Y/N's Two Lives (Male reader...

By MagnusWrites

9.1K 186 79

A rewrite of my previous Marvel story. Avatar of Khonshu and a person with split personality. One nice the ot... More

Khonshu Hates Cats
Let's Have Some Fun
Where Are The Avengers?!
I Have A Confession
Trapped In School
I'm A Legitimate Mutant
Author's Note!!!

The Xmen

592 17 6
By MagnusWrites

Author: So far I have decided on seven different characters for the harem. I have written the first two parts of my new book about Cyberpunk Edgerunners so feel free to check it out... It will only be 10 parts.

Y/N: Nice weather we're having huh?

You feel a slight shift as the other you tries to take control. Magneto continues to glare at you from above.

Magneto: Lorna... What are you doing out here? Did this boy force you outside?

Lorna: No father... He was just trying to be nice... I don't like it in tower. He helped me realise that I don't have to stay because I want to help you make the world a better place for mutants.

Magneto: Return to the tower Lorna... It is safer there. I shall deal with this pest.

Lorna: Father no!

Magneto: Pietro... Wanda! Take Lorna back to the tower!

Before anyone can move the other you takes over and immediately equips the suit and glares at Magneto.

Y/N: I may not know who the fuck you are... But I don't like you. Caring for your daughter is one thing... But controlling her is another!

You leap at Magneto. A red energy swirls round him as a nearby streetlight bends slapping you back into the ground.

Lorna: Father wait!

Wanda: Pietro!

Pietro: Yeah yeah!

Pietro grabs Lorna and zooms her to her room. Wanda flies up to the tower and looks back to see you getting back up.

Wanda Mind: It's like he is a totally different person now.

Y/N: You bent that metal light pole... That the best you got?!

Magneto: Insolent brat!

Several of the streetlights shoot of the ground. Some still have chunks of concrete at the bottom. He launches them at you forcing you to jump all over the place. You leap on top of the last one and run up it.

You once more leap at Magneto. His eyes widen in surprise. Just as you are about to punch him a few portals open up over Genosha. Several Sentinels fly out of the portals.

Mutants: Sentinels!

Magneto flies out of the way of your punch. You fall to the ground and do a superhero landing. You look to the Sentinels confused.

Y/N: What the fuck... Is a Sentinel?! Those are just stupid robots!

The three children of Magneto look out of the tower as the Sentinels all launch towards the island of Genosha.

Lorna: Y/N be careful!

You look up at Lorna with a slight frown.

Y/N: Are you blind?! I am Spider Knight... There is no Y/N here!

Deep in your head.

Other Y/N: I don't think secret identities matter on Genosha... Besides they already know who we are.

Outside your head, you glare at the Sentinels.

Y/N: Shut the fuck up and stay inside me!

Lorna, Wanda and Pietro look at you confused. Wanda and Pietro look to Lorna with weird looks.

Pietro: What's up with the attitude?

Wanda: You like that guy?

Lorna: It's his other self.

Pietro: His what now?

Wanda: What do you mean by that?

Lorna: He has two selves... I believe it is part of his mutant ability. Earlier I saw him split into two but each one was different. They even argued with one another.

Wanda: That's weird... It sounds to me like his mutant ability is affected by his mind.

Lorna and Pietro: His mind?

Wanda: It seems like he has split personality... Where two personalities live in one body and this is because of his life experiences... Specifically how they've affected his mind.

Pietro: So because he has split personality... His mutant ability gives each personality its own body?

Wanda: Exactly.

Pietro: Wow you're so smart Wanda.

Wanda: No you are just dumb.

Pietro: Hey!

Lorna: We should help them.

Pietro and Wanda: No Dad has got this.

Lorna still looks to you and her father worried. Magneto sends streetlights spiralling into the Sentinels but this only slows them down. You run up the tower and launch into Magneto's head. You leap off his helmet and slam into one of the Sentinels.

Pietro: He is one crazy bastard.

You shove your fist into the head of the Sentinel and rip out wires causing it to explode. You shield yourself with your cape and are launched to another Sentinel where you repeat the process.

Magneto Mind: These Sentinels are different... I can't manipulate them like I have done in the past.

Pietro: Why isn't dad doing anything?

Lorna: I can't sense any magnetic fields from the Sentinels... Father can't manipulate them!

Wanda: Then we have no choice but to help him!

Pietro: But...!

Wanda: No... The other members of the Brotherhood of Evil are probably keeping the rest of the island safe.

Lorna rushes past her siblings and floats into the air. Wanda quickly rushes after her while Pietro zooms out of the tower. The three all in their super outfits.

Polaris: I will not let you harm the people of Genosha!

Magneto looks back in surprise as Polaris radiates with green energy. Several metal items from her room fly out and fire into the Sentinels at great speeds. The items rip the Sentinels apart small pieces at a time.

Quicksilver: I am pretty useless down here... But I can still help.

Quicksilver speeds round the island helping the mutants of Genosha by taking them out of harm's way. Scarlet Witch uses her powers to easily rip Sentinels to pieces. Magneto watches you and his children easily destroy each and every Sentinel.

Standing on top of another tower of the castle Loki watches you very carefully.

Loki: My oh my... He has quite the skills. So Enchantress wants me to kill him... I'll pass. There's something special about him. I'll think I'll male him mine.

Loki smirks before vanishing.

Back at the bottom of the tower. You stand with Polaris opposite Magneto, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Your suit vanishes as does the others except for Magneto.

Lorna: I know what you are going to say... I know exiting the tower was reckless but I couldn't just stand back and watch you die.

Y/N: Sentinels... What a joke.

You shift back to your nicer more friendly self. You look around confused. You notice a head of a Sentinel laying not too far from you.

Y/N: What the heck is that?!

Pietro: I guess he does have split personality.

Wanda: I told you.

Magneto: Lorna...

Everyone looks to Magneto in silence. He closes his eyes for moment before looking at Lorna apologetically.

Magneto: I'm sorry I've been so overprotective... You managed to defeat the Sentinels where I couldn't. If you really want to help out... Then I'll allow it but only if you are accompanied by one of the Brotherhood.

Lorna smiles.

Lorna: Deal!

Magneto then turns to you with a less friendly look.

Y/N: Hi...

You lean over to Lorna.

Y/N: Is it running time?

Magneto: You are an odd mutant with weird powers... Do you like my daughter?

Y/N: Yeah she's cool.

Lorna blushes slightly.

Lorna: Father?!

Pietro covers his mouth while trying to hide his laughter.

Magneto: If you wish to stay in Genosha then you must prove your worth.

Y/N: Well I don't really plan on staying forever... Wait prove my worth? Prove it how?

Magneto: You and the Brotherhood... Will go to the Xmen.

Y/N: The Xmen?

At the X-mansion, three mutants walk through the main doors.

Logan: We're back!

Kitty: Laura!

Kitty runs over and hugs Laura. Laura just stares past her at Logan with a blank expression.

Laura: Still alive huh?

Logan: Obviously.

Rogue walks over to Kitty and Laura. She looks over at Mary Jane and Felicia.

Rogue: Who are they?

Charles: This is Mary Jane Watson and Felicia Hardy... They are friends with the mutant you were sent to find.

Logan: They have a lead on his new location?

Charles: Genosha.

The three mutants who have just arrived look in shock.

Kitty: The Brotherhood got to him before us?!

Charles: No... The Brotherhood don't know about him.

Logan: Then how did he get to Genosha so fast? Is he a teleporter like Kurt?

Charles: It's a long story... Come. Sit down and I'll explain everything.

Back in Genosha, Pietro leads you and Lorna to a building on the far east of the island.

Y/N: What is this place? It looks kinda run down.

You look around at the worn down room.

Pietro: Yeah... This is the prep room and we haven't really used it in a while. The others should be here soon.

Right on queue Mystique, Toad and Wanda enter.

Lorna: Anyone else coming?

Mystique: No... The others are helping clean up.

Mystique walks straight into the jet. Pietro rushes onto the jet after her now wearing his suit. Toad notices you and walks over to you giving you his hand.

Toad: Hey... You must be the new guy.

Y/N: I'm Y/N... Nice to meet you.

Toad: Likewise... You can call me Toad.

You shake his hand before he leaves smiling oddly. You look at your hand to see it is quite slimy.

Wanda: Gross.

Wanda walks slowly behind Toad not wishing to be too close to him. You look at Lorna confused.

Y/N: She doesn't mean me does she?

Lorna: She means Toad's slime.

Y/N: What slime?

Lorna points to your slimy hand.

Y/N: Oh... I thought my hand was just sweating weirdly.

Lorna: You... Are truly one of a kind huh?

Y/N: If you say so.

Lorna links her arm with yours to your confusion. She smiles as she leads you onto the jet.

Lorna: Come on I'm getting excited... I can't wait to see what it is like so far from Genosha.

Y/N: It depends on where we go... But some places are amazing and others... Not so much.

Lorna: I'm still excited.

You take a seat next to Lorna while Pietro and Wanda sit on the other side. Toad sits at the back while Mystique flies the jet.

Y/N: So what are the Xmen like?

Lorna: I'm not sure... I've only ever met their leader. He once visited my father and bested him in chess.

Y/N: So they're friends?

Lorna: I guess so.

Pietro: They are old friends but that doesn't change how different they are.

Wanda: The Xmen believe that humans will learn to accept mutants. Our dad on the other hand believes the only way we could coexist with them was to rule over them.

Toad: Oh yeah... I'm so excited to teach those losers a lesson they'll never forget.

Y/N: Wait... Your father wants to rule over humanity? Doesn't that make him a super villain?

Pietro: Pretty much... We are called the Brotherhood of Evil.

Y/N: Right... I feel that I am on the wrong side.

Lorna: Hopefully we can achieve our goal without conflict... Speaking of... What is our goal?

Pietro: Uhhhhh... What was our goal?

Pietro looks at Wanda.

Wanda: Go to the Xmen.

Pietro: Then what?

Wanda: I don't know... Toad you tell us.

Toad: I dunno... Aren't we just going to attack them?

Wanda: If that was the case... We would have brought the others dumbass.

Pietro: Hey Mystique... What are we doing?!

Mystique: Heading over to Xavier's school.

Pietro: To do what?!

Mystique: To carry out Magneto's wishes.

Pietro: I don't think she knows either.

Wanda: It's weird... Why didn't dad just tell us what we are supposed to do.

Lorna: Maybe we're going to form an alliance with them.

Pietro: Doubt it.

The jet rises into the sky and shoots off towards the X-mansion.

Elsewhere Enchantress glares furiously at the screen showing you are sitting happily talking with Lorna.

Enchantress: That backstabbing bitch!

Skurge: Weren't we going to backstab her first?

Enchantress: Of course we were... She clearly knows Y/N is special but at least she doesn't know why yet.

Loki appears behind the two.

Loki: Ooh so he really is special.

Enchantress and Skurge swiftly turn with glares on their faces.

Enchantress: Stay away from him... He is mine!

Loki: We'll see about that...

Skurge leaps at Loki only for her to vanish and reappear elsewhere.

Loki: What makes him so special?... Must be something deep inside him. How do you even know about him?

Enchantress: I won't tell you a thing other than to stay out of my way.

Loki: You tried to use me... The true Queen of Asgard. I am the one who will use you... You will slip up and when you do I'll take whatever makes Y/N so special.

Loki disappears.

Enchantress: Looookkkkkiiiii!

Logan: A God of the moon? Are you pulling my tail bub?

Charles: I'm afraid not... I know you only just got back but I would like you to go to Genosha and speak with Eric about Y/N.

Logan: I don't think he will want to talk... Especially to me.

Charles: He will... Trust me.

Logan: I do.

Rogue: So if he has the powers of a God... Does that mean he isn't a mutant?

Charles: He is still a mutant... Just one with more than just a mutation.

A loud noise gets everyone's attention from outside. They all go up to the window and look out to see a jet landing. They notice Mystique exiting the jet.

Logan: The Brotherhood... Xmen suit up!

Logan, Laura, Rogue and Kitty all run off to change into their costumes.

Charles (Mind): Talk to them first.

Outside you and Lorna look around noticing the huge size of the mansion and it's lawn.

Y/N: I'd hate to be the Xmen's gardener... This is a lot of grass. I mean just imagine how long it would take to now it.

Pietro: I'd rather not... Besides I could do it quickly.

You all exit the jet after Mystique and notice the Xmen all suited up ahead of you.

Toad: We're taking you losers down!

Toad leaps towards Wolverine and he prepared his claws.

Mystique: Toad wait!

Toad stops in his tracks and turns to look back at Mystique confused.

Toad: But they're the enemy!

Mystique: No they are not... We came here to ask for the Xmen to come to Genosha in order to find out where the Sentinels came from.

Toad: Awww maaaannnn!

Y/N: How does this prove my worth?

Inside the mansion, Felicia and Mary Jane notice you are standing with the Brotherhood.

Mary Jane and Felicia: Y/N?

The two rush outside and you spot them running over to you.

Mary Jane and Felicia: Y/N?!

Y/N: Oh hey you two!

Lorna: Who are they?

Y/N: My girlfriends.

Lorna: Oh.

Lorna looks down slightly sad.

Pietro: You have two girlfriends?

Y/N: Yeah Felicia is my girlfriend and Mary Jane is other me's girlfriend.

Lorna's eyes widen in surprise.

Lorna: So each you has their own girlfriend?

Y/N: Yeah.

Before Lorna can ask anymore questions a huge portal opens up above the jet. A huge Sentinel falls and lands destroying the jet in a firey explosion.

Y/N: Big robot!

Wolverine: Of course those damn scientists didn't stop making Sentinels.

Laura: It's a big one.

Rogue: Well you know what they say... The bigger they are...

Y/N: The scarier it is.

Rogue: Actually I was going to say the harder they fall.

Y/N: Oh.

Sitting in the grass while drinking Asgardian ale Loki watches you with her full attention.

Loki: Show me what makes you special.

You quickly change into your suit as does the others. The Sentinel looks down at all over you scanning.

Sentinel: Mutants detected.

Y/N: What a rubbish robot... I mean who is it even telling this to?

Wolverine rushes forward with all his claws out. X-23 follows close behind him doing the same. They both start swiping at the the large feet of the Sentinel but to their surprise it does nothing.

X-23: It's armor is stronger than vibranium?!

Loki grins from afar.

Loki: I made sure to add a little Asgardian touch.

Toad: Shit... We can't beat that thing... We need to run!

Mystique: Be quite!

Polaris: Let me try.

Polaris flies into the air and Scarlet Witch decides to follows her into the air. You lean over at Felicia.

Y/N: Flying is so great.

Felicia: I'm not sure that I agree.

The Sentinel's chest opens up and it begins charging energy drawn from its core.

Sentinel: Initiating mutant destruction beam... In three...

Polaris surrounds herself in green energy as she tries to move the Sentinel to no avail so instead she concentrates. Bits of unenchanted metal rip out of the Sentinel.

Sentinel: Two... Two...

Y/N: Hey I think she's doing it.

The large Sentinel's core shines brighter and brighter. Polaris tips out more and more pieces causing Loki to look unpleased.

Sentinel: One.

The Sentinel release a powerful beam. Scarlet Witch flies in front of her sister and uses her power to hold the beam back as much as she can. The beam's power pushes her further and further back.

Polaris tries to help by pushing her older sister but their combined strength is no match for the beam. You and all of the others stare in horror as it disintegrates both daughters of Magneto.

Quicksilver: Noooooooo!

Loki: So dull... I want to see Y/N's power not theirs.

Your eyes widen in horror as their disintegration plays over again and again in your head. Your heart pumps faster and faster when suddenly your eyes sparkle like the universe. A wave of light fills the area.

Loki covers her eyes and when the light disappears she sees both Polaris and Scarlet Witch back in the air unharmed. You all look to see the Sentinel standing with a massive hole in its chest as if it was lasered.

Quicksilver: What... But I just saw them die.

Wolverine: You weren't the only one bub.

The two daughters of Magneto return to the ground as the Sentinel falls backwards slamming into the ground. Loki smirks.

Loki: So that is why she wants you... You will be mine... That I promise my mighty Y/N.

You look at your hands in surprise.

Y/N: Did I do that?

You feel a shadow loom over you and you turn to see Khonshu.

Khonshu: We have to talk.

Y/N: For once I agree.

Next part - 'Unfathomable Power'

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