Alive bond

By EyaggeliaSklaveniti

47 1 0

Humans have always had the privilege of building and protecting their bonds themselves. Well,they haven't don... More

Enemy part 1
Enemy part 2
The rough start of something eternal
The meeting
Long Ago
The "ally"
An unexpected tragedy
A new challenge
The plan
The danger continues
The complication
The ball
The birth
When doubts break souls are reborn
Finding a way home
Police Station
The Fallout
Dead End
Family Problems
Cracks that leak the truth
Discussing the plan
Trip to the past
A visit from the past
Prisoners of the past

First months

1 0 0
By EyaggeliaSklaveniti

I don't think running through the corridors wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt is what is considered "royal behaviour",even by today's standards,but I couldn't care less.I was already late and it is considered highly inappropriate for a Queen to be late in her own meetings,even emergency ones.

When I finally reached the meeting room , I threw the doors open. My sisters and the other members of the council were staring at me. I must be sweating as well.

-Your Majesty what happened?,Paela asked me concerned

-You are asking me? I was in the middle of something very important when I suddenly learned of this meeting. So what is the emergency?,I was getting frustrated by this point

Fotini started playing her fingers while looking down at her lap

-Actually,sister,there is no emergency. We just received the results from Angelica's energy tests and since we were all available we decided to discuss them right now. I didn't know you were busy but I felt you were at the corners of the multiverse so I thought to describe this meeting as urgent because you would be really late otherwise.There was time however for you to change in a more "proper" attire.,Fotini said quietly

I will get angry with her later but now I was just relieved and so I went and sat at my throne.

-Fine. Let me see those readings.

An energy test is nothing more than a measurement of someone's energy levels in multiple categories. After that the results are usually discussed by the Priestesses and compared to the highest known energy levels.

Angelica's results seemed normal for someone her age and class. Then,I saw that the scale that was normally used had been doubled. That meant that Angelica was roughly twice as powerful as a normal four class. Not only that but also the diagram is not printed but hand made. Why didn't they use one of our latest machines and they had to connect a Priestess with Angelica to do the test like 10.000 years ago?

-The machine exploded.,answered Paela who probably saw my curiosity written all over my face

-It's true. We tried to use our energy measurer couldnt handle this energy because it isn't programmed to measure such big numbers.,Fotini added

-Then this means that Angelica is the strongest four class we have encountered so far. That explains why the Shadows want so desperately to kill her. If she were to take control of all the Four Class then that would greatly strengthen their unity

which will protect them in the future. That is a very pleasant development.

The rest of the council however didn't seem to share my joy and enthusiasm.They were looking at each other as if they were debating on who will announce me something unpleasant.

Andromeda at the end was the most brave.

-Eve,we have a problem. Her powers are great without a doubt but her knowledge and experience are very limited.We are not sure we have the time necessary to prepare her accordingly.Normally teaching a carrier takes years. We can teach her the basics but she would still be vulnerable. And we can't protect her from the Shadows for long. The peace treaty clearly states that the Shadows are allowed to try to kill the rulers of the Classes.

-Yes,I remember that paragraph. We agreed to that because whoever survived would have the strength and resilience to rule a whole Class. Without them knowing,the Shadows agreed to choose the rulers for us. Back to the matter at hand I think you should take advantage of the fact that the Shadows will be preoccupied for some time and teach Angelica all that we can.

-That is a bit strange,don't you think? I have heard of the youngest Prince's unfortunate demise but I would expect them to be busy organising the funeral and finding a replacement. I don't see how that gives us time.,June said with doubt in her voice.

-From what I gathered Haures is not emotionally stable right now and with the political turmoils that have arisen I doubt Angelica is his main priority right now.

I tried to convince her but unfortunately I was unsuccessful

-Since when Haures let his emotions affect his work? You are being mysteriously vague despite the fact that you had a meeting with the Dark Queen.

-She was vague as well.

-She came all this way,in such a hurry,only to leave without telling you anything? I accept the fact that the Queen is entitled to her secrets but I thought you would have the intelligence to hide them a little better.

-I have told you everything you need to know. I know that hiding information of political significance from the council is considered treason. I am intelligent enough to understand that. Are you?

-Maybe you have confused your casual talkings from the official meetings.At least when you talk to the Princes.

-Are you implying something?

-You are smart enough to know what i mean. Are you,though?-

-Enough June. Dont forget you are talking to the Great Queen in a council meeting.,Andromeda intervened angrily

As much as I was enjoying roasting June it was obvious the atmosphere has become much too tense for this meeting to continue.

-Ok. I think this meeting has served its purpose. Fotini will personally tutor Angelica and we will keep a close eye on the Shadows for a while.

As I was making my way towards the corridor Mary grabbed my hand and pulled me aside.

-Listen Eve,I know we arent as close as we were in your previous life but that doesnt mean I consider you a bad Queen. You are playing a very dangerous game. You are helping the Princes too much and you are lying to the Council. If June finds out about this she can propose your removal from the throne. And you know she can be very persuasive.

-Thank you for your concern Mary but I must help. The stability of the multiverse is at stake. I will not put my people at risk because of June not liking me. I promise to be careful. All I want is for you and Andromeda to try and cooperate. It is essential that any trace,energy or otherwise,of Haures's condition is hidden from everyone. And I have a feeling I will need both of your advices as the year progresses.

She didn't respond,just nodded and we both exited the throne room with worried looks on our faces.

A few weeks has passed since the "uneventful" council last month. It has been harder than usual maintaining the balance and harmony inside the palace and keeping all the secrets hidden but overall the situation is well under control,for the time being.

Angelica is continuing her studies. As expected she excels at field practise but she finds it difficult to understand the theoretical parts. I can't blame her,normally a child-carrier would just study one theory per week meanwhile Angelica must comprehend three in one day.

The Dark Queen is busy chasing Johanna around the multiverse and thankfully she hasn't shown any signs of suspecting anything. I dare to hope that she will continue to be fooled for a long time.

Speaking in which I better call Paimon today to check on the Princes.

A few hours later in the Great Queen's office

-Your majesty,what a pleasure.

-Good evening to you as well Paimon. Are you busy right now? Can we talk? Is that boiling oil I'm hearing?

-Yes,Im making kiri kaua.

-Kiri kaua?Why would you cook for 3 days? That thing weighs at least 5 kilos.

-I know but Haures needs more energy than usual. I managed to do a spell inside his body that created a space that can host Thanos's energy which by the way has already started transforming itself into a body. His soul was already connected with energy lines with Haures's soul but now some of these lines have started recreating themselves into blood vessels in order to carry nutrients to the growing body. However this procedure does not have a high success rate. New lines are created every day,some of them disintegrate,some remain energy lines and only a few manage to successfully turn into blood vessels. You can imagine the number of new lines that has to be created every day. Thankfully by the end of the second month it will be over but in the meantime....Haures's body is under immense stress and he needs vast amounts of energy. Not to mention that the energy that is produced by the destruction of energy lines is not reused but instead it is transferred into Haures body like a waste product so on top of all that he is also highly energetic.

-I understand but still I find it hard to believe that he will eat such an animal by himself. You will not be much of a help because you don't eat a lot anyway. You are hiding something. I can tell just by the sound of your voice.

-Fine but promise me you wont start yelling. I need Johanna to run an examination on Haures. I may know a thing or two but at this stage I would like him to be observed by an expert.So I arranged to transfer myself where she is,take the blanket thus switching places for her for a few days while she comes here and takes a look at my brother. That's the reason I'm cooking for three days.

-I can not understand how the word "danger" seems to be unknown to you.

-Oh come on,Eve,your plan was full of errors from the beginning. If you think that I will let my brother go through this without proper medical supervision then I think we need to introduce ourselves again.

-My plan was not perfect but it was the best that was heard. I didn't hear you propose anything else.

-I don't deny it but you need to accept that some risks must be taken.

-If you get discovered by the Dark Queen,if she catches you it will be the end. You don't have Johanna's stealth or quick-thinking.

-However I know how to hide amongst humans. Don't worry,I wont get caught. Have some faith in me. I have to go,I think I can hear Haures practicing his aim throwing vases.

-Ok good luck and keep me posted.

After he hung up,I felt relieved. Finally I had a few moments to myself to calm down and think.Unfortunately, I was not so lucky because a few seconds later a knock was heard on the door.

-Come in

Surprisingly it was Angelica that opened the door and entered my office

-Good evening,your Majesty. May I talk to you about something?

-Since you came all this way it would be impolite of me to send you away. What is the matter?

-I would like to go home,she said with a guilty expression looking down at her tangled hands on her lap. She seemed depressed for some reason and I knew I needed to deal with this sensitively.

-Are you feeling homesick?

-It's not that,your Grace. I have a difficulty understanding these complex theories and I feel my education would be more productive if I were to return to my sources. I don't forsake the importance of fotini's teachings but I know from my little experience that practise is far more complicated than theory.

She was somewhat right. However she needed that knowledge for her own development. I couldn't just agree with her that experience is more important than knowledge because I would be denying the efficiency of the entire system that is used to train humanised bonds. It was also clear that reading books and studying didn't fit her style. Thankfully,I had the perfect idea.

-I will let you go back home and connect with your sources once more,under two conditions. First,fotini has to agree as well. Secondly,if she were to agree she would have to come with you and you will continue studying while you implement these theories into practise. Is that fair?

She stayed silent for a few moments. I imagined she had expected getting permission to return home would automatically mean no more studying. In the end she nodded with a smile on her face and asked permission to leave to ask for my sister's permission as well.

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