DC Superhero Girls Poison Ivy...

By dhlightningbolt3

6.6K 132 85

Poison Ivy never wanted to make friends with humans, but would that change when she meets someone who underst... More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

603 17 8
By dhlightningbolt3

It has been a few days since that fight with Poison Ivy, but I still wonder to this day. Who is she really?

And why is she like this?

As I was lost in my train of thoughts, I heard my alarm going off.

I was lucky that it was now the weekend.

Maybe I can find a way to take my mind off her today.

So, I got up out of head and made myself some breakfast.

I don't know why, but I seriously can't get Poison Ivy out of my head. Like I know she's a Metahuman like me, but why is she so evil? Like, I care about the plants like she does. But harming humans? I mean, I protect humans also, but there is something I did notice. I do see a lot of buildings and I do see some trees here. But, there's barely any bushes or flowers. Although, two parks that I know have bushes and flowers.

But I do have to ask this.

Do these people really not care that cutting all of these trees down could be bad sometimes?

I mean, how many more buildings/shops do we possibly need?

Don't we have enough in this city already?

Okay! I need to stop focusing on that and just have a normal day!

It's going to drive me crazy!

So, I shook the thoughts out of my head and began eating my breakfast.

I made myself some scrambled eggs, pancakes, and bacon.

They were so delicious!

Once I was done, I took my plates to the sink and began washing them.

When I was in the middle of washing them, I received a phone call.

So, I answered it while putting it on speaker.

"Hello." I said.

"Hey, Y/n." A familiar voice said.

It was Jessica.

"Oh hey Jessica, what's up?" I asked.

"Planning anything for today?" She asked.

"Not much. Maybe just going out for a walk today." I said.

"I see. Also, Barbara told me that you two went to stop a crime a few days ago." She said.

"Yeah, although this villain we faced was actually weird." I said.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well, it's just that. This villain somehow has the same powers like me and she's from Gotham City where Barbara used to live at." I said.

"Are you talking about Poison ivy?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said.

But then I frozen!

She knows her?!

"Wait! You know her?" I asked.

"Well, actually. I heard about her from Babs. She said that she heard about her back in Gotham when she was a little kid. It was on the news back then. She was one of the villains Batman has ever faced in his life." She said.

'That's crazy!' I thought.

"It's weird to run into a villain who has the same powers like me. I thought I was the only one." I said.

"Yes, but she's evil." She said.

"I know that. I know." I said.

But then, I sighed deeply.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Well, it's just that I can't get her off my mind. Like, why must she try to kill humans? Just because they destroyed some plants? Who is she really?" I asked.

"I'm pretty sure it's complicated for her. I wish I knew why, but I don't. Sorry." She said.

"It's okay." I said.

"If there's any information I can find out about her, I'll tell you." She said.

"Okay, thanks Jessica." I said.

"No problem, Y/n." She said.

"Well, I got to get going. I see you later." I said.

"Okay. Bye, Y/n." She said.

"Bye, Jessica." I said.

I then hung up and continued working on the dishes.

After I was done, I got ready for the day.

I then went out and began walking.

It sure was a beautiful day!

Timeskip- Three Hours Later

After I was done playing some arcade games at the pier, I decided to go get some lunch.

So, I headed for a fast food place.

And I know this place!

It was McDonald's.

Once I got there, I headed inside while the cashier said.

"Welcome to McDonald's. What would like to order today?"

So, I said this.

"Uh, I have 20 chicken nuggets, one large fries, and a large coca-cola please?

"Okay, sir? Anything else?" The cashier asked.

"Nope, that will be all." I said.

"Okay, that will be $22." The cashier said.

I then grabbed my phone and decided to use Apple Pay.

Once I held my phone to the scanner, it scanned my card and began processing it.

After it was done, the cashier said.

"Thank you, sir. Your food will be here shortly."

"Okay, thank you." I said.

Then, I left to go look for a table.

There were quite a few people here today.

But I was able to find one.

Once I sat down, I began waiting for my food to arrive.

Once they got here, I immediately dug in.

Even though, I was really enjoying my food, I seriously still cannot get my mind off of Poison Ivy and I remember the words she said about her view on humans.

"Humans are vermin in the garden of life. Locusts, termites, cockroaches! I'll exterminate them all." She said.

Why exterminate them? I get some just don't care, but there are some that do. Jessica is one of them. I've seen her do it.

If I ever run into her again, I need to try to talk to her.

But I feel like that might be impossible because of her anger.

Once I was all done with my food, I took the remains to the garbage while putting the tray away above with the others.

I then left the restaurant and continued on with my day.

That was when I decided to go to one of the parks, so I turned around and began walking.

Once I got there, I headed to a pond.

(Ignore this person. This person is not there.)

I then sat down on the grass and saw the amazing view!

The pond was great! The plants, the lily pads, and the dragonflies flying around the pond! And the best part was feeling that amazing breeze!

The nature here is really amazing!

I then sighed deeply.

'This is the life!' I thought.

Then, all of a sudden, I heard someone.

"Hey, Y/n."

Once I turned around, I saw that it was Jessica again.

"Oh, hey Jessica. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came here to relax and feed the birds, would you like to join me?" She asked.

"Sure!" I said.

Once I got up, I walked with her over to a bench.

We both then sat down.

"Hold your hand out." She said.

Once I did that, she started pouring some bird food on it.

"Have you done this before?" She asked.

"To be honest, no." I said.

"Then, just throw it and you'll see what happens." She said.

"Okay." I said.

I then threw the bird food as it landed on the ground.

Then, all of a sudden, a flock of birds came in and landed on the ground too.

They then began eating the food.

"Wow!" I said.

"I know. It's amazing. You've really never done this before?" She asked.

"Well, no. I honestly have never gotten any bird food before and I actually have never thought about trying it." I said.

'Man. Where have I been?' I thought.

"Well, it's good to try next things!" She said while smiling.

This caused me to smile too.

"I agree!" I said.

We both then relaxed on the bench while watching the birds eat the food.

After like a few minutes later, I heard Jessica say this.

"So, Y/n. I would like to ask you a question."

"Sure, what is it?" I asked.

I am curious about what this is about.

"Well, you see. I'm trying to do a protest to protect an ancient tree that's about to be cut down and turned into another LexBucks coffee house." She said.

I was now shocked!

"What?! Seriously?!" I asked.

"Yeah, I am seriously." She said.

I can't let them do this! I think this city has enough already!

So, I said this.

"Well, it would be my pleasure!"

This caused her to smile! She was actually happy with my answer!

"Excellent!" She said.

"So, how do you want to do this?" I asked.

"Let's see. How about we create some flyers to hand out to people and hopefully get them to join?" She asked.

"Okay, but I feel like there might be a problem." I said.

"What's that?" She asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Don't you think it might be a lost cause? Because a lot of people in this city don't seem to care." I said.

"Y/n, there's no such thing as a lost cause." She said.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked.

"I just don't believe there is. That's all." She said.

'There can be on some things.' I thought.

"Well, all we can do is just try." I said.

"Yep!" She said.

"Okay. So, when would you like to get started." I asked.

"Next week." She said.

"Okay, let's hope this works." I said.

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