I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Bo...

By BeckySmolder

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Danielle Rodriguez has been playing house with her boyfriend, Klaus Mikaelson, and his daughter hope for the... More

CH. 1
CH. 2
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 9
CH. 10
CH. 11
CH. 12
CH. 13
CH. 14
CH. 16
CH. 17
CH. 18
CH. 19
CH. 20
CH. 21
CH. 22
CH. 23
CH. 24
CH. 25
CH. 26
CH. 27
CH. 28
Book No. 4 - OUT NOW ‼️💚🌈

CH. 15

561 23 30
By BeckySmolder


Tuesday, December 25th
7:30 PM

I smiled, waving at Hope who was reaching for me. I had to go get the Mikaelsons so we can open presents. Well, all but one of them. Freya was plopped on the floor with Hope, Hayley, and Jackson who stuck around. "One of us is still meant to fall by family," Rebekah was telling her brothers as I approached the three Originals.

"Right now, what concerns me is our enemies," Klaus was saying when he saw me. He reached his arm out to wrap around my waist. "They have the weapon they intend to use against us. They cannot know that we found you, Rebekah. Our best advantage is if they believe you are lost at sea."

Rebekah frowned, "Then I can't stay, can I?"

I bit my lip as I saw the brother's faces. Klaus looked very bothered and Elijah was teary eyed. They really miss her. Despite not liking her or even getting along with her myself, I do wish the men got more than a few hours with their sister. "Hey, you can stay a little longer. We were just about to open presents," I said with a forced smile. They all looked so sad that it was making me uncomfortable.

"It's okay," Rebekah told her brothers. "Let's do presents... and don't worry, my wish already came true. We have this moment."

"Hey," Klaus whispered turning to me. "I know we said no exchanging gifts, but I got you something."

I smiled, "what? No. You proposed!"

He chuckled, leaning in to kiss me lips gently and teasingly as he pulled away. "I love you."

"I love you too, now where's my present?"

Klaus laughed, letting me go enough to just take my hand and tug me to the Christmas tree where everyone else waited. Klaus and I sat down, my fiancé grabbing hold of a large box and sliding it in front of Hope. "Oooh, what did daddy get you?" Hayley cooed.

"Where's mine?" I nudged Klaus playfully.

He rolled his eyes, grabbing another wrapped present. Mine was small, perfect to fit between my hands. I furrowed my eyebrows for a moment before going back to watching Hayley and Jackson help open Hope's gift. "Oh, my god," I gasped as it was revealed. It was a rocker for our princess to sit on. And it was a swan! It was gorgeous.

Hope squealed loudly, getting out of Hayley's lap and to her feet. Her little arms, wrapped the swan head in a tight embrace. "She loves it," Hayley said, grinning herself.

"Now open yours," Klaus told me while grabbing hold of his daughter, and tugging her into his lap. He hugged her to him, kissing her cubby cheeks. I smiled at the two as I undid the bow on top of my box. I gasped at the glass ornament in my hand.

"What is this?" I murmured, bringing it up closer to my face to see what was in it. I grinned as it revealed a picture frame. Klaus, my dad and I.

"Turn it around," Klaus said.

I spun it to see a different picture on the other side. My face creased as I aww'd at it. It was Klaus and I with Hope. Absolutely adorable. "My dad with his little girl, and you with yours. I love it, baby. Thank you."

"I got one for Hope too," Klaus told me after I kissed his cheek. "Hayley and her on one side. Us with her on the other. Because you're permanent."

I winced, glancing at Jackson. But he was engrossed with a teddy bear he was playing with, hugging Hope while Hayley laughed. I turned back to Klaus with a grin, shaking my head. "You had no doubt I would accept your proposal, did you?" I asked.

"No, I did. But for me it was a 75% acceptance rate."

I laughed, "how'd you know?"

"Because I know you love me. And I know you love me more than you're mad. One day you won't be mad, but you'll always be mine."

"And you're mine," I stated. "Next girl I have a problem with, I'll just murder. Save us the heartache."

He chuckled this time, "deal."

"Excuse me?" I scoffed as he went to kiss me.

"I mean, there won't be another girl. Ever."

"I'm not kissing you," I laughed, putting a hand to his face and pushing him away. He snorted, handing out more presents to everyone else. "Hey, you spending the night at my place?" I asked Klaus after a moment.

He frowned, "you don't want to stay here?"

"I'm out of clothes," I told him.

"Okay," he said. "Yeah, if it's okay, I would like to spend the night with my new fiancée."

"It's more than okay," I assured. Before I could kiss him, we were interrupted by Elijah wheeling in a tricycle. Hope begins to giggle as he taps the bell, causing the ringing to fill the room. I laughed, slowly standing up to excuse myself, "I'm going to get a glass of wine."

"Okay, love," Klaus said distractedly.

I made my way to the table to do so, finding Jackson there. "Hey," he said.

"Hey," I smiled politely. "Having fun?"

"Yeah. I'm actually going to head out. But, I did get you something."

I grinned, "oh yeah." I put the wine bottle down as he pulled out a long black velvet box out of his pocket on his jacket. It seemed he was ready to head out. "What is it?" I mused nervously. Is this a jewelry box?

I took it from him and hesitantly opened it. I sighed in relief and managed to smile as I looked at the simple necklace. "Thank you," I said.

It was a small leather necklace with a wooden carved wolf. "I made it myself," Jackson mumbled, cheeks turning red as he scratched the back of his neck.

"I love it," I assured him. I looked down at the necklace again before hesitantly asking, "can you put it on me?"

Jackson smiled, "of course."

I took the necklace out of the box and handed it to him before turning around. Jackson put the necklace is on me while I held my breath. But it was fine. Wasn't weird at all. He seemed like himself. Thank God. I did not want awkwardness between us. I wanted it to be like nothing ever happened. I was back with Klaus. Officially I guess. Hard to say we're not together, together when we're now engaged.

A throat cleared suddenly as I adjusted my necklace and Jackson pulled my hair back from over my shoulder. We both turned to see Hayley standing there. "Am I interrupting?" She asked with a smirk.

I narrowed my eyes on her. She was teasing, or I hoped, just to get under my skin. "No, Jackson made me a necklace," I answered casually.

"Oh, Rebekah. So soon?" Freya loudly announced.

The three of us turned to see the blonde with her coat on now and a suitcase with her. She was leaving. "Take care of our brothers, Freya. God knows they need it," we could overhear Rebekah say as they hugged one another now to say goodbye.

"I should get out of here too," Jackson said, giving Hayley and I an awkward smile, walking off to go fetch his coat.

"So, there's another present under the tree," Hayley whispered to me.

"Okay... And?" I frowned in confusion.

"It's the last one... From Klaus to Cami."

My brows raised, "she left without it, huh?"

"Guess she didn't know," Hayley mumbled.

I shrugged, "well, feel free to deliver it yourself. Klaus isn't allowed to see her anymore. At all."

Hayley bit her lip, nodding, "okay. Sorry. I'll take care of it then."

I nodded, "thanks."

Rebekah suddenly joined us, "I'm so sorry about what I said, Hayley."

I raised my brows, gently backing away from the two women and this awkward moment. I made my way to Klaus who had Hope in his arms, both playing with the ornaments on the tree. "Hey," I called out.

Klaus turned toward me, "hey, beautiful."

I smiled, "hey, you ready to go?"

Klaus nodded, opening his mouth to speak. But instead came a different British voice. "Not before saying goodbye to me," Rebekah interrupted.

I rolled my eyes, it's like she's following me. I'm trying to keep away from her. I slipped up beside Klaus, Hope between our bodies and reaching for the feathers on my dress. This little girl was all about texture.

"You're always leaving," Klaus commented.

"And I always come back," his sister grinned. Don't I know it? She's never gone long enough for me. Thankfully when our relationship hit the fan she wasn't around to instigate and make things worse.

Klaus moved quickly, wrapping Rebekah in a long tight hug as I stood off to the side, completely out of place. I waited for the two to part, Rebekah kissing Hope, "bye baby."

"Run far and fast, stay on the move, and should you happen to meet some handsome fool—know your weaknesses," Klaus advised his younger sibling.

Rebekah laughed but gave him a pointed look, "Well, perhaps it's time our roles reversed. I'll run away from love if you run toward it." Then her beady eyes landed on me and she pursed her lips. "Take care of my brother."

"He can take care of himself," I retorted, crossing my arms over my chest.

Rebekah smirked, shaking her head, "congratulations on the engagement, brother. Hope it sticks."

I clenched my teeth, glaring at her, Klaus was quick to wrap his arm firmly around my waist to hold me back. I guess he knew I wanted to leap on her. She deserved a good ass kicking. And I wanted to be the one to give it to her. "Rebekah, go. Now," Klaus ordered.

"Welcome to the family, human," Rebekah said over her shoulder as she walked off.

"I've been welcome!" I shouted after her.

Hope wailed loudly then. "Look, you're making her cry, Danielle," Klaus grumbled then.

"Your sister is a bitch," I pointed out.

Klaus rolled his eyes, "you made Hope cry."

"She's not crying," I retorted. Hope was currently pouring and fisting Klaus' shirt. I moved to take the child from him, cooing and apologizing to her for being so loud. "Aw, is the princess tired?" I asked gently as Hope yawned.

"I can take her up, Hayley said she's staying the night again and she's got an errand to run now," Freya said suddenly, joining us.

"I can take her," I assured. "Klaus, I'm tucking Hope in. Then we're out?"

"Sure, love," Klaus said, following me upstairs.

"You're going over Danielle's?" Freya questioned, following us now.

"Yes, she can't stay here. She's out of clothes," Klaus answered her with a tone that blamed me for not being prepared to spend the night again.

"Whatever," I playfully retorted, tucking Hope's head on my shoulder. Poor thing was exhausted. It wasn't too late but she didn't have her nap. And the day has been full of excitement.

"Now that we're engaged, can't I just move in?" Klaus asked from behind me.

"If you keep getting on my nerves, you won't even be staying tonight," I quipped teasingly.

"Give me a shout when you leave, I'll be in the study," Freya said, turning away to be left alone.

Klaus stopped me as we were passing the bedroom, "I'm packing to stay a couple nights."

"Don't push your luck," I giggled, kissing him on the lips gently. "Say goodnight to Hope. She's practically already asleep. So I'm just going to get her in her pjs and lay her in the crib."

"Night, baby love," Klaus whispered, kissing the top of her head. "Sleep tight, princess."

I continued to Hope's nursery, doing just as I said I would. It didn't take more than fifteen minutes before I was slipping back out with the baby monitor. I was on my way to the study to hand it over to Freya when I caught her yelling, "No. No, no! Finn!"

"Freya?" I questioned, slipping into the room as she was rummaging through couch cushions and witch stuff all over the coffee table. "What's wrong?"

"My pendant, the one I took Finn's... essence into. It's gone. I can't find it," she said.

"But you had it when you tried to channel him," I frowned. "Who would take it? Maybe Elijah or Hayley grabbed it so—"

"No," Freya groaned. "No. I left it on the table!"

"Freya," Klaus scolded. "Take a deep breath. Calm down and lower your voice."

"Finn is a powerful witch," Freya stated. "In the wrong hands... he could... They could channel his power or bring him back in the last state he was in, which—"

"He was on board for hurting our family," Klaus sighed. "Which we know. I get it. We'll find it. There aren't many options."

"How could the Strix get in the compound today? The house was full," I pointed out.

"We were all distracted," Klaus said, walking further into the room and wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. "We got engaged," he mumbled in my ear, in that sexy tone that made my whole body ignite with tingles. Then his lips started to nibble on my earlobe.

"Klaus," I whimpered quietly, acknowledging that I was melting against him.

"Could you two not? For one minute," Freya groaned.

"We're leaving," Klaus chuckled. "We'll deal with Finn tomorrow. I promise, sister. Tonight, I trust you with my child until her mother gets back."

"Hayley left already?" I asked.

"Yes," Klaus said. "Left with Jackson. Any guesses there?"

I forced out a light laugh, "Let's go."

I wasn't sure if he forgot about the present. Or if he thought Cami had managed to grab it. Who knew if she even knew he got her something? Maybe Klaus assumed it was still small and unseen under the large Christmas tree. Doubt he had any idea that I knew or that Hayley was taking care of it. But I wasn't up for the discussion with him. I didn't want to know what he bought her. I didn't want to know what he was going to do with the gift or how he would deal with it since she left before the gift giving.


Tuesday, December 25th
9:35 PM

I gasped softly as Klaus kissed down my stomach ever so slowly, each peck above the ice cube melting against my hot skin. "Baby," I moaned, legs twitching on either side of his hips as he lowered down my body. His descent continued as I clenched the bed sheets in my hands.

Riiiiiing! The loud piercing of a cellphone disturbed us just as the ice cube was slipped underneath my panties. "Ignore it," Klaus murmured.

"It's not my phone," I retorted. "I turned my ringer off."

"I could careless about who calls me," Klaus said. "All I want is this."

My jaw fell agape as Klaus used his teeth to tug my lace panties further down. The ringing phone went ignored. "Fuck," I cried out. "It's so cold."

"Shhhh," Klaus shushed me, pressing the ice cube between the lips of my lower half. "It's almost gone, baby girl."

Then the phone went off again. "Turn it off," I groaned, legs wriggling, trying to run away from the cold sensation. The rest of my body was on fire and I felt like I was choking in my own arousal. "Get your phone and turn it off."

Klaus growled in annoyance, ripping his body off me to fetch his jeans from the floor. I sat up on my elbows, panting for breath. Klaus and I both only in our underwear. "It's Hayley," Klaus informed me. I sat up, crawling to the edge of the bed. Both of us worried about what this meant. If Hope was okay. Why would Hayley be calling? She knew where we were and she wasn't stupid enough to not know what we were doing. This was clearly an emergency.

"Hello? Hayley? What's wrong?" Klaus asked. "What?"

"What?" I asked frantically, unable to hear her on the other line.

"Are you sure?" He questioned, completely ignoring me as he stood up, pulling his jeans back on. I chased him out of bed, dressing as well. "That's my shirt," Klaus said to me, snatching it away as we were rushing. "Look, I'm on the way Hayley. Just keep her calm. Okay?"

"What's going on, Klaus?" I questioned as he shoved the phone in his pants pocket.

"Cami was found slaughtered in her own bed."

"What?" I gasped.

Klaus sighed, shaking her head, "She consumed vampire blood. From Aurora. She just woke up and she's freaking out."

"I'm confused," I said, slipping on my shoes.

"Aurora compelled her," Klaus snapped. "What's the confusion?"

"Compelled her to what? Kill herself? Why?"

"Because of you!"

My brows raised and I froze in place, "Excuse me?"

"Aurora compelled her. The night I had to save Cami. She compelled Camille to kill herself if there was evidence I was happy in a relationship with you or her. Anyone that wasn't Aurora herself. Cami saw my proposal, went home, drank the blood, and slit her throat. All to draw my attention away from you to take care of the blonde who Aurora thinks I will no longer care for if she's a vampire. And in hopes I come running after her for revenge. As if my rage can be turned into a form of love for her psychotic arse!"

"So, not my fault," I corrected after a long dramatic pause. "Let's go."

I headed out the bedroom, freezing when I saw Klaus was still in his place beside the bed. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Danielle... I know what I promised you," he said.

"What are you talking about?" I frowned.

"You said I couldn't see Camille or run to her rescue or—"

"This is an exception. She died. Albeit, if she stayed away from you to begin with she wouldn't be Aurora's pawn in this chess match. But she didn't deserve death."

"So you're not going to leave me if I go?"

"I'm going with you," I said. He nodded, sighing softly and meeting me in the doorway. Then he took my hand. "Wait. Did you think I was going to break up with you? But you were planning to go anyways?" I said slowly, coming to the realization.

"I didn't leave the room," he pointed out.

"But were you going to if I said something different?"

"If it meant losing you again, I'd tell Hayley to call someone else. I'm not risking my relationship with you, Danielle. If you don't want to go... I'll take you back to that bed and finish what I started. It's your decision. I'm yours."

I bit my lip, squeezing his hand. "Let's go," I whispered softly.


Tuesday, December 25th
10:45 PM

"How is she?" Elijah asked me as I let him into the apartment.

"She has just risen from the dead. As soon as she feeds, her mood will change for the better," Klaus hissed quietly, coming up behind me. Then louder as he slammed the door behind Elijah who was barely in it, he said, "In the meantime, these attacks need to be answered! Our retribution must be swift, and it must be brutal!"

Elijah gave me a pointed look, clearly about Klaus' temper. "Agreed. After the Serratura has been recovered," the older sibling replied.

Klaus groaned, taking my hand and tugging me away so Elijah could actually walk into the room. "You need to calm down," I said, turning Klaus towards me.

"I am calm," Klaus grumbled.

I chuckled, slipping a hand behind his neck, "Hey, we're in this together. Everything together. Okay. Cami is in the shower, trying to take a beat. But she's alive. She will be okay."

"I love you," he said softly, pressing his forehead to mine. "Why are you so good? And how do you keep me from losing my mind?"

"Your mind has been long gone," I retorted, pecking his lips. "And I'm only good when you're good. I'm not a monster, Klaus. I don't want her stealing my man. But I do want her to live."

"I know," he said. "And I appreciate all you're doing here. For her... What you've always done for me. I promise it won't always be like this."

I sighed, "Yeah."

I pulled away from him then, trying not to think too much. Last time it was taking care of Hayley in her near death experience. Before she and I were friends. She was a bitch who didn't deserve my compassion. But she was pregnant with my boyfriend's baby. A child I knew I would fall in love with. And I did.

This situation was different. Cami wasn't pregnant. She was a constant threat to my happiness with Klaus. But the reality stayed the same. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't try to help her deal with this trauma. In retrospect, this was all Klaus' fault. His and Aurora. Klaus found better taste in women. Me. That's what allowed me to sleep at night.

"Freya's pendant is also missing," Elijah's voice cut through my thoughts.

"Yes, we know. Finn's mystical essence along with it. So let the imbecile stay lost! Our business for today is to finish off the de Martels!" Klaus announced.

Elijah took a deep breath, gently speaking, "Now, brother, think. Think! Tristan needs the most powerful witch in the city to activate that weapon. A regent."

"Vincent," Klaus growled, heading towards the front door. "Who was once possessed by Finn."

Elijah flashed to the door, slamming it shut just as Klaus pulled it open. "Stay here. She'll need you, brother," Elijah said.

Klaus glanced at me, "Love—"

"You're not leaving me with her," I stated. "Sit down, Klaus."

Klaus rolled his eyes, patting Elijah on the shoulder as he slipped out the room. My fiancé joined me on Cami's tiny couch. "How long do you think she'll be in the shower?" Klaus smirked.

"You're a pig," I scoffed, trying not to grin. "Stop!" I warned him as he placed his hand on my thigh, trailing it up. Klaus laughed, tugging me onto his lap. I rolled my eyes. "Oh, I am hopeless when it comes to you."

"You're still mad at me, I can tell. Otherwise you'd be on board for tainting Cami's apartment."

"I would not," I mumbled, cheeks burning.

"Liar," he said. "You're just as kinky and dark as I am. My sexy vixen, jealous as can be."

"Shut up," I quipped. "Kiss me already."

Klaus didn't hesitate. His lips were on mine and his hands were slipping up my shirt. I didn't bother to put on a bra when we left. Which I wasn't sure was an amazing coincidence or not. But the moans that fell out of my lips as my breasts were caressed and nipples were pinched and twisted. I wanted him desperately.

"We can be quick and quiet," Klaus whispered in my ear the moment his lips left mine.

"No," I chuckled. "We can't."

"Bloody hell we can't. I want you. I can't wait another minute," he growled out.

"But—Ah! Ow," I yelped as Klaus randomly bit my neck. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I hissed, pushing him back against the couch.

"Remember when we first met?" He smirked.

I scoffed, placing my hand over my neck. I was bleeding. "You're insane."

"You love that about me."

"No—" I was starting to retort when he kissed me quiet. I didn't pull away. Instead I slowly started to kiss him. Until I got consumed. As always. My sweater went flying off, Klaus had me pinned to the couch under him as he unbuckled his pants. "Wait—"

"For fuck sakes, Danielle."

"I ran out of my birth control," I reminded him. "You need a condom."

Klaus squeezed his eyes shut, "Damn it!"

"Sorry," I panted.

Klaus shook his head, "It's not your fault the pharmacy was closed."

"Well, if you went the day I asked you to—"

"You forgot first," he chuckled.

I kissed him again, "I'm happy."


"Things have been going well, yeah, since the house and stuff. But I miss this. Making out and making your family uncomfortable and laughing together. You make me happy and I don't want to be mad at you but..."

"You don't trust me?"

"I want to. But things are awkward, admit it. I know you saw Jackson give me this necklace. I hate being in this apartment. Not living together sounds ridiculous. But we have Cami and Aurora and Tristan to deal with next. It's like our engagement is minuscule in the grand scheme of things. Why am I surprised? We start to make up, shit hits the fan. We'll never celebrate or even have sex. Like, the universe is out to get me—"

"Nothing matters more to me than keeping you happy," Klaus cut off my ranting. "Aurora and Tristan can burn this city to the ground, someone else can help Cami... But I won't allow you and I to continue like we have. I'm miserable."


"No buts. I just want you to be with me—"

"I am."

"No, like it was before. I want to live with you. I want to make love to you every night. I want to take you out on dates and distract you from doing your homework—"

"We'll get there," I said, reaching for my sweater and putting it back on. "Let's just work through this mess. Together please. With open honesty."

He took my hand, kissing the back of it, "So you like the ring?"

I laughed, scooting next to him and resting my head on his shoulder. "I love the ring," I said, pulling my hand out of his. "I also love this dick and I would like for you to keep it hidden in your pants," I added, zipping and buttoning his pants.

Klaus chuckled, doing his belt now. "Sorry, love."

I rolled my eyes, resting against him. I was a bit tired. It was getting late. I should be sleeping right now. "I want to go home," I whined.

"Then let's go home," he said, kissing my forehead. "When Cami gets out the shower. We'll tuck her in and then go. Come back in the morning to check on her and deal."

I raised a brow, "she's not a baby like Hope. We can't just tuck her in. She died. Her life is changed forever. How is she just going to fall asleep so we can get some sleep?"

A scoff came, "I'm worst than a baby, aren't I?"

"Cami," I gasped, jumping off the couch. Klaus stood up as well. "No, you're... Look, it's a lot to deal with. More complicated than being past a baby's bedtime. Not worst."

Cami chuckled, "but you guys want to go."

"No," I lied. "No. We're here for you."

"But you don't need to be here, here. Go home. Drink champagne, celebrate your engagement," she smiled weakly, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'll still be a problem to deal with tomorrow."

I winced, I knew she had to be hurting. The man she pined for, was never attainable, but the reality of it getting more unattainable had to be a slap to the face. But I had nothing to be ashamed of. It's not my fault, that ironically a therapist can't control her feelings for a taken man who happens to be her unique patient. He and I were in love, well before she met him. And I had nothing to sympathize or be sorry for, when she continued to weasel her way closer, despite her inappropriate growing feelings.

"We'll go," Klaus said. "But you won't be alone."

I furrowed my eyebrows then, looking at him confused. Klaus took my hand, leading me to the front door. "What does that mean?" Camille asked.

"Marcel is on his way," Klaus answered. "I'm sure he'll be along shortly. So you, relax. Try to get some sleep. I'll be back early in the morning to check in."

Cami nodded. Klaus tugged me along. I was speechless. He was really surprising me tonight. I did not expect him to want to leave her. But he was saying and doing all the right things and it was surprising. I didn't say anything until we got to the car. He opened my door, helping me in like a perfect gentleman. Then he got into the driver's seat, buckling up. No hesitation.

"You're just leaving her?" I questioned.

Klaus chuckled, "My fiancée is allowing me one night in her house with her. I wouldn't pass up this only chance for anything."

I rolled my eyes, "you're acting..."

"Like a man who puts you first?"

I pursed my lips, turning away from his dark eyes. I pulled on my seatbelt then, "Keep it up and you might be able to move in at the start of the new year."

He bellowed out a laugh, "the year looks promising."

"There's condoms in my bedroom."

"I'm not opposed to making a baby with you."

I elbowed him playfully, "No."


Wednesday, December 26th
8:10 AM

I moaned louder and louder at every thrust. I was on the edge of the kitchen counter, one hand desperately holding onto a cabinet above my head and the other clutching onto Klaus's shoulder. My nails were digging into his skin. Klaus grunted loudly into my ear, his hands holding me firmly by my thighs.

"Klaus!" I screamed loudly, throwing my head back.

"I'm not done with you," Klaus groaned, roughly yanking me by my chin. I could barely keep my eyes open as he forced me to face him. We've slept together less than a handful of times since the night at the hospital. But never like this. Not even last night. It was always just long love making. This was primal and desperate. It was natural for us. There was a carnal desire to be one. It never felt like this with anyone else. Sex with Klaus was more than that. It was a part of me, of us. I needed it, him, like I needed air to breathe.

"I want you to bite me," I said.

Klaus raised a brow, "Why?"

"Because I like my pleasure with pain. Don't tease me. Bite me!"


"Klaus! Fucking bite me!" I screamed, smacking both my hands as hard as I can on his white creamy chest that quickly turned red. Klaus was quick to lean back, revealing his fangs to me. I stared on, bracing myself. Almost ready to change my mind when he bit into my shoulder. My back arch forward, our chest rubbing against each other's in a sweaty, uncomfortable friction.

I panted for breath, my hands slipping into his hair to tug on his locks as toughly as I could. Klaus pulled away just shortly after I started to feel the first wave of dizziness. Something about being lightheaded, made everything more pleasurable. Like I could feel all my nerve endings. Klaus suddenly lifted me off the counter, carrying me out the kitchen. I pressed my lips to his for a sloppy kiss.

We crashed into a wall, and I laughed softly. "Where are we headed?" I asked.

"Dining room," Klaus said. "I want to take you on every surface in this house."

I kissed him again as he pulled my back off the wall, maneuvering us to the dining room where my new table was. Klaus lower me to the ground for a moment, our lower bodies separating for a moment. Before I could question him, I was pushed down onto the table, on my stomach. My ass in the air and a fist of my hair, tugging my head back. "This position causes bruises," I whined seconds before his cock was shoved in me.

"Fucking take it," he rasped in my ear. My brows creased and I bit my lip as he thrusted harder than before. He slipped a hand under my stomach, squeezing my boob. "Every. Damn. Day. I need this. You. I need you."

"You have me," I whimpered, reaching one hand back to try to touch him. Somewhere, anywhere. "I'm yours, Klaus. I swear."

"Another man will never touch you like this again," he said, kissing the back of my spine.

"Never," I assured.

"I'd do anything for you, Danielle. I'm yours," he panted, his body resting against mine as his thrust slowed. "All you have to do is ask. You own me. For life."

"Make me cum. Please," I begged.

"A dozen times," he promised, moving his hand between my legs to rub my clit at a furious speed. His hips sliding back and forward to pound my pussy with a new wave of energy in a powerful stroke.

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my fucking God," I cried out. "D-don't stop."


Wednesday, December 26th
10:30 AM

My legs quaked uncontrollably, my thighs surrounding Klaus' head. We've been at it for hours. However, Klaus did manage to make us a quick breakfast. But I think he meant it when he said I would orgasm a dozen times. I lost count, but I'm sure we'd make it by noon.

"Enough," I whispered.

Klaus' tongue was relentless. He was devouring me. And I was beyond spent. I was gushing. I had reaching cloud ten and eleven. I couldn't take another second of his mouth licking, biting, or sucking. I was sure to die in bliss if he didn't stop. "Klaus, please."

He looked up finally, our eyes meeting. "Danielle, I can't stop."

"What does that mean?" I asked, helping him up my body.

"I can't get enough of you," Klaus answered, sliding his hard cock between my legs. I winced at the sensitivity. He moved slowly. "You feel so good. And I never want to be denied this again."

"You won't if you behave," I smirked.

"I want to marry you," he said, smushing his face to mine. Our noses pressed against one another's. "I can't live without you. I will sleep on the front porch—"

"You're not seducing your way into my house."

"Our house," he retorted, thrusting roughly.

"Fuck," I hissed. "Klaus."

"Our house. Say it."

"No," I refused. "Not yet. Sex and more sex doesn't solve anything. You're seeing Cami today."

"We're seeing—"

"No. She's a vampire now. Everything is heightened. Seeing me will do her no good."

"I'm not going without you. I don't want to be anywhere without you right now."


"But nothing. Camille will deal. The entire world will deal. Because we belong together. And if someone doesn't like it. Too damn bad."

I smiled softly, slipping my hands behind his neck. "Who are you?" I asked.

"Someone who finally knows what he wants and what matters. And that's you. It's Hope. There's power in my family and in love. And it took me a thousand years to learn that, get that, and believe it. I won't have you question me again, Danielle. I want you. I love you. I need you."

"I love you too," I smiled, kissing him deeply. This was the man I fell in love with. Intense, insane. But mine. Devoted. Obsessed. The feelings were mutual.


Wednesday, December 26th
12:00 PM

"Ugh, the light is killing me," Cami groaned, walking out of her bedroom.

"You'll adjust," Klaus smiled at her, standing at the beginning of the hallway. Marcel had let us in and let himself go. He didn't want to be around my fiancée. However, he did congratulate me on the engagement with a hug and a kiss to my temple.

"Why is this music so loud? Why does everything hurt so much?" Cami winced, moving into the living room and leaning against her table for support.

"As soon as you feed, your heightened senses will cease to be painful and become... euphoric," Klaus assured her.

I looked at the blonde, eyes widening as I caught her scowl, "You just assume I'm going to do it?" Cami questioned. Her tone bitter and angry. "Feed on human blood?"

I got off the couch, watching Klaus' positive attitude wipe away. His smile faltered and his eyes clouding with dark emotions. He blamed himself. "Why don't you take a seat?" I suggested, pointing towards the couch.

Cami pursed her lips, struggling to approach me so she could plop down for a sit. "What did I expect? I chose to live here, right along all of you, knowing what you are. What the hell did I think was going to happen? This was only ever gonna end one way," Cami complained. "I deserve this."

Part of me agreed with her. She chased after Klaus. After this life. What else did she expect? But another part of me, related to her. I knew what was expected of me. Dating Klaus, I shared this fate. But Klaus and I didn't plan for it like this. It was supposed to be my choice. After we had some kids, I was supposed to turn for him. But that terrified me. So I did sympathize with the fake therapist. Yet, a pity party is not acceptable. Just like me, she was practically asking for this future. She should've thought about that in all the time she spent meeting with my man. What it would cost her and what she would do when it caught up to her.

"No one deserves this!" Klaus retorted passionately. "Not unless they choose it, and some of us don't have that choice. We just have to survive with what is forced upon us."

Cami sniffled, "But I do have a choice. I can choose not to feed."

My eyes met Klaus' blue ones. His was panicking. The alarm in his blue orbs, wasn't hard to detect. He was against what Cami was suggesting right now. But it was her decision. No one else's. Not even his.

I walked over to Klaus, tugging him into the kitchen so we could sort of have some privacy. He sighed loudly once we were alone. "You have to stay calm," I whispered.

"She's being a martyr," he hissed.

"Or maybe she just doesn't want to be a vampire."

"You support her decision?"

"I support that she makes a decision," I stated.

"You prefer it this way," he accused.

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "I assumed, like you did that she would feed and we'd be stuck teaching her not to be a ripper. But we can't force her to turn."

"Who says?"

"Klaus, it's her decision."

"She's not thinking clearly."

"No, you're not thinking clearly. This is her life. Her choice. Not yours. Understand?"

He raised his eyebrows, daringly. But kept his mouth shut. I narrowed my eyes. He was up to something. I sighed as he left the kitchen. I followed after him anyways. Cami was still on the couch, looking through books and papers all over her messy coffee table. "Oh, I miss him. He just wanted me to be happy. Get married, have a few kids..." Cami trailed off, holding a picture in her hand.

She turned it around so we could see it was her and priest Keiran, her uncle. Cami frowned deeply, eyes turning mournful. "I guess the great O'Connell family line endeth here," she said dramatically. "You know... I never really got, uh... the comfort he got from his faith. But right now, I wish I believed in an afterlife."

"Vampirism is, by definition, an afterlife," Klaus smiled tightly."Which one is it, Klaus? Heaven, or Hell?" She retorted with teary eyes.

Ugh. This was going to be a long day. Luckily I was saved by my phone buzzing. It was a text from Freya. She was asking if I've talked to Hayley today. I replied, "No. Why?"

"She asked me to watch Hope as she went out with Jackson for breakfast. But that was hours ago. And I can't reach her," Freya texted back.

"I'll try both her and Jackson," I told her. I then looked up at the two awkward vampires. Klaus was watching her was eyes full of pity and Cami was still going through her stuff. Neither of them talking. "Hey, I'm going to step outside to make a phone call," I let them both know.

Klaus looked over at me and nodded. Cami ignored me completely. Either way I stepped out of the suffocating apartment. I called both Hayley and Jackson. Neither answered. Just rang and and rang and rang. I left them voicemails and sent them both texts to call me or Freya. Then I reluctantly went back inside.

"Ugh," Cami groaned, leaning against the wall, leading to her kitchen."The longer you wait, the more you'll suffer," Klaus informed her in a gentle tone.

Cami cracked a weak smile, "You know, I think it's better this way. I mean, look at me. I'm gonna make a super hot corpse, right? Perfect for an open casket."

"Camille," Klaus frowned, speechless.

"I want my wake to be at Rousseau's. I want it to be epic. An open bar, and dancing, and no one cries, or I come back and I poltergeist the hell out of—"

"Stop it! I will not entertain this kind of talk any longer. You must feed," Klaus cut her off.

"Klaus," I scolded.

"Why?!" She screamed back. "This is not about you! This is about me! I like who I am! I've spent my entire life being this exact version of sane, and if I turn, if I become a vampire... I don't know what I'll be. I don't know who I'll be."

"I know," Klaus retorted. "I know you'll be an extension of the person you are now. You'll be strong, and... and understanding, and brave..."

"No. You don't know me! You think you know me, but you don't. There is a darkness inside of everyone, Klaus. What if mine takes over?" Cami frowned

"I won't let it," Klaus said.

Cami groaned, "You can barely contain your own darkness! It is better I die as someone I'm proud of than live as someone I despise."No! It's better a flawed life lived than wasted rotting in clay! It's not gonna happen. Not to you."

Cami shook her head, walking over to him before stopping halfway "I'm not gonna feed, alright? So, you can either respect that, or we can spend the last... couple of hours we have together in a screaming match," Cami said softly. Then she looked at me, "Talk some sense into him."

I snorted, "As if that's possible." Cami smiled at me in amusement, heading past Klaus and back to her bedroom. I gave Klaus a pointed look. "You're coming on too strong."

He sighed, "What am I supposed to do?"

I shook my head, "I don't know. But I'm starting to feel uncomfortable being here. You two, clearly have things to work out especially if she—"

"What?" Klaus frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"I wanted you away from her for the sake of our relationship. And fate is clearly, not letting that happen. She needs you. And the way you care for her... I don't want to witness this. Okay? So, I'm going to go."

"Baby girl, wait a minute—"

"No. Look, Freya is looking for Hayley. I should go check in with her. See Hope. You... Look, I'm trusting you here. You, stay. I'll go... Just... I'm going."

Klaus stood in front of me, shaking his head, "No. I don't want you to go. I need you here."

"No, you don't. This is your friend. You know her better than I do. And... This might be goodbye, Klaus... So, you need to you stay."

"Are you sure?"

I grabbed hold of his arm, stepping on my tippy toes to kiss his lips gently, "I'm sure. I love you. And I... I trust you."

"You do?"

"I'm choosing to. Just know, if you kiss her goodbye, I'll slit your throat," I warned.

He chuckled, "I love you too."


Wednesday, December 26th
1:25 PM

Freya and I exchanged looks after the compelled man walked off. She held a small wooden box and I took the card that came with it. "What the hell?" I mumbled.

Freya shrugged, walking to the table. I followed her, clutching the baby monitor. Hope went down for a nap a few minutes ago. Still no word from Hayley or Jackson. I ripped open the envelope, ignoring the sealed stamp with the Strix symbol. I sighed, pulling out a letter.

"Dearest friends, please find enclosed the heart of..." I froze, reading. And then Freya gasped, jumping away from the open box. "Jackson," I whimpered, looking at the ripped out heart of my friend.

Tears quickly filled my eyes, as I looked back at the letter, "Hayley's will follow unless you meet me at Coltrane's Autoshop, 1268 Adderly in the ninth. Kind regards, Tristan."

"Oh, my god," Freya gasped.

"Call Elijah. I'm calling Klaus," I said. I put the letter down and sat at the table. I pulled my phone out, hand shaking as I called. It rang three times.

"Hey, love," Klaus answered.

"J-Jackson," I sobbed. "He... he's dead."

"What? Slow down, Dani. Breathe, baby girl. What happened? Where are you? Tell me you're okay."

"I'm at, at the c-compound," I sniffled. "I'm okay. Hope and F-Freya. We're all okay... But, some guy delivered a... a heart in a... a box."

"Jackson's heart? In a box? Who—? The Strix. I'm on the way. Let Elijah know. I'll be there soon, baby girl."

"He's d-dead," I croaked.

"Dani, don't cry. Love, it's going to be okay. You're tough. You are the strongest woman I know. Hold it together for me."

"I don't know if I c-can," I hiccuped. No one close to me had ever died. And not like this. Jackson didn't deserve this! He was a good man.

"You can," Klaus said. "Watch Hope. Stay with Freya. And sit tight. I will be there shortly, baby girl. Okay?"

"Okay," I said softly.

"I love you."

"I love you too," I mumbled, hanging up afterwards. I turned to Freya who was getting off the phone. "Elijah?"

"I didn't get the chance to tell him, he said he was already on the way here. He'll be here in a few minutes."

I nodded, "So we wait."

As promised, Elijah didn't take long. He waltzed in quickly with Vincent in tow, reluctantly. "Freya? Danielle? What happened?" Elijah questioned, rushing to us.

Freya sniffled, wiping her eyes and standing up to talk to him, "A messenger came. Some compelled tourist. He left this." She pointed to the box a few feet away on the table we sat away from.

Elijah moved to the box, flipping the lid and cringing at the sight. "Who?" He asked.

"Jackson," Freya whispered.

"Courtesy of the Strix," I added, holding out the letter with an unstable.

Elijah quickly read over it before sighing, "So, unless we meet their demands, Hayley will be next." He then heaved a growl.

"Danielle!" A shout came.

"Klaus!" I hollered back, getting out of my seat.

"Let go of me!" Cami cried out. My fiancé was dragging her through the courtyard. I didn't stop running, I crashed into his chest. One of his arms cradling me while holding onto the whiny blonde.

"Give me a minute," Klaus whispered in my ear. He kissed my forehead before dragging Cami upstairs. I frowned, watching him. "Freya!" The witch quickly followed him up.

"What is he doing?" I asked Elijah.

"What Niklaus does best," Elijah sighed. "Locking a damsel in distress in a castle... You're one of the lucky women Niklaus has had in his life."

I snorted, "I wouldn't say it's been a fairytale."

"The living room, let's go," Elijah said, nodding for Vincent. I followed the men to the living room. "We have to come up with a plan. Quickly."

Klaus and Freya entered the room then. My fiancé rushing to me, embracing me tightly, tucking my face into my neck. "I'm sorry," he whispered in my ear.

I held him for a moment, not speaking and willing myself to cry silently. I was managing, but the comfort of him, made it feel like it was safe to let go. To unload on him because this was more than I could handle. "I hate to break this up..." Elijah mumbled.

Klaus pulled away ever so slightly, keeping an arm around my waist. I stayed tucked into his side, the two of us and Elijah the only ones standing. "Two Original vampires and two powerful witches against an army of miscreants? I'm rather looking forward to it," Klaus smiled confidently at everyone.

"And me," I pouted.

"Sorry, and the most beautiful woman in the city," he smirked at me.

"Just the city?" Freya quipped sarcastically.

"The world, apologies, again," Klaus scoffed, rolling his eyes at the two of us. I giggled softly, wiping my eyes. He had a way at making everything better.

"Keep in mind that I'm mortal, and, as much as I want these guys out of my city, I like breathing. So, let me go to the covens. I can propose an alliance. They hate you guys, but if I explain what's going on—" Vincent was rambling nervously.

"There's no time," Elijah interrupted him.

"There never is," Freya said. "But, before we rush into battle, let's keep in mind that Tristan may be the very foe to lead you to your doom. Isn't this exactly what the prophecy foretold? Rebekah's on the run. I will not lose the two of you, as well."

Elijah's eyes shifted, darting around the room before he straightened his perfectly straight tie. "Rebekah's safe," the gentleman stated before slowly looking over in our direction. "Brother, perhaps you should stay."

"And what kind of father would I be if I didn't fight for the mother of my child?" Klaus scoffed. "No, I have no intention of being outmaneuvered by Tristan de Martel, of all people."

"Intention's got nothing to do with it. As long as Tristan de Martel has the Serratura and your baby's mama, the advantage is all his," Vincent pointed out.

"Well, then we should take that advantage from him," Freya said. She gnawed on her lip for a moment, lost in thought. Elijah sighed, beginning to pace. "I'm gonna need something that belonged to his sister," Freya smirked, looking at Klaus now.

"For what?" I asked as Klaus let me go.

"Locator spell," Freya said. "He has someone we want. Let's get someone he wants. Make a trade. Aurora for Hayley and the Serratura."

"I'll fetch something," Klaus told her.

In a flash he was out of the room. I glanced at Elijah. He was restless. I know he was worried about Hayley. We all were. But Tristan wanted the originals. If he hurt Hayley, he would have no leverage. She was safe. For now. However, something else was wrong. When Rebekah was mentioned Elijah got hot under the collar. He was acting guilty. I had no idea why. I did know he was hiding something from the rest of us. And it had to do with his sister. He said she was safe. Was she, really? Where was she? Klaus had gotten no update in the nearly 24 hours. Sure, she'd call Elijah first, but he would've past the message along to Klaus if Rebekah couldn't do so herself. Right? Something was very wrong but... if Elijah was hiding it and wasn't stressing about it, then I was sure it was a problem that could wait to be dealt with.

Klaus soon joined us, bringing a small shirt and a hairbrush. Ew. "Here you go," Klaus said.

"We know the Serratura can't be deactivated. That means we have to use it on them before they can use it on us. Which means we have to do it at this meet," Elijah told the rest of us.

"How? The place will be crawling with Strix," I said.

"Yes, of course, love. That's why we have to get creative. I mean, Elijah and I could surely take them all. But the fighting would last all afternoon," Klaus smirked cockily.

"I have an idea," Freya said. "I'm not sure you're going to like it though, brother. It involves Cami."

Klaus frowned, "what is it?"

"Nothing living or dead can escape the Serratura. But Cami is in transition. She's neither," Freya stated.

"And? Why would she be using it on herself?" Klaus scoffed, crossing his arms.

"To trap Tristan."

"Tristan could snap Camille in half," Elijah pointed out.

"But what if it wasn't Cami," Vincent smirked, clearly onto something. I guess, the same page as Freya.

"We use a glamour to make Cami look like Aurora," Freya explained.

"And the real Aurora?" I quipped. "Tristan surely keeps tabs on his sister. We would still have to kidnap her, to make this plan even remotely believable."

"She's right," Elijah sighed. "So locate Aurora. We will kidnap her and use her as leverage. And if Camille won't join us, we'll find another way to get the Serratura."

"I'll ask Cami—" Klaus was saying.

"Uh, no. She hates you right now," I cut him off.

Klaus narrowed his eyes on me, "hate is a strong word."

"I'll talk to her," Freya said.

"And I'll locate Aurora," Vincent sighed.

Then the two witches got up, leaving the room. I then turned to the two brother's on edge. "I want to go with you guys," I said.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Elijah frowned.

"I don't care," I retorted.

"Love, we're trying to save Hayley. I can't be worried about your safety. I don't even want to think about what Tristan would do to you," Klaus said gently.

"You can keep me safe," I argued. "Besides, we're making a trade, not going to war, right?"

"Danielle," Elijah sighed.

"What? How can you expect me to just sit here? After what they did to Jackson. You should be worried about what I'll do to them," I spat.

Klaus shook his head, "love, I know you're angry. I know you're hurt. But you also know you're not strong enough to fight. Not against old vampires like this. Okay? I'm sorry, but it's best if you stay. Someone needs to watch Hope anyways."

"Freya will be here," I pointed out.

"She'll be doing the spell," Klaus replied.

I crossed my arms over my chest, "I'm going, Niklaus."

"No, you're not."

"You don't get to tell me what to do," I stated. "You and Elijah are the reason everyone's life has gone to shit. I don't think you two should be making judgement calls. These are vampires Elijah turned! And you promised to kill Aya and Aurora, you didn't do so. And now Jackson has been murdered and Cami will die or will be undead. Both are a lose, lose for her—!"

"I don't care!" Klaus screamed, cutting me off. "I'm sorry Jackson was killed. I am dealing with Cami. We will save Hayley. But I am not, under any circumstance risking you! I care about you! I'd let them all die, to protect you. But I don't have to if you would just listen to me."

"It's my choice," I replied anyways, tone lower. Klaus towered over me a second later. His blue eyes filled with rage and worry.

"Why?" He whispered. "Why won't you listen to me? You don't usually give me a hard time like this. What's different about this time?"

"They killed Jackson," I stated.

He sighed, caressing my cheek, "What do you think they'll do to you?"

"Nothing," I said, sliding my hands slowly up his chest before slipping them around his neck. "Because you'll be there to protect me."

"A room full of vampires. You, Hayley, and Camille under the protection of just me and my brother. And you have no doubts?"

"You told me to stop doubting you," I smirked.

"You little vixen," he growled, his arms wrapping around my waist and lifting me from the floor.

"I take it she's going?" Elijah loudly questioned.

Klaus rolled his eyes before kissing me shortly. Then he pulled away, "Yes. She's going."

"Do I get to torture Aurora?" I grinned.

"You're insane," Klaus laughed. "Sure, love. I'll pack you a bag of weapons to use."

"Good," I smiled, pecking his lips. "See, how happy we can be when I get my way?"

Klaus snorted, "I'm happy if you're happy."


Wednesday, December 26th
3:11 PM

I gulped, staring at the large SUV headed our way. I had a bag over my shoulder full of stakes, vervain grenades and syringes. I had a lot of pent up frustration. Klaus was allowing me to hurt people to get over it. Therefore, standing in the middle of the road with Vincent was part of the plan. "You sure you got this?" I asked as I heard the engine roar louder.

Vincent looked at me with a smirk, "I got this." Then he faced forward as the SUV seemed to have sped up, barreling for us. Vincent raised his arms up to his sides then with a sinister smile, he curled his wrist inwards and I looked just in time to see the SUV suddenly flip in place. I gasped, stepping back as it continued to roll on forward towards us. But slowly it came to a halt a few feet away. "You sure you got this?" Vincent questioned, looking at me doubtfully.

"Yup," I smiled, reaching into my back for a stake and a grenade. There were only two vampires groaning as they slipped out of the truck now. Vincent stepped back as I marched forward. The drivers side first as that guy had enough energy to kick out his door to climb out. He scoffed as he saw me.

I pulled the tab on the grenade, tossing it to the other direction at the other guy. Then I braced myself as the vampire in front of me rushed me. But I was smart enough to squat down to dodge his lunge. Then I reached my arm out, grabbing his leg and with all my strength I had the guy barreling down to the ground, staking him before he got the chance to fight back.

"Not bad," Elijah said.

I looked to see him holding the other guy's heart in his hand. I grimaced at that and looked for Klaus who was roughly removing Aurora from the backseat. "Oh, my love, I knew you'd find me," she purred.

I moved quickly, snatching her hand from his face. Her droopy eyes landed on me. "He's mine, bitch," I growled,  reaching into my pocket for my vervain syringe. Klaus held still, holding her while I stabbed her in the neck.

"Is that an engage...?!" She trailed off, not able to finish her question. I smirked. I wondered what hurt most. The burning vervain or the fact that the man she loved, loved someone else and was going to marry them.

"I think I like being engaged to you," I told Klaus.

"For the wrong reasons I assume," he quipped, giving me a pointed look.

"Pissing off other women comes with the territory," I defended. "Maybe you shouldn't have so many contenders. No one's bothered that you're the one who gets me."

"Did you even have time to tell anyone?"

I frowned, "well, no."

"Good news doesn't travel, I see," he retorted, frowning as we made it back to our SUV. I opened the trunk for him then.

"Are you mad I haven't called anyone?"

"No, why would I be mad?" Klaus scoffed.

"I didn't have any time, Klaus."

He threw Aurora in, slamming the trunk closed before looking at me. "Are you ashamed of me?" He questioned and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What? No."

"When are you going to tell people?"

"Soon! I've been dealing with your crap since we got engaged! And now this with Hayley. I'm sorry I didn't call my friends to explain how I went from broken up with you for the last few months to randomly accepting a marriage proposal."

"See! Sarcasm! You are ashamed!" Klaus accused. "You don't want people to know you forgave me—"

"No! Brooke knows about the house."

"And what about Ethan? Hmm? You tell your best friend you were giving me another chance? And your father? Or are you scared they'll be disappointed in you for wanting to be with me?"

"Now isn't the time for this conversation," I hissed.

"When is the time?!" He retorted angrily, walking away to get in the SUV. I rolled my eyes. What an idiot. We're the ones stuck in the backseat.

I climbed in, looking at him in disbelief. I should've seen this coming. Insecurity just under the surface. I didn't blame him per se. I knew he was mainly bothered by the fact the engagement didn't just magically solve everything. We weren't living together so that was a huge problem for him. But I thought things seemed well. I was happy again. I loved kissing him again and holding his hand. Hell, I think I even missed pointless bickering. I know we both missed the sex. But things were tense around us which didn't make it easier to be together. Such as, Jackson's sudden death. I was upset over it. Deeply. But not because I had feelings for the man. Putting myself in Klaus' paranoid shoes, I'm sure that deepened his insecurity. Honestly though, there just wasn't any time for me to call around to let all my friends and loved ones know. And a text wouldn't do it with most of them. However, I will admit I was scared to tell Ethan and my dad. Ethan wouldn't exactly approve, but he saw me when Klaus and I were broken up. He didn't want me to be unhappy. My dad was another story. I stalled on telling him about the breakup. Then when I did, he was shocked. He was planning to help me provide for life as an indecent woman. I couldn't imagine his reaction to me and Klaus suddenly being engaged. He would think it was too fast, too soon. I was being irrational. He wouldn't approve... at least not right away. And I wasn't ready for that heartbreak.

The old me would slide up next to Klaus, take his hand and assure him with the right words. I'd tell him that I would call my friends tonight when we were done with this horrible day. But the new me. I wasn't going to. He and I had some kinks to work out. And so far, I have been really accommodating to this bullshit with Cami turning. I didn't want this to be my problem, or our problem. I didn't have to care about her at all. Or allow him to help her. But I was a stupid good person. And if he can't appreciate me for that, then so be it. Let him sulk. If I didn't want to be engaged, I would've said no to his proposal. I didn't. So he should take that as a win and stop asking me for more and more. He said it himself, this wasn't ideal. And the timing gets worse by the minute.

"Maybe I should go home," I mumbled.

Klaus glanced at me, side eyed, "if that's what you want."

I sighed, shaking my head, "it's not what I want."

"You guys should go to couples therapy," Vincent butted in, uninvited.

"You should keep your thoughts to yourself or I'll rip your tongue out," Klaus quipped.

"Baby," I hissed, swatting his arm. Klaus rolled his eyes, sliding in his seat towards me. I raised a brow. He threw his arm around my shoulder. "You are moody."

"Aren't I always?" He smirked. "Look, I'm sorry. I don't want to fight with you. About anything. Ever again, really. Okay? I'm sorry."

I smiled softly, cuddling against him, "then I'm sorry too. I'll call home tonight."


Wednesday, December 26th
5:00 PM

My hand was firmly in Klaus' as we stood inside a medium sized warehouse over on the docks. A few vampires were flashing in. "Here they come," Klaus said as about 20 more vampires filled the room now. "Stay close, love."

"Okay," I whispered as he dropped my hand. Elijah and him, moving forward to the crowd. I glued myself to my fiancés back.

Suddenly, they made a hole to allow Tristan, Aya, and Marcel through to come within a couple feet of us. I willed myself to calm down as I could feel my heart start to race. "Gentlemen," Tristan greeted. "I wish I could say it was a pleasure."

Klaus completely ignored him, "Marcellus. Made your bed with the enemy, I see."

Marcel put on a smile that I knew was fake, it didn't meet his eyes and it wasn't fully across his face. My friend shrugged then, "Membership has its privileges."

"Let's get on with this, shall we?" Klaus smirked, reaching an arm behind him to tuck me against him. I had to peek over his shoulder, on my tip toes to see.

Tristan turned to the side, nodding at a tall blonde woman. She turned her back to us, disappearing into the crowd for merely a second, and coming back out with a guy. Both of them, holding up Hayley who looked terrible. She was in shackles and covered in dirt and blood. The vampires let go of her arms and she fell to the floor, clearly unable to stand.

I gasped softly, tucking my face into Klaus' shoulder. I felt so sorry for her. "Hayley Marshall-Kenner, only slightly worse for wear. You'll have to forgive her if she seems a bit off. There's enough wolfsbane in her system to kill an entire pack," Tristan informed us. "However, here she is, as requested. Now, where's my sister?"

"She lives," Klaus spat. "You can thank Elijah for that."

Untrue. Aurora was left at the compound. Freya had done a spell to keep her locked away. What we had was Cami, who under a spell by both Freya and Vincent, looked exactly like Aurora.

"Klaus," I hissed as he stepped forward. I froze in place, next to and slightly behind Elijah. My fiancé closed the space between him and Tristan, towering over the evil prick.

"I wanted to flay her and hang her skin as a flag," Klaus sneered. "Anyway, enough chit-chat. Let's conclude this tedious business, shall we?"

"My sister first. And, if you're tempted to argue, consider the numbers," Tristan said.

Klaus smirked, leaning his head in even more threateningly. I bit my lip, nervous. Klaus was confident, I hoped not overly so. Tristan rolled his shoulders, visibly gulping in fear that he couldn't conceal.

"Klaus," I spoke up.

My man scoffed out a laugh, backing away and moving to the rusted green, metal shipping container a couple feet behind me. Inside was Cami/Aurora on a chair, in a hoodie, hiding her face.

All eyes were back on Tristan. He purses his lips, squinting his eyes to try to get a look inside the container. However, it was dark. There was no way he could tell if it was his sister or just a random off the street. He turned to Aya then, "If they try anything, attack," he instructed.

Aya nodded her head. "I wish you would attack. I owe you for breaking Danielle's finger," Klaus said, moving back to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

Tristan on the other hand used his vamp speed to flash into the container. "She was fooling around with the enemy, I thought I was doing you a favor," Aya taunted with a smirk.

"Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But one of these days... I will rip out your heart," Klaus smirked back, tugging me along as he got closer to her. "And I'll eat it for brekkie."

I giggled. I loved the word brekkie. And Klaus hated it. Aya gulped, looking away, turning back to her dictator who was gently waking his 'sister' and removing the zip ties around her hands and feet. "Then I'll slice your body up in quarter size pieces and feed you to the wolves," my fiancé continued.

"Baby," I mumbled, tugging on his arm as I saw 'Aurora' was awake, moving her arms.

"Oh, brother, you came for me," Fake Aurora/Cami said upon 'awakening.'

"Always," Tristan smiled softly. And for a moment I almost felt sorry for him. He truly loved his sister. Her insanity be damned. Then as he pulled her to her feet, hugging him, I started to remember how they were psychopaths who cause me and my loved ones harm.

"Come on. Come on," Tristan said, pulling away. I bit my lip, hoping he had the Serratura in one of his pockets right now. Cause plan A was it was and she could activate the Serratura now. Plan B— according to Klaus was me and the girls running away as the Mikaelsons beat the Serratura found from the Strix. Speaking of, Elijah was fetching Hayley now too, carrying her back to where Klaus and I waited.

As the two parted from their hug, Aurora held the Serratura in front of her, examining it. "Rory?" Tristan questioned, wearily, stepping close to her.What are you doing?"

Before he could snatch it away, 'Aurora' slammed the medallion against the closest container wall. The entire room began to shake like an earthquake. "Danielle!" Klaus exclaimed, hurrying to pull me in his arms. I held onto him tightly as the floor continued it's jolt.

"I'm okay," I assured Klaus as it finally stopped.

He kissed my cheek quickly, "I love you," he whispered in my ear.

I smiled softly as he pulled away from me. Maybe the thrill of action was something I missed too. Klaus was so protective of me. And it was sweet and endearing. It was a main way he showed his love. He didn't care who was around. He finally put me first. Anytime there was any danger or potential danger.

Tristan vamp sped forward, hitting an invisible barrier. 'Aurora' glared at him, a victorious look on her face while her brother had betrayal written all over his. He was in utter shock.  "No," he cried softly. "Aurora," he paused again, shaking his head, "What have you done to us?" He asked standing at the barrier.

Aurora/Cami grinned, walking towards him, "Not to us," she corrected, stepping out of shopping container, "To you."

Tristan gasped. His fake sister rushing to join us. Just as she did, the glamour dissipated revealing Cami as herself in all her blonde glory. Actually she looked sick, which she was. She was going to die if she didn't feed to turn. And she looked close to death now.

"What is this?" Tristan questioned, horrified.

"You know what they say, payback's a bitch," Cami spat hatefully.

"How is this possible?"

"The Serratura creates an impenetrable boundary. Nothing living or dead can pass through," Klaus started to explain.

"And, thanks to your lunatic sister, I'm neither," Cami filled in the rest of the story.

Tristan's big eyes went even wider, as reality sank in. It was real. The medallion was used on him. "No. No, no, no," he repeated over and over. "No!"

The room was still, Klaus tucking Camille behind him while he and Elijah brought Hayley to me. "What are you waiting for? Take them! Now!" Tristan yelled at the rest of the vampires.

Elijah stepped forward then, the barrier between all the vampires and our frail group. "Before you rush headlong toward almost certain death, as your sire, I would like you to employ just a little bit of common sense—" Elijah was beginning a speech I'm sure.

"We are ancient vampires, Elijah!" Aya cut him off, scoffing. "Each of us almost as strong as you."

"You might almost be successful in subduing us, but at what price?" Elijah quipped. "Most of you will die in the process, and for what? To avenge a fool marching you headlong toward your very extinction in the name of a witch's prophecy? You do realize he engineered absolutely all of this purely to satisfy some petty grievance against my family." He paused then, stepping towards the shipping container and shaking his head at his first sire, "Tristan doesn't care for any of you."

"Stop listening to him!" Tristan screamed like a child throwing a tantrum. I think I even saw him stomp his foot down.

"The only danger here is the choice that you must make. You see, I am not your enemy," Elijah said, walking towards Aya now. "It's true, I delivered you into this existence. I can just as easily pluck you out of it. The choice is yours to make."

Aya was glaring back at him. However, before she could make a move to fight, Marcel stepped up beside her, speaking lowly just to her. "It's done. The moment has passed. Be smart, Aya. Smarter than Tristan. Don't waste any more of our guys," we could all hear him say. The rest of the room was terrifyingly silent, awaiting a potential war and a slaughter.

Aya pursed her lips, giving Marcel a dirty look. She didn't like him speaking up or giving advise. What a control freak. Followed orders from Tristan, but not well. That's how I got a broken finger. "Stand down," she commanded her new army.

"You will not abandon me!" Tristan cries out.

Aya walks past Elijah to face her former leader, she surprisingly does look regretful, "It's a shame it has to end like this."

Tristan forehead veins were ready to explode as he faced her, angrier than ever, "Aya, this isn't over!"

Aya's face turned stoic, ironically as she put her hand over her heart. "May the ghosts of our fallen keep you company," she said, turning and walking away.

The rest of the room began to clear out as well. But as Aya made her way dramatically to the exit, Tristan screamed at her, begging her to stay and change her mind, "Aya?! Aya! Aya!"

Cami sighed then, walking towards the exit. "Where are you going?" Klaus called out after her.

She continued without stopping, without glancing back at him and without an answer. As she made it into the doorway, she stumbled, leaning against the wall for support. Klaus in a flash was by her side. "Are you so eager to die?" He complained, clearly annoyed.

"I'm already dead," she retorted, pushing his hands away as he tried to help her.

"Well, at least let me thank you."

Cami forced herself off the wall and stared deeply at him with narrowed eyes. She was pissed off too. "Do not mistake me helping your family with forgiveness for what you tried to do! My choice in this is the only thing I have left, and no one is taking that away from me. You need to get that."

She then started to leave again. Only Klaus flashes in front of her to make her pause once more. "Camille, I'm begging you. Don't do this," he said so softly, if I was even a foot more away, I wouldn't have heard it. He was begging her, pleading desperately.

"Niklaus," Elijah spoke up before I did. In a flash he was in front of Klaus, shoving him against the wall so he was out of Camille's way.

"I won't let her die," Klaus said as Cami hurried off now, escaping.

"If you care for her, you will let her choose," Elijah retorted.

Klaus pushed him away, peeling himself off the wall, and shaking his head. Klaus declared then, "I will not lose her because of your stupid principles!"

"Allow her the dignity of this choice, Niklaus. You force her, you lose her forever," Elijah said then. Klaus pursed his lips, staring at the exit. I knew he was debating on listening to his brother and chasing after her. And my heart was clenching in heartache. I knew we were talking about Cami's death, but the way he fought for her, cared for her... How distraught and fierce he was... made me feel like I was in a losing battle.

"We finish this," Elijah added, nodding towards Tristan in the shopping container.

All eyes went on him then, leaning against one of the walls that encloses him. Looks like all the fight had left his body as the Strix had vanished, no one was coming to his aide. "So, this is to be my end?" He asked the Mikaelson brothers.

"No, no. This is the very beginning!" Elijah grinned, his eyes sparkled with mischief. "You are going to the bottom of the ocean, where you will drown in darkness again and again and again over the course of centuries. This will be your splendidly horrific and perpetual end."

"What have you done with my sister?" Tristan asked then. Hayley caught my attention as she weakly, pushed herself up against me, stepping forward. I helped her, gradually letting her walk on her own to the men.

"Nothing... yet," Klaus grinned wickedly. "But, I assure you, her death will be spectacular."

Just as Tristan's face turned to one of absolute fear, the brothers started to close the doors. "Wait," Hayley croaked.

Both men did. Letting go, one door closed and the other Hayley started to shut, leaving only a slither open where she stood between the doors. "You took a very good man from this world. He will be with me forever, but you? You will be forgotten. And as you rot in the ocean, remember my face," she growled. Because it's gonna be the last one you ever see."

And then she slammed the door shut. I hurried to her side, wrapping an arm around her waist. She practically fell against me. "I got you, girlie," I assured.

Elijah went to step in, but I waved him off. She was grieving her dead husband. As much as we all loved Elijah, and I know she really did, now wasn't the time for him. It surely would only make her feel worse. She's expressed feeling guilt for Jackson's unhappiness through their marriage and before that, so I could only imagine the blame she was was taking for todays tragedy. And no amount of me or anyone else telling her it wasn't her fault would change how she felt.

The boys followed the two of us to the SUV. Klaus unlocked the doors and rushed to pull the back door open for me. "Let me help, love," he said gently.

"I don't need help," I snapped, without meaning to. He looked hurt for a moment, his brows creasing in confusion. Hayley thankfully was able to pull herself into the truck. I climbed in after her, slamming the door shut behind me as Klaus stood on the other side, staring at me in confusion.

"What did I—?" Klaus was asking as he climbed into the driver seat.

"Niklaus, not now," Elijah muttered from the passenger seat. Klaus looked at him for a long moment. It seemed the two were speaking with their eyes before Klaus heaved a sigh and started the truck up.


Wednesday, December 26th
11:20 PM

I grabbed my phone, seeing it was Klaus calling. I sighed loudly, not wanting to talk. My heart was beyond heavy. Jackson was gone. And that tore me up. Especially as I took care of Hayley and Hope all night. Yes, they were staying with me in my house. I told Klaus it wasn't a good idea to stay. Mainly because I didn't want to be around him. I couldn't be around him without us talking about Camille. And when I thought about her, it made me want to cry, kick, and scream. He couldn't react like that about her and tell me he didn't love her. He's a thousand years old and has lost a million people. Maybe I was insecure, wondering what he would do if it was me in her shoes. Would he be more upset? Less upset? Or equally?

Now he was calling, probably wanting my shoulder to cry and vent on about his lost friend. But every ounce of me right now, didn't care. About her life, about his feelings, about any of it. I wouldn't wish death upon anyone but Klaus was right. If she was dead, life would be much easier for me. And I didn't care if thinking that made me a terrible person. All I wanted was to be happy, with my man. We were supposed to be celebrating our engagement, making up, planning a wedding... Instead he's again chasing after his therapist! I don't care about the circumstances anymore! I'm done being understanding! She made her decision. He needs to accept it so we can move on with our lives.

"Hello?" I answered Klaus' call at the very last second I'm sure before it went to voicemail.

"Hey, baby girl," he greeted, softly. He sounded hesitant. Probably wondering if I was still mad. Yet, too dumb to know why.

I sighed, bracing myself for his meltdown over Cami's death. We'd probably have to plan the funeral. I'm sure she'd torture me from the grave like that. "Hey," I said reluctantly, biting my tongue. I didn't want to come out with my bitterness or irritation. Until she was in a tomb, I would be nice. Cause after that, it would be beyond over and done with and I'd feel better.

"How's Hayley?" He asked.

"Coping," I sighed. "She's in the guest room. Hope's in the bassinet next to me. She's fast asleep unlike her mother. I fed them both though."

"Hayley ate."

"A couple of bites before going to her room."

"And how are you? My amazing, strong and brave fiancée? I feel like I should be there for you."

I didn't respond. I kept quiet. I didn't know what to say. It was like his niceness now didn't feel genuine. He was trying to get on my good side. Not because he meant those words.

"Dani?" Klaus called out.

"I'm fine," I lied. And I hated lying to him. But I didn't have the energy to fight. Not anymore. Not over this again. "How are you?"

He sighed, "well... Cami fed."

I dropped the phone out of my hand. The whole world seemed to stop. Blood was rushing in my ears. My whole future shattering. My heart cracking. Eternity with her? I couldn't do it. I wouldn't do it.

I picked up the phone with a shaky hand, pressing it back to my ear. "And you have to be there to help her cope, right?" I choked out, throat burning as my eyes filled with tears.

"I'm glad you understand," he breathed out, sounding relieved. Idiot.

"I do understand," I admitted, pressing my lips together to hold back a sob. It was reality. I didn't care that she was a vampire. He was supposed to be done with her. And now... this was an excuse for him to have her in his life. But that wasn't the deal. He couldn't have us both.

"She's here now. She's going to stay the night..."

I put the phone on the nightstand. Not on speaker. I didn't care for what he had to say. I didn't care to talk to him anymore. I didn't care about anything.

I licked my dry lips and blinked out the tears so they could roll down my cheeks. I held my hands out in front of me, taking in my engagement ring one last time. And slowly I pried it off my finger.

~Picture: Danielle's engagement ring 💍

Um... thoughts?

I don't know how it happened. At first I was like okay they're getting too lovey dovey now. And then suddenly Danielle was heartbroken... Is she overreacting? Or are her feelings valid by Klaus' actions and reactions?

And who is sick of Cami???? Cause I am. Part of me tries to keep the blame on Klaus, but she's not an innocent in this situation. She is in love with a taken man, and she doesn't care who knows it. And I think she plays on his feelings for her, which seems manipulative. Is that just me? I don't know...

Going with the flow is taking me all over the place with this series. I always have bits and pieces for ideas I want to include and sometimes I get carried away in a plot that strays from getting to those points lol. Like I wanted Klaus to propose on Christmas but then I caused all that damage leading up to Christmas 😂 And then I wanted them to SLOWLY work it out after the engagement, and now I got Dani taking off her ring just 24hrs later 😱

And what about Hayley? Jackson is gone. And so is my idea of having Dani and him date for a couple weeks or months lol.

Anyways tell me what you think... Until next time love bugs.

If you liked this chapter leave some sad emojis for Jackson/Dani's heartbreak ❤️‍🩹🪦🤧

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