Five Foes, A Murder & Lies

By etherealfolklore

125 16 0

Margo Watson was found murdered in her own home on October 13th. Leaving the town of Scattervale, with the so... More

Unfinished Business
Ditching Classes, Drugs & Detention
Hearts Don't Lie
Good Luck Charm
Apple Tree
Anniversary Effect
Autopsy - Suicide = Homicide
The Last Man Standing
Capability Of Murder
Re-Imagine & Resurface
Happy Death Day
The Truth Sentence
This Is Farewell

The Opening Night

6 1 0
By etherealfolklore

Emelie's POV:

"Emelie Dyer, please explain your relationship with Margo Watson to the court" she said, as i fiddled with my hands. The memory of her finding Blair and i under the bleachers after school kept on resurfacing, and i closed my eyes. I've been trying to put everything i remember about Margo in the past. Because it's not very fond memories. I never really liked her, but i don't want my feelings towards her to make the court think i had a motive of some sort. 

Blair and i had turned the bleachers outside on the football field, our make out hideout for months. At first, i just wanted to try something. But i didn't think an experiment of my sexuality would lead to actual emotions towards Blair. Emotions i had never felt before towards Griffin. Emotions i had been convinced all my life, were suppose to be towards men. I love the way i feel when i kiss Blair, and i love how it was our little secret under the bleachers. I had already told Blair i wasn't ready to publicize how i felt towards her yet. Not to my parents, and not even to Cleo, or the school. Facing Griffin about this was the scariest thing of all. 

I loved how secluded i felt with Blair under the bleachers, in a way.. that was my closet. And Blair never pressured me to come out, until i was ready. Which i appreciated. It felt good to know the emotions that were growing between us didn't completely erase our friendship. It was terrifying discovering these new things about myself. But i felt comfortable, taking my time. It wasn't until one day under the bleachers, Margo caught us. Ear buds in her ears, mouth open slightly in shock, bag hanging on her shoulder, and feet stopped in there tracks. 

My heart was pounding to say the least, and all i can remember is the look on Blair's face. Somehow she knew that sense someone caught us, this was the last time i was ever going to kiss her. The last time i was ever going to be true to myself but only in front of her. This was the moment she was dreading the most, the moment we got caught and i would be too afraid to keep up our secret routine. I wanted to reassure her, to tell her there was no one else i would rather kiss and spend time with, only her. But i couldn't get the look of Margo's face off of my mind. I ran after her, as she looked away and started picking up speed down the sidewalk of the school. "Margo wait!" i screamed, running after her, as she placed one of her ear buds back in before turning to face me. 

"Please, please don't tell anyone. I haven't even told Griffin yet, and i sure as hell can't have something like this get to Cleo" i said, as she looked at me concerned. "Emelie, oh my gosh! i would never. I'm sorry i didn't mean to intrude or make you feel unsafe. I was just trying to take a short cut to my house, only a couple blocks away. But i won't come this way anymore." she said, as i appreciated that. "Promise me you won't say anything" i said, as she nodded. "Of course, i promise, it's not my business or my place" she said, as i smiled. "Thank you Margo" i said, as she smiled, taking my hand and giving it a squeeze. "Don't worry" she said, as she walked off, placing her other ear bud in and continuing down the sidewalk and grabbing her bike from the bike stands. 

"Emelie, i am so sorry, gosh this was stupid, and i just shouldn't of-" Blair started and i walked over to her grabbing her shoulders. "Hey, it's okay! Margo's not gonna say anything, she promised. We're gonna be okay" i said, as she seemed nervous, panicking a little bit. As i hugged her, "we're gonna be okay" i whispered, as she nodded. I wish i was right. 

the next day, a photo started spreading around the entire school of Blair and i kissing under the bleachers. I found out about this photo during science class, as it was getting airdropped to everyone in class, and Cleo scooted over to me. "Em.. is this you and Blair?" she asked, as she showed me her phone and my heart was pounding. I wanted to shake my head, to tell Cleo she should be ashamed of herself to think that was Blair and me. But i froze. My worst nightmare was being publicized for everyone to see and my hands were shaking. 

My thoughts started going crazy about everyone's reactions, some were laughing, some were shocked, some were starring at me, and others were saving the photo to there gallery's. I didn't even want to know why they were saving that photo of her and i for later. I shut my eyes, as Cleo's voice was still in my ear. "Emelie" she whispered, as i was praying for the bell to ring. There was only one person who knew about Blair and me, and she had the audacity to lie to my face and tell me my secret was safe with her. Margo Fucking Watson. 

Once the bell finally rang, i grabbed my binder and homework, sprinting out of class and glaring down the hallways. Completely ignoring Cleo, who was screaming my name. I couldn't deal with her judgement right now, not when i was suffering through everyone else's judgemental eyes who were gawking me down the halls. I started to walk faster, eyeing the hallways for only one girl. And then i founder her, standing by her locker. As all i saw was red, "Margo!" i screamed, as she flinched, looking over at me terrified. I didn't know if it was because of the tone of my voice, or because she knew i was upset about what she just did. To not only me, but Blair too. 

"How dare you lie to my face, telling me it wasn't your business, you had absolutely no right to spread my secret around. To out me out of the closet!" i said, dropping my binder with a loud thud on the floor, as she flinched again. "And not only did you lie to me, you spread a picture of her and i for everyone to FUCKING see?! What the hell Margo?!" i screamed, pushing her against the locker, as she looked at me wide eyed. "Emelie, i swear that wasn't me!" she pleaded, but i didn't want to hear any lies. Because who else would have done it? "Save it! you completely disregarded my feelings and Blair's and i will never, ever! forgive you or even trust you again. You might be Cleo's friend. But you are so not mine. Stay away from me, and stay the FUCK away from Blair" i said, as i placed my forearm on her throat under her chin. Practically choking her. 

I didn't care who was watching, "Emelie, i can't- i can't breathe!" she croaked, as i let go, making her cough. Then slammed her locker shut, grabbing my binder off the floor, before seeing Griffin come charging towards me down the same hall. "All this time i thought i had done something wrong, but in reality it was your fault our relationship was failing! And i can't believe, out of everyone in this school, you're choosing to be with a low life, junkie, over me!" Griffin said, as he approached us, pointing over at Blair who stood next to Cleo in the hall. Toby was right behind him making sure Margo was okay, as i felt like i was having a panic attack. But i couldn't have him talk shit about someone i cared about, so i punched him. Hard. 

He clutched his face, glaring at me, as i was about to do it again, but he stops me, pulling my arms to my sides and cradling me, as i shoved him off. The bell then rang. "Em.." Blair said, as i ran into the girl's restroom, whilst Cleo and Blair followed after me. I gripped the sink, as many of the other girls scurried out of the stalls and the restroom altogether, when Cleo yelled at them to do so. I was trying to steady my breathing and calm my panicked self down, as Blair walked over to me and caressed my shoulder. I felt her hand rise up and down my back, as i pulled her to me into an embrace. Cleo just watched us from a far. But i didn't care. 

I'm sure this didn't bother Blair as much as it did me, everyone at school were already spreading rumors about her being a lesbian. But no one ever knew for sure until now. She's never been afraid of who she is. And i've always found that inspiring. "You don't have to say it.. i know our bleachers hang out is over." she whispered, as her breath touched my ear. I shook my head, "No, you don't deserve to be an experiment" i said, letting go of her, as she looked me in the eye. "Blair i am in love with you. i've always known that, i have just been afraid to admit, it to not just everyone else, but myself too. And since the truth is already out, i wouldn't wanna walk the halls with anyone else..." i start, as i take her hand in mine. "Except my girlfriend, if you'll take me?..." i said, as my heart was racing. She looked at me, stunned and so relieved. 

As she kissed me, and then rested her forehead against mine, nodding. "Of course, i'll take you! every part of you. Every insecurity, every flaw, every imperfection, everything that makes you who you are. Because i am in love with you too" she said, as i teared up, kissing and hugging her. "Can i just say.. you two" Cleo said, pointing to the both of us, as we looked at her. "Are so freaking adorable! why didn't you tell me this was going on!?" Cleo asked, as she walked over to us. "I didn't know how you would react.." i said, "mostly, we didn't want you to react" Blair said, as i nodded, making her giggle. "Are you serious right now? you two are my best friends! i love you no matter what. Now give me a lesbian group hug!" she said, as i laughed, she hugged the both of us. Someone then walked in to use the toilet as she shooed them out. 

 As i opened my eyes, eyeing the court room in front of me. "I was always skeptical of Margo" i said, as my attorney paced in front of me. "What do you mean by that?" she asked, as i looked at my hands. "I guess i never really liked her, and i don't really understand why everyone else did. I thought maybe i could have been wrong about her when i trusted her with a personal secret of mine, but she lied to me." i said, as i eyed the court once more. 

"My sexuality was the one thing i was still coming to terms with and it was hard to navigate with my entire school judging me. Making fun of me. I wasn't ready to come out yet. And it felt like Margo took that choice from me. She outed me for everyone to see. So i was furious." i said, remembering opening night of the school play. Margo was still trying to convince me she had nothing to do with that photo. But i didn't care, i was furious and i needed it to be her. Cause if it wasn't her, it had to be anyone else. Someone i didn't know, who knew my deepest secret and that terrified me. 

"Do you think you blamed the photo going around on Margo, because you were jealous of the attention Cleo was giving her? instead of you? Maybe you reacted this way, because you wanted her back?" the lawyer asked, as i laughed. "No, i'm not really the jealous type. Sure she hung out with Margo a lot, but i have known Cleo for a lot longer. She's like my sister." i said, as the lawyer nodded. "Then why did you think the photo had to of been taken by her? there wasn't a single doubt in your mind that maybe the photo was taken by somebody else?" they asked, as my eyes found Griffin's in the audience. 

Cleo had been giving Margo the cold shoulder as well, during opening night, while the rest of us were getting ready for the show. Scurrying backstage to our places and going over lines last minute. As costumes were being put on, and makeup was being applied. The show then began, as i played Veronica, who sadly was best friends with Betty in Act One. So i seriously had to act my ass off and i knew Margo could tell. But every time the curtain drew for the next scene, Margo was still trying to convince me. And of course.. failing. 

Within a few scenes later, there was the kissing scene between Jughead and Betty, as i watched from afar Griffin and Margo share a kiss. Even though Griffin and i were on the outs, he would still always be my first love and it hurt to see that. Acting or not. I started to understand the way he flipped out finding that photo of Blair and i. Of course he had every right to be angry, maybe i should have just told him. But there was another memory i've been trying to block out about him for months. And there was no way i was letting it resurface now. I looked over at Toby on the opposite side of the stage, as he looked angry, watching Margo and Griffin. 

The show then ended, as i watched Margo's parents congratulate her with flowers. I was helping Blair out of her costume, as i felt Griffin watching us. "You know, i don't understand what it is about Blair that you love so much. You would be lucky enough to be with her if she wasn't trying to overdose every five seconds" Griffin said, as i glared at him. Walking over to Margo, taking her vase full of flowers and dumping the water all over Griffin. I then handed the flowers back to Margo. As everyone laughed and he just glared at me. I took Blair's hand and stormed off. 

Cleo rolled her eyes, following after us. "Why do you have to be such a dick sometimes man" i overheard Toby say. "Emelie, did you involve yourself in the crime of battery and assault against Margo Watson because of your ex boyfriend, Griffin Michealson?" the lawyer asked. "Yes, but i never had doubts about Margo when it came to the photo. I always knew it was her" i said. 

When we had arrived at school the next day, everyone was throwing compliments our way and congratulating us about the play. We even made the school newspaper, as i read the article aloud during lunch. "See what happens when you listen to me" Cleo said, as i rolled my eyes. When lunch was over, and classes started again. I noticed Margo and Toby bump into each other in the halls, as she was reading some book and he was listening to music. "How's it going?" they asked in unison, as they chuckled. Once they helped each other pick up some of the belongings they dropped. They continued in opposite directions. 

Me, Blair and Emelie, had all witnessed this. And we squinted. Griffin walked over, following our gaze towards Margo. As he put an arm around me, "there's nothing to worry about with Margo, she's totally in to me. The kiss she gave me last night was impeccable. So much passion." he said, as i threw his arm off of me. "it's called acting.." Blair said, "ever heard of it?" Cleo asked, as i rolled my eyes. "You're an idiot" i said, "and apparently blind" Blair said, as she put her arm around me, and i held her hand, walking down the hall with Cleo. 

"I only have one more question your honor" the lawyer said, as the judge nodded. "Emelie.." they started, as i grew anxious. "Have you ever noticed a behavior in Griffin that would cause you to believe he was unstable around women? as in treated them with no respect?" they asked, as this triggered the memory i've been trying to keep buried. 

Blair and i first kissed during a game of spin the bottle, which was in front of everyone. It then escalated from there. Until Griffin caught us one time. I remember him forcing Blair off of me, as i was too humiliated to stop him. This had happened before the photo of her and i surfaced around school. "It's okay baby, the only reason why you even feel the desire to kiss Blair is just because you haven't been getting enough from me. Your body wants more. It wanted something new. But since you couldn't have that, you settled for less. I just need to put you back on track." he said, as i was stunned he was trying to talk me out of my sexuality. 

He then walks over to me, kissing my neck, my jaw, which did arouse me. As i gave in, his hands find my thighs as he lifts me on to the bed. Practically picking up where Blair and i left off and i honestly couldn't deny the fact that i still loved him. And i hated that i did. Cause i didn't want too. Maybe i just loved the way he made my body feel. But that wasn't love. That was lust. 

I looked back over at Griffin in the audience, and then over to my girlfriend Blair, sitting a few seats away from him. Who i was scared for. Cause i knew, whatever Griffin heard in court that he didn't like he would take out his anger on Blair. And i couldn't have that be because of me. 

So i looked back over at the lawyer in front of me, waiting for an answer. 

"No" i replied, as Griffin grinned. 

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