Cyberpunk Edgerunners (Rebecc...

By MagnusWrites

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I really like Rebecca so I am writing this short book. Hopefully you enjoy this. You will have the abilities... More

Chapter One: Who Am I?
Chapter Two: The Test
Chapter Three: You Have Feelings
Chapter Four: A Date With Rebecca
Chaprer Six: David
Chapter Seven: A Change
Chapter Eight: Dreams
Chapter Nine: A Different Kind Of Monster
Chapter Ten: End Of The Road
Halloween Chapter: Wild Hunt
Halloween Chapter: Invasion
Bonus Chapter: 'Happy Recruiting!'
Bonus chapter: 'A Pre-Xmas Declaration'
Christmas Chapter: Christmas
Christmas Chapter: Arasaka
Chapter One: An Old Friend
Chapter Two: Crew Bonding
Chapter Three: Hercules
Chapter Four: Tartaros
Chapter Five: Unpredictable
Chapter Six: Bob
Chapter Seven: Reaper No More

Chapter Five: Like A Sister

10.8K 180 142
By MagnusWrites

Author: I really like the idea of writing books that are not too long... So if I can think of a good idea I might do a Lucy book.

You lay comfortably on a bed as you yawn. You feel something in your chest as your eyes slowly begin to open. You wake up face to face with a smiling Rebecca.

Rebecca: Morning handsome.

Your mouth falls open as your cheeks become red.

Y/N: M-Morning... B-Beautiful.

Rebecca grins as she leans her face closer and closer to your face causing your cheeks to become more red.

Rebecca: It was nice... Not laying in a bed alone for once... Don't you agree?

Y/N: Uhhhh... Yeah.

Rebecca: Though maybe next time... We do more than just lay beside one another... If you know what I mean?

Rebecca winks at you. Your blush vanishes as you stare at her confused.

Y/N: You mean... Eating in bed?

Rebecca: No I mean sex!

Rebecca sits up moving her face away from you.

Y/N: Oh... I'm not sure... I'll have to do some research first.

Rebecca sighs as she climbs off you and chucks your clothes at you.

Rebecca: You are such a gonk you know that?

Rebecca changes into her clothes while you stare at Rebecca confused as to why she is annoyed. Suddenly Pilar pops his head through the door.

Pilar: Did someone say sex?!

Rebecca fires a bullet that just about missed Pilar's head.

Rebecca: Get the fuck out I'm changing!

Pilar: Jeez... By the way breakfast is almost ready... I made some for you too Y/N!

Y/N: Uhhh thanks!

You look to Rebecca while you begin changing.

Y/N: Rebecca?

Rebecca: What?

Y/N: You do know Pilar never actually entered the room right?

Rebecca turns to you with an unamused expression while still holding her gun.

Y/N: Nevermind.

(Timeskip - Fifteen minutes later)

You sit opposite Rebecca as Pilar places a plate of many pancakes in the middle.

Pilar: Breakfast is served... Motherfuckers!

Y/N: I have never...

Rebecca kicks you in the leg causing you to look at her confused. Her unimpressed expression keeps you silent. You all begin eating the pancakes.

Pilar: So Y/N... How was the sex?

Y/N: I didn't have sex.

Pilar: What?!...

Pilar turns to Rebecca.

Pilar: You didn't fuck him?!

Rebecca grabs her shotgun and shoots Pilar's chair knocking him over.

Rebecca: Mind your own business.

After you all finish eating the pancakes you all head out. Rebecca walks ahead clearly annoyed. Pilar puts his arm around you. You look at him curiously.

Pilar: She seems more annoyed than usual... What'd you do?

Y/N: I don't know... It might be because I keep being literal.

Pilar: What did you say before she got angry?

Y/N: I'll talked about how I need to do research before having sex.

Pilar: Ahhh... I see. You know to research sex is to look at other people having sex right?

Y/N: Okay... So?

Pilar: It's not very polite to look at other naked people when in a relationship... No idea why though.

Y/N: So... No research?

Pilar: Afraid not... Though if you decide to do research anyway I recommend going to Lizzie's Bar for a BD.

Y/N: A BD?

Pilar: Braindance... Trust me they are... Awesome.

Y/N: Okay then.

(Timeskip - An hour later)

The three of you arrive at the hideout where you are Maine and Dorio talking.

Pilar: We're here!

Maine: So... How'd the date go?

Y/N: Good... Until we got kidnapped and I broke my arm.

Dorio: Shit... Who kidnapped you?

Rebecca: The Warrior's Guild.

Dorio: Sally?

Rebecca: You know her?

Dorio: Yeah... She used to be an Edgerunner like us before she fell in love with fighting.

Maine: Your arm good? You go see a Ripperdoc?

Y/N: Yeah... He gave me a replacement arm... Should be less likely to break hopefully.

Rebecca: The guy had a Juggernaut chip.

Maine: Shit... Those chips seem to be popping up more and more.

Y/N: Yeah.

Dorio: Speaking of Sally... She left you a message.

Y/N: A message?

Dorio hands you a piece of paper with poorly written words. Rebecca snatches it from you.

Rebecca: What the hell is this? I can't read a single word of this rubbish.

Dorio: Yeah... Her handwriting skills could use some work.

Pilar: Who even uses paper anymore.

You take the note back and look at the words.

Y/N: Sorry for kidnapping you... If you need help come to the arena... From Sally.

The others all look at you in surprise.

Rebecca: You can read that?!

Y/N: Yeah.

Kiwi and Lucy arrive.

Maine: Hey come listen to this...

Kiwi: Something happen?

Maine: Y/N and Rebecca got kidnapped by Sally of the Warrior's Guild and now he has an IOU from her.

Kiwi: Really?

Lucy stares at you with a slight smile.

Dorio: Sally's aid huh? I would save that for a real tough mission if I was you.

Y/N: Right.

Pilar: Enough talk about this Sally bitch... Let's talk about these two.

Pilar points to you and Rebecca. Rebecca glares at him as she reaches for her gun.

Pilar: They totally slept together!

Rebecca: Shut the fuck up!

Rebecca starts firing at Pilar as he runs off laughing. The others stare at you with grins except for Lucy who just smiles.

Y/N: It wasn't like that! We just slept in the same bed.

Rebecca: Gonkhead.

Y/N: How long are you going to be mad at me?

Rebecca crosses her arms while she looks away.

Y/N: I'm sorry... I'll make it up to you.

Rebecca looks at you.

Rebecca: You promise?

Y/N: Yeah.

Rebecca returns to her smiling self. You stare slightly surprised.

Y/N Mind: Her mood changed quickly.

Maine: Anyway now that everyone is hear... Rebecca and Pilar... I got a perfect job for you both.

Rebecca: Do I get to shoot at shit?

Maine: Yeah... Another job from Rogue.

Rebecca: Oh yeah... I love that bitch!

Pilar: Woohoo!

Y/N: Rogue?

Maine: She's one of the best Fixers in Night city.

Rebecca: I'm so excited... I'm going to go see her immediately!

Rebecca rushes over to you and kisses you on the lips before waving at you.

Rebecca: See you later!

Rebecca rushes off and Pilar runs after her.

Y/N: She must really like this Rogue person.

Dorio: More like adores... If you're not careful Rogue could take Becca from you.

Y/N: Wait what?... I'm going to go kill Rogue.

Dorio laughs as Maine slaps his face.

Maine: Don't do that.

You turn to him confused.

Y/N: Why not? I can't let her kidnap my girlfriend.

Maine: She's not going to... Dorio was just messing with you.

Y/N: Oh...

You turn to Dorio with an annoyed look.

Y/N: Not cool.

Dorio: You are so damn gullible.

Maine: I got some work for you and Lucy... Interested?

Y/N: Yeah.

Lucy: Alright.

Maine smiles as he stands up.

Maine: Alright... Let's go. Y/N the car's in good condition right?

Y/N: What car?

Maine: My car obviously.

Y/N: Oh... Probably.

Maine: What do you mean probably?

Y/N: I left it parked not too far from the Afterlife... I kinda got kidnapped and so I totally forgot about it.

Maine: Fuck man! Now I have to walk all the way to the Afterlife.

Y/N: Can't you just summon it?

Maine: You think I can afford a car with autopilot?

Y/N: Haven't you done a lot of jobs?

Maine: Of course but the bloody things can be hacked... I don't want no one stealing my ride. You better hope it is still there.

Maine walks over to the door before stopping. He looks at you.

Maine: Wait here til I get back.

Maine leaves. Lucy walks over to the fridge to grab a drink. You remember the picture of her and your parents. You walk over to her.

Y/N: Hey... Can we talk?

Lucy: Sure.

The two of you head outside and take a seat. She drinks her drink before looking at you.

Lucy: What's up?

Y/N: Have you heard that my parents are still alive?

Lucy: You mean on the billboards?

Y/N: Yeah?

Lucy: I'm not so sure they are.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Lucy: Corpos tend to use people's faces to promote their stuff... Even faces of those who have died.

Y/N: So my parents are dead?

Lucy: I'm not completely certain but... I believe they are. When I was escaping from the Arasaka facility... I remember seeing your dad with a bullet wound in his chest.

Y/N: So my dad is dead? What about my mother?

Lucy: Look... I don't know... Honestly. He could be dead but he might be alive. Just don't think too much about it.

Y/N: Okay.

(Timeskip - An hour and a half later)

Maine is driving you and Lucy through the outlands. You stare at your mask in the back of the car thinking.

Y/N Mind: Alive or dead?... What would be better?

Maine: Listen up you two... This job isn't too big. We just have to clear an old train station so that the owners can reclaim it.

Lucy: Who is occupying the station?

Maine: Maelstrom.

You look at Maine.

Y/N: Who are the former owners?

Maine: Not important.

Lucy leans back to you.

Lucy: By the looks of it... It probably belongs to a corporation.

You scowl under the mask.

Y/N: Arasaka?

Lucy: No... More likely Militech.

Your face returns to a less annoyed one. Maine stops the car atop a hill looking down at the power station. You all get out of the car. You all crouch while looking down to see several Maelstrom goons walking outside a tower. A sniper stands at the top of the tower.

Maine: Lucy you sneak into that tower and turn off everything... The turrets and the cameras then me and Reaper...

You look at Maine quite surprised he is using your nickname.

Maine: We'll start the attack distracting them. Then you can take care of the sniper and join us.

Lucy: Understood.

You look at Maine.

Y/N: She knows how to hack?

Maine: Yeah... She's probably one of the best Netrunners in Night city... Even better than Kiwi but she doesn't like to.

Y/N: Oh yeah... I heard that but I didn't actually know what a Netrunner was.

You turn to watch Lucy rushing down the hill and climb over the fence. She sneaks from cover to cover then rolls under the garage door. She then proceeds to walk up the stairs as silently as possible until she arrives at the control room.

Maine: Reaper... That is a good name. Don't let it go to your head though... Okay?

Y/N: Uhh sure.

You return your gaze to Lucy who has deactivated all the cameras and turrets causing a confusion among the Maelstrom gang. She gives you both the thumbs up. You and Maine rush down the hill and Maine starts firing. Nanobots leave your body as you shoot through the air. You slam down in the middle of a few of them.

You spin round unleashing bullet after bullet.

Y/N: Die! Die! Die!

One of the goons throws a flashbang blinding you for a moment. Maine knocks you into cover as he shoots at the one who through the flashbang. The sniper on the roof aims his sight at Maine's head but Lucy climbs onto the roof. She wraps her monowire around his gun pulling it from his grasp.

Lucy then repeatedly strikes the sniper with the monowire slicing at his body. He screams in pain as he trips and dives off the roof. Lucy then swiftly makes her way down the tower as you and Maine shoot at the rest of the goons.

Maine: Way to go Lucy!

You jump out of cover and punch a nearby goon in the jaw sending him crashing into a parked car. You then spot a few rush inside the station. You rush after them. You shoot the one on the left as the right one presses a button on some machine. You then shoot the one on the right only for the machine to turn on.

Y/N: What is that supposed to be?

The machine turns on aiming its large guns at you. Maine peaks in and sees the machine staring in shock.

Maine: Shit... They've got a Minotaur!

You turn to him confused.

Y/N: It doesn't look like a...

Maine grabs you by the arm and throws you out of the building as the mech fires a rocket. Maine drags you into cover behind one of the Maelstrom trucks. The Militech Minotaur smashes outside and starts unleashing bullet after bullet into your cover.

Maine: Lucy can you hack that thing?!

Lucy: Yeah but I'll need a distraction!

Maine looks to you.

Maine: You're up!

Y/N: Right!

You shoot into the sky surrounded by your nanobots formed like smoke. You begin shooting your shotguns at the Minotaur barely denting the mech. The mech aims at you firing bullets and rockets. (Like D.Va)

Y/N: Die you inaccurate looking Minotaur!

Lucy rolls her eyes as she slides under a car close behind the mech She then jumps on top of the Minotaur and jacks in. A brief spark of electricity comes from the Minotaur before it shuts down. Lucy and Maine sigh in relief as you land.

Y/N: That it?

Maine: Yeah... Let me just tell the client then we can head back.

Y/N: Okay.

(Timeskip - Two hours later)

You return to the hideout where you are tackled by Rebecca. She pulls your mask off and kisses you on the nose. You stare at her confused making her laugh.

Rebecca: I knew you would be confused... Looks like someone owes me a hundred Eddies.

Rebecca gets off you as Pilar whines before paying Rebecca the money. You look at a smiling Lucy confused.

Y/N: What just happened?

Lucy: Rebecca made a bet with Pilar to see how you would react to being kissed on the nose.

Y/N: Is being kissed on the nose a message?

Maine: Don't think too hard about it.

You pick up your mask as Rebecca jumps onto the couch turning the tv on. 

Maine: Anyone up for drinks?

Pilar: Hell yeah!

Dorio and Kiwi: Yeah.

Lucy: No thanks.

Rebecca: I'm good.

Y/N: I'll stay here too.

Maine: Your loss.

Maine, Dorio, Kiwi and Pilar leave. Rebecca motions you over and you take a seat next to her. Lucy walks past the couch as Rebecca switches the channel. The three of you stare at the tv with shocked expressions as your mother appears on screen. 

Mother: I am M/N L/N a lead engineer in a new project for Arasaka... In just one month we at Arasaka will reveal a brand new chip that will help guarantee your safety... Find out more in one month.

Rebecca switches the tv off to look at you. Lucy looks to you as well as your stare at the television with anger. 

Y/N: My mum is alive... That chip she's talking about...

Rebecca: Juggernaut.

Lucy: If she's planning to display it to the public then they must have made some vast changes to it. 

You clench your fists tightly as you glare becomes fiercer. You feel a hand on both of your shoulders. One from your girlfriend Rebecca and the other from your friend Lucy.

Lucy: Don't let her get to you... Put the past behind you. 

Rebecca: What?

You and Lucy turn to Rebecca to see her staring at Lucy with an irritated look.

Rebecca: You think it is that simple... Juggernaut chip will cause a serious pain in our asses. We need to shut it down and confront her.

Lucy: Maybe we do need to stop the chip but confronting his mother will just cause him unnecessary pain!

Rebecca: What do you know?!

Lucy: I know what it is like to deal with Arasaka... It is a death sentence!

Rebecca: His mother is better of dead!

Lucy: Let him decide!

They both turn to see you gone. Their eyes widen in shock.

Rebecca and Lucy: Y/N?!

(Timeskip - An hour later)

In the arena where you fought warriors in the Warrior's Guild, Sally swings her hammer knocking a warrior into the air. She spins round before the warrior can hit the ground. She smashes the hammer into the warrior's ribs sending them flying across the arena. The crowd cheer.s

Sally: I win again! Come on... At least somewhat give me a challenge!

The crowd cheers quiet down staring into the arena with concerned faces. Sally stares up at the crowd confused before she feels a prescence behind her. She turns to see you staring at her with your mask on.

Sally: Oh... Wanna fight?

Y/N: I got your message... Can I have your contact information? I may need your assistance soon.

Sally: Just me?

Y/N: I don't know yet... I'll give your more information when I know.

Sally: Okay.

Sally gives you her information and you leave.

(Timeskip - Ten minutes later)

You walk down the streets of Night city staring down at the ground deep in thought. Passing people stare at you with either fear or curiosity.

Y/N Mind: Was Lucy right? Should I just let the past go... Or should I follow Rebecca's advice and kill my own mother? Will she even recognise me?

 You feel your shoulder hit something and you look up to see you bumped into a young man. He looks to you annoyed.

Man: Watch it.

He then realises there is a mask on your face. 

Y/N: Sorry... I was deep in thought.

You continue to walk forwards passing the young man. You feel his eyes gazing into your back as you walk away.

Young man: Never seen a mask like that before... I wonder if he is that Reaper guy.

Y/N Mind: He was wearing an Arasaka academy uniform... No I can't take anger on him. I just need to clear my head and decide what I want to do.

You turn and decide to take a shortcut through an alleyway. You stop as Lucy drops down in front of you.

Lucy: Y/N... Can we please talk?

Y/N: What about?

Lucy: You know... The path you are walking is dangerous... I know you are strong but so is Arasaka. They powerful... Too powerful and they have great influence. Revenge isn't worth dying. Rebecca loves you.

Y/N: I... I love her.

Lucy: Do you want her to suffer?

Y/N: Of course not.

Lucy: Then don't waste time going after Arasaka.

Y/N: What about the Juggernaut chip?

Lucy: We'll find a way to destroy it for good... Together.

Y/N: I understand what you are saying but... My mother... My father whether he is alive or dead. They both make me so angry.

You clench your fists. Lucy puts her hand on your shoulder give you a slight bit of comfort.

Lucy: I know... They make me angry too but sometimes to move forward we have to focus on the good things... You have a dream don't you?

Y/N: Huh?

Lucy: You said you wish to find out who you are meant to be.

Y/N: Well I am Reaper an Edgerunner.

Lucy: Yeah but you are also Y/N... A human. Someone I call a friend... Someone I would call a brother... And don't forget you are someone who loves Rebecca.

Y/N: You see me as the less cool sibling? We don't share blood though.

Lucy: A sibling can be more than that... A sibling is someone who you have strong bonds with in a way that is different from a friend or a lover... Sometimes even with those who don't share your blood.

Y/N: I see... You are like a sister.

Lucy smiles at you. You take off your mask and show her a smile.

Y/N: Thanks Lucy.

Lucy: Anytime.

Y/N: My dream... I want to be someone important to those I care about.

Rebecca: You are!

You turn around to see Rebecca who looks as worried as she is exhausted.

Y/N: You look exhausted.

Rebecca: Of course I am... I've been running everywhere looking for you.

Y/N: You have?

Rebecca punches your arm gently.

Rebecca: Of course... You are important to me... Gonkhead. I love you.

Y/N: I love you too and I'm sorry... Just for the record I still have no idea what a Gonk or Gonkhead is.

Rebecca rolls her eyes with a smile on her face. Rebecca moves over to Lucy.

Rebecca: Sorry for arguing with you earlier... You are right he should move on from the past.

Lucy: It's fine.

You stare at Rebecca your girlfriend and Lucy your sister. You pull them both into a hug surprising them.

Y/N: Thank you... For being here for me.

Rebecca and Lucy: No problem.

Lucy: What will you do?

Y/N: I... I need time to think. We have a month til the chip it out to the public and there is still a lot we don't know. 

Rebecca: If you need time to think... Then take all the time you need but also don't take too long.

You laugh causing both girls to smile. You release them from the hug and look at them both with a smile.

Y/N: I'll call you both... In a week or two. Try not to be too sad while I am gone.

Rebecca: I'll try... But I don't think I can do it.

Rebecca grins at you before the three of you share a laugh.

Y/N: Well... Goodbye. For now.

Next part - 'David'

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