~Asleep~ ROTTMNT x Younger hu...

By Oliver_isnt_emo

36.5K 902 2K

Slow updates. :( ROTTMNT human male brother reader insert! Woohoo. I didn't see any so I made one, your welco... More

Chap.1 Mystic Mayhem
Chap 2. Origami Tsunami
Chap 3. Donnie's gifts
Chap. 4 War and pizza
Chap 5. Newsworthy
Chap 7. Down with the sickness
Education! bonus chap
Chap. 8 The fast and the furriest
Chap 9. Mascot Melee
Chap.10 Shell in a Cell
Chap. 11 Minotaur Maze
Chap. 12 Bug Busters
Chap 13. The longest fight.
Chap. 14 Hypno! Part deux
Chap 15. The gumbus
Chap. 16 Mrs. Cuddles
Useless. Bonus chap.
Chap 17. Stuck on you.
Lil bit of a friendship! really small bonus!chap
Chap 18. Al be back
About the axe
Chap 19. The purple jacket
Chap 20. Pizza pit
Chap.21 Smart Lair
Chap 22. Hot soup:the game!
Chap 23. The Evil League of Mutants P1
Chap. 24 The Evil League of Mutants P2

Chap. 6 Repo mantis

1.3K 34 45
By Oliver_isnt_emo

You were so grounded. I mean raph was upset. You still think it was ridiculous tho. You weren't trusted home alone tho and raph and Leo had things to do where as it was junkyard day. So Donnie and Mikey would go to the junkyard. And you didn't want to be stuck with Leo gushing about men or something so you begged Donnie to take you with him. If you're wondering about splinter, he isn't really trusted-


Donnie:"man junk yards are gold mines!"

He said while his robot arms stretched over the inside of the car before digging in. He picked up a fake pineapple and sniffed it.

Donnie:"who needs fake pineapples when you have one of these babies"

[Name]:"ew what if that's like- really old-"

Mikey stared at the magnet picking up a pink car. You were looking inside the hood and trying not to get hurt by Donnie's tech.

Donnie:".. don't think about the age."

Mikey:"guys- GUYS GUYS-"

You stared at Mikey confused. Where as Donnie was to focused on his work.

Donnie:"ah fuzzy nerd dice!!"

The pink car dropped and Mikey swooped and grabbed you and Donatello and you guys fell. Like fell hard. You landed in a truck. Your ankle really hurt but you didn't let them know. It was junkyard day! You didn't want to ruin it, plus you didn't want raph to be mad or ban you from leaving again.

Donnie:"Mikey next time I would appreciate a heads up"

You laughed then coughed to pretend you weren't laughing.

Mikey:"okay. HEADS UP"

Mikey:"is that-"

Donnie:"IT IS"

Mikey:" The Jupiter Jim moon buggy!!!"

Donnie:"featured in not one, NOT TWO-"


Mikey:"how could anyone let that historical jem slip through their fingers?"

Donnie:"I do not know Micheal. But we've got to have it."

You guys busted out of the car.

Mikey:"but how are we going to get the car? We can't go and talk to one of those human people."

They looked at you and you shook your head no. Talking to people was a lot of anxiety. You didn't want to.

The car was then picked up by a giant mantis mutant.

??:"who the heck are you's??"

Donnie:"OH NO A MUTANT- wait. We're mutants too. It's okay"

You rolled your eyes playfully.

Mikey:"dude you better hide, there's a human guy around here!"

You mentally slapped yourself. The mutant most definitely was the guy.

"EASY EASY. this is repo mantis salvage. The guy is me."

Mikey:"this is your lot?"

He ran up to the guy.


Donnie then dragged him towards you before also dragging you away.

Donnie:"whoa whoa whoa whoa wha whoa. Cool your (??) Jets bud.tbis is a negotiation. We got to play it smooooth."

You all now had sunglasses on and walked towards the guy all cool like.

Donnie:"so uhh how much you going to play us to take this pile of parts off your hands amigo?"

"Scram I get a lot of fenders to count."

Donnie:"I see you drive a hard bargain sir, well perhaps I can interest you in a little coin?"

You wanted to die of embarrassment. April signed you up for finance because you knew nothing of money. An while Donnie is smart he definitely doesn't have enough.

Donnie:"I've got big silver. Small silver. And I can make it rain copper daddy."

You looked at him weirdly. (🤨•😟)

"Ehh you a'int got nearly enough, but say I could use a couple of tough muteies like you."

You stood awkwardly.

"Ever do any repo work?"

Mikey:"of course! No what's repo work-?"

"It's when you take stuff back from deadbeats that didn't pay for it. Do a job for me today and I let you have that moon buggy thing."

Mikey:"we're in!"

Donnie dragged you both away again.

Donnie:" and side call, guys, repo men have to be mean and I don't know if you know this but you're kind of softies."

[Name]:"that's mean."

Mikey:"That really hurts my feelings and ohhh. You have a point."

You sighed in defeat.

Mikey:"but we can do this! Hard as nails! Grrr."


Mikey:"we're in! What's the skinny chico."

"I need you to get an RV form a real shady mutant. Holds up in the woods on the wrong side of the tracks, in the darkest outskirts of the bad part of town."


Your ankle hurt worse than ever. It even looked swollen. But you would not ruin this. You would get the moon buggy for your brothers and you would prove that you are stronger than you look.

Donnie*whispering*:"I ran a profile on this guy, flawless loner, doesn't pay his bills, lives in this very spooky forest. He is a 98% match for a spine breaking bandit!"

Then a noise rattles and Donnie grabs you and Mikey and dragged you down behind a bush.

Mikey:pssh, I'm not scared of some no good forest dweller!! Let's see em! There's his RV!"

He walks out of his RV and you and your brothers fall backwards and scream.


Donny:"he is totally going to break our spines."

You shuddered at the thought.

Donnie:"maybe we should call raph and Leo."

Mikey:"NO NO NO NO NO." He says fighting Donnie abit."we got this, plus think about it, if we tell them [name] was out here they would be so mad and we got this! Think of all the awesome adventures we could have in the moon buggy"

The guy walks around.

Donnie:"Hugh alright. If you are dead set on doing this we gotta go stealth. Sneak jutsu 101.never let a spine break get behind you."

The guy turned his flashlight on and you all started to run. Your ankle getting worse and worse.


You all keept screaming until you all crashed into the ground. Your ankle only getting worse.

The scary guy turned on a light and all of a sudden didn't look so scary.

"Hey I'm Todd! Welcome to cuddle cakes puppy rescue! The puppyest place on earth!!"

You smiled then winced because of you ANKLE. you'd think the more I'd bring it up the more [name] would tell them or understand it's real bad, but nope.

Donnie:"puppies. Rightttt. And which one are you having for dinner?"

You stared at Donnie.

Todd:"oh right! It's dinner time!!"

He pulled a rope and dog food slide into their eating bowl thingy.


Todd:"hey you guys want some of my internet famous homemade lemonade? I donate it to folkes in Alaska that need a little sunshine."

You all took one and took a sip.

Mikey:"oh wow this is pretty good."

Donnie:"it honestly tastes exactly like sunshine."

You just slurped the whole thing up. That's how you know you liked-it liked-it.

Donnie took Mikey over for another side bar. He was going to take you but you were talking Todd.

Todd:"oh dear new friend! Your ankle is terribly swollen let me get some stuff to help you with it!!"

[Name]:"oh- no it's fine thanks-"

Todd:"I insist."

So off he went.

After he fixed it up Donnie and Mikey came stomping in.

Mikey:"So. Todd. Let's get down to business about your RV."

Todd:"sure thing could you hold Willis?"

Mikey:"oh uh i-duh I don't know about- oh AWHHH you little mischief maker!! Wait a minute we're supposed to be talking about your RV!"

A dog kept rolling over to Donnie but he kept pushing it away.

Donnie:"look Todd you haven't made a payment in 2 years and that means-"

Todd:"yeah turns out all you get for rescuing puppies are million dollar smiles.ooh __ wants her belly rubbed!"

Donnie:"my hard as nails brother and I are here to-"

Mikey wasn't there. But he was Abit away feeding puppies.

Mikey:"and I'll call you Indiana bones and you little bones!"

Donnie:"Mikey c'mon-"

He looked over at you who was laying in a pile of puppy's. He then got hit with a ball.

Todd:"whowhowho Melvin wants to play! Could you toss this ball?"

Donnie:"ok fine. I'll toss the ball if you give the keys to your- *squish* I am in something squishy. I AM IN SOMETHING SQUISHY."

Todd:"oh yeah, I am so swamped that I never get to clean the yarda. But you guys are so good at this!! You wanna grab a couple shovels?"

They grabbed the shovels and when you went to grab one Todd shewed your hand away.

Todd:"your ankle needs to rest."

Donnie and Mikey looked over the at your ankle.

Donnie:"when did you get hurt?" He said with his iconic eyebrow raise.

[Name]:"whaaaaaaaaat. I'm not hurt. You must be seeing things. Get back to work!"

You said the last part jokingly but he walked up to you, Mikey close behind. Mikey put his hand on your shoulder and looked sad at you you. Like he gave you his dad eyes.

Mikey:"want to go home?"

[Name]:"what no- Mike's I'll be fine. Let's just finish this!"

They both sighed and went back to work.


Mikey:"why did we just do that?"

Donnie:"I don't know Micheal. I don't know. Niceness is his superpower-"

You were snoring. Falling asleep twice?? Really?? You do you , you unsleep, unnormal sleep schedule rapscallion.

Todd:"oh you guys must be exhausted!! Why don't you sleep over! [Names already asleep.In the morning I can hold sir.chumpsalot while you floss his fangs!"

He walked out with lemonade.

Donnie:"that sounds great! no.NO. We didn't come here to help you we came here to repo your RV."

Todd:"yeah ok... I guess me and the pups will just sleep under the stars tonight."

It started raining and you darted up and hugged Donnie. It scared you Abit. He just pat your head.

Todd:"and every night..through puppy hurricane season!!"

Mikey:"I CAN'T DO IT"

Donnie:"okay, Todd.. how about you trade us that dusty RV and we make you a new place to sleep.huh?"

Todd:"really??? And a place to feed the puppies? And a place to bath and and diaper and play with them??"


Todd:"I don't suppose-"


You shuddered and Donnie pat your head again.

*Cool building time lapse I don't want to write*.

Todd:"Thanks guys!!! I'll never forget you!! And come back!! If you ever want to milk the puppies!! They have eight nipples!!"

Donnie:"NO STOP NO."

He drove off in a rush.

You were asleep in the back of the RV and Mikey woke you up.

"Not bad, not bad. But what had happened was I a'int given it too ya. turns out dorky Jupiter Jim fans will pay big bucks just to sit in that thing."

D:"SHAT? We had a deal buddy-o"

Mikey helped you out of the RV.

"Scraping is a tricky business kids. And you got tricked."

D:"we are not leaving without our moon buggy."

"Eyy the purple ones funny."

D:"I keep telling you guys in funny"

"I'm gonna break you legs half way through! Twice!"

D:"Mikey! The magnet!"

Mikey swung and grabbed the lever.

[Name]:"when did you get that weapon-"

Repo got pulled up and Mikey scooped you up and ran over to the moon buggy.


They got in and you sat on Mikey's lmao. (PLATONIC. THERE'S JUST NO OTHER SEATS.)

The mantis chased after them.

D:"man this thing is super slow"

M:"of course it is. It was built for the gravity of the moon"

Repo hit the mb.



D:"should that do anything?"

Mikey kept hitting almost all the buttons.

D:"this is a movie vehicle pal, they wouldn't load it up with advanced lunar artillery"

[Name]:"you never know-" you slurred. You were very tired.

M:"Not unless it the moon buggy from Jupiter Jim's third last trip to the moon!"

[Name]:"Which had a fake dashboard to fool the plutonians!!" You joined in.

M:"I'm kicking it Jupiter Jim titian turbo mode!"

You all suddenly went alot faster.

D:"I can't shake him!"

M:"I'll try the gravity grease 3000"

Oil shot out and hit a bunch of people.

D:"I think we got a bunch of people pretty oily- WHOA-"

The roof popped off.

M:"maybe the bug zapper button-"

D:"really there is a bug zapper butto- WHY DIDN'T YOU TRY THAT FIRST?"

M:"It didn't have a 3000 after it!!"

You were trying not to fall off my griping onto, well anything. And one of Donnie's arms used a marker and added a 3000 to the label.

D:"There. Happy?!?"

M:"why thank you!"

He clicked it and ZAP. You were home free.

Mikey and Donnie clapped and said "HARD AS NAILS!" while on the way.

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