darling | alice in borderland


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arriving in the universe of your favorite TV show wasn't what you had planned for the month, and certainly yo... More

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urumi story
chapter 1:
chapter 2:
chapter 3:
chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22 (ENDING #1)

chapter 5

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A/N: my back hurts 😩

I'll be focusing on this rather than my sweet home and tua book rn, since hostage is over i wanna put the chapters out faster

season 2 is rumoured to come out on December 2nd!! i wanna finish this before s2 comes out


after you got swimwear you had walked out to the main area of the beach, the others were shocked by the amount of people partying, as if they weren't going to die at any moment

you had a jacket in your hand, the swimsuit was a little too revealing for you, and you could feel the stares of the other four (shibuki had chosen to shield you with her body, glaring daggers at the four)

“it feels like we’re being watched” usagi said, making eye contact with momoka and asahi, we decided to go into what looked like the club area, it felt even worse than what was outside, there were bare naked girls and guys, just…doing whatever

“its a total escape from reality” shibuki said

suddenly a guy shouted, signaling the start of the games and everyone began pouring out, were they suicidal? they had started screaming excitedly, whats so exciting about death?

we got out with the crowd, the people were chanting hatter’s name as if he was a god, as he began to speak

“the time has come again” he started “do not falter! this is a war against fear! everyone here has the courage to overcome their obstacles, everyone here is now one! we shall gather together and collect all the cards, the day of our return, is upon us!” the crowd cheered

everyone started leaving, shouting to get in the car with your number, usagi and shibuki were together, and so were chota and karube, and you with arisu

“stay safe, you guys” karube said “don't die, and stick together if you can, we can’t let any of us be harmed tonight” the others nodded

arisu and i headed towards the game, ann was quick in walking in front of us, down to the phone stand, she started speaking as we picked up our phones

“this is a trial to see if you’re fit to be a executive member of the beach, i suggest you to do your best” she smiled in a cocky way

kuina walked up while arisu was distracted because the case was waterproof

she had a some kind of stick in her mouth, so her voice was muffled when she spoke “hi, im kuina, its nice to meet you guys” she held her hand out for you to shake, and then gave it to arisu

a guy walked in, informing ann about some water in the game arena, when he noticed us “youre the people from the tag game!” he said with happiness “youre alive?” arisu said “yeah! i help with-” ann interrupted him “save the greetings for later”

we walked into the main room, it was being slowly filled with water, our phones went off and explained the rules of the game, guess which lightswitch turned on the lightbulb, but you can’t see the bulb when you flip one, and if you cant get it in time, and you only have one chance, and if you lose you die, obviously

when the phone finished explaining the rules a girl touched one of the wires hanging from the ceiling

everyone chose to ignore it and tatta spoke “so we just need to find out which switch it is? ill head into the room first, we can take turns-” “the door wont close if you're inside” arisu said

ann explained more to him, and tatta seemed confused but started to talk anyway “okay then lets just turn switch a on with the door open?”

“what if thats the wrong answer? then we all die” arisu said

“if it turns on its switch a if its doesnt its b or c! we have a 50% chance”

“its 66%”” ann said

“shouldn't it be 50%?”

“i don’t understand” kuina said

“y/n, arisu, what will you do?” ann looked towards us, i was the closet to the three switches while arisu was beside me a little farther

arisu argued with ann for a moment, before i finally decided to speak up, it felt like the scene was taking too long, and i didnt like the feeling of the swimsuit sticking to me, and even if i knew the answer and that we would make it out alive, it was still nerve racking

“i have a idea” ann turned to me with a slight smirk “and it is?”

“close the door” i told tatta, he looked at me confused

“what are you doing?” kuina asked, staring over to me with her stick-thing (someone tell me what that is?) in between her lips

“do what she says or you will all die” ann said, tatta closed the door and i flipped the first switch, everyone was silent and seemed confused on what i was planning, but arisu seemed to catch what i was onto, he looked at me with a smile and patted my shoulder

everyone except ann was visibly nervous as the minutes felt like hours, if someone tried to speak ann would just glare at them, shushing them silently

after i thought it was good enough, i turned it off and gestured to kuina “open the door and touch the bulb” she seemed reluctant but gave in, opening the door and wincing at the hotness of the lightbulb

“the answer is-” “switch a”

“electricity generates heat” i said “if it was on it would feel hot, and if it wasn't-” “it would feel cold” arisu finished

“with this our chance of survival was raised from 66% to 100%” ann took off her glasses

tatta sighed, leaning backwards into the water “it should be 50%”

“i don't even care anymore…” kuina said, leaning her back on the wall

we drove back to the beach, with the final diamond card needed, as we entered we looked around to find the others, chota and karube had already met with usagi and shibuki

“you guys are okay!” usagi said once we caught up to the four of them, i was still soaking and arisu was too, and i was very tired and just wanted to go to my room and sleep, forgetting that im in this world for a moment

“y/n was really cool!” arisu said “she knew the answer so fast! we probably would’ve died if she wasn’t there”

“you would’ve thought of the same thing, you just got really stressed, you would have been fine without me”

“besides that, ann totally knew the answer! she was only testing us” we sat down and soon after kuina walked over to us

“hey arisu, y/n” kuina waved a little at me “are you two like, dating?” arisu looked embarrassed when she said that, and the others looked a little sad “we’re not!” arisu stuttered

“well, you never know when you’re gonna die, so why not go out? i think y/n here has many options” she nudged me and winked, then she sighed “my mom is in the hospital, she can’t even go to the bathroom without my help, but here i am…stuck here”

“so i have to return alive, its also why i quit smoking, i've never been able to quit, but ill need stamina to live here, don’t you think? i have to live so i can go back to my mom”

no one could say anything else as a shout from the entrance echoed “turn that tacky music off!”

i sighed, knowing whats happening soon and leaned myself backward, placing my hands behind me so i was still sat up

“they’re the militants” kuina said “if you want to live peacefully, don’t bother them, don’t even look in their direction”

“the leader, aguni is a ex sdf officer, hes in charge of all the weapons at the beach, they have more power over anyone here, we’ve barely managed to remain peaceful at the beach, but a fight could break out at anytime” the group stopped at where all of us were, as if they could sense we were talking about them

aguni looked around at you all when his eyes landed on karube, the one who helped him in his plan at the tag game

“good to know you’re still alive, would’ve been a shame if otherwise”

“you know each other?” kuina looked at karube

“not exactly…”

aguni looked at you and usagi and gestured to niragi “bring those two over” niragi grabbed our arms but the others were quick to stand in front of us

“don’t get involved!” kuina whispered shouted

niragi looked at arisu first “you can have your turns later” he pushed him out of the way and grabbed me again, but arisu and karube stayed in front of me

niragi sighed and looked to aguni “what should we do with these guys?”

“break their legs so they’ll die in the next game”

“alright, you guys bring those two, and ill deal with them”

karube almost punched him but i tugged at his arm with warning in my eyes, niragi would totally not let that pass. he’d be shot before he could even touch his face, and then my hard work of making sure they didn't die would be for nothing

he was still pissed but didn’t do anything, but arisu seemed to have other plans, before any of the other guys could even touch me and usagi he pulled away from niragi and stood in front of us

“what’s going on here?” suddenly hatter appeared as people parted so he could make his way over

“back off, this doesn’t concern you” aguni said

“as the number one i have to maintain peace and order at the beach, i cannot just back away, so i’ll have to ask you to lay your hands off of my newcomers” hatter looked over to niragi

“i only take orders from the boss” hatter looked over to aguni and stepped closer to him “let me ask you” he got closer to him “who is your boss?”

aguni was silent and looked as if he was on the verge of going insane and killing him when he finally turned turns hatter and spoke “its you, isn't it?”

hatter nodded slightly “go take a shower, all executives are to gather in the meeting room

“y/n, you come too” i looked up kind of shocked and confused, why did he want me instead of arisu? maybe it’s because i was the one who figured out the game before him

“i heard about your potential from ann, follow me” before i stood up shibuki put a hand on my shoulder and whispered to me

“be careful, you saw how those guys were, i don’t trust him at all” her hand traveled down to my back, sending shivers throughout my body “ill be okay…don't worry"

the others decided to go to their rooms except for shibuki and karube, they went to the bar

chishiya walked to kuina “what do you think of them?” “i liked y/n the best, but the others were okay”

“let’s not involve her, but we can scout the others”

back to you

i stood off by the side, kind of uncomfortable because people kept staring at me, no wonder arisu was so awkward, i looked around at everyone and caught chishiya’s eye, he waved at me and i waved back

mira started listing off all the cards from tonight’s games

“we still haven't found any of the face cards” she sat down “if face cards do not exist then we’re only left with the ten of cards, there is no record of it ever appearing in a game”

“maybe it is not in tokyo” ann said
“there have no game arenas outside of tokyo” someone said (i cant find his name anywhere im sorry”

hatter explained his plans to find game arenas in and outside of tokyo that may have the ten of hearts “i need to replenish my visa soon”

“there is a way to earn visa days for sure” mira said

“is that so?” hatter leaned over, out of the corner of my eye i could see that both chishiya and niragi were looking at me, but i didn’t turn around, so i continued awkwardly looking at hatter and mira

“heart games allow you to toy with others feelings, if you bring those who don’t mind dying, you’ll survive for sure, or even use the ones who don’t know anything” she giggled and then opened her mouth in realization “the seven of hearts game y/n cleared, it was most likely like that, the game doesn’t even require you to use your brain”

the fact she knew about me using those teenage boys was unsettling, i forgot she could watch everything going on, it made me want to throw up, how she probably laughed at the teenagers who knew nothing

“as someone who cleared a hearts game, do you have any advice for us?” hatter turned to me and started to laugh, i gulped, remembering the shouts of the two when their friend walked through the entrance and got shot

“but would a hearts game appear so conveniently?, and on top of that, we won’t know until we’re already playing”

“ill join the next game, be it hearts or spades” hatter said “someone like me with a 100% win rate will clear it easily, i will join the games until the ten of hearts appear, the day we depart from this country is near, im counting on you all to oversee things here”

the meeting was over, but i was still uncomfortable as i sat on a couch in front of hatter who had two girls kissing him, i tried to not make eye contact with him, choosing to stare at the cup of whiskey in my hand

“you’re smart” he said, i took a sip of whiskey, hoping this would be over soon, i didn’t enjoy the taste, but it didn’t really matter “what did you in the original world?”

“i graduated and i live on my own now”

“hm, i ran a host club in kabukicho, its called beach, you heard of it” little did he know i wasnt even in japan before this but i nodded anyway, maybe that could me save me from this awkward situation

“it was quite famous! it was advertised everywhere” he put his drink down “i wanted to the best, desperately, everyone looked up to me, and i said id do whatever it took to rule over this place!” he got up and sat down next to me “as a host its all over if you’re looked down upon by your customers, no matter how much you’re made to drink,

you must never lose your human pride, i instilled that into my coworkers, however…it pushed him over the edge, in the dorm he hung himself”

i did not ask to be trauma dumped on, but i felt bad for him

“everyone left me…i wanted to rule the place with them, now that i think about it, his death was a necessary evil, in order for me to mature, in this beach” he stood up, arms out “everyone will devote their bodies and lives to me! and i will be a hero, the one and only hero to succeed this country!

“that is me, hatter, for a hero, tragedies are needed” he leaned over with his drink, for a toast, and i did it “to the second beach”

i winced at the burn in my throat as i chugged the rest of the drink, finally being allowed to leave

as i left i leaned against the wall, so out of it

“he talks too much, doesn’t he?” i jumped at chishiya’s voice

“what are you doing here?”

“on lookout, executives are told to keep a lookout incase of someone doing something against the rules, tonight its me” he walked towards me, and leaned his back on the wall beside me

“and that also includes taking a break to talk to a girl you don’t know?”

“i know you, im sure you remember the tag game, don’t you?” he leaned towards me

“that doesn’t count, we barely even spoke” “its enough for me”

it was silent after “do you know the way to your room?” i shook my head, i hadn had enough time to find it “ill walk you to it, yours is beside one of your friends, the short one with a bad style” i nodded, he probably meant chota

it was silent as we he walked me to my room, but it was a good silence, not awkward at all, it was nice, after the way the meeting room felt like it was suffocating me

i sat on my bed once he left, he was acting oddly nice to me, but i already accepted that people would act weird to me from now on


A/N: do yall wanna replace usagi in /that/ scene with niragi? since he won't care for her here but idk if i wanna write him attempting to assault you, I'll most likely make it consensual instead if yall want that scene but im horrible at smut so don't expect much if i end up doing it

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