Cyberpunk Edgerunners (Rebecc...

Galing kay MagnusWrites

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I really like Rebecca so I am writing this short book. Hopefully you enjoy this. You will have the abilities... Higit pa

Chapter One: Who Am I?
Chapter Two: The Test
Chapter Four: A Date With Rebecca
Chapter Five: Like A Sister
Chaprer Six: David
Chapter Seven: A Change
Chapter Eight: Dreams
Chapter Nine: A Different Kind Of Monster
Chapter Ten: End Of The Road
Halloween Chapter: Wild Hunt
Halloween Chapter: Invasion
Bonus Chapter: 'Happy Recruiting!'
Bonus chapter: 'A Pre-Xmas Declaration'
Christmas Chapter: Christmas
Christmas Chapter: Arasaka
Chapter One: An Old Friend
Chapter Two: Crew Bonding
Chapter Three: Hercules
Chapter Four: Tartaros
Chapter Five: Unpredictable
Chapter Six: Bob
Chapter Seven: Reaper No More

Chapter Three: You Have Feelings

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Galing kay MagnusWrites

Author: I am really enjoying writing this so I may finish it quicker than expected. May contain spoilers.

You sit in the back with Rebecca while Kiwi sits in the passenger sit. The driver who you have recently been introduced to is Falco.

Falco: So you're the new member of Maine's crew huh? Good to meet a new face.

Y/N: If you say so.

Falco: Ah I see the crew has another quiet type then... You recruit him too Kiwi?

Kiwi: No... Rebecca.

Falco: Really? I'm surprised you didn't scare him away or piss him to the point of trying to kill you.

Rebecca: Hey even I can see when someone has potential.

Y/N: You only recruited me because you were petty.

Rebecca: I am not petty!... Besides I did see you were strong... I mean you did kill that bitch pretty easily even if it was accidental.

You just shrug.

Rebecca: I cannot believe that fuck is making us take it to his stupid factory... I mean why couldn't his security do it for him!

Y/N: His security can't be that good if they asked us to get the stolen thing in the first place.

Kiwi: His higher ups don't know the thing is stolen so he couldn't afford to send his own troops to retrieve it otherwise he'd get in trouble.

Falco: Who he work for?

Kiwi: Not a clue... Probably one of the many mega corporations residing in Night city. It honestly doesn't matter who... Eddies are eddies.

You turn to Rebecca

Y/N: Militech is one right? I read about them. They specialise in weapons manufacturing right?

Rebecca: Yeah... It would be nice to see what is in the case.

Kiwi: Good luck with that... It's sealed tight.

Rebecca: Shit!

Falco: Eyes front... We're almost there.

Kiwi: Stop here.

Falco: Huh? But we haven't got there just yet.

Kiwi: Just stop Falco.

Falco slams his foot down on the breaks stopping his wheels. Rebecca grabs the front seats and brings her head between Falco and Kiwi's.

Rebecca: What's the deal Kiwi?

Kiwi: Something's wrong? Look at the factory.

You all look forward at the factory to see it completely unguarded and dark. You turn to Kiwi.

Y/N: It looks abandoned.

Kiwi: Exactly... There should be guards outside to collect the box.

Falco: Should I turn back?

Y/N: I'll go investigate.

Kiwi: Take the box with you just in case... Stay on comms just in case.

You get out of the car and put the box under your arm before you start walking towards. Rebecca jumps out the car and runs after you.

Rebecca: I'm coming too!

Y/N: Alright.

Falco: Be careful you two!

Rebecca holds onto her two pistols with tight grips ready for battle while you just stare blankly forwards.

Rebecca: You'd think a factory would have a sign on it... Fucking factory doesn't even tell us who the client works for.

You turn to Rebecca.

Y/N: And so you blame the factory and not the people who built it.

Rebecca:... Shut up.

You both move closer and closer to the factory still not seeing a single soul other than each other. You both stop in front of the building and you place the box down.

Y/N: I am going to check the perimeter. 

Nanobots shoot out of you and surround your body. You fly round the entire outside of the factory in a matter of seconds. Your nanobots return inside your body. You pick up the box.

Y/N: No one outside.

Rebecca: Do they expect us to wait here for them? Fuck that... Let's just go in and dump the box before leaving.

Y/N: Okay.

Rebecca leads you inside. You enter a big room and to your surprise the lights turn on revealing several security guards ahead. You notice a familiar looking symbol on each of their uniforms.

Y/N Mind: Where have I seen that symbol before?

Rebecca: So you guys were waiting in the dark?! Fucking creeps!

You place the box down when you notice the guards all begin pointing their guns at the two of you. The one in the middle puts his finger to the side of his helmet.

Guard: Two test subjects have arrived sir... Yes sir.

Rebecca: The fuck?

Y/N: Rebecca... I think this may be a trap.

Rebecca: No shit sherlock.

Guard: Push the box over here so we may begin.

Rebecca: Begin what?

Guard: That is none of your concern.

You look to the left to see some kind of rundown vehicle.

Y/N Mind: That will do.

Rebecca: Fuck that!

Rebecca begins firing at the security guards. They do the same but seem to be aiming low as to not kill either of you. You dash to the vehicle dragging Rebecca with you. You both lean against it as bullets shoot into the vehicle.

Rebecca: Fuck!

Nanobots flow down your arms before merging to form your shotguns. The guards take cover themselves and both sides start shooting at one another. 

Rebecca (Call): Kiwi... You there?!

Rebecca: Dammit they're blocking our comms!

You notice a lone guard rushing to grab the box. You fire one bullet at the box sending it flying across the room before shooting another bullet into the guard knocking him to the ground. To your surprise the guard is still moving as he tries to get up.

You climb atop the vehicle causing all of the guards to look to you and start firing at you. Your nanobots surround you causing you to become smoke. You zoom behind the guards and start repeatedly firing at their backs.  Rebecca aims her gun and fires at the one you knocked down.

You notice a guard opening the box and before you can open fire Rebecca shoots him in the head. He falls to the ground.

Rebecca: Gonkhead.

A weird red glow comes from the dead guard before he stands up despite the bullet hole through his skull. The both of you stare in surprise.

Guard: Juggernaut sequence activated.

Rebecca: What the fuck?!

The guard kicks the box away and charges at Rebecca. She begins firing her pistols again and again until she needs to reload. You shoot towards her thanks to your nanobots and slam into her knocking her out of the way. The guard slams his fist into your masked face. A crack to appears in your mask before you are sent flying.

You slam into the unknown vehicle. The nanobots tried to cushion the landing as much as they could. Pain still shoots throughout your body.

Rebecca: Y/N!

Rebecca pulls out a shotgun of her own and blows the guard's head off splattering bits of brain matter everywhere. The headless body turns to Rebecca.

Rebecca: It's like he's some kinda zombie! Just die already you fuck!

The guard pulls out a gun and shoots the gun out of Rebecca's hand. He then aims his gun at Rebecca. You use the nanobots to slam into him causing him to miss Rebecca. You quickly stand up and begin shooting your shotguns into the guard non-stop. 

Y/N: Die!

His entire body begins exploding into more and more bits with every shot.

Y/N: Die!

The red glow vanishes from the now destroyed and permanently dead guard.

Y/N: Die!

You continue shooting despite there being no way for the guard to cause any more harm. Rebecca runs up to you.

Y/N: Diiiiiieeeeee!

Rebecca swings her hand fast and slaps you so hard your mask flies off. You stop shooting and look to see Rebecca with an angry but concerned look.

Rebecca: Y/N... He's dead... For good.

The nanobots flow back inside your body as blood drips down your face. Rebecca notices this and her face turns to one of worry. Your vision becomes hazy.

Y/N: Sorry... I think I went overboard.

Rebecca: Yeah... Yeah you did.

You close your eyes as you slowly lose conconsiousness.

Y/N: I'm sorry.

You fall onto your back.

Rebecca: Y/N!

Rebecca quickly checks your pulse to see you are still breathing. She sighs in relief before rushing over to grab your mask. She then starts trying her best to drag you out only for Falco and Kiwi to rush in.

Falco: Shit!... What happened here?!

Rebecca: It was a fucking trap!

Kiwi: A trap... What for?

Rebecca: I'll tell you later... Just help me get Y/N out of here!

Falco: Right!

(Timeskip - Half an hour later)

You lay in the back with your head on Rebecca's lap. She pushes her hand through your hair as she look at your unconscious face with worry.

Rebecca Mind: Please be alright... You gonkhead.

Falco begins driving away before anymore security guards can show up.

Falco: I can't believe they set a trap just to test some stupid device.

Kiwi: A chip capable of removing one's pain while also keeping then alive and enchancing their physical abilities.

Falco: Sounds frightening... I mean those were clearly Arasaka guards back there.

Rebecca: Shit!

Kiwi: Maine's calling.

Maine (Call): Kiwi... About damn time you pick up.

Kiwi (Call): The client lead us into a trap.the

Maine (Call): Yeah I know.

Kiwi (Call): You know? How?

Maine (Call): A whole bunch of mercenaries just showed up and we're pinned... We're going to need back up.

Kiwi (Call): Mercs? Not Arasaka?

Maine (Call): No said he couldn't afford lose ends. We're going to need you to get here asap!

Kiwi (Call): Understood!

Kiwi looks to Falco with a serious expression.

Kiwi: Drive faster... Maine and the others are in trouble.

Falco and Rebecca: Shit!

Falco presses his foot further down making the car speed up until it reaches max speed.

Falco: Hope you gals for your seatbelts on... Because this will be a bumpy ride!

Kiwi and Rebecca hold on as best the can as Falco drives with little to no restraint in order to get to Maine and the others.


You stand in the factory alone. You look around to see it is empty with no object in sight. You feel a tug on your face. You put your hand on your mask and feel the crack.

Y/N: It's cracked.

Suddenly the mask flies off and stares back at you in the air.

Mask: I'm broken.

Nanobots fly out of thin air and form a body attaching to the mask. You stare in surprise.

Mask: A broken identity... Is still an identity. You have no identity.

Y/N: I'm Y/N.

Mask: Who is that? What does it mean?

Y/N: It is me.

Mask: A name is but a small part of an identity... People can share the same name but that doesn't make them the same person... You are no one... Nothing but a meaningless name.

Y/N: No... I am... I will be someone.

Mask: I doubt it.

(Dream Pause)

Y/N: No... I am.

Rebecca: Y/N?

You move about as Falco drives the four of you closer and closer to Maine and the other's location. Rebecca looks at you still with worry.

Rebecca Mind: Hang in please... Life wouldn't be the same without you.

(Dream Continue)

The Nanobot bodied mask pushes you causing you to trip and land on your ass. You look up in weak defiance.

Mask: A nobody like you... How do you possibly hope to achieve your grandfather's dream? Dreams can come true but only by those who make a name for themselves... Not a nobody like you.

Y/N: Shut up.

Mask: What's that? I can't hear the words of a nobody.

Y/N: Shut up!

(Dream Pause)

Falco stops the car and he and Kiwi exits to open fire at the mercenaries pinning the other Edgerunners down. Rebecca decides to stay with you.

Rebecca: Wake up... Please Y/N wake up!

(Dream Continue)

You stand up and with all your might punch the mask shattering it. A bright light blinds you.

(Dream End)

You wake up to see a smiling Rebecca.

Rebecca: You're finally awake.

Y/N: Wrong universe.

Rebecca: Huh?

You grab your mask from Rebecca and jump out the car. Rebecca follows after you. You both join the fray. You shoot past Kiwi and Falco and start blasting mercs left and right. You notice the client not too far staring in shock.

Client: How did you make it back?!

You look back to Rebecca smiling behind the mask. She noticed you looking at her as she pops someone's head off.

Y/N: Thanks to my friends.

Rebecca blushes slightly while grinning like a goofball. You rush to the client causing him to panic. He tries to escape but you are too fast. You hold him against his car.

Maine: About damn time you guys got here!

Maine and the others walk out from their cover. The entire gang of Edgerunners walk up to you and the client.

Y/N: Who do you work for?

Maine: How do you not know?!

Rebecca: Hey give him a break... He was knocked out!

Pilar: You fight a large army at that factory or something?

Rebecca: No... It's a long story.

Kiwi: He works for Arasaka.

Lucy gives the client an icy stare. You look at Kiwi.

Y/N: Arasaka?

Kiwi: Yeah... Another megacorp like Militech.

A large amount of Nanobots exit your body catching the entire group by surprise. You and the client shoot off into the sky.

Maine: Where you going?!

Rebecca: Y/N?!

You stand at the edge of a tall building. You hold the client over the edge with a glare hidden behind the mask.

Y/N: Tell me everything you know about Arasaka... Or you die!

Lucy looks up to you surprised by your hostility at Arasaka.

Client: W-Well I don't know much about the main group other than what is public knowledge!

Y/N: What do you mean main group?!

Client: I work for the experimental expansion division... I don't know who is in charge but their research is pretty splintered from Arasaka itself!

Y/N: What research?!

Client: Research to weaponise humanity... Like the Juggernaut chip and... Enhancing the abilities of Netrunners by training then when they're young!

Lucy's eyes widen in shock. You bring the client close to your masked face. Behind the mask you are furious because you know your parents are part of Arasaka.

Client: Please... Let me go!

Y/N: Arasaka... Are my enemy!

You release your hold on the client and glare at him as he falls to the ground. You look up at the sky as your friends all stare in surprise at the dead client.

Y/N: Arasaka.

(Timeskip - A week later)

You walk silently with the others when you notice Maine standing in front of you.

Maine: Can we talk?

Y/N: Sure.

Maine leads you to a nice quiet spot outside the hideout in the outlands. Maine takes a seat and stares into the horizon. You take the other seat and join him.

Maine: About Arasaka...

He turns to you to see you turning away.

Maine: Look I know we all have our pasts... I also know that not many have love for Arasaka but you seem to have a deep hate for Arasaka.

Y/N: I do... I heard about them before coming to Night city but I didn't know what it was.

Maine: I won't pry... I just want to know if we have any other missions involving Arasaka... You won't flip.

Y/N: I promise... I'm sorry I killed the client. He might have paid you if I didn't kill him.

Maine: Nah... It's cool. Speaking of cool...

You turn to Maine in curiosity.

Maine: You and Rebecca have been spending a lot of time together recently and you've even been getting along better.

Y/N: So?

Maine: I even heard about how you saved Rebecca from that super Arasaka guard... You've even been wearing your mask a lot less when with her.

Y/N: What's your point?

Maine: You have feelings for her... Don't you?

Y/N:... False.

Your cheeks turn red but thanks to your mask, Maine can't see. Maine smirks.

Maine: Did I sense a pause there?

Y/N: No.

Maine laughs causing you to stand up in annoyance.

Y/N: I'm leaving now.

You start walking off.

Maine: Y/N?!

You turn around.

Y/N: What?

Maine: Don't bottle up your feelings... It'll only make things worse.

You nod before walking away. You pass Kiwi and Lucy who You give a brief wave to. Kiwi continues to walk towards Maine while Lucy puts a hand on your shoulder. You stare at her.

Lucy: I've been meaning to talk to you... Ever since you killed the client working for Arasaka.

Y/N: Why?

Lucy: I want to know what Arasaka is to you... Other than your enemy. I want to know why they are your enemy.

Y/N: Alright.

You lead Lucy to the roof of the abandoned petrol station that you consider to be home. You take a seat and Lucy decides to sit opposite you. You take off your mask and place it down beside you.

Y/N: I used to live in a lab underground with my grandfather... When he passed I searched the lab and find out my parents abandoned me to work for Arasaka.

Lucy: I see.

Y/N: I believe my grandpa hated Arasaka... After seeing the Juggernaut chip be used to almost kill Rebecca... I see why.

Lucy: I share your hate for Arasaka.

Your eyes widen in surprise.

Y/N: You do?

Lucy: Remember what the client said about training kids to be Netrunners in order to make powerful Netrunners?

Y/N: Yeah.

Lucy: I was one of them.

Y/N: Oh... I'm sorry to hear that.

Lucy: Me and the other kids fought back and escaped... I think I am the only survivor.

Y/N: I'm sorry.

Lucy: It's not your fault... So don't be.

Y/N:... Wait kids... Arasaka.

Lucy stares at you when you start rummaging through your jacket and pull out a photograph.

Lucy: A photo... Haven't seen a non-holographic one in years.

You give Lucy the photo and she looks at it in shock.

Lucy: That's me.

You point to the two adults in the middle.

Y/N: You know them?

Lucy: Yeah... They are both Dr L/N. They didn't really speak to us but I saw them walk about.

Y/N: They're my parents.

Rebecca and Pilar show up and walk over to Maine and Kiwi.

Rebecca: Hey where are the others?

Maine: Dorio's asleep... As for Y/N and Lucy... There over there.

Maine points to you talking with Lucy atop the petrol station. Rebecca looks at Lucy and you smiling at one another. She crosses her arms in irritation.

Rebecca: I don't care.

Pilar: Huh? You are the one who asked where they were!

Rebecca: I said I don't care!

Rebecca kicks Pillar. You turn from Lucy and look at the annoyed Rebecca as she storms inside. Lucy watches you watch Rebecca and smiles.

Lucy: Go to her.

You swiftly turn to Lucy.

Y/N: What for?

Lucy: Because you both like each other.

Y/N: I have no idea what you mean.

Lucy: Go to her... It'll make you forget all about Arasaka... I promise.

Y/N: O-Okay.

Lucy smiles as you leap off the roof and rush after Rebecca. You walk inside to see Rebecca sitting down while cleaning her guns.

Y/N: Hey... Becca.

Rebecca: Oh... Done playing with your girlfriend?

Y/N: Lucy isn't my girlfriend... We were just talking about how we both hate Arasaka... We have connected backgrounds.

Rebecca: Wait really?... Can I ask... Why you hate Arasaka? Other than the obvious reasons.

Y/N: My parents abandoned me to work for them... I think this caused my grandfather to give up his life in order to make sure mine was the best of could be.

Rebecca: Oh.

Y/N: How much do you actually know about Lucy?

Rebecca: Not much... She's skilled but she kinda refuses to work as a Netrunner most of the time. Kiwi was the one who brought her in.

Y/N: Yeah she was taught by Arasaka... My parents were somehow involved.

Rebecca: I see... No wonder you to get along so well.

You show the picture of your parents and all the kids including Lucy to Rebecca. Rebecca looks at your parents closely.

Rebecca: Wait I've seen these two before.

Y/N: You have? Do you have a secret connection to Arasaka to... Could everyone be connected to Arasaka?

Rebecca: No... I've seen their faces on holographic billboards around the city.

Y/N: Show me.

Rebecca leads you out and you walk past Maine.

Rebecca: Need to borrow you car Maine!

Maine: What for?!

Rebecca: To look at a billboard with hate.

Maine: What?... That doesn't sound important besides I have a job for all of us.

Rebecca: Handle it yourselves... We're going out!

Rebecca takes the driver's seat and you take the passengers. You put on your mask as Rebecca drives off.

Maine: Hey!

Rebecca drives off.

(Timeskip - Half an hour later)

Now I'm Night city, Rebecca stops the car. The two of you get out and you follow Rebecca. She leads you past several food joints.

Rebecca: Should be one over here.

You walk away to a more deserted street and stop before a billboard floating in the air. You notice the Arasaka symbol and see your parents underneath it. Below them are words.

Y/N: Worried about your children's safety... Send them to Arasaka academy? They're trying to grow Arasaka's numbers... With children?

You clench your fist as your face becomes angry and you feel your blood boil. Rebecca stares at you with concern.

Y/N: Bastards.

You storm further and further into the empty streets with angry thoughts clouding your mind.

Y/N: They abandoned me... My grandfather and for what? A little more money by making monsters and taking children's lives?!

You stop and slam your fist into a wall.

Y/N: How can they be my parents?

Rebecca rushes after you.

Rebecca: Y/N... Wait!

You turn to Rebecca.

Y/N: How can they choose to make the world a more horrible place and instead of being me parents?

Rebecca: I don't know.

You grab your mask and throw it to the ground.

Y/N: Is my life a joke... Was my birth a mistake?! I'm so angry... I can't think clearly... Would the world be better if I die?

Rebecca grabs you by the shirt and slaps your face. You look at her to see she is angry.

Rebecca: Stop doubting yourself... You are not your parents.You

Y/N: But...

Rebecca pulls you down and smashes her lips against yours. You stand there frozen in place. Rebecca pulls her lips away and stares at you. You feel your anger vanish immediately.

Y/N: Wow.

Rebecca giggles.

Rebecca: God you're adorable.

You look into her eyes with a look of suspicion.

Y/N: My anger just vanished... Did you drug me?

Rebecca looks at you offended and smacks you in the arm.

Rebecca: Of course not!

Y/N: So... You kissed me.

Rebecca: I did... Problem?

Y/N: Possibly.

Rebecca: What do you mean possibly?!

Y/N: Well I haven't done any research in kissing or romance in general... I mean how am I supposed to register the kiss? Was it just to calm me down or was there some sort of romantic implication behind it?

Rebecca stares at you with disbelief before turning to walk away.

Rebecca: I can't believe you right now.

Before she can get far you grab her by the arm and pull her back to you. You slam your lips against hers causing her face to turn red before soothing into it. You pull away from her.

Y/N: How was that?

Rebecca: Nova.

You both smile at one another.

(Timeskip - A few hours later)

You are all celebrating having completed another job. You are sitting beside Rebecca at the bar. A bunch of people walk past the outside bar and spot you.

Person (1): Hey look it is the Reaper!

Person (2): Wow he's a lot more scary in person.

You look over at them causing them to run off.

Y/N: Wait... Who is the reaper?

Rebecca: You.

Y/N: No I'm Y/N.

Rebecca: It's what people are calling you.

Y/N: Why?

Rebecca: Because you violently cause the deaths of all your enemies. It is possible you might become famous in Night city... You might even get your own drink in the Afterlife.

Y/N: How do you know you can drink in the afterlife?

Rebecca: No the Afterlife is a bar... The best in all of Night city.

Y/N: Then how come we never go there to celebrate.

Rebecca: We have a few times but only when we've done well on extremely big jobs.

Y/N:... So I'm the Reaper.

Rebecca: I guess.

You smile as you look up at the sky.

(Flashback - Many days ago)

You hold your grandfather's hand as he breathing slows down.

Y/N: Hang in there grandpa.

Grandfather: It is no use... My time is up.

Y/N: Please don't say that... I'm sorry I ever complained, I promise I won't complain again.

Grandfather: You had every right to complain... Before I go I want to tell you what all of this was for... Your training. I wanted you to be able to survive the outside world and also to find yourself.

Y/N: But I'm right here?

Grandfather: No... I mean who you are in the world.

Y/N: I don't understand.

Grandfather: Find your place in the world... That is all I want.

Your grandfather's breathing stops completely.


You look down sadly before you feel a hand on yours. You look to Rebecca.

Rebecca: You okay?

Y/N: Yeah... Would you...

Rebecca looks at you confused.

Y/N: Would you go out on a date with me?

Next part - 'A Date With Rebecca'

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