| The Puppet Approaches |

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Oh freest wind, beware of the veil that ghosts your trail.

I woke with a violent start. The urgency in the whispers of the winds was sharp, cutting at my brain with a headache as if trying to drag me back into consciousness. My mind was foggy and my eyes still heavy with much needed sleep. It took me a few minutes of gathering my thoughts to really pay attention to the cautionary riddle on the air.

I presume by 'ghosts your trail' that I am being followed. By now, I was quite some distance away from the palace and no one knew what I really was so the likelihood they were aware I'd be travelling on air is unlikely. That leads me to believe the person or thing following me is not close enough to be considered a threat. My body was still recovering and I had no intention to get moving just yet.

The spot I sat in on the branch of the tree gave me nostalgia. It reminded me of the days me, my friends and Venti, would all sit together in the trees humming to songs or laughing with bottles of wine in our hands. My mood dampened a little at the memory that had soon become faded and too lost to be a happy one. Those days wouldn't return anymore. The world was moving at a fast pace; I've seen every change and development in the past 2600 years. It's definitely a wonderful gift to be able to witness such a drastic evolution in our lands but I suppose I can't help but wish my favourite times remained as they were. Untarnished and unchanging.

Beware of the veil that ghosts your trail.

Again? Surely the zephyrs are just paranoid.

The veil? What would a veil be doing chasing me? Well, it is a riddle. It's likely metaphorical. Perhaps it's referring to a cloaked figure or someone wearing a veil? Geez. It is way too early in the morning to be trying to crack a riddle.

My gaze wandered around the treeline. The snow storm hadn't lessened at all overnight and was still just as harsh and merciless as it was when the clouds were brimming with anger. Now, the branches around me and even the shaded forest floor were glazed over in crisp white snow. Some sunlight had managed to sneak its way in as if it were keen to join the rest of nature in it's undisturbed serenity down here.

Play for us, bard~

Care to play us a tune, old friend?

Make it a happy one!

My ears perked up at the various whispers and requests on the breeze. Voices of excited children from old Mond and gentle companions from our army asked for a tune. I chuckled at their contrasting demands for fast paced, adventurous melodies and melancholy, soothing songs.

"I'll play for you all on the condition that I choose which song to strum. Deal?" I asked out loud with a smile.

It's a deal!

What are you waiting for? Play to your hearts content.

Anything you create will satisfy us, soldier.

With an understanding nod, I summoned the Holy Lyre and readied my fingers. The winds around me picked up and blew through my hair, tickling my face. I laughed out loud at their restlessness before my mind conjured up a string of notes that would satisfy them. As the melody began, I allowed my fellow wind spirits to join in with their own whistles on the leaves.

My humming carried over the notes at a matching speed. If I didn't know any better, I would have believed myself to be back in old Mondstat when my remaining comrades were still able to join in and sing along merrily at the tavern. With my eyes shut and my back resting against the tree trunk, I inhaled the scent of bark and wet grass and quite possibly Wind Asters all the way from the land of Freedom.

A Truth For A Truth ( Scaramouche X Fem Reader )Where stories live. Discover now