Cyberpunk Edgerunners (Rebecc...

Av MagnusWrites

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I really like Rebecca so I am writing this short book. Hopefully you enjoy this. You will have the abilities... Mer

Chapter One: Who Am I?
Chapter Two: The Test
Chapter Three: You Have Feelings
Chapter Four: A Date With Rebecca
Chapter Five: Like A Sister
Chapter Seven: A Change
Chapter Eight: Dreams
Chapter Nine: A Different Kind Of Monster
Chapter Ten: End Of The Road
Halloween Chapter: Wild Hunt
Halloween Chapter: Invasion
Bonus Chapter: 'Happy Recruiting!'
Bonus chapter: 'A Pre-Xmas Declaration'
Christmas Chapter: Christmas
Christmas Chapter: Arasaka
Chapter One: An Old Friend
Chapter Two: Crew Bonding
Chapter Three: Hercules
Chapter Four: Tartaros
Chapter Five: Unpredictable
Chapter Six: Bob
Chapter Seven: Reaper No More

Chaprer Six: David

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Av MagnusWrites

Author: Time to meet David... Possible spoilers in this part.

It's been a couple days since you said goodbye to Rebecca and Lucy. You've had plenty of time to think and you've decided what you wish to do.

Y/N Mind: If I can end Juggernaut chip without meeting my mother... Then that is what I will do. First... I will need information and that is why I am here.

You stand before the Afterlife. You walk inside and head for the bar where you take a seat. The bartender who you now know is named Claire walks over to you.

Claire: Hey Y/N... Want the usual?

Y/N: No thanks... I'm looking for a fixer named Rogue.

Claire: You're not planning to cheat on Becca are you?

Y/N:... No?

Claire: When I say cheat... I mean being unfaithful by spending time with other people romantically.

Y/N: Oh then definitely not... Just want some info.

Claire: Then she's right over there.

You turn to your left. You smile at Claire from behind the mask.

Y/N: Thanks.

Claire: No problem.

You get up and walk over to Rogue only to be stopped by some guard. You stare at the guard confused.

Rogue: Let him in.

The guard steps aside and you walk over and a take a seat near Rogue.

Rogue: So you are the famous Reaper.

Y/N: I guess.

Rogue: What can I do for you?

Y/N: M/N L/N... I want to know where she lives. I also want to know when she isn't home. Do you think you can get the information?

Rogue: Of course... Why are you interested in M/N L/N?

Y/N: Let us just say I have no love for the woman and I want to put a stop to the sale of the new chip she is working on.

Rogue: Juggernaut chip? I learned a bit about it. 

Y/N: How much for the information?

Rogue thinks for a moment.

Rogue: I also have no love for anyone working for Arasaka... So how about I give you information if you do me a favour.

Y/N: Information first.

Rogue squints her eyes at you.

Rogue: Deal.

(Timeskip - A day later)

You fly through the sky like smoke surrounded by your many Nanobots. The nanobots vibrate at inhuman speeds allowing you to phase through. You stand in your mother's penthouse as the nanobots flow back inside your body. You look around and spot a camera staring at you. You wave before shooting it.

You walk around the penthouse until you come across a laptop. You notice the room turn red signalling a silent alarm has been set off.

Y/N: I'll have to be quick.

You turn on the laptop. You then call Kiwi.

Kiwi (Call): Y/N? It's surprising to get a call from you.

Y/N (Call): Yeah... I need help hacking into a laptop. Do you think you can walk me through it.

Kiwi (Call): Sure... But why not call Lucy?

Y/N (Call): I kinda need to do it quickly as I set off an alarm.

Kiwi (Call): Understood.

(Timeskip - Five minutes later)

You finally get into your mother's laptop.

Y/N (Call): Thanks Kiwi.

Kiwi (Call): No problem.

You end the call and look through your mother's files and copy the files relating to the Juggernaut chip. On it you find the location of where the chip is being manufactured. You delete all the files on the laptop.

Y/N: Let's hope my mother has poor memory... Now time to do Rogue's favour.

You hear loud footsteps coming closer and closer. You turn around and leap through the glass. You freefall down from the penthouse before surrounding yourself in Nanobots. You then shoot away escaping trouble.

(Timeskip - Several hours later)

At night you wait outside Clouds for a man who no longer wants to be a Doll. Rogue has asked you to help him out of the city. You wait in front of your F/C motorcycle you have recently purchased because they look cool. Eventually the ex-Doll exits and spots you with a look of concern. You wave at him causing him to back up slightly.

You then realise your mask is too spooky and so take it off. You flash him a brief smile.

Y/N: Rogue sent me.

He then walks reluctantly over to you. You put your mask back on and hand him a helmet that he puts on. You then get on your bike and he gets on the back and puts his arms around your waist. You proceed to drive out of Night city.

Y/N: Soooo... What is it like being a Doll?

Ex-Doll: Horrible.

You laugh nervously realising that was a dumb question.

Y/N: Right.

Y/N Mind: Small talk really isn't my strong suit.

You continue to drive until you get the Ex-Doll to a nomad camp. He hands you the helmet as he walks over to the Nomads. You call Rogue.

Y/N (Call): I got the doll to the Nomads... Why did you lie to me?

Rogue (Call): I can't believe you thought a Doll was a human sized doll... You are so gullible.

Y/N (Call):... Yeah.

(Timeskip - A week later)

You've gone through all the files you copied from your mother's laptop. You've learned that the chip is being made in a secret facility hidden in a canyon within the Badlands.

Y/N: According to these blueprints it will be quite difficult to sneak in and destroy everything. We're going to need a lot of firepower... I'll see if I can get Maine and the others on board.

Sally: I see...

You turn to look at Sally standing over you.

Sally: But why are you in my apartment?

Y/N: Well I technically don't have a home... And I've been taking some space from the crew.

Sally: I get that... But why my apartment?

Y/N: Because you said you would help me.

Sally: Yeah I meant with a job... Not with living arrangements. Me and the Guild will help you destroy that Arasaka facility... But get out of my apartment!

Y/N: Fine... Just make sure you answer right away when I call.

You stand up.

Sally: Yeah yeah... Fuck off already!

Y/N: Who's rude now?

Sally: Get out!

You leave as Sally slams the door behind you.

Y/N: So rude.

You call Maine only for no answer. You look at nothing in particular with concern.

Y/N: Maine must be on a job... Guess I'll have to drop in and surprise them.

You get onto your bike and drive towards the hideout listening to the radio.

(Timeskip - An hour later)

You stop the bike to see Maine's car a bit banged up.

Y/N: Maine must not be happy about that.

You get off and head to the building. You stop and breathe in before opening the door. As soon as you enter all eyes turn to you. You recognise all but one.

Y/N: I'm back.

They all stare in surprise.

Rebecca: Y/N!

Most of the surprised faces turn into smiles. Rebecca shoots across the room like a rocket. She slams against you knocking you into the wall. She rips your mask off and throws it to the floor.

Y/N: Hey...

She immediately slams her lips on yours causing you to blush. The new guy blushes slightly as well. Lucy smiles slightly causing the new guy to look at her in awe. Rebecca releases your lips and grins at you.

Rebecca: I've missed you.

Y/N: Me too... You I mean. I haven't missed myself obviously.

Rebecca: Same old Y/N.

Maine: He's only be gone a few weeks... I doubt he would have changed that much in such a short amount of time.

Rebecca: It felt like years.

Pilar: Ever since you left... She's been a whole lot more annoying.

Rebecca: I've been completely the same.

Dorio: You picked so many fights that there almost isn't a bar in the city that you didn't get kicked out of... You've even been banned from the Afterlife.

Kiwi: Though Claire and Rogue tried to help you... But the whole shooting up the place didn't help.

Maine: Yeah... You whined and whined about how much you miss Y/N.

Rebecca blushes bright red.

Rebecca: They're exaggerating.

Y/N: Okay... Anything new happen while I was gone?

Rebecca: We got a David!

Rebecca smiles as she shoots her arms into the air full of excitement. You stare at her confused.

Y/N: What is a David?

David: Uhhh... Me.

You turn to the new guy. You squint your eyes at him.

Y/N: Hey... Aren't you the guy I bumped into a couple weeks ago?

David: Oh my god yeah! I completely forgot about that... I bumped into the Reaper?!

Maine: Oh are you a fan?

David: No... I just heard a lot about him.

Y/N: What did you hear?

David: That you wiped out a hundred Corpo soldiers.

Y/N: Uhhh... I don't think there were that many.

David: So you did pick a fight with a Corporation... Cool.

Y/N: You're weird.

Rebecca: You can't talk... You wear a dumb mask.

Y/N: It isn't dumb... It's spooky and cool.

David looks at Lucy confused.

David: Spooky?

Lucy just shrugs.

Rebecca: There is nothing spooky... Or cool... About that mask.

You cross your arms in annoyance. David take a few steps closer to you and Rebecca.

David: Anyway... I'm David Martinez.

Maine: Yeah... He's got a bit of skill... And what should have been my Cyberware.

David: I said I'm sorry.

Y/N: So... How exactly did you recruit David?

You look to Maine. He shakes his head.

Maine: Lucy was the one who found him.

You look to Lucy.

Lucy: It's a long story... For another time.

Y/N: Tell me over a drink... We got any jobs?

David: Oh yeah... Give me a job.

Dorio: He's so damn enthusiastic.

Kiwi: You can say that again.

David: Hey I'm an Edgerunner now... I got make a name for myself.

You look at Lucy as she stares at him strangely. You lean over to Rebecca.

Y/N: Why's Lucy staring at David like that?

Rebecca looks over at Lucy then grins.

Rebecca: It's the same way David's been staring at her... They like each other.

Y/N: I see... So I should kill David... Or at least beat him to a bloody pulp.

Rebecca: What are you talking about?

Y/N: While I was gone... I did some research on being a good brother.

Rebecca: Oh boy.

Y/N: I read that no one is good enough for your sibling therefore... You should make anyone who they like regret ever being born.

Rebecca: Don't harm David... He's a good guy. Besides if you want to be a good brother... You should help convince him to ask her out.

Y/N: You sure?

Rebecca: Yeah.

Y/N: Severely injuring him would be so much easier.

Rebecca: Don't... Harm... David.

Y/N: Fine... But if he makes one wrong move... I'll punch him so hard.

Rebecca: So hard... What?

Y/N: What? I'll just punch him hard.

Rebecca: Oh... Well don't. He's a good guy.

Y/N: If you say so.

Rebecca: How have you been?

Y/N: Good... I've done a few missions for Rogue.

Rebecca puts her hands on her hips with an unhappy look on her face.

Rebecca: You've been seeing other woman behind my back?

You stare at her confused.

Y/N: What?

Rebecca grins and punches your shoulder.

Rebecca: I knew you would be confused... You're so fucking adorable.

Y/N:... Thanks?

Maine: Y/N!

You and Rebecca turn to Maine.

Maine: We're you even listening?

Y/N: I was listening... To Rebecca.

Maine sighs.

Maine: I want you to go on a mission with David... Give him your unique perspective.

Y/N: My unique perspective? What are you talking about?

Maine: Before David you were the newest member of the crew... And you've already done a few things on your own.

Y/N: I see... Okay. What is the mission?

Rebecca: Why can't I go with them?

Maine: Because you'll distract Y/N and maybe get the kid killed.

Rebecca crosses her arms and pouts. You look around confused.

Y/N: What kid?

David: I think he means me.

You stare at him.

Y/N: But you don't look like a kid? 

Maine: Don't think so hard.

Y/N: Alright then.

(Timeskip - An hour later)

You and David stand side by side in front of your bike as you wait for the client.

David: So we're helping the client get to the police station without being killed?

Y/N: Yeah.

David turns to admire your bike.

David: Nice ride.

Y/N: Thanks.

David: Can't you fly?

You turn to David with a blank expression behind your mask.

Y/N: I can indeed fly... Why?

David: Wouldn't it be easier to just fly over the limo as it drives him to the station?

Y/N: Yes but you can't fly... Can you?

David: No... But can't you just fly us both?

Y/N:... We would look ridiculous. Besides I can't shoot if I am carrying you.

David: Fair enough... So why do you wear a mask?

Y/N: Because it is cool... 

David: And spooky yeah I know... But why that design?

Y/N: Because I made it like that... Why? Do you not like it?

David: No I do... It's just... Wouldn't a more demonic looking mask be better?

Y/N: Oh my god... You don't like my mask.

David: Well it does look ridiculous.

Y/N: It does not!

David: It kinda does.

Y/N: Lucy.

David blushes slightly while looking around expecting Lucy to be nearby.

David: What? Where?

Y/N: I consider Lucy my sister... So you take that mean comment about my mask back... Or I'll make sure you never get with Lucy.

David Mind: So petty.

David: Alright I am sorry.

Y/N: Good... So how did you and Lucy meet?

David: Uhhh... Well I caught her trying to steal from me then I helped her steal... Then I overdid it with the Sandevistan and then she saved me... Then we went back to her place and she tricked me.

Y/N: She tricked you?

David: Yeah she was showing me the moon and then Maine arrived threatening me because I took his Sandevistan that my mother was supposed to give him.

Y/N: Your mother?

David: She died.

Y/N: Oh I'm sorry for your loss.

David just shrugs.

Y/N: If it makes you feel better my mother is still alive unfortunately.

David looks at you with a raised eyebrow.

David: Why would that make me feel better?

You just shrug. Eventually the client walks out and nods to you and David.

Y/N: Looks like we're up.

David: Yeah.

You and David get onto your bike. You wait for the client to get in the limo before starting your bike. As soon as the limousine starts moving so do you.

David: What did you mean when you said your mother is unfortunately still alive?!

Y/N: She abandoned me when I was too young to remember... My grandfather raised me!

David: What about your dad?!

Y/N: He also left... He may or may not be dead!

David: How do you know your mum is alive but not your dad?!

Y/N: My mum was on tv... She works for Arasaka!

David: Oh!

You continue driving behind the limo when you spot a truck driving unusually fast towards the limo.

Y/N: Truck!

David looks past you and sees the truck going to crash into the limo. You turn on auto pilot as David activates his Sandevistan. He leaps off the bike and rushes past you. He opens the limo door and grabs the client. He then rushes off the road with the client.

Time resumes normally as you jump off your bike. The truck slams into the limousine as you fly forwards. You smash into the truck to find there is no driver. You look over to see David waving at you with a scared client at his side.

Y/N: Wow... I didn't even notice him get off the bike.

You stop the truck and climb out.

David: Where's the driver?

Y/N: The truck was on auto pilot.

Your bike automatically drives over to you, David and the client. Suddenly the back of the truck opens up and several armed goons start firing at the three of you. David uses his Sandevistan once again and drags the client to safety. You rush forwards and shoot each and every goon one by one.

The goons all drop down only to stand back up moments later.

Y/N: Dammit... More Juggernaut.

You control the Nanobots causing then to flow violently round your shotguns. A red glow emits from the end of the gun as you fire. All the goons explode into pieces causing a lot of blood to splash onto you.

Y/N: The upgrade worked... Though it is quite messy.

You turn to see David on the opposite side of the road. You wave him over. He drags the client who is still terrified.

Y/N: Good job.

David: Thanks.

You and David both look in the distance after hearing police sirens. You get onto your bike and hand the helmet to David.

Y/N: We should get outta here... The police can take him the rest of the way.

David gets on as you drive away leaving the client frozen in the spot.

David: Why didn't he ask the police for help in the first place?!

Y/N: Who knows... Maybe he just wanted to get there in style!

David: In a limo?! Not even a Delamain!

Y/N: There are all kinds of people in this city!

You drive yourself and David to the hideout. You arrive to find Pilar laughing as Rebecca shoots at him.

Y/N: We're back!

Rebecca stops shooting and turns to with a smile.

Rebecca: Y/N!

She shoots into you. You hug her back as David looks over to Lucy and waves. She waved back.

Maine: How did it go?

Y/N: Good... David is quite skilled with that Sandevistan. I'm surprised his body can handle it.

Maine: We all were.

David: I guess I'm just special.

Y/N: Maybe.

You release Rebecca and take off your mask.

Y/N: Hey guys.

They all turn to look at you.

Y/N: While I was gone... I found out where they're making the Juggernaut chip.

David: The stuff from earlier?

Y/N: Yeah.

Rebecca: Wait what do you mean earlier?

Y/N: Some goons trying to kill the client all had a Juggernaut chip.

Rebecca: Shit!

Y/N: Luckily it is the unfinished version.

Dorio: Unfinished?

Maine: What do you mean?

Y/N: The version they are going to hand to the public... It can harden your body to be practically immune to all damage so it doesn't just prevent death from fatal injuries.

Maine: Shit!

Y/N: I got a plan to destroy the facility... And the Warrior's Guild is willing to help... Would you guys be willing to assist me?

Rebecca: Fuck yeah!

Maine and Dorio: Damn straight we will!

Pilar: Let's fuck them up!

Kiwi: Sure.

Lucy nods with a smile as David raises his fist in the air.

David: Bring it!

Y/N: Thanks.

Maine: So let's hear the plan.

Next part - 'A Change'

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