A Truth For A Truth ( Scaramo...

Galing kay 12thFatui

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Y/N has more secrets than she knows what to do with. For years, she has had everyone in the palace convinced... Higit pa

| Trust is a mirage |
| Anger at its finest |
| The Final Bow |
| The Puppet Approaches |
| Caught In A Trap |
| A Pesky Plant |
| One Bottle Too Many |
| A leap of... Insanity |
| Confessions And Kisses In The Dark |
| The Vow |
| Forgive and Forget |

| A Market Of Truths |

2.2K 108 118
Galing kay 12thFatui

We opted to avoid sneaking in the shadows because of the lack of concealing corners. Furthermore, we realised we looked even more suspicious tip toeing around and chose to blend in with the dense crowds throughout the market. On more than one occasion did I try to catch a glimpse of the products and services being sold however Scaramouche insisted we move along quickly. The sun was setting awfully fast and we didn't want to spend any more time than necessary.

As we slipped past another stall with a yelling merchant, a single voice not too far away seemed to call for my attention. "You there, miss! Yes, you! I couldn't help but call after you when I realised how splendid you would look in one of our new dresses!"

He closed the distance between us after I'd turned to regard him. Unfortunately, he seemed to interpret it as interest in his products however I was more than happy in my current attire. The man was now standing in front of me, his brown curly locks tumbling over his eyes. The grin he wore could only be attached to that of an experienced businessman.

"Thank you for your kind words but I must decline. Not to mention I'm in a hurry, please excuse me." I nodded politely and attempted to manoeuvre around him to catch up with Scaramouche.

To my dismay, this young man was persistent. He took one bold step closer, shortening the distance between us even further and soon his hand was reaching towards me, attempting to latch onto my arm.

"Please miss, you simply must get a look at the fashion we bring in from overseas!" he insisted.

Attempting to get out of his reach before his hand reached me, I felt the small proximity of the crowds around me. If I were to step back, I would go through those behind me but if I remained in my spot, the merchant would try to touch me and completely miss. Why do I always get myself in these predicaments?et

"I'm really not interested, please don't touch me-"

I almost resorted to pretending I was a ghost and just walking through him; however it would blow my cover and others would soon notice. There were Fatui in Sumeru, I simply couldn't risk it. As I tried to put some space in between us, I frantically looked around for an exit when I heard the man yelp. My eyes returned to him only to see his hand in someone else's grip, held so tight the skin was turning a concerning shade of red. I grimaced and matched the hand to the person that could only belong to my travel companion.

"Keep your filth to yourself, bastard. She told you she doesn't want shit, get lost," snarled a familiar, cold voice beside me.

The merchant whimpered and nodded quickly. In a haste to get away from the scene that was now attracting much unwanted attention, I pulled Scaramouche away from the persistent businessman and dragged him into the abundance of people.

"Why did you have to go and cause a scene? We are supposed to be inconspicuous!" I hissed as I turned to read his expression.

Scaramouche was still grouchy and seemed awfully irritated on my account. He shrugged indifferently and allowed me to lead us towards the tavern. Soon, any commotion caused behind us was forgotten as the Harbinger and I escaped the scene hand in hand.

Only one thing was running through my mind at that moment: Scaramouche had protected me. He had gotten me out of a sticky situation and defended me against the man. My skin was warm, my stomach was doing fun back flips and my brain was frazzled. If I didn't know any better, I would think he cared about me just the slightest.

I did know better but that didn't stop me from hoping. All in a matter of days, he had apologised willingly for actions that he didn't do out of his own volition, he let me touch his hair (small gesture but impactful), and he even hinted at having paid attention to me during our time in the palace. I will not draw worthless and obviously incorrect conclusions from such small actions but I think I'm really beginning to develop some form of appreciation and affection towards this man.

"Oi slow down. Do you even know where you're taking us?" snapped Scaramouche who had somehow managed to sidle up right behind me and whisper this in my ear.

I jumped in the spot at the sudden closeness of him. The way his breath tickled my ear and the strength of which he held my hand. Why hadn't he let go? Why is he so fine with holding my hand? Stop it, stop it, stop it. Stop being so...Normal about coming close to me. Have some consideration for the touch-starved...

"I have no idea where we are going. Just anywhere out of that plaza," I responded without turning around.

Seconds before we turned another corner, my sight zeroed in on more than a dozen Fatui Agents loitering around our destination. The sudden sighting of them had me coming to an abrupt halt. Scaramouche bumped into me from behind, catching himself and I from stumbling by holding my waist in one hand and arm in the other. His touch was distracting but not nearly enough to erase the oncoming headache of seeing so many Fatui around.

I cursed under my breath just as the hand holding mine once more, yanked me back. A gasp left my lips at the sudden move and within seconds, my sight was enveloped somewhere where dark ruled. As I adjusted to the sudden change in surroundings, I looked up and was met with a wary looking Scaramouche. His eyes were narrowed at the end of the stuffy alleyway he had dragged us into but none of this held my attention.

It was the distracting way that Scaramouche had sandwiched me between him and the cold wall behind me. With the slim design of the dim alleyway between two stores, there was hardly enough space for two people. He breathed heavily, his jaw tense with caution. I stared up at Scaramouche who had two hands planted against the wall on either side of my head and seemed awfully tense. So tense he hadn't seemed to notice how close his face was to mine.

It's alright though, I felt all the explosions of butterflies and nervousness and strange happiness for the both of us. He seemed preoccupied with keeping an eye out for the Fatui we were attempting to hide from.

I believe he realised that I had refrained from talking for longer than what he considered normal and got suspicious. One look down at me and I felt my breath get caught in my throat. Mind you, this is a rare occurrence when you are made of air. His gaze had a chokehold on me. Realising I'd been staring for too long, I managed to stutter an almost coherent sentence.

"Uh... That's- that's bad, right? What do we do?" I whispered.

A brief beat of silence flitted by as he watched me with an indistinguishable expression. Something seemed to amuse him because the small quirk of his lips that suggested he was attempting to conceal a smile was a terrible attempt. My heart raced at the beauty of such a rare look on his face. The moments where his cold facade had cracked continued to replay themselves over and over again.

"For once in your life, you are correct. That is bad. And I don't know what else to do but avoid them completely. I have no set appointment with the informant, they are always stationed in the tavern so we could always wait it out here. I mean... You seem to have gotten pretty comfortable," he whispered back, pointedly glancing down at my hands that had somehow found their way onto his chest.

I told myself it was definitely for the sake of keeping a respectable distance between us but it was hardly respectable when his legs were trapping mine between them and the space between our faces was only a head tilt away. Scaramouche watched me with amusement however a hint of undeniable passion was present, particularly in his eyes that glowed dangerously in contrast with the dark of the alleyway. Realising I hadn't responded due to the distracting way his gaze flickered to my lips and back to my eyes, I turned my head away to view the entrance where orange light dribbled in from outside.

"I- I think it's best we retreat for now. The Agents out there are obviously looking for someone, we'd best play it safe. Staying here is too risky. Besides, I'm hardly comfortable when you have taken up 80% of what is supposed to be my personal space," I responded bluntly.

Turning back to him, I regretted it immediately. Scaramouche shifted the position of his arms until one was leaned horizontally above my head and the other was at my side. Suddenly, he inclined his head forward slightly until our foreheads were almost touching. Those brilliant navy eyes never left mine. I knew my heart would have been racing if it really beat because the way adrenaline rushed through my veins almost had me leaning forward and brushing my lips against his very inviting ones.

"Are you saying you want to retreat because you're nervous?" he whispered in a low voice that sent a shiver down my spine. "My shirt will get creased if you keep holding onto it so tight."

Peeking down, I noticed my hands that had balled up into fists, taking the fabric of his shirt with them. Never have I let go of something so fast in my life. You'd think he had some sort of infectious disease if you hadn't known the full story. I hated how right he was. I wanted nothing more than to get out of this little prison Scaramouche had trapped me in. The warmth he radiated, the sound of his quiet breathing and the way he stared at me as if there was no one else in the world was so... Alluring.

Everything I believed about this man, I was questioning. Technically, I'd drawn these impressions from the way he had treated me all these years but everything he was doing now was opposing it entirely. Why is he giving me false hope? He's making me feel as if he wants me. And... I know I want him. There's no point ignoring it now. As much as I can mentally avoid this reality, my body was reacting to him all on its own. Although I am sure this has something to do with the fact that he can touch me and has done so many times.

Licking my lips wet and forcing myself to push all the images of a particular scene on the jungle floor away, I steeled my nerves and righted myself. "I could rip it to shreds and you would still have another shirt in that weird dimensional pocket of yours. Did you expect me to be fine when someone with your abilities has trapped me in a dark alley? If you're done taunting me, how about we get out of here? Then again... You do seem awfully comfortable getting all up, close and personal with me. Is there something you might like to share with me, Scaramouche?"

He seemed to find the whole ordeal strangely funny. By now, a smirk had found its way onto his lips as he watched me with intrigue. I liked that expression way too much but we had things to be doing and places to go. Crossing my arms over my chest and leaning as far back as possible, I raised a brow at him and waited for a response. The Harbinger let out a breathy laugh before glancing to the end of the alleyway once more and pushing away from me.

"Here's something I'd like to share: your confidence in challenging me is adorable. Usually I find incompetence to be vexing but coming from you... Well, it doesn't feel so irritating. Almost as if you pose a real threat to me," he smirked, cocking his head to the side in a manner that had me squealing internally. "You now owe me a truth in return for the one I just granted you. Let's go. We'll come back later more prepared and well rested."

Well, I suppose that's only fair. If only his words hadn't sparked a giddy feeling within me. It sounds as if he doesn't despise me as much as he did when we first set out. Oddly enough, that sent a sliver of relief through me.

The moment he began his walk towards the exit of the alley, the smirk slowly melted away until his expression turned grim and exhausted. I blinked once with visible confusion. Who was that man and why did he make me feel so flustered? Also, why was his mood so hard to understand? One second he was almost flirting, smirking at me and all. Then suddenly he's reminded of our situation and our entire conversation is forgotten. Scaramouche confuses me to no end.


Scaramouche's POV:

I let it go too far.

Y/N was in my clutches and I let my desire get the better of me. Her hands on my chest, her unsteady breathing at the close proximity. All of this was making me feel strangely hopeful. For a second, I believed she might not hate me as much as she claims. Her eyes betrayed something that she was too afraid to admit. Y/N looked at me like she wanted something and whatever it was, I was prepared to give it to her.

I knew this was a bad idea. From the second I agreed, I knew deep down I only accepted because I wanted to understand something about her. So far, I have learnt nothing except for the fact that I really like it when she's close to me. She was like the cat you just wanted to bundle up in your arms. The only difference was that she was a grouchy one that showed no signs of warming up to me.

As we walked back to the break in the trees of the jungle we had left earlier, I glanced behind me discreetly, hoping to catch a thought on her mind. She stared at her feet, deep in thought and fiddling with a loose string dangling off her shorts. The only thing I could conclude was that when she wasn't snapping or arguing with me, she was cute and cheery. At one point, she had tried to keep up that image all the time. Even after I obviously showed my distaste towards her in the palace, she nodded brightly at me and never scowled back.

On one hand, I hated it. I hated that she still dazzled me with a kind smile no matter how awfully I faced her. However, I also found myself hoping for it. I thought maybe she didn't hold grudges and she was one of those kindred spirits that could detest nothing. Of course, I was severely wrong but I still loved that casual grin she sent my way. It was painfully attractive and so normal that anyone walking by might have thought we were friends if it weren't for the glare I responded with often.

Now that I've seen her true nature, I find I like her even more. Yes, I've come to terms with it. I don't hate her. I don't think anyone could. She is the human incarnation of peace and grace. Even so, she was still capable of defending herself and showing a feisty side. It was so enticing.

But as long as I thought this way, I wouldn't be able to get anything done. Especially because she is now with me all the time. I had important objectives to complete but she was taking over my thoughts too often. The kiss earlier had scrambled my thoughts until they were a mess of replayed scenes and sounds.

Taunting her in the alleyway was a way to distract me from what I really wanted to do. If I wasn't talking then I might have done something that would catalyse a whole chain of events. I didn't want to regret or apologise for anything more and I also didn't want to get myself involved with Y/N anymore than necessary. I knew it was already too late for that but I could work towards it. All I had to do was keep my thoughts and actions in check. Shouldn't be too hard... Right?


Y/N's POV:

We had left the port behind us and walked for a short while into the depth of the jungles once more. Coming back here had only surfaced memories that I didn't want to have to recall so soon but I was also very preoccupied with ensuring overgrown roots wouldn't trip me over. Neither Scaramouche nor I spoke the entire way. It felt as if breaking the silence would lead to something unpredictable and I wasn't sure how much I wanted to find out what that was. All the ways we had come to an understanding had sort of fallen away. The awkwardness was back and whilst I did believe we wouldn't be arguing so much, our relationship was still strained.

Scaramouche halted ahead of me and placed his hands on his hips as he studied the surrounding area. I followed his gaze until I gathered that we now stood in a densely tree packed area. The trees here were mountainous and soared over our heads like overgrown giants. In a way, it felt as if it were protecting us. The branches and leaves that curled and hugged one another looked serene and comforting.

Suddenly, an idea sprang up in my mind. I joined Scaramouche's side and threw my arm over his shoulder casually. "Take us up to the highest branches."

I pointed upwards where the point at the top of the thick trunk before us was stationed. Scaramouche frowned at me with confusion and eyed the arm that rested over his shoulder suspiciously. For a beat, he only seemed to contemplate the pros and cons of listening to me before coming to a decision.

Reluctantly, he sighed before pulling me closer to him by the waist. The action had something jolting in my veins but it was put down immediately with the flash of electro that teleported us to the summit of the trees. Upon arriving on the branch, I found myself clinging onto Scaramouche tightly. The trip up had disoriented me and my knees were jittery with the surge of elemental energy used.

The Harbinger pulled away from me, holding me steady by the elbows before staring into my eyes silently, as if asking if it was alright to let go. I blinked once before steadying myself and putting some distance between the two of us. The longer I spent close to him, the harder it would be to step away. Something about him was magnetic.

Instead, I chose to study the new view from our position. "This is the perfect spot to keep watch. Look, you can see the port from here. We'll just wait it out and once the Fatui Agents have scattered from the area, we can sneak in."

"I was sure you brought us up here for something stupid. Nice to know you use your head once in a while," sneered Scaramouche.

"Despite thinking that, you still obliged. Why is that, Balladeer?" I asked with a gloating smile.

He averted his gaze with something akin to displeasure. "Don't call me that. That name was always just a means to an end."

I searched his face for any betraying thoughts however he was a blank slate. Only his eyes swirled like bubbling storms at the mention of his official title. So he didn't like it when I called him by his original name and he also disliked his Fatui title. It's a shame really. Kunikizushi was a far more exotic name than Scaramouche.

Instead of pestering and prying, I sat down on the thick branch and let my gaze run over the jungle that stretched far beyond the eye could see. The setting sun cast a gilded glow over the fluttering leaves and the rippling waters of the ocean ahead. If I were a painter, this would have been the portrait I would treasure for eternity and beyond.

Scaramouche chose to settle down beside me. He leaned against the tree trunk after removing his hat and shut his eyes for a while. At that, we basked in the blissful silence that was strangely comfortable and welcome. Over the past couple of days, we'd camped on hard floors and had forced our eyes to remain open as we watched for pursuers. A little rest was deserved to say the least.

For some reason, even the winds that often never allowed themselves a moment of silence had decided to give me some peace today. I was grateful. Sometimes, even as a musician, I needed a real moment of true quiet.

"Don't you wish it was always like this?" I found myself asking in a quiet whisper.

I'm not sure what came over me. Maybe it was the way his aura fit in so well with the atmosphere. He felt like a cushion or a warm ray of sunshine from beside me. A strange pull of vulnerability and relaxation came from being around him. I really hadn't anticipated it from a person such as himself.


I turned to face him. He watched me with a tired but curious gaze. "Well... People like us constantly have something to chase. We are born to do something, everyone is. But it gets so tiresome and tedious. This ambition becomes an obsession and suddenly we think of nothing else. But the moment you take a minute to look around and see everything, you're hit with the grandest sensation. It's like you're seeing the universe for the first time but it's not overwhelming like you thought it might be. It's like dreaming but you're wide awake and suddenly you want to drink every single second of it in. The beauty of it is that it's rare and comes by whenever it chooses, not when you want it to..."

I trailed off realising I was rambling on in a probably incoherent way. Self consciousness suddenly gnawed at me and I glanced over at Scaramouche with the worry that he was judging me. It has been a long time since I've opened up to someone about something so personal. My thoughts were very personal.

Scaramouche was the last person I thought I would confide in but as I studied his expression, I felt at ease. I felt like exhaling and releasing the tension in my body and smiling at him. Because he wasn't judging. He stared at me as if he was seeing me and understanding and noting down every word I spoke. A rope inside me unravelled just the slightest because his mere presence, his reaction, it was so accepting.

A wave of nostalgia washed over me and took me under. The days where my friends and I sat in trees and told stories and played games with one another came to mind. The ease and familial feeling I experienced with them was what I was feeling now. How could Scaramouche of all people induce such a sensation?

Only now did I realise he hadn't said anything. The golden orange light that highlighted the side of his face made his skin glitter and melted the coldness off his features. For a beat longer, I allowed myself to drink in this expression that made me feel so at home. Then, I looked away. Moments like these were unhealthy for a partnership such as ours. This was supposed to be a deal between two dangerous people and nothing else could develop in between. And yet, despite knowing this all too well, I still wanted it to be more. I felt the way that there could possibly be more between the Harbinger and I. Hopes like those would only lead to foul endings.

"Sorry for rambling," I muttered.

"Well, we've already established that you do talk a lot. Nothing I haven't already gotten used to," he said with a shrug. "Besides, sometimes the things you say aren't entirely empty and irrelevant. I understand where you're coming from."

"Was that like... an indirect compliment?" I asked with a little laugh.

His lips quirked with the threat of a smile. "Don't get ahead of yourself now."

I turned away and smiled to myself. At that, I knew the memory of this moment would be a significant one. This conversation was special; it lacked the jabs and insults that we usually traded but it was friendly and entertaining. A nice development.

"It doesn't look as if those Agents will be moving away anytime soon. Play something," requested Scaramouche with a nod of his head.

I brought the lyre out and assessed his mood as well as the atmosphere. Oftentimes, I liked to adapt my songs to fit the scene perfectly in a way that made them blend in as if they were a part of the stream of life. This time however, just as I was preparing to strum the first strings, Scaramouche interrupted.

"Wait." I looked up at him in question. "You always play songs for the person you're amusing. I've never heard what you sound like. I want to hear what you sound like in the form of your music."

"You- you do?" I asked with a frown. "But... why?"

"'Why?' I don't know. I'm bored of hearing everyone else. You're the musician so honour yourself and play the sound of your life. I'm curious," he admitted.

My body stilled, my skin warmed, and my eyes softened with something akin to gratitude and sadness. I never expected him to ask for such a thing. The expression on my face had evidently worried Scaramouche for he frowned nervously and asked me what was wrong.

"No one has ever asked me to do that before," I admitted in a whisper.

Scaramouche's eyes widened as he struggled to find something to say in response. He seemed conflicted on whether or not to comfort me or play it off as a joke. He chose neither.

"If no one has ever asked, then why do you look so sad?" he asked, just as quietly.

I bit my lip anxiously. The words were threatening to escape off the tip of my tongue and I worried what the reaction would be to a confession I've never admitted out loud.

"Because... I don't know who I am."

"What do you mean?" he questioned, tilting his head to the side.

"I can't play my own song because I have no idea what I sound like. Every time I've tried to play a song about me, I come up empty. I have centuries and centuries of experiences and tales and stories but I can't ever put them into a string of notes. Being alive for so long, my true self became distorted and now I no longer understand myself. In fact, I don't think I ever did. Strangely enough, I've always been conflicted about many things. I often second guess things and make regretful choices," I admitted with a grimace.

Scaramouche absorbed my words in silence. The expression on his face looked pained and sympathetic. Something in his eyes was fixed into resolve as he leaned forward slowly before brushing a thumb over my cheek. I frowned, not having realised that a tear or two had run astray down my face. Without realising it, I longed for the warmth of his hand to remain. He seemed to sense it too. Hesitantly, Scaramouche cupped my cheek and his expression softened just the slightest.

"Believe me when I tell you that at one point in my life, I was just as lost. Once, I wandered aimlessly and hoped for a spark of something that would allow me to distinguish what I was feeling inside. My mind and body were confused and I couldn't seem to gather who I was. I learnt something valuable then," he stated, giving me an encouraging look. "No one will ever understand themselves completely. Every second of every day, we change and evolve and develop. Sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a bad way. Either way, we can't keep up. We will always have years of understanding ourselves to catch up with and ultimately, there's no end to it. So don't be upset about it, look forward to it. Now you have new things to discover about yourself and pave new journeys from."

I inhaled sharply at his words. They made so much sense and held so much depth. They were so simple and yet so impactful.

No one had ever cared enough or wanted to know me through my own creations. For that reason, I had never been able to have such an enlightening conversation such as this one. His words were spoken softly and tenderly, matching the way he cradled my face.

"Maybe I should listen to you more often," I decided with a breathy laugh.

My eyes were still blurred with unshed tears but I gratefully caught the satisfied smile he graced me with. Scaramouche stroked my cheek once more before holding both my hands in his and leading them back towards the lyre.

"Now, play whatever comes to mind. Don't be overwhelmed or allow what you don't know affect the way your fingers pluck the strings," he guided.

I exhaled nervously before nodding and focusing my attention to the lyre. Suddenly, the task seemed daunting but I believed my own anxieties were heightening the fear I felt. My fingers paused in front of the glowing strings that usually felt effortless to play. Despite Scaramouche's meaningful and impactful words of encouragement, I still sensed nothing. I knew it wouldn't be that easy yet I was still disappointed.

Disappointed for many reasons but the one that stuck out the most was that I couldn't play him the song he'd asked for. If I was to show this song to anyone, I knew it would be him. I didn't understand why I was so sure but then again, Scaramouche was confusing my thoughts in general. He made me want things in a way nobody else has and it was worrying me just a little.

"Nothing yet?" he asked gently.

I glanced up at him sadly and shook my head.

"These things take time. It'll come to you one day. When it does, I would like to be the first person to hear it. Deal?" he spoke with a casual grin.

I smiled and raised a brow at him. "I'm not sure I should be making any more deals with you after the first time round but... I think I can compromise this time. I vow to save the song for your ears only should it ever come to me one day."

He leaned back with satisfaction and turned to stare out at the vast view ahead of us. Such a gentle side to him was unanticipated and I wondered if this was his true nature when he wasn't putting on a cold and intimidating front. At the idea that it was, something inside me soured and burned with anger. How could the Shogun simply rid herself of him as if he weren't a living breathing person too? Surely there was more to the story than what Scaramouche had told me. From the small gestures of kindness I had witnessed, he had human emotions and displayed sympathy and pity. Even guilt.

So why? What made him so disappointing to her? In fact, the reason he was made had also angered me. The Electro Archon only intended to use him as a physical body. If you think about it, he was better off being set free rather than being controlled from within like a puppet. Perhaps Scaramouche viewed it differently; however, from my perspective I was glad he had the opportunity to become something more than just a vessel. Even without the gnosis, he was powerful and intelligent. Everyone has their own ambitions and for that reason I can't fault his aims to take back what was technically his but I also believed there was so much more out there for him. I had seen and experienced all sorts of things in my journeys. Somehow, I was sure he wouldn't be satisfied when he completed his objective.

I couldn't tell him that however. As important as it was to guide him, his entire life's goal was to achieve this and sometimes learning had to be done through experience. This was something Scaramouche needed to realise for himself but I also realised that when that time came around, I wanted to be there for him. I wanted to return the wise words he had offered me only moments ago.

"What are you thinking about? I don't know how much longer the tree ahead can remain upright with you glaring at it," commented Scaramouche.

Snapping out of my trance, I broke my gaze away from the unfortunate tree and stretched my arms above my head. "Nothing important as of right now. Oh! I never gave you a truth in return for the one you gave me earlier. Is there anything you would like to know?"

"Our recent conversation was enough." He shrugged indifferently.

I felt a little embarrassed at having poured a little of my heart and soul to him so carelessly but it didn't feel as bad as I thought it would. We had both opened up to each other little by little and it was building bridges between the wide gap between us. I shut my eyes and smiled to myself, enjoying the breeze that kissed my face and the slowly retreating rays of sunlight.

The next few hours were made up of a few light hearted conversations mixed with empty debates about silly things. It wasn't nearly as tense and heated as it used to be and I felt a strange elation at the way our relationship had begun to feel more like a friendship. I learned many new things about Scaramouche as we traded secrets and truths every now and again.

Apparently, Scaramouche was surprisingly good with children and he knew how to perform a traditional sword dance done in Inazuma. I shared a few embarrassing stories and other interesting tales from my journeys in return. Minutes ticked by and I found myself completely engrossed in the conversation. I shifted in my seat till I was crossed legged and facing Scaramouche who leaned on the tree trunk. On more than one occasion did my stomach flutter with the sound of his laugh and the lazy grins he threw my way.

By the time we had noticed a reduced amount of Fatui scouring the area, the moon was high up in the sky and stars had shown themselves in the depth of the night. The reflection of the moon on the water looked like a giant pearl that was begging to be admired. I wanted nothing more than to remain there all night and scribe the scene into words of a ballad.

Unfortunately, we had a tavern to sneak into and information to gather. Scaramouche took us back down to the forest floor and already I missed the slice of peace we had been given upon the summit of the trees. Reluctantly, I trudged beside Scaramouche as we hastily made our way back to the port.

Along the way, we collectively decided that Scaramouche would meet with the Eremite and discuss the information he needed whilst I would lay low and keep my sneaky winds around the tavern to ensure we don't get recognised.

It was a simple plan. It's just a shame I rarely listen to anything he says.


Sorry this one took a little while longer! I'm really starting to get busy with school work in college and it's definitely inconvenient but I know where this story is going and I have fully established a plot so I will definitely work to finish it. I hate leaving stories unfinished so even if updates take a while longer, I can assure you I am working to write it up and get out.

I've received the funniest and loveliest comments so thank you so much. We are halfway to 1K read already!! I'm so thankful and I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Ipagpatuloy ang Pagbabasa

Magugustuhan mo rin

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โlet it all go. see what staysโž Y/n wasn't expecting to end up in the Fatui, but if fate wanted to land her in the fatui, so be it. Unfortunately, h...
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โ•”โ•*.ยท:ยท.โœง โœฆ โœง.ยท:ยท.*โ•โ•— "๐–๐ž ๐š๐ซ๐ž๐ง'๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐จ๐ฌ๐ž๐ ๐ญ๐จ ๐›๐ž ๐ญ๐จ๐ ๐ž๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ซ." Y/n is a Mondstadt citizen currently residing in Liyue to take...
339K 9.9K 38
[Genshin Impact] [Scaramouche x fem!reader] [Please don't read this if you are younger than 16โ›”๏ธ] You were born visionless into a world (Teyvat) whe...