Maiden of Edoras (Eomer fanfi...

By Sabrina909835

3.5K 125 16

Daedra is sent to Edoras to be forced into an arraigned marriage to a man she has never met. She finds out th... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19

Part 9

167 8 0
By Sabrina909835

As we were riding through the hills of Rohan, we noticed three people dart behind a large boulder to avoid our sight. As we rounded past where they were, a familiar voice shouted out from behind us.

"Riders of Rohan! What news from the Mark?" I heard my brothers voice ring out.

I smiled broadly, and quickly turned my horse around to head back towards him, the rest of the Riders following me. As we approached, all of us circled around the three men, Eomer and myself jumping off of our horses and pulling Aragorn into an embrace.

"Oh how happy I am to see that you are alive." I said to him as he hugged me tightly.

"We are in search of a group of Uruk-hai that took our friends. The were headed west across your lands." Aragorn said as he pulled away from the hug and looked Eomer in the face.

"We killed them in the night. No survivors were left." Eomer responded, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Two hobbits! Did you see two little hobbits?!" The dwarf with a long red beard said as he held up two fingers.

"They would be children to your eyes." Aragorn said.

"I'm sorry, but we didn't see them." I said to him, taking notice of the sorrowful look on the blonde haired elf that was in his presence.

"Dead? They cannot be dead." I heard the dwarf say softly, trying to hold the tears back from his eyes, and hide the shakiness of his voice.

"If they were with them they went unseen. The only dead things over there burning are that of the orcs." Eomer told them as he took his helmet off and signaled for two horses to come forward, "Take these horses in your search, be safe and be quick."

"Stay safe, brother. Please do not get yourself killed." I softly told him as I gave him another hug goodbye.

"Same goes to you, Daedra." He said to me with a soft laugh.

We all mounted our horses once more, preparing to part ways once more.

"Legolas, Gimli. We must head to the forest, maybe they escaped through there." Aragorn stated as they prepared to say final goodbyes and depart.

I looked to my brother and gave him a nod before turning my horse towards Eomer as he and his two companions left once more. I looked to Eomer, looking for instruction on what to do next.

"Daedra, take this orcs helmet and return to Edoras. Show it to my uncle, and prove that Saruman is behind all of the evil here, maybe that will pull him from his trance." Eomer said to me as he handed me a helmet with a painted white hand on the top.

"Are you sure? What if it only makes matters worse?" I asked him questioningly.

"Then return to me. I will be in the hills and will always leave clues as to where I am so you may find me easier."

I nodded to him, turning my horse and running back to Edoras to confront Theoden. Once I arrived in the great hall, I angrily walked towards Theoden who was sitting half slumped over the throne, Grima at his side once more whispering into his ear. I threw the helmet at his feet, getting a shocked expression from Grima as I began to speak.

"Saruman is causing the evil here, Theoden, and Grima is behind your trance. If you are anywhere in there, please come back to us so we can right these wrongs and rid these hills of evil." I said as I began going up the steps closer to the king.

"My lord? Uncle?" Eowyn asked, tears in her eyes as she bent down in front of him as I spoke.

"You have no idea what you are talking about, Daedra. Why don't you run off with Eomer like the good little whore that you are?" Grima spat at me as he stepped so close to me our toes could have touched.

"I would hold my tongue if I were you, I am no weak woman that you may walk all over. That helmet bears the white hand of Saruman, and you were caught speaking with him." I spat right back.

Eowyn came to my side, causing Grima to back down some and re sit himself next to Theoden. The trance that was placed upon Theoden seemingly stayed the same, almost as if there wasn't an ounce left of the king inside of his own mind. I left the helmet laying at his feet, and quickly walked to my room to rest for the night hoping that matters would be better in the morning.

As I woke the next morning, I quickly changed into one of the many dresses that was left for me when I first came to Edoras, and made my way into the hall to be with Eowyn. I glanced at Theoden, noticing he was in the same position as he was in the evening before, his eyes drooping even more than they previously had, signaling to me that he hadn't slept in days. I sat with Eowyn, thoughts running through my mind about what my next steps needed to be, when all of a sudden the doors to the great hall burst open, my brother, his two companions, and a man dressed in a grey cloak entered and began walking towards Theoden.

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