A broken Stag

By Tystar124

15K 340 57

How did it come to this the former prince thought if he wasn't singing in the bar he was in the pits killing... More

Hope for the black Stag
A stag and a Dragon
Why the wolf wanted the Stag
the webs start to align
A little lords agony
To trust or not to trust
breaker of chains
A slow burner
A dragons plan revealed
2 Stags and A doe
A plan in motion

Sold once again

1.4K 34 9
By Tystar124

In order to get Davos moving again down the lengthy stone hallway, one of the guards forced him ahead, breaking his stream of thinking.

"Move along you stupid fucker! We don't have the whole day!" took a few steps backward after the fat guard growled and struck the back of his head with the handle of his whip.

"We are you even taking me this isn't the right way" He responded just like that feeling in the throne room he just didn't feel right and just as they rounded the corner he heard the two guards laugh and then the lash of whip suddenly came striking down tearing at his shirt and leaving 3 lashes across his back,

the pain caused him shock and as he turned around right into the line of a wooden club striking Davos right on the bridge of his nose, he heard more footsteps and felts more wooden clubs strike him leave marks and bruises so discoloured on his tanned skin they looked like they had been drawn into his skin after what felt like enough time for it to snow in Dorne had passed the beating that seem to occur for no reason ended he heard some footsteps coming towards them his blurred vision saw a figure wearing a white top with green robes.

Davos felt him self reared up off the ground hr felt a collar being attached around his neck and a gag forced into his mouth and once his vision had focused more on the person whose greasy fingers had a hold of his chin his eyes where shocked to see Master Kraynzs.

Before you ask why you lowlife its because that dragon whore is in this city right now and she has committed savagery in Quarth. So I will offer you the broken stag that you our but still I sure the mewling dragon bitch will have plenty of time for you. Master Kraynzs. Explained .

Davos had no time to react or retort as a bag was placed over his head and everything went pitch black and then he felt him self being dragged he put up no resistance due to his beat down just after a fight he didn't have much left to give. maybe the gods had resigned him to this fate due to his father's transgression and brutality when dealing with the sack of king's landing but why was it fair to pour the sins of those before him onto him.

Astapor  300 AC

Kraynzs removed the bag off his head and told him to him to get on his knee the heat of the stone was unbearable and to be frank Davos was struggling to stay conscious his thoughts where interrupted as he heard his soon to be former master ranting.

"How long is this bitch going to keep me waiting?" The master spat in his gruff native tongue. "I have a mind to leave —"

The Dragon Queen, Daenerys Targaryen, is moving in their direction.  Finding her wasn't difficult. She stood out among the other people going about their everyday affairs due to the way her long, silvery blonde hair, which runs in her family, glistened in the sunlight. As she drew nearer to them, Davos saw that Daenerys Targaryen was breathtakingly gorgeous. She marched over to them with her long, silvery blonde hair dancing in the wind off the water around her lovely but serious face, and her naturally curvaceous hips swaying from side to side. Her violet eyes like a blazing star as well

From the ethereally beautiful woman to the two males in her tiny group, Davos shifted his green-eyed gaze.

He began by examining the middle-aged balding man who was walking to her right. Davos recognised him as the bear of House Mormont because of the breastplate he was wearing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      He reasoned to himself that this must be Ser Jorah Mormont because he remembered hearing about him at the informal council gatherings he frequently attended as his father's replacement. He has never actually met the man because he was banished at the time, but Varys alone had. Varys maintained in touch with the man frequently and shared information with the other members of the council concerning the last Targaryen's.

Davos then focused on the other man. While he was observing the man on the Dragon Queen's left, his eyes widened in shock.

Davos could never forget the man's face, one of Westeros' most illustrious Knights and the man who had taught him to fight with a sword. The man's face appeared older and more wrinkled than when Davos last saw him, and he was no longer clean-shaven with a short, thick white beard covering his jaw and cheeks. He would never forget the appearance of Ser Barristan Selmy, also known as Barristan the Bold.

I had a sudden idea. There was nowhere for him to hide because he was restrained and in full view of all three, he was to be her present. He didn't want to be seen in this situation as a slave being beaten and broken by his master, especially by a familiar face.

"Mother of Dragons! Welcome to Astapor!" Kraynzs greeted the newcomers with a fake smile when the small group caught up with them.

Missandel spoke to them to translate their master's words to the Targaryen girl. and he watches what feels like hours for him although he feels like Daenerys can understand  they seem to be convinced on them but she isn't entirely convinced Davos can tell Kraynzs isn't  happy. Davos could see them from where he was the hot stone floor burning against his knee's he felt disgusted as drool came down both sides of the gag and  the slave collar around his skin causing a rash around his neck he prayed that everything he had heard about Daenerys kindness 

While accompanying his soon to be old master, Daenerys Targaryen tried to listen to what Missandei was translating for her. She didn't seem interested enough in the people around her to pay attention to the young slave. The young Queen observed the city's nobility strutting about as though they were in charge, while their slaves cowered behind them like terrified dogs and kept their heads down to avoid making eye contact with them in case their masters became enraged.

"My master claims he has a gift for you will enjoy far more then the unsullied", Master Kraynzs smiles and turns his head towards Davos  and he see's Daenerys  eyes get a curious glint to them "A gift?" 

He also see's Ser Barristan and Ser jorah look around till all 3 them look at master Kraynzs Davos watches when the man impatiently click his fingers and Davos feels one of two guards by guards grab him by slave collar and tug him hard he struggles to get to his legs they shake with every movement.

"Master Kraynzs is aware of the horror's that befall your family and a gift none other then justice and what better then the usurpers seed himself he prese" The three looked shocked as they see the man dragged by a slave collar and placed on his knee's for a second his green eyes  meets Daenerys violet eyes and look on empathy with what looks like a look of anger but not at Davos but at master Kraynzs. He watches as her eyes as she comes closer and kneels down as she reaches out to place her hand on his chin Davos flinches. "Mercy" is all she hears Davos muffle out of his gag  followed by the first he lets his emotions get the best of him and a tear rolls down his suntanned cheek  blood and dirt mixing 

Daenerys give Davos looks at master Kraynzs

" Prince Davos" He hears Ser Barristan Selmy whisper.

He hears the dragon queen say, "I thank you for this gift, I'm sure he will be useful," and then hears Ser. Barristan Selmy nod. One of the guards then hands him the chain that is attached to Davos' collar, and Davos offers no resistance. After they leave Master Kraynz's Plaza, Davos feels the sun on his face and his vision feels blurry from the beating he received shortly after an intense battle. Just before he collapses he see's the harbour and hears a screech emanating from the small ship, He also hears ser Barristan telling he be okay and the last thing he see's before truly blacking out he see's the queen violet eyes 



When Ser Barristan Daenerys Targaryen and Ser Jorah and there new gift return returned to their ship berthed in the harbour, the sun had already started to set. The old knight retired to his tiny cabin below once they were back aboard the small ship to rest. from a ship gently rocking on the waves. He couldn't believe the state Davos was in nor could the old knight believe he would ever see the prince again he needed to talk to the queen convince her that he was a good man and as per Robert's last request he read Davos was the heir no he was the rightful king of the seven kingdoms she needed someone like Davos by her side. He owed Davos as much for that day in the throne room

After sixteen years, Davos was no longer the young child he had been looking after. His once young face was now ravaged by the scars and bruises from the fights he had to endure in the past, and his once-clean-shaven strong, squared jaw was now covered by a scruffy dark beard.Davos' typically upbeat demeanour was faded; being a slave and being made to kill others must have been quite difficult for the young man.

But what shocked was the state he had been given to them even the queen was appalled by his treatment but once the shock washed Ser Jorah advised that she punish the boy for crimes that happened when he wasn't even born yet. he never felt like this about protecting someone he felt proud to be Davos sworn sword edging Davos own uncle on the boys fifth name day he owed that much to protect to help win the queen favour, if only he had spoken up in the throne room

He could have at least made an effort to assist the young Prince in fending off his mother and brother on that particular day.

That lad looked up to me as a hero, but I failed to help him when he most needed it. Ser Barristan looked up at the wooden ceiling above him and thought to himself, "If I had just stood up and protected Davos, he wouldn't be here as a slave." I have the chance to save him right now, and I'm going to do it.

The elderly knight was distracted from his thoughts by a rapid tap on the door, and he got out of the cot and walked over to open it.

Ser Jorah was standing in the doorway when Ser Barristan stepped back with mild astonishment.

The banished knight told Ser Barristan, "The Queen has summoned a meeting; she needs your presence immediately before the old knight could speak the man turned away walking back up the stairs

Ser Jorah turned away and headed back up the wooden steps to the deck before he could react.Ser Jorah seemed indifferent in him from the way he had just talked to him. It happened frequently between the two of them. When they were alone, Ser Jorah wasn't afraid to express his contempt for the former Kingsguard commander of Robert Baratheon.

In her cabin, the Queen wasn't there. Instead, she found comfort on the deck's vast space. She leaned forward and peered out at the deep purple sky, her lean arms resting on the wooden rails of the ship. The sun gently sets behind the vast ocean's horizon.

Ser Jorah positioned himself at her side to watch over her.

The young woman turned to face the visitor when she heard the old Knights' boots make a loud noise.

Ser Barristan bowed and addressed her respectfully as "Your Grace." You sent for me?

Nodding, the young Queen. "I am aware of your distaste for the Unsullied. However, I was hoping that you could reconsider your mind about them now that you have met them in person and learned about their skills and valour in battle."

Ser Barristan was opposed to the concept of buying slaves. That's what it will be if Daenerys gets her unsullied , then that is what it will be. It wouldn't be good for her if the citizens of Westeros ever learned about this.

She is unsure about these warriors herself. She is no different from the rest in that she is aware that she will be purchasing slaves. He was aware that she wouldn't mistreat them or hold them as slaves, unlike the other people. He is confident that once she has them, she would grant them freedom.

Ser Barristan continued cautiously, slowly, "I do not like the idea of buying people to fight for a cause that is not theirs. "They serve as a means, nevertheless. I think you need the Unsullied to start assembling your army if what that Master and girl says about them is accurate."

The Queen nodded her head in agreement and smiled kindly at him. "I appreciate it, Ser Barristan. I value your advice, but I've decided to buy them nonetheless. With the Unsullied fighting for me, my army will get off to a fine start."

''How is the boy'' Ser Barristan ask wanting to know if Davos would be alright and was also wanted to know if the queen was going to allow him to live and serve the queen.

My hand maidens and said he will recover he just needs some rest how can someone be treated like that?. The queen questioned her brows furrowing.

He be fair much better under your protection then he would Master Kraynzs even if he is the son of the usurper  Ser Jorah said the old knight joining the conversation

" you know that boy is he truly one of Robert's children?" The three were silent until Daenerys abruptly questioned. The old Knight swiftly glanced between his Queen's curious countenance and Ser Jorah's perplexed expression. He didn't know what to say, so he said nothing.

Yes, Your Grace. Yes, I do know the young man. Quite well, in fact.

The old knight took a time to think before continuing, deciding to be cautious with his comments. He had to recognize the fact that his anxiety level was rising. Although he was an excellent warrior, talking, negotiating, and persuasion were never really his strong suits.

The young Queen kept smiling at him. She set up three goblets on a silver tray on top of a barrel next to her and poured some wine into them. She gave each of her two Knights a goblet, and they all sipped the delectable fruity wine.

Ser Barristan drank the sweet wine in one large gulp. I actually needed that. He had a thought."I have know him a long time. I had actually known him since he was born."

After hearing  the remarks Ser Jorah , Daenerys also took a break from her drink.What's his name? With scepticism in her voice, Daenerys questioned. She glared at her Queensguard captain as her warm, friendly grin on her lovely face wavered and turned back into a frown. Ser Barristan: "That lad, who is he?"

The elderly knight groaned as he realised he had to be honest with her. Sooner or later, the truth will surface, and it would be best if he informed her directly.

"His name is Davos, the eldest son of Robert Baratheon."

"What!" Ser Jorah exclaimed, outraged at what he had just heard from the other knight but Ser Barristan paid him no mind. It wasn't his opinion that he cared for but the opinion of the Queen before him, silently glaring at him not uttering a single word.

Daenerys seemed to be deep in thought as she tried to grasp the information given to her. Technically he now belonged to her but she wouldn't harm she couldn't subject that man to anything else she knew about the reputation about her father. ''Ser Jorah be calm I swear I won't harm him''

It was music to Ser Barristan's ears Davos was safe for now. He could still see the young queen glaring. However I want to meet and speak with him he will call me his queen.

A bit much to ask of a man who has nearly been beaten to deaf your grace Ser jorah stated. Ser Barristan looked shocked he was taking his side the man hadn't been overly found of the man joining them.

Daenerys looked shocked at the two knights going against her she thought to herself maybe they where right but it would take time to trust the son of the usurper but maybe it take time for him to talk to her or even respect her she learnt when with the Dothraki that they respect strength she just needed to know how to work him in a way make him loyal, but that could wait she had closed her emotions off when drogo died, but she remembered the dream of a man with emerald eyes telling her he loved and not to send him away at the great pyramids of meeren.

Ser Barristan spoke when Daenerys didn't respond: "My Queen." "I am aware of your thoughts on Davos. His father murdered your family in a revolt against him. You must believe that he is a different Robert Baratheon, but I can honestly state that, thank the Gods, he is not. This life, the life of a slave, is not what he deserves."

Ser Barristan continued his explanation by stating that Cersei Lannister detested her husband, the King. "She detested him so severely that she even hated her son. Davos has had to put up with his mother's resentment his entire life. He should not have had to earn her affection, but I have seen him strive his utmost to do so. However, it was never enough for her. He eventually gave up on trying to please her and started going his own way, but that only made her angrier. She sent him off to be sold into slavery when she was unable to manage him any longer."Until she eventually spoke, Daenerys remained silent as she processed the information Ser Barristan had just given her.

"How can I trust someone like him around me," the queen said.

Ser Barristan thought for a second before replying You can't your grace the only way you could know is if you gave him a chance.

You would bet your life on the son of the Usurper? Ser Jorah made a spectacle of him. What would the Queen need from a Prince who had been exiled, even if she agreed with you?

"His influence." Ser Barristan gave him a prompt response. Before returning to the Queen resting against the wooden railing, he shot the other knight a short glance.

"His influence?" Repeated, Daenerys

The old Knight said, "Yes, Your Grace," and stood up once more. "Everyone believed in Davos, both lords and commoners, adored him. He was concerned about them, listened to their complaints, and tried to be of assistance to them. He would visits people in flee bottom he would sing dance and try and make there lives better"

The mother of dragons turned around and thought about it he would be useful and family ties could help with her quest to the iron throne she wasn't stupid she knew she would have to use her body at some point it wasn't a pleasant thought but to make him hers would tie to current rulers of Westeros, she turned back around facing the two knight and finally spoke.

'' I promise Ser Barristan he won't be harmed I promised to end this cruel thing know as slavery and I will offer something he can't refuse so in a way he won't be bending just yet but for know lets us get some rest when he wakes you'll buy him new clothes and armour.

''Th..Thank you your grace he be more then grateful for you sparring him and saving him''.

with that Daenerys and ser Jorah finished there wine and went to there cabins and Ser Barristan for the first in awhile felt proud and happy for now he had saved Davos he would help the queen

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