chapter 10

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"whats that?" usagi asked, sitting down beside me while arisu is in between us

"asahi's phone, she recorded videos of her and momoka when they first arrived here" arisu said

we continued watching the video, they went down into a subway, and into a room, lowering their phone so they couldn't see anything, and walked into the dealer's room

it showcased a group of game dealers gambling, placing bets on whether or not they'd lose or win the games they put together

"is this..?" usagi started "the game masters?" arisu finished

"they're dealers, just like momoka and asahi, they can't be the game masters, someone's controlling them, they win visa days if their games are lost" i said, making the two look at me in confusion

"how do you know?" usagi asked, i shrugged "asahi said she was the dealer, and she went inside of this room, would game masters allow them to just look at them and what they're doing? unless they were highly trusted, i don't think so" they nodded in understanding

soon enough the other three joined, watching behind our shoulders

soon, the video ended

"it seems like asahi and momoka are forced to make people lose the game, while the others just place bets, are they friends with a game master?" shibuki said, we were now walking towards the game dealer's room

"that is possible, but why would asahi help us?" chota said "that doesn't seem dealer-ly of her"

we finally found the room they went into, the door was opened, so we didn't have to put the passcode in

we went inside, me at the back because the others wanted to protect me, just incase

"its cool to explore one of these places without getting in trouble" chota said, i nodded, it might not have been anything i thought of before, but going anywhere without getting in trouble was pretty cool

we made into the room shown by asahi and momoka, the place was dark, very unlike the video we had seen, and the bodies of the dealers scattered around

there were footsteps as we walked around the room, stopping and looking at the entrance in front of us, it was chishiya and kuina

"as expected, i had high hopes for a few of you" him and kuina went in opposite directions

karube was pissed, and so was shibuki, the others mad aswell, but not showing it

"thanks to you guys, i have all the numbered cards, so thank you"

"thanks to you arisu and chota almost died!" karube yelled at him, arisu just patted his back and spoke "how did you guys discover this place?"

he held up a piece of paper "it took me awhile to realize this was actually a map of a subway station, i wondered, what happens when we collect all the playing cards? so i came here, hoping to get a answer. but theres only one thing i discovered"

"y/n was right, they are not game masters"

"she was" chishiya agreed, casting a look towards you with a slight smile "judging from the fact they were killed after our victory, they're normal people, like us, but also, someone is above them"

"who could it be?" usagi sighed

"who knows? maybe they're aliens" arisu gave a unimpressed look at chishiya's attempted humor "or even god himself"

suddenly, all the tvs around us turned on one by one

the woman on the screen was undoubtedly mira

we all stood together as she spoke

"congratulations to all players" she spoke

"this is interesting" chishiya said

"with the exception of the face cards, you have cleared all the numbered games thus far, and emerged the victors, the sweet victory you've grasped, by sacrificing many lives, i wonder just how many of your friends have died?" she stood from her chair

"try remembering...those shot dead by guns" videos of players being shot were showcased on a few of the tv screens "that girl you burned alive! those struck with lasers and those who drowned, those whose heads were blown off"

videos of the seven of hearts and other games played showed on the screen, the others noticed me in one video, i lowered my head, i had almost forgotten those boys

"those friends of yours, the despair you've felt so far, and those dying'll never forget, it truly touches me!" she breathed out with excitement "to all players, we would like to give you a present!"

"are you returning us to our world?" kuina asked

mira gasped with excitement "there will be more games! lets play games together! and this time, you'll fight for the face cards!"

"new games?" kuina said with disappointment

"i don't entirely hate the idea" chishiya said

"we've still got many wonderful games prepared for all of you! so look forward to it!"

" she the game master?" shibuki asked

"i think i would have rathered to see an alien on the screen" kuina crossed her arms

"the next stage will commence tomorrow at noon, let's have some fun together!"

"we have to fight again" karube said

"yes, but one thing is different" arisu said "we've finally seen our target"

fireworks went off outside from different directions

we all stood on the street of shibuya, looking up at the screen which said next stage

blips with the face cards flew above us

"we'll be able find our answers there" arisu said

the next stage has now begun


A/N: END OF SEASON ONE!! im so sad but im writing another one with the alternate ending of hostage so i can write more while waiting for s2 😭 it literally looks so good yall I can't wait

the first chapter for s2 will most likely be uploaded very quicky cause i plan on watching it the entire night when it comes out!! im gonna feel so empty instead once i finish it 💔

reader will have the knowledge of s2 in this btw! pretending like she was thrown in here after s2 came out

see you in december!!

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