were forced open and a small child wearing a yellow sundress tumbled forward before catching herself and rising to her feet. Her flaxen pigtails bobbed as she frantically waved her arms and called out.

"Daddy! Daddy! I'm right here! I want a dessert!"

"Oh ho! There you are! Hup!"

Scooping her up into his arms, Richard flashed a beaming grin towards Charlotte while Sonya half heartedly scolded him with a giddy voice.

"Daddy! You knew I was there the whole time!"

"Maybe? Or maybe you're getting better at hiding?"

Watching them go back and forth, Charlotte let a smile slide across her face. Seeing her husband dote on Sonya made her want to as well, but there was still one matter to be discussed.

"You two... Sonya, you can't hide every time Mrs. Walsh makes you study. You're going to make her faint one of these days..."

As she tried to put on her most motherly face, Charlotte watched as Sonya's head drooped and a downtrodden voice spoke.

"Sorry, Mommy..."

The scene was almost enough to make her retract her words and was exacerbated by Richard and Sonya making pouting expressions towards her. Despite her husband's sarcasm, Charlotte sighed before relenting.

"You really are the cutest little girl..."

Triumphantly stiffening his gaze, Richard excitedly turned to Sonya.

"I think your mommy wants to hold you? What say you, fairest daughter of mine?"

"I say yes!"

"You heard her hun, I'll trade you one Sonya for one hug!"

Shifting Sonya to one arm, he extended the other as if to invite Charlotte in for a group hug. The request made her cheeks fill with pink hues and her eyes glanced away in surprise.

"I-I didn't hear her say that..."

Saying nothing, Richard and Sonya tilted their heads in puzzlement. Charlotte knew that Richard was trying to get a rise out of her, but the opportunity for such a sweetheart moment with her family proved too strong.

"Fine! But, you have to help her study later!"

Seeing her flustered expression, Richard felt a sense of fulfillment as he acquiesced.

"Yes, hun. Studies are important. Right, Sonya?"

"If you and mommy say so... I'll do my best."

Speaking as if she had heavily weighed the decision, Sonya nodded after answering and looked to her mother for approval. Charlotte raised her fingers to her brow while poorly stifling a giggle as Richard called out.

"That's the spirit! Get in here, Mommy!"

With a wide smile, Richard embraced his wife and daughter. Everyday with them seemed like a halcyon dream and he was thankful. He began to ruminate on how his best friend had become his wife and given him the most adorable daughter. His chest filled with warmth as the sound of a timer signaled that the dessert was ready to be removed from the oven. A few seconds wouldn't cause any harm, he thought as he refused to relinquish the two people that made his world whole.

Several years had passed since the day in the kitchen and, even though the family hadn't grown in number, their love had flourished. Like a spring bud bathed in the temperate sun, Sonya sprang up from a little girl and was on the eve of becoming a teenager. While the day was special because of its meaning, Charlotte was about to deliver some news that would make it even better.

With a soft knock, she opened the door to Sonya's room to find her splayed across her bed on her stomach. Her mother gave an odd look at her attire and quickly remembered its source. The black blouse and pink skirt contrasted against her white bedspread. Haphazardly kicking her stocking clad feet in the air, Sonya glanced at the doorway to see who had knocked just as Charlotte spoke.

"Sonya, your father is on the phone."

"Daddy? I'm coming!"

Practically leaping from the bed, Sonya caught her balance as she scrambled towards her mother and retrieved a cell phone from her hand.

"Hello! Daddy?"

"Sonya! How is my birthday girl today?"

His voice was cheerful and energetic. Just the sound of it made Sonya feel better, yet a small amount of dejection remained in her voice as she replied.

"I'm fine..."

"Now, now. Did you get the clothes I sent you?"

"Yes... I did..."

Realizing that Sonya didn't quite sound like herself, Richard's tone softened as he tried to pinpoint the source of her mood.

"Why do you sound so glum? Did I pick out weird ones? I'm sorry, your mother said that I should have asked her first-"

"No! I love them! I'm wearing them right now!"

Not wanting to appear ungrateful, Sonya stomped her feet and gripped the hem of her skirt between her fingertips.

"Oh, that's good news! I can't wait to see you in them!"

"Are... Are you going to make it home today?"

"Ah... I see. I'm the reason you sound so down..."

Her anticipations bubbled to the surface as Sonya forced a smile as she spoke.

"I'm still happy... I just miss you..."

Sonya's voice trailed off and her gaze fell to the ground. Her father had been traveling for business more as of late and she didn't want to appear selfish by making him feel guilty.. However, a soft chuckle on the other end of the line made her eyes widen in surprise.

"Well! If that isn't a reason to rush home, then I don't know what is!"

"W-What! Really! You really mean it!"

With a giddy squeal, Sonya jumped into the air before hopping in place several times.

"Absolutely! I already scheduled a late flight tonight. I wouldn't miss your birthday, after all."

"Really, Daddy! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Don't thank me yet! I still have another gift for you when I arrive tonight. Let's just say that if it's clear enough, we might be able to catch the end of the gamma normids meteor shower. Mom might not be too happy about you staying up late, but you can blame it all on me, okay?"

"Okay! I can't wait!"

Barely registering the specifics, Sonya felt a swirling in her chest as she eagerly agreed.

"Good, then I'll see you tonight, Sonya."

"Thank you so much, Daddy. I love you!"

"I love you too, dear. Bye bye now!"

The phone beeped as the call ended and Sonya lowered herself backwards onto the bed with an audible impact. A dopey grin filled her face as she mused that her birthday wish had been granted.

"From that smile, I take it he spoiled the surprise?"

Still standing nearby to the bed, Charlotte smiled softly as she watched her daughter tumble atop the bed in excitement.

"Daddy is coming home!"

"I know, I know! He really can't stand to see you frown..."

Sonya paid no mind as she replayed the conversation in her head and her smile brightened. Seeing that Sonya finally seemed to be ready to celebrate her birthday properly, Charlotte continued.

"Since you are in a better mood, you should come downstairs and speak with your grandmother. Your uncles have stopped by too and I'm sure they would like to see the birthday girl."


The wind in her sails slowed as Sonya realized that it was many hours until her father would be home and the tasks of dealing with extended family appeared daunting without him there. However, Charlotte moved next to her bed and leaned in before speaking in a hushed tone.

"It's not every day that you turn thirteen, Sonya."

Producing a small box from behind her back, Charlotte revealed a finely decorated cupcake with several brightly colored berries and whipped topping. With a sly smile, she passed the treat to Sonya while whispering.

"So... We can sneak in a few treats."

Rejuvenated by the early gift, Sonya accepted the box and looked to her mother for confirmation.

"Wow! Can I really?"

"It'll be our little secret, okay?"

"Thanks, Mommy!"

Charlotte shook her head with a smile as Sonya wasted no time in eating the cupcake, leaving her cheeks covered in mismatched crumbs.

"I wish that you'd call me 'Mom' instead... Hurry up and wipe your face before you come down."

Offering her a napkin, Charlotte waited to escort Sonya to spend time with the rest of the family. In spite of her worries, Sonya was able to embrace them with a smile as the time raced by. Nothing could dampen her spirits and the sun eventually began to disappear from the sky. Her yawns grew longer as she fought exhaustion to stay awake knowing that the best gift was yet to come.

After a day of festivities that felt more like an impressive display for her in laws, Charlotte sat in a chair near a window in the dining room. Beads of rain pelted the glass rhythmically and seemed to increase in speed every minute. The night sky ominously loomed in the background while her worries started to show on her face. With a quiet approach, Mrs. Walsh appeared in her maid ensemble and interrupted her contemplations.

"Ma'am, the rest of the family has retired to their rooms for the night. Lady Sonya has fallen asleep in the tea room..."

Faced with a complex expression, the maid's report fizzled out. Yet, Charlotte picked up the conversation in an attempt to disguise her unease.

"She was trying to stay up to see Richard, but the celebrations today must have finally caught up with her. It's started raining, so it might be a while yet."

Mrs. Walsh nodded in affirmation as she recollected herself and spoke.

"Shall I move her to her room?"

"I think it's alright to bend etiquette today. Besides, she'll only rush back down here once she wakes up."

Recalling her daughter's sleeping visage brought a calm smile to Charlotte's face. The serene gaze was enough to cause Mrs. Walsh to drop her formalities.

"I suppose that is true. Although, I do wish that Lord Richard would have allowed Theo to chauffeur him. His insistence on driving himself is sometimes perplexing."

"I'm sure if we tell him that he is worrying his family and staff, he'll listen to reason."

Charlotte snickered as she imagined her husband's reaction while Mrs. Walsh clasped her hands together in shock.

"I didn't mean to imply that he was beyond reason..."

"I simply meant that he cares for all of us. I agree, if he has to travel so often, I would like it if one of us could stay with him. Perhaps I am the selfish one?"

"Not at all!"

The muted outburst from the maid made Charlotte restrain a laugh while she dismissed the situation.

"Hehe, calm down, Gloria. You don't have to be so formal when it's just the two of us."


Just as she had finished speaking, an ear splitting sound rattled the building as the lights went out. Lightning flashed across the skyline and illuminated the window sill as another unexpected sound filled the air.


Drawn to the urgent whimpers of her child, Charlotte jumped up and carefully dashed through the house with Mrs. Walsh close behind.



Arriving in the tea room, she extended her arms until she located the couch and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. Taking a seat next to her, Charlotte enveloped the girl in her arms as the lights flickered back on.

"It's going to be alright, this will pass. There? See? The backup power is already on."

"What about Daddy? Is he here yet?"

With tears forming in her eyes, Sonya let a cry slip out at each additional sound of thunder as Charlotte attempted to calm her.

"Not yet, but he is on his- That must be him now."

As if prompted by her words, the slamming of a door made Charlotte exhale in relief. Both she and Sonya hopefully glanced up at the approaching footsteps. However, instead of their patriarch, Theo rounded the corner with his uniform thoroughly drenched in water. He wore a nervous expression and his eyes seemed to be unable to meet anyone as he stammered.

"L-Lady C-Charlotte... I-I ran f-from the garage as f-fast as I could..."

The uncharacteristic fear in his voice made Charlotte stand as she addressed him.

"T-Theo... What is it?"

Darting his eyes from her to Sonya, Theo lowered his gaze.

"I think you should come to the foyer..."

"W-Why? What's wrong?"

"F-For Sonya's sake... Please..."

Charlotte's heart was thudding against her chest as her panic increased by the second. Although she wanted answers quickly, she acknowledged that her motherhood came first and foremost. Wearing a pained expression, she relented.


"Mommy, please don't leave me!"

Sonya raised her voice as she realized that she was about to be left behind. Charlotte clenched her fists as she shouted an order.

"Stay with her, Gloria."

Before Sonya could dash after them, she was quickly wrapped in Mrs. Walsh's arms and her screams went ignored. She would spend the next few minutes struggling with the maid and thrashing in distress. A well timed bite would ultimately free her and Sonya ran as fast as she could through the house trying to find her mother.

Meanwhile, Charlotte was standing in the foyer with her face clutched in her hands. Every breath felt more and more difficult as the sounds of her sobs threatened to drown out the world around her. As her hyperventilation reached an alarming stage, Theo's voice drew her back to the situation.

"Please, Ma'am... We need to notify the rest of the family. Authorities are at the main gate and you shouldn't be alone-"

"Where is Daddy?! Why is everyone acting strange!"

A resounding slam sent the foyer door pounding into the connecting wall as Sonya kicked it open and demanded answers. However, as her eyes fell on her mother, the sight of tears made her stop in her tracks. Burning heat encroached behind her eyes as Charlotte's desperate appearance made her stomach feel as if it might erupt.

"I'm sorry, she got away from me!"

Rushing into the room, Mrs. Walsh reached for Sonya's hand and tried to pull her away.

"Lady Sonya, you should really go to bed-"

"NO! Where is Daddy! I want my Daddy-"

Her shrieks were interrupted as a soft warmth pulled her shoulders tight. Mrs. Walsh had taken a step back as Sonya's own mother dropped to her knees and embraced her child. It was an eerie sensation as the hug felt as if it was a paper copy of something that was now far away and unattainable. With the weight of her mother pinned to her frame, Sonya listened as a weak whisper filled her ear.

"S-Sonya... Daddy isn't coming home right now. There's been an accident..."

Tears began to stream from her eyes as an echo of anger bombarded through her. She knew this had to be a trick. Her father would often play pranks and this most certainly had to be one of them, she thought as her voice exploded from her throat.

"NO! YOU'RE LYING! This isn't funny! Tell him to come out, right now!"

Silence engulfed the room as the adults solemn expressions fractured into sorrowful attempts to hold back tears. Seeing her most trusted guardians in such a state, there was no way to deny the truth any longer. All of the energy left her body as Sonya's legs buckled and Charlotte accepted her and held her steady.

"Sonya, darling... Hic... It's going to be okay..."

"NO... Nuh... Hic... Why..."

"I don't know... "

With the last of her wits, Sonya rejected reality as her voice curdled into weeping mews. Charlotte's whispers faded away as she petted her daughter's hair gently and the two held each other close on the floor of the foyer. Nothing made sense anymore and while the world continued to move, for them, time had stopped. It was in this moment that, sealed away in a tomb of frozen tears, a jagged memory embedded itself in Sonya's heart.

The taste of cool water moved down her throat as Sonya took a break from speaking. She and her mother sat on opposite ends of a sofa in an unfamiliar room. A short glass table covered in medical magazines separated them from a short brunette woman with sizable glasses that shielded kind blue eyes. She wore her hair in a single braid and her faintly rounded features made her seem approachable as she kept focused expression as Sonya continued speaking.

"I didn't find out until later that he... that he was in a car accident while trying to drive home. Days later the police finished their investigation and brought me the gift he had in the car with him. It was a new telescope. He was in a rush to get home so we could look at the stars together for my birthday..."

As the words listlessly escaped her lips, the therapist closed the cover of her notepad and called out in a firm yet calm voice.

"Sonya. You shouldn't blame yourself for things you can't control. What happened was a freak accident and you were just a child. Sometimes, when we can't explain things, we try to insert ourselves as the bad guy in the story so we have someone to blame. Do you think that you might be doing that to yourself? I've been told you've been having trouble eating and sleeping as well?"

Fighting the urge to shy away from the question, Sonya took a deep breath before answering in a hushed tone.

"I've been making sure to eat. I still have nightmares though... There hasn't been a night when I don't toss and turn... Well, maybe one night..."

A half smile that was more of a smirk broke through her otherwise steeled expression. Her mind started to drift to a certain boy, but she stopped herself. She had made a vow to herself to take this seriously and she didn't want any distractions. Noticing the mental tennis that Sonya was playing, the therapist leaned forward and continued.

"I want you to know that it is completely natural to grieve, but remember how loved you are by everyone. Try to think of the good times whenever you feel like punishing yourself, okay? There's no harm in missing someone as long as we don't put them before our own health."

"Okay, I'll try..."

Forcing a smile, Sonya glanced at her mother. Charlotte was sitting stoically and hadn't spoken much other than to acknowledge questions with simple answers. As their eyes met, the therapist adjusted her glasses before interjecting.

"You have a lot of people that care about you and you have my number, so reach out if you need help. That's all the time we have for today, but I want you both to come back next week. Don't worry, now that I know more about the situation, I want to get Mom to share too, okay? We're all here to work together."

Sonya and Charlotte nodded in unison before scheduling a follow up appointment and saying goodbye. The conversation stalled as they made their way from the office and down the elevator to where Theo was waiting with the car. Soon they were sitting in the back seat as a skyline filled with tall buildings sped by outside. An awkward amount of time passed in pure silence before Charlotte pressed a button that raised a divider so that she could speak to Sonya in private. Meeting her daughter's eyes, the words she had planned disappeared as she struggled to form a sentence.

"Do you think it helped... to talk about... it..."

Seeing her mother acting unnaturally timid, Sonya carefully responded.

"It did... a little..."

Once again, the quiet atmosphere returned. Sonya studied Charlotte's face as complicated looks passed under her furrowed brow. Unable to take it anymore, Sonya placed her hands on her knees and lowered her head.

"I'm sorry that I'm causing you problems..."


Charlotte was taken aback by the apology and looked up in concern as Sonya explained.

"I'm almost seventeen and soon I'll legally be an adult. Then I can go away and you won't have to be embarrassed about going to therapy with your broken daughter. I'm sorry that I'm such a mess. I'm sor-"

"You aren't any such thing! You are as you have always been and always will be. My beautiful little girl. I know that you're trying your best."

The compliment sent Sonya spiraling as she aired her protests.

"But... But... I can't forget about daddy..."

She remembered the therapist's words, but found it hard to stop belittling herself as her voice rose.

"I try so hard, but I can't!"

Realizing that she was trembling as she yelled, Sonya clutched her shoulders as a few tears rolled down her cheeks. She felt that she had botched her apology and was treading water while her mother watched. However, a somber voice interrupted her.

"I've been a terrible mother after all it seems..."

Charlotte looked at Sonya with pain in her eyes as her lips quivered into a frown. Thinking that she had insulted her mother, Sonya cried out.

"What? No... That's not what I..."

"Look how upset you are! It's I that have made you feel like you need to forget... Even though it's something that I never could do. I think about your father every day."

Charlotte couldn't control her volume as wet streaks emerged from the corners of her eyes taking Sonya by surprise.

"Y-You do?"

"Of course I do! I catch myself speaking to him whenever I see you doing so well with your friends. Or when you smile. You are our only child..."

They both looked at each other as the invisible barrier holding back their tears disappeared. They sat quietly and sobbed for a few minutes before Charlotte turned to Sonya with wet eyes and let a smile shine through while she reminisced.

"I remember when Richard proposed to me. He said that I was his whole world and he would orbit me like the moon..."

"Hehe... That does sound like daddy..."

The smile was contagious as now Sonya was grinning through her whimpers as Charlotte continued.

"Yes... And when I first found out I was pregnant with you... He said something that I'll never forget. 'We drifted through the universe for so long and we had finally found our star. Our little Sonya.' From that moment, we would orbit you and watch you grow."

Sonya's eyes went wide as she wondered why she had never heard the story before. Perhaps it was because she never asked or her mother didn't want to bring up the subject, she surmised. Whatever the reason, she felt a closeness with her mother and father that had long been absent. A radiant heat made the weight on her shoulders lessen while Charlotte spoke again.

"I guess I... hic... lost my way on that promise... You were our greatest treasure and I've failed you. How could I ever make you feel like you should forget your own father..."

Losing what was left of her composure, Charlotte lowered her head into her hands.

"Mommy! You haven't failed me... I... I never knew that you... missed daddy like that. You always seem so strong."

"Maybe I should have said it more... but I thought that I had to be strong. I realize now it only made us grow apart. You and your father are the only true loves of my life. I don't want to lose you too! I love you so very much, Sonya."

As Sonya listened she remembered that for a long time she had felt like a failure. Yet, she was able to acknowledge that her mother had never once labeled her as such. Sonya realized that most of her negative characterizations had been self assigned, just as her mother was attempting to do now. On the verge of discovery, Sonya's feelings flowed from her unfiltered.

"It really is easier to just decide that you are bad when things around you are bad... But, I don't want to be bad... I want to be good, no... I am good! You're good too, Mommy! Just because we fail doesn't mean we're failures! We just have to... We just have to do better next time..."

The same knowledge that had been passed to her from her closest friends had found a place to take root. Finally understanding the true meaning, Sonya faced her mother and let a brilliant smile shine.

"I don't want to lose you either... I love you too, Mommy... I love you... I want to make things better between us..."

Hearing the words, Charlotte felt her daughter's love within reach. Her heart swelled inside her chest as the nostalgic pain was steeped in the warm feelings that were permeating her. Fusing old with new, Charlotte was able to find the words that she had misplaced earlier.

"Me too. I want to be there for you. Even if it hurts to relive, I want to talk about your father. I'm done hiding from it. We can remember and celebrate his life together. After watching you in the office today... I want to try being honest too."

With their feelings laid bare, the atmosphere in the car was lighter and more summery than before. Their lives had been intertwined since before Sonya was born and now Charlotte was given an opportunity to right a grievous wrong. Seizing it, she spoke in a cautious tone.

"And... If at all possible, I'd like to get to know the person that my daughter has grown into. Could you find it in you to give your foolish mother another chance?"

Anchoring her gaze on Sonya, the mother and daughter stared into each other. While she would have never considered the possibility of mending their relationship before, she now searched her heart for an answer. Finally able to see the good, she found insurmountable happiness that made the bad moments pale in comparison and firmly came to an answer.

"I'd like that a lot..."

Crossing into her mother's seat, Sonya pulled Charlotte into her arms. She could feel her heartbeat as their tear stained cheeks pressed together. She couldn't remember the last time they had comforted each other in such a way. As Charlotte returned her embrace, Sonya felt a sense of security as a quiet voice spoke to her.

"You really are an amazing person. Your father has so many reasons to be proud."

Sonya felt her chest tighten and, for a brief moment, it felt like another person had joined their hug. It would take time for her and her mother to rekindle their bond, but Sonya was hopeful. Restoring a family that was once shattered would truly be a worthwhile act. An act, Sonya thought, that would be a fitting memorial to the love her father had instilled within their family.

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