Brandon Rogers X Male!Reader...

By TheseusCrow

121 7 9

Exactly what the title says. (Extra available on Quotev) Mostly gonna be his characters. There is a SEVERE la... More

Drive Home (Elmer)

Coffee Shop (Brandon)

65 3 2
By TheseusCrow

You sat in the coffee shop at your usual spot in the corner. The Café is a quiet place where you feel free to sit and relax. Even on busy days your table is usually empty and so long as you sit at it, you are guaranteed some peaceful solitude where you can people watch or scroll through the internet.

Usually that's how it works. But today is not usual.

The Café was more crowded than you had ever seen it, which didn't pose much of a problem, as most people just took their drinks to go anyways. The chatter doesn't bother you and you simply turn to look out the window and continue sipping on your (Fav/drink). You already had your table all to yourself and it was unlikely that anyone would want to sit with some random-

"Hey, this seat taken?" A voice cuts through the noise of the Café and you turn quickly to face it's owner. A man stood with what appeared to be an iced coffee in his hand. Your (e/c) eyes met his brown ones and you found yourself momentarily lost in them.

It wasn't long before you realized you had been staring for a little too long and that you hadn't answered his question.

"Nope all good!" You said quickly
He smiled and pulled out the chair across from you. He sat down and set his drink in front of him. You had never sat here with another person, and it was strange seeing the always empty chair now occupied by this man.
The stranger took a sip from his coffee and then said;

"I'm Brandon by the way", extending his hand for you to shake. You took it and shook it,

"Y/N" you replied before letting go of his hand.
Nice to meet you y/n." he said with a smile before turning his head to look out at the street and at the people rushing past. You did the same. This was the same thing you always did at the café, but it felt much different doing it in the company of someone else.

You both finished your drinks, and then silently parted ways. You didn't talk much, or really at all to the stranger, but it was a nice interaction nonetheless.

You decide that if you run into him again you will make an effort to chat him up a bit. It would be nice to get to know this Brandon guy a little better.
But thats unlikely.


The next day you got to the coffee shop at your usual time and it was once again very busy. You walked in and waited in line for your drink. Once you got it though, you found that your spot had been occupied by some people and that there was seemingly nowhere for you to sit.

You scan the room, your drink held tight in your hand.
 Suddenly you feel a gentle tap on your shoulder.

"Hey stranger." Brandon says as you turn to face him. 

"Need a place to sit?" He asks, motioning to the one empty table left in the building.

You smile and take a seat at the table, Brandon once again sat across from you.

"What a coincidence that we end up sat together again.", you say, taking a sip of your drink.

"Yeah, its kinda weird, but in not complaining." His eyes met yours as he smiled on that last word, causing you to blush ever so slightly.

You finish that sip of your drink quickly then speak.

"If I'd known I would run into you again so soon I would've chatted you up a bit more yesterday" You laugh

"Well its a good thing we get another chance. So, Y/N, tell me about yourself."

You talked and talked with eachother for what felt like forever. You laughed like old friends and shared stories with eachother. Brandon felt alot less like a stranger, and all more like a...well a coffee buddy? Who knows, but whatever you were feeling right now was good.

Before you knew it enough time had passed that you had to leave, and so you said goodbye to
Brandon and left the café.

Later that night you sat at home and thought about the former stranger. You thought about his eyes, his voice, his smile. 
'I wish I'd left my number' you thought to yourself before you drifted to bed and crashed for the night.


Today was a looong day at work. You had to go overtime and it had rained all day. The rain wasn't the issue though. The issue was that you didn't have a raincoat and got soaked. But you decided to go to the Café anyways. It always brightens your day and besides, seeing Brandon again wouldn't be too bad.

The street by the cafe was noticeably less crowded to your delight, and there was a familiar face standing just outside the door of the cafe. He looked up and smiled when your eyes met once again.
He flicked what was left of his cigarette onto the pavement and crushed it with his heel.

"Enjoying the weather?" He asked as he opened the café door, both of you walking inside. You scraped your shoes on the matt on the floor.

"Yeah, I love the rain but man, it really gets you wet" you replied touching the sleeves of your sweater. Brandon let out a small laugh as you two got to the front of the line. Before you even managed to speak, Brandon was already talking to the barista.

"Hello, could I get a large iced coffee with 7 pumps of sugar free vanilla for myself and a (fav/drink) for my friend here?" He asked her. She nodded, punching the keys of the cash register.

"And will that be all sir?" She asked. Brandon looked at you to confirm. You nodded. The cash register made a light ding sound.

"Yes, thank you." He said

"Alrighty that'll be $8.45"
Brandon handed her a $10 bill and she made quick change for it. He dropped the leftover change in the glass jar on the counter and before long you each had your drinks and were sat at your table.

"Thanks" you said, taking a sip of your beverage.

"Pleasure's all mine" he says.
You give yourself permission to stare for a moment and to take him in. Last time you stared at him 2 days ago he was a complete stranger. Now he knew your drink order and you shared a table. You didn't know quite what that made you two, but whatever it was, it was good.

You didn't stop looking for while, but Brandon didn't mind as he stared right back.

You two did the usual thing. You talked and visited and joked with eachother. And eventually Brandon checked the time and said that it was about time he got going. So you said goodbye, and once again you were alone at the table. 

He was already long gone by the time you noticed the neatly folded napkin he left on the table. 

The note said:
"Call me sometime ;)"  with a phone number scrawled underneath. 
You tucked the paper in your pocket and you smiled.
Hope yall liked that, it was my first ever x reader story :)

1,219 words

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