The Sweetest Alpha | H.S.

By kiwi-cherry

21.1K 593 38

[a harry styles fanfiction] - werewolf!harry ▪︎ ▪︎ The man put every other man she'd ever known to shame. No... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Epilogue I
Epilogue II

Chapter 11

1.4K 38 0
By kiwi-cherry


Harry flipped pancakes while Raina set the table and poured them large glasses of milk. He watched her as she moved around for any signs of discomfort—physically or emotionally. Though he'd tried to be gentle and bury the savage that lurked beneath his surface, he hadn't been entirely successful. As his mate, it was understandable that if any woman should blow apart his control, it would be her.

Was she walking more gingerly than usual? Damn it, he'd been too rough with her.

"Why don't you sit down? I'll bring over the pancakes when they're done." He'd already plated the bacon and sausage. He had a large appetite. He hoped that he'd cooked enough.

"I'm fine." She snatched a slice of bacon off the platter. "But I'm starving."

He placed the last pancake on the stack of others and turned off the burner. He carried the food to the breakfast table. The table was just off the kitchen. There was also a dining room, but he'd never had occasion to use it. This was where he ate most of his meals. Floor to ceiling windows gave them a view outdoors and let in the bright morning light.

Raina carefully sat in the wood chair. Harry sighed. "Would you like a painkiller?"

"I'm fine." She began loading her plate. "It's been a long time is all. And it was never like that."

He growled. Meaning, she'd never had a man rut her like an animal. "I'm sorry."

He'd held back, keeping the biting to a minimum. But when he was inside her, he'd lost his mind. He'd thought he should have been sainted for only claiming her twice when his libido had been urging him to go all night.

Much as it pained him to even think of it, maybe he should keep his paws to himself until she'd completed her transformation. Abstaining from making love with his wife, his mate, would be hard—literally. But he'd do it for her. He'd do anything for Raina.

She shook her head. "No. I mean..." She bit her lip and lowered her eyes. She wiggled in her seat. "It's never been so... fantastic."

His breath froze in his chest. "Yeah?"

Smiling shyly, she nodded. "Yeah."

The scent of her arousal hit him hard, instantly turning his cock into a steel pipe. His appetite for food was replaced by another type of hunger. He dropped his fork. All his ideas of abstinence fled his mind.

"I can put this in the oven and keep it warm while we—" The peal of the doorbell ringing interrupted him.

Growling, Harry stood. "Who the fuck?"

Who did he know who'd be so dimwitted, so insensitive as to interrupt him and his wife the day after they were mated? It was tradition to leave the new couple alone for the obvious reason.

He snatched open his door and glared down at... his parents. Harry scowled. "Mom? Dad? Why—"

His mother didn't wait for him to complete his question. She brushed past him. His dad gave him an apologetic smile and a shrug. "Your mother was eager to meet your mate. Don't worry, I made her promise to keep it brief."

Harry was pushing the door closed when it suddenly met with an obstacle. "Hey, let us in!"

He pulled the door wide again to find his brother and his mate—Helene. "What are you doing here?"

"Mom called." Jack punched him in the shoulder. "Congratulations." He paused to sniff. Then he hummed and rubbed his belly. "We're just in time for breakfast. Helene, we're in for a treat. Harry's a great cook."

Harry narrowed his eyes at his brother. "You will not eat until my mate has had her fill."

His brother could eat as much as he.

Jack held up his hands in surrender. "Of course."

Harry sighed. He might be Alpha, but they would always be his family. Whereas he wouldn't hesitate to toss out any other member of his pack for dropping by unannounced, he couldn't do that to his parents or his brother.

"Go sit down. I'll make more."


Beth Styles didn't bother to introduce herself until after she'd already wrapped Raina up in a surprisingly strong embrace. Raina would have never guessed the other woman was so strong. She was tall but slender.

"Let me look at you." She stepped back. Raina resisted her natural tendency to squirm. She hadn't been expecting company so she wasn't wearing makeup and her hair had looked better. "Oh, you're pretty. I'm Beth. That's my husband—Jim, my son—Jack, and his wife—Helene." Her grinned widened. "Now I have two daughters. Helene and Raina. I couldn't have planned it better."

She was passed around for hugs until Harry intervened. "I need Raina's help in the kitchen."

"I'll help, too." Beth volunteered.

Harry opened his mouth then seemed to think better of it. "Sure. More hands will make the work go faster."

He picked up the previously prepared food and their plates. Raina and Beth helped him carry it back to the kitchen. Harry turned on the oven and put the food inside.

Raina frowned as Harry pulled out two more packages each of bacon and sausage. Before she could ask him about it, Beth said, "Tell me all about yourself. Harry told me that he met you in a restaurant."

"Yes, I was a waitress." She said, hoping that Beth wouldn't be disappointed or think that she'd agreed to mate Harry simply to improve her lot in life.

The other woman nodded. "That's hard work."

She was clearly familiar with Harry's kitchen. She took out more flatware and glasses.

"I've been working at Millie's since forever. My parents are deceased."

"I'm sorry."

Raina shrugged. "Thank you, but they've been gone for a while." She tried to think of what else to say about herself. Her poor life choices haunted her. "Um, I majored in art history in college."

"Really?" Beth glanced at Harry who was creating an impressive mountain of pancakes while also tending to the sausage and bacon. Yeah, they weren't helping out so much as gabbing. Harry was doing all the real work. "Harry, have you considered offering Raina a job? I bet she'd be great with design."

He glanced over his shoulder at the two of them. "If—"

"So... how much longer?" Jack interrupted. "My stomach's rumbling."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Be patient. You're so small. I don't know why you're always hungry."

Raina choked. Jack was by no means "small."

Raina judged him to be over six feet, but Harry had him by several inches. Harry hadn't been lying when he said that he'd outgrown his brother. Harry was also taller than his father. She was becoming accustomed to his size. Seeing him with other men, reminded her of how large he was. His height and his broad shoulders dwarfed his brother and father.

Despite their different sizes, anyone could tell they were related. They had similar features and the same brown hair, though Jim's was sprinkled with gray. Raina thought Harry was the most handsome, but she supposed she was biased.

"I'm small because after you were born, there was never enough to eat."

Beth shook her head at Jack and made shooing motions with her hands. "Jack, if you're hungry, then you need to wait patiently. In here, you're only impeding progress." She sighed when he was gone. "You'd never know he was thirty-five. They become children when they're together for more than a few minutes."

Harry cleared his throat and straightened his spine, his stance dignified. "He started it."

Raina blinked. "And you sound real mature saying that."

Beth laughed. Harry point the spatula at them. "Why don't you two set the table instead of distracting the chef?"

Raina would have argued with him labeling himself a chef, but so far, all of his cooking that she'd sampled had been delicious.

She picked up the stack of plates. As she passed him, Harry wrapped an arm around her waist and gave her a quick kiss. "Sorry about my family dropping in on us like this unannounced. My mom's been dying to meet you since I told her I'd found my mate."

"It's fine."

"I was hoping for more alone time with you before the pack started infringing upon our privacy."

"Later." She said before catching up with his mother.

"I was serious about the job." Beth said as they began setting the table. "The construction company is a family business. I worked there briefly as Jim's assistant. Helene works in accounting. With your background in art, you'd be able to work with the customers. As a waitress, I know you have customer service skills."

Jim pulled Beth into his lap. "Beth, leave the girl be."

"But Jim—"

"They just mated. They need some time to bond. Work can wait." Jim glanced at her. "But, of course, you're welcome, Raina. I'm sure you'd be a valuable asset to the company. No pressure. Take as much time as you need to think it over."

"I could use some help with these platters." Harry called from the kitchen. It was no surprise that Jack was the first to volunteer to carry the food.

Beth sighed. "You'd think I didn't feed him as a boy."

Jim laughed. "We all have healthy appetites. Most of us just aren't so obvious about it."

Despite Jim's warning, Raina was sure that there would be leftovers for days, but as serving dishes were placed on the table, Jack began to load up his plate. He didn't slow until Harry, who had settled at the head of the table, growled at him. The sound was low and full of admonishment. It was so different from the growls he emitted when they were alone though if anyone had asked, she would be unable to describe the exact difference.

Jack yanked his hands back and bowed his head. Raina was a bit shocked but no one else seemed to think it was out of the ordinary.

Harry nudged her shoulder. "Eat." He urged gently.

Raina looked around. Everyone, with the exception of Harry, seemed to be waiting for her. Surely, they didn't follow the rule of allowing the Alpha to eat first? But that was the way it appeared. So that everyone could eat, she picked up her fork and dug into her pancakes.

Silence reigned for several minutes as everyone began to eat.

"When do you plan to officially introduce Raina to the pack?" Jim asked.

Harry shrugged. "Maybe during next month's full moon."

"Oh, that's much too late." Beth said. "I think next Friday sounds good. We could have it here. That way we could eat and have a run afterward."

"Mom, next Friday is way too soon. Raina might not be ready for a run. And I couldn't organize—"

"Don't worry about it. We won't run in deference to Raina, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't have a gathering. I'll handle everything." She rubbed her hands together. "I do love a party."

"We know, dear." Jim said with an indulgent grin.

Raina found Harry's family easy to like. It was obvious that they were a close-knit and loving family. His parents watched on fondly as Harry and Jack teased each other mercilessly. Though she'd found Harry to be a bit sensitive about his size, he accepted Jack's taunts without rancor. In fact, he gave as good as he got.

After everyone was finished eating, Beth ordered the men into the kitchen for cleaning duty. She declared that she had done enough waiting on them through the years. It was their turn to return the favor.

While the men cleaned up, Helene showed her pictures of her children—Daniel, Peyton, and baby Amelia. Helene's parents were babysitting her kids this morning. As Helene put away her cell phone, Beth leaned forward, her long dark hair falling over her shoulders.

Raina couldn't begin to guess her Beth's age. Her skin was smooth. Her eyes crinkled only a little at the corners when she grinned. Other than a few gray hairs front and center of her forehead, Beth's hair was the same dark brown as her sons. And then, there was her youthful enthusiasm.

"So, when do you and Harry plan on having pups?"

Raina's mouth dropped open. "Um..." Her eyes flashed to Harry where he was busy washing dishes. She was immediately distracted by the movement of his wide shoulders beneath his gray t-shirt. His body was amazing.

Beth cleared her throat. She was smiling as she met Raina's gaze.

"Jim, honey." She called to her husband. "We've stayed long enough." She stood. "Come on, Helene." Beth rounded the table and pulled Raina into a hug. "We're so happy that he finally found you."

"Thank you." Raina said, hoping that she wasn't blushing. And if she was, that it wasn't visible. She walked with them to the door.

Jim hugged her. "Welcome to the family."

Jack embraced her enthusiastically. "Sorry you got the ugly brother."

Harry punched him in the shoulder. "Get out, Tiny."

"Mom, he called me Tiny." Jack yelled to their mother. Beth, who was prepared to climb into her SUV, paused only long enough to shake her head.

Helene sighed. "I live with four children." She grabbed Jack by the ear. "Stop trying to stir up trouble." She led him to their car with him complaining all the way.

"He's an idiot." Harry grumbled, closing the door. "You'd think I was the older one."

Raina covered her face with her hands. "I'm so embarrassed. I think your mother left so that we could have sex."

Harry's brows rose. "Well, as she should. They shouldn't have come over in the first place." He said, indignant.

Shock forced a laugh out of her. "You should have invited them to the wedding or the reception."

He shrugged. "Those are human customs. But I am beginning to see the appeal of a honeymoon."

"Your mother was asking about us having... pups." She didn't know when she'd ever get used to using that word.

He placed a large palm over her belly. "She's eager for more grandchildren." His eyes met and held hers. "I've made no secret that I want that as well."

She nodded. It might have seemed like she rushed into this, but she hadn't done it without a lot of soul searching.

Committing to Harry had been the easiest part—even if it meant becoming a werewolf. Joining her life with a gorgeous man who wanted only her and was steadfast in his devotion was a no brainer. Their conversations convinced her that Harry was a good man. He was patient and kind when he needed to be and firm when the situation called for it. He had all the makings of a leader. And a good father.

It'd been harder to leave her home, her job, her family, and her friends. She wasn't so far away that she couldn't visit her grandmother or her cousin Maisie or her friends from work anytime she wanted.

As for work... Well, she wouldn't miss her job, but she couldn't sit around all day and do nothing. She'd be bored out of her mind. She was too young to retire. But she had no plans of what else she might like to do aside from being a waitress.

She could go back to school. There was enough money in her wish fund to support her through a year and a half of classes. But she didn't have any idea of what she might like to study. She didn't want to waste money on a second degree if it would be of no use to her.

And then there was the option that Harry liked best. She could be a stay-at-home wife and mother. It'd mean honing her cooking skills. It wasn't that she couldn't cook. She just hadn't dedicated any effort to the task in years.

For some reason, the last choice appealed to her the most. Yet it wasn't something she'd ever dreamed of before. Maybe it was because it never occurred to her that it could be possible. She didn't think it would be easy. But it would be rewarding and fulfilling in a way that nothing she'd ever done had been.

That didn't mean she couldn't still work with Harry at some point. She would mull the idea over. She didn't know if she had any skill decorating skills. After her parents died, she'd changed the family home a little, but she never had the money to do much more than paint.

But no matter what she chose to do, she knew Harry would support her. And she loved knowing that about him. It was something she'd never had before. Levi hadn't supported her decision to go to college because he wouldn't be with her. He'd claimed to be worried that she'd find someone else. Little did she know at the time that he'd already found someone else.

Raina covered Harry's hand with hers. "I want that, too." As far as she knew, she could already be carrying his baby. They'd done nothing to prevent pregnancy. She wasn't on birth control and Harry hadn't used a condom. "I want to have your baby."

With a growl, Harry lifted her. "I hope you're not too sore because I'm about to pound your pussy until I pass out."

Moaning, she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her core pulsed in anticipation. She was sore. Her husband was a large man—everywhere. But she'd be damned if she called a halt to this.

She buried her face in his neck and inhaled deeply of his scent. His masculine smell hit her like a jolt.

She bit his earlobe. "Harry, hurry." She pleaded as he took the stairs two at a time.

Seconds later, he was tossing her onto the bed. She bounced when she landed. "Take off anything you don't want me to rip off."

She glanced down at her old, faded t-shirt and worn capris. All she could think is that it would be totally hot for him to tear her clothes off. "Do it."

His eyes glowed. A wolfish grin curled his lips. His incisors lengthened and his beard thickened. She should have been frightened. Instead, her nipples tightened and her pussy clenched.

"Oh, my God." She moaned. "What's happening to me? Why is that so sexy?"

He whipped his shirt over his head. "Because you're my mate. Because the wolf stirring to life inside you responds to strength."

"Oh, yeah? That's so... primitive."

He chuckled and unfastened his pants. "Yeah, well, nature doesn't mess with perfection."

He leaned over her, gripped her collar, and tore her shirt from top to bottom. She gasped, but Harry wasn't done. He swiped at her bra and the cotton parted obediently to reveal her breasts. Groaning, he cupped her full breasts and squeezed her nipples until she was pressing her thighs together. When he bent his head and took a nipple into his mouth, she dug her nails into his shoulders.

Harry hissed. He lifted his head. "Keep that up, baby, and I won't be responsible for my reaction."

Raina bit her lip. He'd told her about werewolf sex. Biting and scratching were a turn-on for him. And why wouldn't it be? As a werewolf, he had advanced healing powers. She'd examined the bite he'd given her and then soothed with a lick. It was barely visible. She never healed that swiftly and her scars faded slowly.

She didn't know if it was due to Harry's saliva or if it was due to his bite transforming her. Because the bite was definitely affecting her. She felt wild and free and confident in her own strength. It was like she'd been sleeping through life. Now she felt like there was nothing she couldn't accomplish if she set her mind to it.

And that included taking anything that Harry could dish out. Holding his gaze, she dragged her nails over his shoulders and down his spine.

Growling, he manacled her wrists above her head. "You're like a pup testing out its new claws." He captured her bottom lip between his teeth, drawing it into his mouth, nipping it and sucking it. His tongue flicked over hers until she caught it. He groaned as she sucked. He drew back, his eyes aglow with an almost feral passion. "I hope you can handle what you're begging for, baby."

With that, he was gone, moving swifter than a man of his size should have been capable. He grabbed her ankles, flipped her onto her stomach, and yanked her to the edge of the bed. Raina yelped and then laughed in surprise.

Harry made quick work of her pants, slicing through the material with sharp, supernatural nails. "On your knees." He ordered.

Sighing, she did as he asked. Her feet hung over the edge of the mattress as she rose to her knees. "Okay, I know that this is your favorite position but—"

She inhaled as he ran his fingers through her creamy slit, tweaking her clit before penetrating her with two thick digits. He gave a grunt of satisfaction before bending and biting one ass cheek. He wasn't done there.

His teeth sank into the skin at her waist. His tongue skated its way up her spine. He placed a kiss on her shoulder. At the nape of her neck, he held her in place with teeth as though she were prey that might attempt to flee his grasp. His hot breath fanned over the sensitive skin of her neck, down over the turgid peaks of her nipples, and down her sweat dampened spine. She shivered.

Harry pressed the thick head of his erection to her opening. He slowly pushed inside and her mouth fell open at the pressure and the pleasure as he stretched her. He rotated his hips, pushing deeper.

His forehead dropped to her back. "You feel fucking amazing." He groaned. "Spread your legs wider." She quickly scrambled to obey. Without separating their bodies, he levered himself off her to stand beside the bed. "More."

She spread her thighs as far as she could. Her muscles burned with the effort.

"Good girl." He said before pulling her over the edge of the mattress. Her hands closed over the sheets to stop her downward trajectory.

She needn't have worried. Harry caught her with an up thrust of his hips, his cock tunneling deeper than ever before. "Oh, my God." She gasped.

She glanced back at him. His arms rested at his sides. He supported her weight with his hips alone, gravity keeping her skewered on his cock. His lips curled up in a slow smile.

And then she could only moan as he began to fuck her hard and fast. Harder and faster than ever before. It was a blur of sensation. The thrusts weren't long. It was more of a grind, but she felt full every second. The bulbous head of his cock rubbed over her g-spot constantly.

She felt like she was falling. She didn't know if it was the impending orgasm or if she was really about to hit the floor. She scrambled to hold onto the sheets but they kept bunching in her hands and giving her no purchase.

"Let go." Harry said. "I've got you." As if to prove it, he gripped her beneath her knees and lifted her off his cock and slammed her back down.

"Oh!" Raina wrapped her arms around his neck.

He seemed to take that as permission to carry her wherever he wished because the next thing she knew, he had her in front of the bureau, the mirror on top reflecting their activities. As she watched, he slowly pulled her off his erection until only the tip remained inside her. Then she moaned as he gradually lowered her onto the thick stalk of flesh.

She bit her lip. He's so big. It was amazing the way her body stretched to accommodate him.

Harry kept his movements slow for several more thrusts before he began to meet her on the downward slide. She had no control at all. She could only hold onto his neck and let him set the pace. He seemed content with frustrating her. His glowing eyes were locked on the place where they were connected.

When she could take no more, she scraped her nails through the hair at the nape of his neck. "Harry, faster."

He growled. He lowered her feet to the floor and placed her hands on the dresser in front of them. Once he had her bent to his satisfaction, he ran his hands up her waist. The rough texture of his palms made her tremble. He teased her nipples, placing his hands just beneath her breasts as he began to plunge into her again. Her breasts swung, the hard nipples dragging across his skin.

"Oh, my God." She moaned, pushing back into his thrusts and spreading her thighs wider.

Harry's fingers closed over her nipples, pinching lightly, gravity causing him to tug as they bounced. Raina's legs began to shake. She called his name as her pussy began to contract over his rapidly swelling cock. Groaning, he buried his face in her neck and bit down as he filled her with his hot cum.

Raina's legs gave out as another orgasm ripped through her at the feel of his teeth and the sensation of his dick expanding and twitching against her g-spot. Harry caught her up in his arms and carried her back to the bed.

He folded her in his embrace, her face pressed into his neck. "What was that you were saying about position?"

Her eyes fluttered closed. "Don't sound so smug." She yawned. "We'll discuss it later. I need a nap."

The orgasms had her drowsy and mellow. Within minutes, she was in dreamland, running through streams, chasing deer.

How strange...


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