A Dragons Fire In My Heart

By andrayakruger

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Its been a year since Lucy Heartfilia became a member of fairy tail. But when she finds out that she is desti... More

Chapter 1: The Guild and The Mission (before I knew I was in love)
Chapter 2: The Dream and The Fun
Chapter 3: The Truth
Chapter 4: Why me?
Chapter 5: Love lost?
Chapter 6: The information and The anouncement
Chapter 8: I see you
Chapter 9: Lies and beginings
Chapter 10: I feel safe
Chapter 11: His gift to me
Chapter 12: So it begins
Chapter 13: Slip
Chapter 14: The Blue Gem
Chapter 15: We must fight!
Chapter 16: Fighting for you
Chapter 17: He's here
Chapter 18: Changed
Chapter 19: You

Chapter 7:Settling in

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By andrayakruger

Juvia P.O.V

I woke up in a happy mood. I was so excited! I haven't been to the beach in years, and the best part was... Gray-sama was going to be there! I told myself that while we were there for the weekend, I would finally get him to like me.

I grabbed my already packed suit case and headed for the train station, where we were told to meet. Immediately I found Gray-sama. I ran to him and grabbed onto his arm.

"Juvia what are you doing!?" He said trying to pull away.

"Can Juvia sit with Gray-sama on the train." I asked.

"I dunno... do whatever I guess." He sighed.

I smiled brightly, "Yay! Juvie gets to sit with Gray-sama!" I looked over at Lucy who was watching us," Hear that love rival! Gray-sama says Juvia can sit with him! Not you."

She frowned at shouted," I really don't care Juvia!"

Gray P.O.V

I finally managed to get Juvia off my arm. And it was even worse on the train, she kept trying to move closer to me... and every time she did my cheeks felt hot, I don't know why but I hoped I wasn't turning into an idiot like Natsu.
He was sitting in front of me with half his body out the window, moaning and gagging.

Perfect! With his motion sickness, he will be too slow to attack me.

I waited for every one to fall asleep, then quietly I sneeked up behind him and put a whole bunch of ice cubes down his vest. He jumped up and hit his head on the window.

"YOU IDIOT!!!" He shouted, and trying not to puke at the same time. This of course woke up every member of the guild, on the train.

Natsu stumbled forward trying to grab my arm, but I dodged him and laughed. I laughed so hard that I had to wrap my arms around my stomach. Unfortunately I didn't see Elfman stomping towards me.

"How dare you! I NEED MY MANLY SLUMBER!!!" With that he grabbed me by my shirt colar, and dangled me out the window of the moving train.

My face bashed into tree branches," Okay! okay I'm sorry!"

He pulled me back in, with my mouth full of leaves. Natsu walked up to me angrily, "I'm... going to kill you-"

Next thing I knew, I had vomit all the way down my front. There was complete silence, until Natsu was rolling on the floor laughing.

"Oh so NOW you feel better!"

He looked up at me crying from laughing so hard, "You... hahaha... you are such... hahahaha an idiot Gray!"

"I'm the idiot!? why don't you get yourself a mirror flame brai-" Lucy covered my mouth with her hand, and with the other hand she grabbed Natsu's vest and pulled us close to her.

"Hey I've got an idea..." She said with a evil smile," Why don't we all just... SHUT UP!!!!" We gulped in unison.

"Now boys... we are close to arriving... so, Gray you are going to clean yourself up, and Natsu... sit down... and continue puking outside the window... got it?"

We nodded and did what she said.

Sheesh! When did she become like Erza?

Natsu P.O.V

I felt like hell, leaning out the window scaring people who passed by. But it wasn't too long when I finally saw the blue ocean spread across the horizon. Watching the waves crash made feel better.

We eventually stopped at the train station disembarked from the train... finally! I swang my bag over my shoulder and looked for Lucy. When I found her I made my way to her and Mira, they were both examining a map.

"I hate trains..." I moaned.

Lucy frowned, "That's like your favourite sentence, every time we get off one."

Mira chuckled, "So... are you all fired up now?" She joked.

"Mmm very funny, Mirajane."

"Okay, okay you two, that's enough... Ah! Found it! The Great Gallar..." She sighed happily.

I found myself blushing as she smiled.

"The Great Gallar... sounds fancy." Wendy said. ( I didn't even notice her join us.)

Lucy twirled around and giggled," It is! Its beautiful!"

And she was right. As you walk through the glass revolving doors, the sent of jasmin hits you. The lobby was masiv! All around us, gold and white walls spread out. Above us, hang a gigantic crystal chandilier that sparkled. It took your breath away. We headed over to the reception desk, and the lady behind it smiled at us brightly. When she saw Lucy, her smile became even brighter.

"Ah Miss Lucy! It is so nice to see you again!" She said.

"Hello Jewel! Its been so long, I missed this place!" Lucy tilted her head up, closed her eyes and smiled.

She is so beautiful...

"I see you have brought your friends as planned! I have arranged the best room for all of you!" She said.

I scratched my scalp in confussion, "You mean... rooms?"

She shook her head, "No I mean room. It was just impossable to get two rooms, as we are fully booked... but don't worry the room i picked out is big, and Miss Lucy will reconise it."

"What! We are sharing a room!" Gray shouted, "But... boys and girls in one room... its... its just-"

Erza punched him in the arm," Oh stop complaining! We should be greatful that Lucy is doing this for us."

After alot of arguing and a few punches were thrown, we made our way to our room. Stair... after stair... after stair... we climbed.

"This is the 7th stair case!" Gajeel said out of breath, " You would think, that a fancy place like this.... would have an elevator!"

Lucy looked over her shoulder, "Oh they do... I just thought you boys needed some excersise!" She giggled.

We all grumbled angrily and kept climbing. We finally reached the top of the last stair case and collapsed in a heap on the floor. Suddenly we heard a women's voice.

"Lucy?! Lucy is that you?!"

We looked up, and standing at the end of the hall way was a girl. She wore a maids uniform and was holding a broom in one hand. She had short purple hair that barely touched her shoulders. She had a big grin on her face. I watched Lucy stand up, wide eyed and smiling.


They both ran to each other and hugged. They were laughing, but tears ran down both of their cheeks.
Who is she? I thought. Apparently Gray was thinking the same thing, because of the way he was checking Stella out. He elbowes me in the arm and whisperd, "Shes pretty, dont you think?" Of course Juvia heard him.

"Why doesnt Gray-sama look at Juvia like that!?" She cried out.

Lucy P.O.V

I grabbed Stella's hand and ran back to my friends. I laughed at their confussed faces and introduced her to them.

"Everyone, this is Stella May!" I said smilling.

She laughed, "But please, call me Stella."

Natsu stood up and shook her hand, " Im Natsu, how do you two know each other?"

Stella grabbed my arm and giggled, "Lucy, is this your boyfriend!?"

I blushed and turned away quickly, "Uh, n..no." I knew Natsu was blushing too.

"Oh.. well any way Natsu to answer your question, Lucy and I are old friends. She used to come here on holidays with her parents, and i was living in the hotel with my mother back then. Anyway long story short, we became friends and played around the hotel every time she visited. I had to get a job here a few years ago though. I honestly thought i woud never see her again, but here she is!" Stella smilled and hugged Lucy for the second time.

Okay guys! This chapter was just briefly highlighting their arrival! The next chapter is ganna be better! ♥

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