A stag and a Dragon

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Davos eyes flashed open looking around to see himself in a small room  and tucked in a small bed his face doesn't feel as saw as it should be maybe all he need was some rest he needed he looked around and decided he was better off here then serving master Kraynzs.

As he was looking around the room he heard the door open and he slightly closes his eyes just waiting to see who it was but he notices a old man and notices the door open he see's Ser Barristan and lets out a sigh of relief and the old knight turns around and looks for a second and then grabs a chair and sits down.

''How are you feeling?'' question the old knight 

''Like shit and awful for all three of you to see me that'' Davos replied honestly it hurt his pride to seen like that gagged and collard as he was some prized animal to be given away to please someone else.

Davos tried to sit before a surge of pain went through his lower ribs. Try not to move to quickly I can go get the queen if you wish. Barristan offered, Davos sighed he was going to have to speak to her eventually. 

Davos thought for a second before answering ''Aye tell her I might as well get this out the way and I prefer it if you where there but I presume where ever she goes the old bear goes'' Davos assumed he followed her to closely to closely in the young man's opinion.

Ser Barristan nodded and peaked his head out small room and got the attention of Ser Jorah. ''Jorah tell the queen he is awake if she wishes to speak with him'' Davos heard a grunt of some kind in response it made sense Ser Jorah was still a Northman and he knew how stubborn they where.

While he laid there after Ser Barristan had quickly left to get the queen himself after they waited he decided he just go do it himself and nodded to young man before leaving Davos thought she would definitely question him and how she could trust him and he knew he was Robert's only true born son therefore Daenerys had the heir to iron throne as her quote on quote gift I mean not that he minded as his favourite uncle use to say the evil notions already there didn't need help. 

But he quickly shook of the thought of being taken into the mother of dragons bed he blamed his uncle for that although he once held Magarey Tyrell close from when he was one and three to when he was one and five. Love he thought a selfish feeling and he was stupid to enough to believe Magarey would want him  more then she wanted to be the queen.

Davos self pity and thoughts where broken when he heard the door open again seeing three people enter seeing Ser Barristan holding a tray with 4 glasses on it.

Daenerys, Ser Barristan and Ser Jorah bring chairs and sit Dany sitting on Davos left with Ser Jorah and Ser Barristan away from them he looks at Daenerys gently sipping from her wine glass her violet eyes could break the hardest of heart even if someone had locked it off and threw the key away he found himself getting transfixed in her eyes until a cough broke Davos out of the hypnotised state he was in and looked backed to his right and see Ser Barristan offering him some wine.

He took the win with a nod of appreciation as he sipped he hadn't had anything like this in nearly two and half years after swallowing down the sweet liquid he breathed a sigh of relief, he looked to his left again and finally prepared himself to address the mother of dragons.

"Your Grace, I thank you for freeing me and releasing me from my enslavement to Master Kraznys. I owe you nothing short of my life, even if I was given to you I feel my life however short will be better under you then that prick.''

"You are too kind...Davos Baratheon, eldest son to the Usurper Robert Baratheon," the Queen said rather coolly to the man resting in the bed. Davos fully lifted his gaze to the young Queen. "Don't think that you'll will have goodness of my heart. Your family, both sides in fact, killed my entire family and forced my brother and I to be exiled on the other side of the world."

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