★ Hetalia Preferences / Boyfr...

By honeyyace

14.4K 302 64

Hellooo!! This is a Hetalia Preferences/boyfriend scenarios book. I hope you like it :) More

✎ Requests ✎
Meeting • Allies
Meeting • Axis
Meeting • Mediterranean
Meeting • Nordics
You Meet Again • Allies
You Meet Again • Axis
You Meet Again • Mediterranean
You Meet Again • Nordics
They Talk About You • Allies
They Talk About You • Axis
They Talk About You • Mediterranean
They Talk About You • Nordics
Confession • Allies
Confession • Axis
Confession • Mediterranean
Confession • Nordics
You Go to an Amusement Park • Allies
You Go to an Amusement Park • Axis
You Go to an Amusement Park • Mediterranean
You Go to an Amusement Park • Nordics
You Meet Their Family/Friends • Allies
You Meet Their Family/Friends • Axis
You Meet Their Family/Friends • Mediterranean
You Meet Their Family/Friends • Nordics
You're Sick • Allies
You're Sick • Axis
You're Sick • Nordics
They Get Jealous • Allies
They Get Jealous • Axis
They Get Jealous • Mediterranean
They Get Jealous • Nordics
You Find out That They're a Country • Allies
You Find out That They're a Country • Axis
You Find out that They're a Country • Mediterranean
You Find out that They're a Country • Nordics
You Fight • Allies
You Fight • Axis
You Fight • Mediterranean
You Fight • Nordics

You're Sick • Mediterranean

232 4 0
By honeyyace


Key: [Y/N] = Your name
[L/N] = Last name

Warnings: None

Characters: Mediterranean (Spain, Romano, Greece, Turkey)



Antonio was in the market, shuffling through the dense crowd. The weekend market was extremely busy, but he didn't really mind. He always came to buy your tomatoes no matter what!

Everyone loved your tomatoes and you seemed to have made quite the name for yourself in the market, so when you didn't show up, people were upset.

"Have you seen [Y/N]? The one who sells the delicioso tomatoes?" One of your customers asks another.

"No... maybe they moved to a different stall?" The other customer replies unsure. "Let's keep looking. It's not a real day at the market unless we get those tomatoes!"

This seemed to be the popular opinion. Everyone wanted some of your tomatoes. Some people were looking around the market, some settled for worse tomatoes, but most were just hoping you'd show up to save them from this tomato crisis.

Antonio was starting to get worried, he knew that you'd never miss a day at the market, and besides, you loved your customers and would never let them down like this. So, he decided to give you a call to make sure you were alright.

"Hola [Y/N]!"

"Hmm? Antonio?" You say groggily, sounding like you had just woken up. "What's up?"

"You sound weird? Is everything okay?"

"No..." you groan. "I woke up with a high fever and I feel awful..."

"¿En serio?" He asks worriedly. "Don't worry! I'll be right over!"

After that he quickly shoves his was through the crowd and runs to your house.

When he gets there he quickly enters, not caring to knock, and walks to your bedroom.

"Oh Toni... you scared me," you say tiredly, noticing the man standing in your doorframe.

"Sorry," he says, approaching your bed. "How are you feeling? You don't look well..."

It was true, you were laying in bed with a couple blankets on top of you. Your face was flushed and you were sweating.

"Ah, I'm not feeling any better than before..." you reply sadly.

He stares down at you with concern before he remembers something.

"Oh yeah! I brought you some medicine, you should take it."

You do as he advises. The medicine didn't taste the best, but you were too sick to complain.

"Thanks Toni!"

"It's my pleasure!" He says.

"I was actually going to get some medicine earlier, but it was so expensive... and you know I'm not very rich..." You mumble, feeling embarrassed.

He plays with your hair as he replies,

"Sí... I'm happy I was able to help," he says. "Tell me if you ever need anything. I'm not made of money, but I can buy you some things here and there..."

"You don't have to do that Toni..." you mumble quietly.

"Are you tired? You should get some sleep," he says.

You nod and tuck in to your blanket pile.

"I was at the marke—"

"THE MARKET!!" You yell, shooting up from your bed and scaring your boyfriend. "I forgot about the market!!"

"Woah woah!" Antonio says, trying to calm you down. "What's the big deal. Just go next weekend?"

"I can't! I always sell out on the weekend and... I need the money," you say, whispering the last part.

"I'm sorry, but you're obviously in no shape to go to the market," he says, pushing you back into your bed.

"But Ton—"

"No [Y/N]! Please, you'll just end up feeling worse!"

"Sí, I know that you're right..." you say sadly. "I j-..."

He looks at you in confusion as you suddenly stop taking.

"Toni I have an idea, but I need to ask a giant favour of you," you say pleadingly. "Please go sell my tomatoes at the market!!"

"Huh?! Bu—"



You wait expectantly.

"I... guess I can do it."

You quietly celebrate.

"Who's going to take care of you though?"

"Oh, don't worry about me Toni! I'll be fine here!" You say, dismissing his worry. "I'll just be here quietly sleeping when you return."

He nods and heads out the door.

"Wait Toni!" You yell, stopping the spaniard dead in his tracks.


"Te amo!" You say grinning.

He sighs, but smiles happily.

"Yo también te amo! See you soon [Y/N], sleep well!"

- translations -

• Sí = Yes

• En serio = Seriously

• Hola = Hello

• Te amo = I love you

• Yo también te amo = I love you too



Lovino was getting very annoyed. You see, you were supposed to meet him for lunch thirty minutes ago and you hadn't shown up yet.

He decides to call you to tell you to hurry up,

"[Y/N]?! Where the hell are-a you bastardo?!" He screams into his phone, startling some people walking by.

"Ugh, Lovino? I'm so sorry..." you say quietly. "I have a fever and completely forgot."

"Huh? A fever?!" He asks, shocked.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry," you say, feeling bad about accidentally having stood him up.

He just hangs up, leaving you worried.

'Maybe he's mad at me...' you think. 'I should have told him earlier.'

Little did you know that Lovino was getting to your house as fast as he can. He was extremely worried. His country has suffered many deadly pandemics in the past and he was very distressed to say the least.

You on the other hand, were feeling guilty for forgetting about your lunch with Lovino. You never wanted to leave him waiting for you, and he seemed pretty angry.

You get pulled out of your thoughts when you hear your door suddenly slam open.

"[Y/N] where are you?!" He yells.

"In here," you say tiredly from your bed.

He quickly finds you and rushes to your side. He stares down at you worriedly as you sit there confused. You were expecting him to blow up in anger about you forgetting about the lunch.

"I'm really sorry about lunch Lovi..."

"Huh?! Who-a cares about that right now!" He yells, but regrets it when you flinch.

"What...? I thought you were mad that I–"

"No, I-a don't care that much," he says. "You're sick! You have more important things to worry about."

He takes some medicine out of his bag and tries to give you some.

"Hey Lovi? What's this?"

"Medicine, idiota. Take it," he says, giving you the bottle.

You do as he says, taking the medicine.

"That-a should help you feel better."

"Grazie Lovi..."

He blushes and sits down on your bet next to you.

You were confused by his sudden behaviour. He was acting a lot calmer than normal and it was creeping you out. You figured that he was just worried and you appreciated his concern.

"Hey, Lovi?" You ask quietly. "Do you mind if I go to sleep?"

"Sì sì, go to sleep," he replies. "It will make you feel better."

You nod and slowly close your eyes, quickly falling asleep. Lovino stays by your side and decides to take a nap next to you.


You wake up feeling a whole lot better. You notice Lovino quietly sleeping next to you and wake him up.

"Hmm?" He hums. "What?"

"Guess what Lovi?" You say happily. "I feel a lot better, thanks to you!"

"That's-a good to hear," he says.

"Who knew you could be such a sweetheart?" You say happily, starting at your tired boyfriend.

"Ah! You!" He yells. "You better not tell anyone!"

"Hehe don't worry Lovi!" You tease. "Your secret's safe with me!"

- translations -

• Sì = Yes

• Grazie = Thanks



You were going about your day like normal, but something was off. Your whole face felt stuffy and horrible.

You decided to call in sick for work to relax. You had already taken some medicine, so you made your way to bed.

Suddenly, Heracles randomly walks into your bedroom with a trail of his feline friends following behind him. Unfazed, by his bizarre antics, you just greet him as if nothing happened.

"Hey Heracles," you say, surprising yourself by how sick you sounded.

"Your voice sounds weird, you should lay down," he says.

"Yeah, I think I'm sick..."

He lays down in your bed and you follow him. Once you get cozy, some cats decide to join the fun and lay on top of you.

"How cute..." Heracles says, enjoying the view.

"Yeah, aren't they?" You ask. "They're making me feel so warm."

He nods and starts closing his eyes,

"Go to sleep now [Y/N], the cats will keep you warm."

You nod and quickly fall asleep.



Sadık was waiting outside the spa you were supposed to meet him at. He was getting tired of waiting and decided to call you.

"[Y/N]? Where are you?!"

"Sorry Sadık!"

"Why aren't you here yet?!" He asks, feeling annoyed.

"I'm sick..." you admit sadly. "I forgot about the spa."

"You're sick?!" He yells. "Are you at home?"

"Yeah, I'm at home right now."

"Okay, good, stay there!" He says. "I'm coming over."

"Thanks Sadık, I'll see you soon."

You hang up the phone.

You wanted to stay awake until Sadık came over, but your eyelids felt heavy and sleep seemed real tempting...

Soft snores leave your mouth as you sleep. Sadık had just arrived and quickly snuck into your room. Your stir in your sleep, hearing a noise.

"Ugh..." You groan at the brightness of the room as you wake up.

"AAH!" You scream, seeing a pair of eyes hovering on top of yours.

You shoot up, bumping the other person in the head.

"What was that for [Y/N]?!" Sadık groans, holding his head.

"You're the one who snuck in here! It's your fault," you argue quietly.

"Oh yeah... sorry about that!" He says. "I came over to help you out. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Hmm..." You think. "Not really, just company would be nice."

"Of course!" He says. "Let's play some games or something."

You hum happily, agreeing to his idea.

You spend the rest of the day playing games. Halfway through, you suddenly fall asleep on Sadık's shoulder while he was playing a game. He quickly pauses the game and decides to nap with you.


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