Swan Song // Jack Sparrow X R...


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Y/n Swann has always had to live by her fathers rules including her forced marriage to someone of the British... More

1.1. A boring life for me
1.2 The Day You Never Caught
1.3. The taking of the Swanns
1.4. Day 1 on the sea, get me back to land
1.5. Skeleton Crew
1.6. Help is coming, maybe. Eventually.
1.7. More bloody pirates
1.8. The walking of a plank
1.9. Evacuating paradise.
1.10. Part Of The Crew.
2.1. Another Adventure
2.2 Sense Of Direction
2.4. To the lady of truths
2.5. The Flying Duchess
2.6. Collecting Souls, Basically
2.7. Heart in a Box
2.8. The Pulling Of Cutlasses
2.9. More Win Than Losses
3.1. The Search
3.2. Terrain Change
3.3. Jack?
3.4. Men Ashore
3.5. Breadcrumbs
3.6. Meetings Adjourned
3.7. Stormy Rains
3.8. One Last Adventure

2.3. Maybe the right direction this time

545 14 1

As we set sail again for the next time, I was hoping that this time we might actually be heading the right way. I went over to Will. "How's my sister? How's Elizabeth?" I asked her and he looked at me. This wasn't anything good.

"She's in danger, she's in a cell. For helping Jack." He said to me and I looked at him. But this couldn't be.

"But she barely had a part of this. She doesn't deserve to be there. It should be more than anything." I said to him and he look3d like he agreed with me. I wasn't mad. He should be thinking that way. "I'm not mad at you if you agree with me." I said yo him and he looked at me.

"Good because I do agree with you. You should be there not her." He said to me and I looked at him, it kind of hurt coming from him.

"She'll be okay. You don't need to worry." I said to him and he looked at me. Like he'd seen someone he needed to talk with.

"Now, I need to talk with Jack." He said to me before he walked away. Soon we'd be on smaller boats in the swamp. The way was too narrow and too shallow for the pearls to travel though. We were seeing someone.

"Jack, do you even know what we're doing?" I asked him and he looked at me. I had a feeling he didn't know himself.

"We're here to see someone, don't worry about it." He said to me and now I was going to worry. It wasn't long now until we were stopping. "No worries, mages. Tia Dalma and I go way back. Thick as thieves. Nigh inseparable, we are. Were. Have been. Before." He said to us all and I looked at him. So what was it, was he close to her or not.

"I'll watch your back." Gibbs said to him and I'm glad that the two of them would stick together.

"It's me front I'm worried about." Jack said and I gave him a questioning look. What did he mean by that.

"What does that mean?" I asked but it was too late he was already gone. That's all I wanted to know but I guess I'd never find out what that was about.

"Mind the boat." Gibbs said to Will.

"Mind the boat." Will then said to me.

"Mind the boat." I said to the next person as that all started to relay back but maybe it would be easier not crowd her. So it ended up just being Jack, Gibbs and Will. The perfect trio in some peoples eyes. Two others joined but I was to stay with boats. I didn't even want to find out what would we be happening up there. All I knew was that answers would be shared and they were soon we were on our way to track a ship down. A shipwreck more like. The Flying Dutchman was its name.

"That's the Flying Dutchman?" Will asked Jack and Gibbs. I saw Jack just give a nod to him.

"It's a wreck. Nothing more." I said to them and I saw Will agreeing with me.

"She doesn't look like much." Will said I'm glad that someone was agreeing with me.

"Neither do you. Do not underestimate her." Jack said and it went silent I then heard Jack nudge Gibbs into talking.

"Must have run afoul of the reef." Gibbs said upon looking at the wreck. Looks like it had crashed into a bunch of rocks more like.

"So, what's your plan, then?" Jack asked Will and it went silent for a short moment. Like he still hadn't thought a plan out yet. Maybe he'd be making it up as he went along and we still wouldn't know.

"I row over, search the shop until I find your bloody key." Will said to him, he wasn't too happy about what he would be doing. Especially when the key wasn't even for him and was for Jack. But at the same time, he wanted my sister back so he'd be doing all that he could.

"And if there are crewmen?" Jack asked him and I then looked at Will.

"That's a good question, have you even thought about that?" I asked him as he was looking out to the ship still. His eyes hadn't moved off it once at all.

"I cut down anyone in my path." Will said and I liked that sound of that. Show no mercy, even though he was mostly going to find no one but maybe a few barnacles. Have fun fighting with them.

"I like. Simple, easy to remember." Jack said and I looked at him with a smile.

"Sound exactly like your kind of plan." I said to him as I went in for shelter from the rain. Although I should be used to this by now I wasn't and that was fine. I was still adapting to this kind of life. All I know was I was hopeful for that key to be found. And it would eventually and we'd help this whole situation to get resolved. At last.

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