Hang Your Halo

By chasethemayhem

82K 1.5K 286

"Aw baby, do I need to explain the difference between harder and faster?" -Beckham "Do I need to remind you o... More

Coming soon!
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine


2.3K 55 0
By chasethemayhem

"What you gon' do?  Ima pull up with the crew"
Motley Crew x Post Malone


We join the boys in the kitchen, Jake walking in as well with his wet hair tousled. We all take the time to catch up, making sure to leave anything work related out. When we first started what we now call family game night, we all swore we wouldn't talk about work during that time, and it's stuck ever since. Vanessa and Jenna's jobs don't apply to this, obviously. They're both nurses at the local hospital and I thoroughly enjoy their stories. Funnily enough, the girls went through nursing school together and their friendship is how they met their respective husbands. Payback met Vanessa by quite literally bumping into her at the hospital and asked her out to make up for it. She agreed with the stipulation she could bring her best friend and he bring a date for her as well. For Fanboy and Vanessa, it was love at first sight. It took a bit longer for Coyote and Jenna, her being a little put off with his himbo reputation but eventually seeing he turns into a puppy for her. I had the honor of being a bridesmaid in both of their weddings, both girls appreciating me saving their husbands' asses on more than one occasion. At one point, not long after Vee found out she was pregnant, Fanboy went into G-LOC and I saved him from burning in. They both swore that day that they would name their first born after me, and I didn't take it seriously until they told me at their gender reveal party. I absolutely cried, so honored they meant it.

The lovebirds arrive soon after and we all move to my back patio. At this point, Jake has already put the steaks on the grill and my backyard smells like heaven. Vee brought chips with queso and guacamole, her main craving, and we snacked on that as we watch the self proclaimed grill master work. Soon, we're all sitting around the table and finishing up our meal. The birds brought southern style green beans and roasted diced garlic butter potatoes and they complimented the steak perfectly. "Ugh Jake, you always make the best steak! No offense, honey" Jenna says, quickly patting Coyote's arm. "None taken, I'm aware I'm nowhere near his level and I'm man enough to admit it!" comes his reply. We all laugh at that, and Jake is quick to pipe in to give me a compliment as well. "I wish I could take all the credit, but Beck has the best secret marinade and I wouldn't make them half as good without it!" I dramatically toss my hair over my shoulder and agree with his statement. "He's not wrong!" I giggle. "Speaking of Beckham's fantastic culinary skills, what did you make us tonight?" Bob asks. "You're in for another Halo creation tonight! I tried my hand at a red velvet butter cake, hope it's good!" I stand to move to the kitchen, collecting empty plates as I go. "Teague, leave it. We'll get them, you just go dish up whatever sweet goodness you created" Jake stands, taking the plates from my hands. "Come on you cavemen, if you didn't cook or don't have boobs, y'all grab a plate!" He says as he pops Bob and Payback on the back of their heads. Ahhh, bless his Texan roots for his manners. I owe his mama thank you flowers, at the bare minimum. She's an absolute sweetheart and I always enjoy her and his dad when they visit.

The boys form a mini assembly line, placing plates in the sink, rinsing them off and placing them in the dishwasher. Damn does Hangman run a tight ship. As I cut up the cake and place it on plates, he takes them and discards them in front of every seat at the table. "Awww, thanks Seresin! Javy, you could stand to learn a thing or two from him. Now I'm wondering if I married the right team member!" Jenna teases, squeezing Coyote's cheeks together and planting a kiss on his lips. "That's not what you'll be saying later tonight" he replied with a suggestive wag of his eyebrows. "Gross! Not in my house, you heathen!" I thump his head as I pass, dropping into my seat. A few hours, multiple card games, and more drinks later, everyone (excluding Jake) says their goodbyes and heads home. Following our routine, Jake helps me clean up the kitchen and makes me another drink and we move to the back patio once more. We sit in comfortable silence, settling in after the chaos that is our adopted family has cleared out.

"Alright, let's talk. Are you sure you're comfortable with the upcoming op? I'll do whatever you're ok with, if that means I drop out or you do, I'll do it." Jake turns to me, a serious expression on his face. Smiling back at him, I quickly reply. "No, Jake! I'm seriously ok, just took me by surprise that's all" I reach up for his head to pull it into my lap. "Besides, I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else, and I wouldn't trust anyone else enough to keep your ass out of trouble" I smirk as I card my fingers through his soft hair. He softly looks up at me, "Ok good, cause I feel the same way. Besides, Rooster was right. I have been asking you to marry me for years now!" he adds with a chuckle. "Speaking of Rooster, you owe me a neck massage! He and Phoenix are together, they each confirmed it in their own way earlier" I squeal with glee. "Dammit! I had a feeling but I was hoping I was wrong. Damn birds" he grumbled. "Oh don't be a sore loser! C'mon, I'm ready to go to sleep. Wanna go on a run with me tomorrow?" I ask as we make our way inside. "Last one to five miles buys donuts?" "You're on!" he says, slapping my ass as we part ways to to our respective bedrooms.

Maybe a year with him won't be so bad. I could get used to nights like this. I gotta woman up and talk to him about it, but I'm too worried it'll spook him and make things even more awkward. I'm gonna have to talk to Uncle Mav about this, I could use his insight. But that's tomorrow's problem. For now, I'll just go to sleep with a silly smile on my face.

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