Izuku the new Dracula

By Cartoonfurry69

4.3K 44 37

Izuku Midoriya was a happy normal child until he was diagnosed quirkiness at the age of four. He suffered ele... More

Bio and harem
rise of the new vampire king

an offer and resurrection

1K 16 21
By Cartoonfurry69

  After flying away from the crowd Izuku landed a few blocks away from his house wanting time to think.  After a few minutes of walking and going over his powers in his head AllMight suddenly jumped out in front of him yelling "I am here" before coughing up blood and deflating into his skinny form.  Izuku was not surprised just annoyed by the man's antics before he would be freaking out even after he crushed his dreams but now he was just annoyed and disillusioned about the so called number one hero.

  Izuku just stared at the skeletal man and with annoyance clear in his voice said "what do you want AllMight".  AllMight looked at Izuku after finishing his coughing fit and said "I want to apologise for what I said earlier and to ask when you ran to save your friend what was going through your mind?" Izuku still annoyed said "I wasn't thinking I just moved and you can keep your apology, now that I have power you want to make amends and encourage me what a f*cking hypocrite".  AllMight was stunned by the boy's response but couldn't blame him for it and said "you are right I am a hypocrite but I am truly sorry for what I said and I know this won't make up for it but I want to give you my quirk". AllMight then explained his quirk and how it worked and how his predecessor was killed.  Izuku listened to AllMight but got curious about his predecessor she sounded familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it so he asked "what was your predecessor's name?" AllMight looked at Izuku with sadness and heartbreak in his eyes and said just loud enough for Izuku to hear "her name was Nana Shimura" when Izuku heard that name he grew enraged and punched AllMight square in the face hard enough to break the man's nose and launch him several yards back. This was not nearly his full strength but Izuku didn't want to kill him just hurt him, a lot.

  AllMight was in a lot of pain but before he could say anything Izuku yelled at him "you stupid a**hole that was my grandmother, do you have any idea what you put my mother through all because of your ego".  AllMight was in shock he never knew his predecessor had children this revelation shook AllMight to his core and all he could say was "I'm sorry" over and over Izuku snarled at him and yelled "you can keep your apology I don't need it from someone like you and I don't need your quirk I have more power than you could ever dream of don't show yourself to me ever again or I can't be held responsible for what I might do".  Izuku then flew off but not to his home he was heading to a graveyard the graveyard his grandmother is buried at.
While he was walking Izuku was contemplating the idea of resurrecting his grandmother he can do it but he didn't know if he should but after what AllMight told him his mind was made up. He'll bring his late grandmother back, even if it's as a vampire at least she would be back and stronger than ever.

  Izuku landed in front of the graveyard and casually walked in walking across the well kept grass until he was at his grandmother's headstone.  He waved his hand and the ground opened up and pushed a casket to the surface with another wave of his hand the lid of the casket flew open revealing a skeleton of a woman.  Izuku bit his wrist and let his blood fall on to the skeleton then after his wrist healed he placed his hand on the skull and chanted in an ancient language, the knowledge of how to use his magic coming instinctually, after finishing the spell Izuku stood up and watched as the skeleton grew flesh all over.  In moments the skeleton turned into a flesh and blood body then she shot up taking in a long breath eyes wide open and full of confusion.  Izuku gave her a moment to collect herself before a loud "AHEM" sound to get her attention she looked at Izuku and jumped back instantly taking a fighting stance and asked "who are you what's going on the last thing I remember is bleeding out on the ground after a fight" Izuku stared at her she was practically naked the clothes she was buried in having withered away to little more than rages just barely covering her vagina and leaving her large full breast on display but he kept his composure cleared his throat and clearly explained what happened "yes you did in fact die from your fight with All for One thanks to that no good AllMight but I brought you back but there are some side effects of me bringing someone back from the dead, for one you are no longer human". Nana listened but stayed in her fighting stance unsure of what to think of what she is hearing Izuku continued explaining "you are now a vampire like me but you are weaker since I created you and I can make you do anything I wanted if I choose to but rest assured I won't I'm not that kind of person you are free to do whatever you want, and as for who I am I'm your grandson Izuku my mother is your daughter Inko the moment I learned I could bring people back from the dead as vampires I contemplated bringing you back but once I learned how you died I decided to do it" Nana stared wide eyed at her grandson she knew he was telling the truth because she made sure no one knew of her children and the fact he called her daughter by name proved he was telling the truth, her eyes began to water as she rushed over to Izuku and hugs him tears freely falling.  Izuku just hugged her back still ignoring the fact she was almost completely nude then she said "it's nice to meet you my sweet grandson and thank you for bringing me back but what is a vampire" Izuku smiled and explained what a vampire is how he became one and who they are descended from to say she was shocked was a understatement but before she could say anything Izuku continued to tell her everything that happened today and when she heard what AllMight told her grandson she was pissed "sweetie can you tell me where Toshinori is I need to explain to him a few things" Izuku asked "who's Toshinori" "oh that is AllMight's real name" she said her red eyes shining with bloodlust Izuku just nodded and said "ok but don't worry about him for now let's go home I'm positive mom will be excited to see you and we need to get you new clothes" Nana looked down and finally noticed her boobs are on full display she quickly covered them with her arms turned away and blushed at the fact she was flashing her grandson this entire time Izuku lightly chuckled and picked her up princess style causing her to blush even more then Izuku flew into the air heading home.

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