One Man's Hell: A FNIA Fan St...

By theEmbarrassedWriter

22.5K 367 1.3K

it's gonna be a better version of my first story. I hope it's a lot better now that I've learned how to write... More

Part 1 - Opportunity
Part 2 - Paranoia
Part 4 - A Sad Loss
Part 5 - First Impressions
Part 6 - Hard Mode Survival
Part 7 - No Rest for the Wicked
Part 8 - A Well Needed Break
Part 9 - Back to Business
Part 10 - A Shaky Peace Treaty

Part 3 - Due Diligence

2.1K 36 127
By theEmbarrassedWriter

Apologies for the late chapter, it's been a month since I've hardly found time between Duality and school life. Thankfully it shouldn't be As hard to write now. Either way, disclaimer stuff except that now this story is Mostly mine, except for certain concepts and the characters of course. I'll stop rambling now.

You find yourself running, legs pumping as you hear the rapid and heavy footsteps of a monster of sorts behind you

You look back but are only met with eyes, though calling them eyes is generous with them being only white dots in the void of darkness

You hear your heartbeat thumping hard in your ears as you turn a corner and enter an open doorway, shutting the door smoothly behind you

(You)"'What the hell is that?"'

You whisper to yourself, the footsteps ending right after the door

A laugh goes out from beyond the door before a pair of arms burst through the door and grab onto your neck, your breath quickly running out as your eyesight darkens

You jolt awake from the nightmare, the details already fading

(You)"The hell was that?!"

You yell out, breathing heavily as you feel your throat

(You)"Fucks Sake, why were those eyes so terrifying?"

You say with a sigh, getting up and checking the time

(You)"3 hours until work. Ugh"

You say, annoyed with how close you woke up to when your alarm would go off

You look around your meager apartment and see a stack of old books laying there

(You)"I haven't gone reading in way too long. Maybe not since high school even"

You say, leafing through the titles when you find something you forgot you had

(You)"Wait, a self defense book? This must have been given to me back when I was really into martial arts and such"

You mumble to yourself as you skim through it, old memories coming back as you remember the instructions in jiu-jitsu

You find yourself reading back through the book, the diagrams and lessons unusually interesting

Your alarm goes off hours later, your mind being pulled back into the real world as you sigh

(You)"Well that works better than I thought. I may take this with me just in case"

You say, packing up a drawstring bag with the essentials as you head out, getting to the office a good 20 minutes early and sitting down in the chair

(You)"I wonder what Fuckery I'll be dealing with tonight."

You mumble to yourself, getting settled in looking between the cameras and learning the names of all the rooms

The sudden and sharp sound of the phone ringing makes you jump, almost knocking you over as the machine answers itself

(Another situation of imma be writing my own call. Deal with it)

(Mairusu)"Hello? Hello hello? Hey good job making it to day two! You're not doing half bad! Now this may change however, as two new, lets call them Chaos elements, are going to be a problem. Marionette, or Mari as she prefers, doesn't like to be woken up late at night. She's not much of a night owl you see, and loves her music. Don't let her music stop and you'll be doing dandy. Music turns off? You're dead 98% of the time. The other element is a bit more simple. Give her the attention she want's and you won't be dealing with her, that said, Foxy is a quick thinker and a quicker runner. She's who want's your attention as much as you can offer, though it likely won't be enough. She's been missing the spotlight ever since she had her little incident. Do your best, watch the Marionettes music, and watch Foxy if you don't want to be killed in one of the best ways. See you in the morning"

The phone clicks as you rub your eyes

(You)"And here I was, the damn idiot thinking tonight would be halfway relaxing now that I know their damn patterns."

You say as you pinch the bridge of your nose and tilt your head back

You hear the chime of 12 am ring as you exhale and look down to the tablet, the camera resting on Pirate's cove luckily enough as a solitary eye pokes out from between the curtains, a bright yellow color and very reflective

You switch over to the prize counter, calm music playing and a pie chart at the bottom depleting slowly

(You)"So I have to just watch these two? Why even watch the other girls?"

You ask yourself as you lean back, the sound of bare footsteps coming towards the office

(You)"That's right, Bonnie on the left and Chica on the right, Freddie went to the right last night too"

You say out loud, the footsteps on the left getting too close for comfort as you close the door, a muffled sigh coming from the other side

(Bonnie)"What was that yesterday?"

(You)"Don't wanna talk about it. Go back to your stage"

(Bonnie)"Sure, because an hour or two of a mental breakdown is nothing to talk about."

(You)"Maybe talking would help, but not to you. Not to any of you."

(Bonnie)"Why not though? I could either just look at your record or have you tell me"

(You)"When could you access police records?"

(Bonnie)"Safety precaution"

(You)"Then fucking do it. Don't waste my power with this shit"

You say, her storming down the hall as you open up the left door and look down, rewinding the music and looking back at the cove to see Foxy standing in front of her curtains, arms stretched back and her chest pushed out as she looks into the camera with a devilish grin. She was a dark red, with some lighter shades around and the regular pirate getup, all but the peg leg really.

You see her begin to stretch her legs too, stopping and jumping up and down before winking at the camera and dashing off

You begin to click through the cameras rapidly, anxiety increasing rapidly as the fox charges you

(You)"Which fucking side is she going to? Wait! Only one on the left and two on the right? She must go Left!"

You yell to yourself as you quickly slam the left door down again as a red blur passes the window and a sharp screech of metal on metal comes from the hallway

(Foxy)"Aye there lad! You be the first one to see me in quite some time! Would ye like to learn more about yer captain?"

(You)"Nope. Piss off."

(Foxy)"Well don't you sound all pent up and aggressive. Need to let out some of that frustration lad?"

(You)"Need to get out more "Lass"?"

He says with a mocking tone, a laugh coming from beyond the door

(Foxy)"Now you've got the right spirit lad! You do seem a nice fit with the captain, but you've got te be in bed with me to find out for sure~"

She says with a seductive tone, Your face flushing red as you start to get a bit angry

(You)"Listen lady, I really don't FUCKING CARE, so go off and die on that stage or something, just go the hell away"

You say as you can almost see her mouth close, the sound of her footsteps as she walks away very clear as she also seems to have stormed off

You look back to the tablet and your face sinks, the conversation with that damn fox keeping you distracted for long enough that a horrifyingly quick jack in the box theme began to play

(You)"Wait so what does the puppet's pattern do exactly? I have two at each door so like, what door would she go through? The doors should keep me safe right? Why was Mairusu so convinced she'd kill me?"

You talk to yourself, your talking speeding up as your anxiety rises with the music playing and you see the puppet rise out of her box, somehow fit inside a box that was about a third of her height and with a body that cannot be comfortable to cram into a present box

You watch her, float up?

(You)"Wai wai wai wai wait what? FLOATING. Literally, Floating! Of Fucking COURSE she can! What's next, fucking telekinesis?"

(?)"'Wrong guess Y/n"'

You hear a voice say in your head, you looking around to see who's being a douche and messing with you

(?)"'The only one messing with you is me. It's the Puppet you buffoon. Get to know me well enough and you can call me Marionette or Mari"'

(You)"Puppet's better anyways. It's simpler. Plus I don't plan to get to know you all that well lady"

(Puppet)"'How nice of you to call me "Lady". I guess we are more human than you'd like to admit."'

(You)"What are you talking about? You look like women and I'm sure that pervert of a boss went the whole nine yards on you things"

(Puppet)"'And there you called us things. That's rude"'

Her voice says in your head, you shaking your head and getting to tracking her down

(You)"How about a nice long story about where you are?"

(Puppet)"Try behind you"

She says, the voice no longer residing in your head solely as your blood runs cold and your body tenses, a bead of sweat forming on your forehead

(Puppet)"Oh what a sad life you had, not quite unusual the life you currently live though"

(You)"You don't know shit about my life!"

(Puppet)"You're very defensive. Oh it's because I'm a female I see. At least close enough to one."

(You)"What the hell? Can you read minds or something unexplainable or stupid?"

(Puppet)"Yes, and it's very explainable. you see the girls are very well designed, cutting edge. Even the CIA doesn't have this technology that Mairusu developed. You see he was quite the honor student in college for engineering and design. Developed us all himself. If only someone knew how to run a business though..."

She says, trailing off

(Puppet)"But short answer? I can monitor active brain waves. I can even track you with them as the only person here at night. And with those waves I can read your thoughts, it's like reading through a book of sorts, just it's got a lot of pictures and little organization. Takes a little while to prod through and pull anything useful out of my readings. The thing about you is that you hold all your memories close to the surface here, probably because of that fear you feel."

She says, fully involved in her monologue as you look to the clock

(Puppet)"I guess this is a sort of monologue, but I'll end it with this here Y/N. My abilities are not all mechanical and electrical."

She says, confusing you

(You)"So you just spent all that time bragging about "Powers this" and "Readings that" only to tell me that there's even more unbelievable magic to your person?"

(Puppet)"Yes. You better be thankful I'm not killing you either, I may hate that music box when it runs out but I get that an attention starved Fox may have been a bit needy earlier"

She says with a yawn, personally reaching over and rewinding the music on the tablet before leaving in the blink of an eye

(You)"Wait, so, I just, I just lived? the HELL do you mean by whatever bullshit statistic of lethality that you pulled out of your ass you perverted engineer?!"

You yell out, totally confused at what just happened as movement on the cameras catches your attention, bringing you back to your work as you exhale nervously for the first time in what felt like hours

You begin to practice using hearing more, listening for their distinct tells that show when they are getting close

(You)"Bonnie has a lighter pair of footsteps, almost 3 steps to 2 of Chica's. Probably because she's a bunny or whatever so she's light on her feet or some stupid explanation since they can just break reality here."

You say with an annoyed sigh, really just wanting to be doing anything else besides sitting in that box of an office

(You)"Oh wait, I brought that book! That may not be the best idea really. Eh even if it's not I'm bored so why not."

You say, reaching down and grabbing the book out of your bag, opening it back up to where you left off

You read the book for a while, making sure to hit the music box and doors once in a while to keep your focus on the book itself

You hear the 6 am bell ring finally, putting the bookmark back and putting the book away as you leave the building happily, Mairusu walking up on the phone

Mairusu waves you over while he's still talking, apparently planning an event based on how much he's asking times and guest counts

Mairusu finally hangs up the phone, you yawning as he looks over

(Mairusu)"Ah finally off the phone. You see we have a special birthday party planned for someone because of, well, an accident at the building and this is a way to make amends."

(You)"Cool. You tell me this why?"

(Mairusu)"I need someone to be daytime security"

He says as you exhale, hands going on your hips as you look back at him

(You)"will I get overtime?"

(Mairusu)"Of course! I'll give you the check right after the party."

You look away into the distance, judging your options

(You)"'Ugh, this sounds like a little kid event. I don't like little kids. The immediate payment though would be pretty nice to have"'

You think to yourself as you look Mairusu in the eyes

(You)"I'll do it. Just make sure nobody weird gets in right?"

(Mairusu)"That's the long and the short of it. Thanks a million!"

He says, opening up the door before stopping

(Mairusu)"I'll need you here in about.... 5 hours"

He says, you tapping it into your phone and setting an alarm

(You)"Got it."

You say, driving home and flopping down to get every minute of sleep out of the ever shortening time you had

You fall asleep quickly and have a dreamless sleep, the nothing going by in a flash as the sound of the alarm woke you up

(You)"Never enough sleep."

You say with a yawn, getting up and walking to the bathroom to freshen up since they likely don't want a scruffy guy watching a bunch of kids

(You)"I need to look like I actually belong here"

You say, grabbing some shaving cream and a razor, quickly getting rid of the stubble on your cheeks and around your mouth, washing your face immediately after

(You)"I look nearly the same to me but let's hope I give a better impression at least"

You say, leaving the bathroom and getting uniformed up, making sure to put on a proper belt, tuck in the shirt, and get everything on that made him actually potent as a security guard, which was just his knife in reality.

You drive out to the anime convention and see a crowd gathered at the door, seeing that the front door had a sign posted

(Sign)'Due to a private party, Freya's will be closed from 11 am to 3 pm. We'll have to see you later!"

You walk inside and hear the definet sounds of a kids party, screaming, running footsteps that just make you think of the nightshift, and a lot of music

You see even Foxy out and about among the crowd, her walking around and being very mindful of her hook with it staying out of range of all the kids

You walk into the main room just to see what you're dealing with, the number of kids for the whole building to be rented out surprisingly low, but still a large crowd was gathered around the stage and with the animatronics performing up on stage and Foxy and Chica running around delivering food and such

Foxy meets your gaze and immediately you get nervous, especially since she seems to be angry, then Very, Very happy for an odd reason

You feel a tug at your pant leg and look down, seeing a young girl with coffee colored skin and brown hair. One of her eyes was covered with an eye patch for some odd reason. Maybe she was dressed up as a pirate?

(Young Girl)"Heya there mister. Who are you?"

(You)"Well I'm the security guard! I make sure that you have a fun and safe party!"

You say, trying to be enthusiastic

(Young Girl)"Well so is my friend! She's big and strong!"

She says, you acting interested

(You)"And can I meet her?"

(Young girl)"Of course! She lives here after all"

She says, Your face dropping for a moment as the girl leads you towards Foxy who's grinning just as madly as before

(Foxy)"Oh who's this guy Ibuki?"

(You)"'So her name is Ibuki then. Odd name"'

you think to yourself

(Ibuki)"He's a guard man! He's going to make sure the party is safe!"

(Foxy)"Oh will he? That's a good person to have around then! Have ye told him thank you yet?"

(Ibuki)"Oh okay. Hey Mr. guard man, thanks for keeping the party safe!"

(You)"It's no problem Ibuki."

You say, flashing her a smile

(Foxy)"How about a nice picture with us then? Especially since you do work here."

Ibuki's eyes light up at the statement

(Ibuki)"Wait, you work here with them?! That sounds awesome! Can I come too?"

(You)"You'll have to wait a while little lady, this is a grown up job"

(Ibuki)"But why though?"

(Foxy)"Ye have to be big and strong to protect the building! Just like Y/N here~"

She says, her tone showing her true intention near the end subtly

(Ibuki)"Can I get a picture with you two since you're my friends now? I'll be back when I'm big and strong!"

(You)"I don-"

You begin to say, seeing Foxy glaring at you as you quickly change what you were saying

(You)"Sure thing!"

You say, getting put next to Foxy with Ibuki in front of the two

You feel Foxy wrap her arm around you and hold onto your left side, gripping tightly

(Foxy)"Now you know yer captain well lad"

She whispers into your ear, your blood pounding in your ears as you try your best to smile normally

The picture gets taken as Ibuki waves goodbye to you, her going back to her friends. One was about 11 years old and seemed to be keeping tabs on Ibuki and another friend that looked the same age as her

You set yourself up by the exit, watching the door in and out and making sure that nobody suspicious got in, and nobody too young got out

You eventually see the time hit about 2:55 pm, yawning as you look to the door again and see Mairusu walking up with a paper stack in hand

(Mairusu)"See? That wasn't so bad!"

He says, all smiles as he hands you the check and you take off the hat, running a hand through your hair

(You)"Sure. Not a bother, but try and hire someone for day shift why don't you?"

You say, him nodding as the parents start to pack up the food and kids and filter out. Ibuki and her friends all waving goodbye as they walk by

Eventually the last family exited the building, you doing one last check over everything to make sure it was all there before leaving yourself, looking behind and seeing Foxy wave goodbye as well with an evil grin

You get out of the building fast and reset your alarm for later that night, getting home after a few minutes of driving and falling asleep after even less minutes of laying down

Bit of a lengthy part there eh? I did love writing this one. And that birthday party? Quite the interesting name to see in this place...

(Thanks to Hi_im_Chill for helping out as always)


Is theEmbarrassedWriter.

Signing off at an unusual time

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