The Pynk

By -SimplyAmazing

28.4K 791 2.2K

"Down in the Valley where the girls get know the rest!" Read to find out what's next for The Pynk. More

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- 320 [part two]
The Pynk S4 E1 - Whose Blood Is That?
The Pynk S4 E2- When It Rains It Pours
The Pynk S4 E3 - Streets Raised You
The Pynk S4 E4- I'll Handle It

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By -SimplyAmazing

"Hello, hello Bootleg Obama." I stepped into the office of Watkins Law Firm. After thinkin' all last night what I could do to help save Keyshawn I came up with tha idea to let tha law handle things. It was for the best. I didn't need no mo' bodies and lord kno I didn't need to kno about any mo' bodies being buried. Andre walked round tha corner and as soon as he saw me, he rolled his eyes.

"Clifford, what do you want?"

"Oop, well is that anyway to treat a payin' client?" I asked him.

"Excuse me?"

"Well, this is Watkins Law firm am I correct?"

"That you are, but again what do you want?"

"I needs representation."

"I thought you handled things ... your way."

"A bitch does kno how to get what she want's but in this matter, it requires someone with... a bit more legal expertise." He pointed to his office, and we went to sit down.

"In order for me to represent you I'll need to know everything, the whole truth."

"It's not for me per say. It's for Keyshawn."

"Where is she? What's she done?"

"That's what I wanted you to figure out." I told him.

"Wait a minute, you want me to represent someone that you have no idea where they at?"

"Yeah, ain't that what ya'll lawyers do." He just shook his head.

"Lawyers ain't private detectives, this ain't gone be cheap Clifford."

"Niggah I ain't worried bout tha cost. I'm worried about Keyshawn" I dropped a bag full of money on the table.

"You know where and how to reach me if you find somethin' out. And make sure that when you do find Keyshawn let her kno I said S.F.L... she'll kno what I mean." I stood to leave and started headin' towards the door.

"Clifford hold up a minute." Andre came round tha corner. "You seen or heard from Hailey?"

"Ooo chile. You betta hope I don't see that piss yellow floggin' ass heffa!" I could tell by the look on his face that he was hopin for a different answer. "A little word of advice Andre. Don't hold on to people that were only meant to be in your life for a season." Lord knows it's true cause has Cedes not been in that room and shot that man Miss. Hailey Lakeshia Savage would have been dead.

I stared at him for a minute then turned and walked out. I hope that little message of mines stuck with him, and he let that yellow floggin' heffa go.


"Why did GOD hate me so much?"

That was the only question that ran through my mind constantly. In all my years on this earth I never thought I would end up here, sitin' in the court room awaiting to see tha judge. This shit was a waste of time. I didn't do anything wrong; I just wanted out. I wanted to live free, just me and my kids.

"All rise for honorable Judge James Garett."

Everyone in the court room stood. It wasn't very many people in the court least not for me. Derrick stood next to his lawyer and had his family sittin' right behind him in support. When we were together, he couldn't step foot into his parents' home. It was crazy how much they pulled together for him when it came to going against me.

"You may be seated." The old, white, grey-haired judge said. I could see out the corner of my eye Derrick lookin' at me, but I refused to allow him any part of me ever again, he wasn't even worthy enough to get a look out of me.

"Miss Harris you're being charged with resisting arrest, assault, assault on an officer and child abuse." The judge looked over my paperwork. "How do you plead?"

"Not guilty." I said in a low tone with my head down.

"Miss Harris. I'm unable to hear you. You goin' to have to speak up girl."

"Not guilty." I said a little louder.

"It shows you have waived your rights to be appointed a public defender?"

"Yes, Sir. That's correct."

"Let it be know in court that Miss Harris has waive-"

"YOUR HONOR, I'll be representing Miss Harris." I turned around and saw Andre coming in. He stood next to me. "I apologize for my lateness your Honor. It was only but a few hours ago I was hired to represent Miss. Harris. May I please approach the bench?"

"You may." The judge said.

Andre walked up to the judge, they talked low, and he handed him a piece of paper. The judge looked over and shook his head yes. Andre came back and stood next to me.

"It has been brought to my attention that Officer Bridges has dropped the assault charges against Miss. Harris. Being as Mr. Watkins was just hired as Miss. Harris lawyer, it's law that he has time alone with his client. I'm ordering a recess for 2 hours." He hit his gavel and Andre and I were taken to a room where we could sit and talk.

"Keyshawn, we don't have very long to talk. I'm going to need you to tell me everything and leave nothing out." He took out some folders and then looked at me waiting for me to start.

"I- "I stopped. I didn't know what the heyell was goin' on. I didn't trust him. I guess he could sense my fear and cleared his throat.

"Keyshaw, I'm going to have to build the best case I can to get you out of here. We only have two hours. To bring you up to speed on where I come in. Clifford came into my office and hired me as your lawyer. I got right on it and made a few calls and found out you were not only in jail, but you were in court today. Unless you want to remain in jail, please start from the very beginning so I can work on getting you out of here." He looked at me. "Clifford told me to tell you S.F.L...said you would know what it meant." He shrugged his shoulders.

I knew exactly what it meant. Sisters For Life... I knew it was code to let me know it was okay and that she had my back.

"I never felt like I belonged. Movin' in a household where you have two olda sistas who were treated like princesses, and I was treated like the house maid and ugly duckin' it was no surprise I fell right into his trap. Derrick was the only person that made me feel seen, made me feel alive, made me feel like I belonged. I guess I was desperate, and when a man finds a woman desperate enough, he finds out he can treat her any kinda way he wants to. Long as he acts like he cares; he holds the power to make a woman do anything. In my case, he's won. I found out a little too late that black girls do bruise ... not just physically but mentally."

"Do you want to fight?" Andre asked me.

"I've tried." I told him.

"Clifford and I don't and probably never will see eye to eye, but for her to come into my office and... demand I find and represent you tells me you got an army behind you. They willn' and ready to stand and fight with you. So, I ask again, do you want to fight?"

I knew I wanted to live, I knew I wanted to be able to see my children again one day and just be free. Maybe this was a sign that GOD wasn't mad at me after all. Maybe I just needed to stand and fight with my Framily.

"Yes, I wanna fight." I told him, lookin' him in his eyes.

"Good, cause I'm going to do everything I can to help you and your children."

I went on to tell him everything. EVERYTHING. From the beatings, the fights, the abuse, mentally, physically, his anger issues, my issues. I poured it all out.

"This isn't going to be easy Keyshawn. With you blowing up and attacking him, he's made you out to be the aggressor, the abuser and the one that's doing harm to the children."

"I would never hurt my children."

"That I know but in the eyes of the law... In the eyes of the white law of Chucalissa it's seen different. It's seen as you're the angry, black stripper who abuses her children. That's what we're going up against. That's what we're going to fight and win."

We talked a bit more and then went back into the court room. It felt different this time. This time I felt a little stronger.

"Mr. Watkins, recess is over. How does your client plead?" Judge Garret asked.

"No guilty and we wish to have the case dropped."

"Your Honor my client was physical attacked by Miss. Harris and wants to have max sentencing and full custody of the children." Derricks lawyer said.

"Your Honor that's not necessary. My client has no priors- "

"Miss. Harris needs to be put in jail- "

"ORDER! ORDER!" The judge banged his gavel. "Approach the bench!" Andre and Derricks lawyer both approached the bench and they talked for about a good six minutes before coming back.

"I refuse to waste any more of the courts time on this case. In the case of Miss. Harris and Mr. Wright, I find Miss. Harris guilty of assault. Your bond will be set at $5,000 dollars and you will remain on parole for six months. If within those six months, you violate your parole you will be sentence to 2 years in prison. I dismiss the case of full custody; this is a civil matters court. Mr. Wright you'll have to file a case with the family courts for full custody. Court adjourned." The judge left and I looked at Andre.

"This is a win Keyshawn. It could be worst. I'll pay your bond and see you in a bit. Remember, head up high."

With that he left, and I stood, turned around and placed my hands behind my back. I stared at Derrick who I could tell was heated. I mouth you won't win and smiled. The bailiff escorted me out and I waited to be released.

I took a sip of my drank and sat back, me and Woddy been at the studio for hours. I pulled out a joint and lit it.

"You heard from Cliff?" He asked me.

"Nah, not yet. I'on like all this waitin' shit but I said I would chill and let ha handle it, so i'ma shit back and chill." I passed him the joint and he shook his head.

"Nah, I'm skraight."

"Niggah don't tell me you stop smokin' too."

"Gotta keep my mind and body cleanse niggah."

"Yeah, iight."

"So how you likin the beats these producers sendin' ova?" He asked me.

"They skraight but you know I rocks with DJ Nevascared."

"I know, but you gon have'ta start lookin' and listenin' to otha producers. DJ Nevascared still in school so he can't always or be out on the road with us."

"You right, start answerin' calls." I told him putting my joint out.

"Oh shit, we bout to glo up Niggah."

"I'on know about all that. I know the streets might be rockin' wit me but what about tha real me, LaMarques, not Lil' Murda" I asked him.

'You must ain't cut on the radio lately. Niggah yo shit on every station. How eva, when eva you want to show the world the real you is on you. Just know I got yo back. What about Cliff? How she gon take it."

"She support a niggah 100%."

"Niggah that I know, but I'm tellin' you. This shit is goin' up. Is she ready for tha moves that's bout to take place?"

"I'll deal wit it when the times comes, I need to hit a few more licks, then afta this, it's fuckin' go time. Skraight music."

'That's what I wanna hear. Man shit really bout ta blow up for you man. Record labels already wantin' to meet you and sign deals."

"Let's just start wit a couple of shows first Woddy, see how they rockin' with me wit out Keyshawn." I felt my phone vibrate and check that I had a message from Cliff.

Meet me at the club in 30 minutes

I decided to fucks wit ha. I texted ha back.

If you want a quicky just say dat Shawty. But you and I kno this Murda Dick ain't built for quick shit.

She texted me back.

Bwoy, fuck you!

I laughed and texted her.

Oh, you most definitely can and will tonight.

I guess she was done with my shit cause she ain't text me back.

"Yo I gotta meet up with Cliff at tha club, she probably found out somethin' with Keyshawn. You wanna roll?" I asked him.

"I'll just meet you there then we can head out ta do these LAST licks and then that shit dead."

We dapped eachotha then headed out.

I looked around the kitchen to make sure everything was in order and that I didn't miss any trash. I grabbed the two trash bags and went to throw them away out back. I threw the trash away and as soon as I turned around some white girl with crazy lookin' eyes was right in my face.

"You gotta lot of darkness in you."

"Excuse me!"

"Whisper stop scarin' people." Some girl with half red and half black hair said. "Don't even trip she said same shit ta me when we first meet. So you new bitch round hure?"

"I ain't nobody ta worry about." I walked around them.

"That I kno, you workin' wit a lot of ass, if you eva wanna use what you got to get up out of hure, you holla at me." She looked me up and down.

"She ain't here for that Roulette, the universe sent her here for another reason."

I walked away. Those two bitches were weird as fuck. I walked back inside and started wiping down around the bar. I didn't need to turn around in order to feel his presence.

"The Bar is closed Sir." I said as I continued to clean.

"I ain't lookin' fa a drank."

"Well, what are you looking for?" I turned around and leaned on the bar. He leaned across the bar as well and ran his finger across the band-aid I had on my lower throat.

"I'm lookin' fa somthin' strong," He was so close to my lips, we locked eyes and was about to kiss.

"I'on thank so! Ya'll betta take that shit to da Paradise Room. "Uncle Clifford came from her office and made us jump back from eachotha. "Ya'll thank a bitch stupid, I knew somthin' was goin' on."

"I don't know what your talking about." I told her.

"Yeah okay, keep playin' dumb all you want but you bets be careful wit all this hot, sexy, fine, strong, chocolate. It's..bound ta get ya-.. Ow!" before she could finish some guy came behind her and slapped her butt.

"Shawty stop flirtin' with my brotha."

"Niggah stop bein' so J, you know I always been the fine out of all us." Tru flashed a smile and I felt a tingle down below. Lord, I needed to stay strong.

"LaMarques that shit hurt." Uncle Clifford said rubbing her butt.

"Don't worry about it. I'll handle it lata." He said and made a kissing sound. Uncle Clifford rolled her eyes.

"LaMarques this is Winter, my new cook."

"Ohhh so you tha one replacin' my weed wangs."

"I wouldn't say replacing them...more like making them better." I smiled.

"Shit, glo up then Shawty, if she happy and fucks with you, that's all that matta." They were so obviously in love.

"We gone lock up in a minute. Winter you gots a ride home? You'on need to be takin' no Fuber this late, mens is crazy out hure kinappin' women."

"Cliff, my niggah wat in tha heyell is a Fuber" LaMarques asked her.

"Niggah you ain't dumb. The people you call for rides." Uncle Clifford was so serious.

"Niggah, you mean UBER." We all laughed. "See that's that age of yo's showin' out." She popped him upside the head.

"Don't worry Cliff, I'll give ha a ride." Tru said and turned to look at me.

"Hmph, I thank it's the otha way round, she gon ride you."

LaMarques grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the office.

"I mean, I wouldn't mind you takin' me on a ride."

"In yo dreams." I told him.

"In my dreams, in reality, in tha bed, on tha floor, in tha light, in tha dark, in tha car...shit howeva."

I shook my head and went into the kitchen. I was for sure going to have to change my soaking panties when I got home.

"So, if you ain't want a quicky Shawty why you wanna meet hure?"

"I reached out to Andre. He- "

"AYE CLIFF?!" Big L shouted. I swure this niggah stayed callin' me. Me and LaMarques headed out tha office and saw Keyshawn, Woddy and Andre. Soon as LaMarques saw ha he went to hug her.

"Keyshawn, you had a niggah worried." He told ha.

"I was worried, I still am." She turned to look at me. "I'm sorry."

"What cha' gots to be sorry fa?" I walked up to ha.

"You said you ain't wanna see my face in hure again." She said and put her head down.

I lifted her head up.

"I'on wanna ever see you hold this beautiful face down again' You's a beautiful black queen and don't eva forget that. We framily and framily gon have yo back. It's gon be okay." I told ha.

"I couldn't get the assault charges dropped. Derricks case was too strong to not win. He had the CPS lady and cop who were witnesses to the assault. The judge gave her probation for six months. I'm sure Derricks not gone waste no time filing a case for full custody. I'll get right on that in the mornin' till then I need Keyshawn to stay safe and out of any trouble."

"You can stay with me." I told ha.

"No." Bootleg Obama said.

"What cha mean no."

"I mean no, she has to stay with someone who has a crystal clean record. No run ins with the law, no history of any trouble. "

Both LaMarques and I looked at Woddy.

"Me?" He asked.

"Niggah you's the only one who super clean out of all'us. You in and out, leave no trace, and nobody lookin for ya."

"I can ask my sista if it's-"

"No, no.... it's okay. You can stay with me." Woddy told her.

"I'm going to fight for at least visitation, with the children. With everything that's happen no judge is going to grant unsupervised visitation right off bat. Custody cases can take a while and I want to fight for you to at least be able to see the children until everything is settled. You need to start looking for a job. Outside the club and start going to therapy. He's made you out to be this bad mother and you need to show the judge that you're working on yourself."

Andre went over a few more things with Keyshawn. I did one last walk around tha club, and we all headed out.

"You ready?" I asked Winter.

"I stay ready."

This gurl was a trip. I started the car and was about to pull out the parking lot when LaMaques walked up.

"Aye, roll wit me tonight, wanna do a few hits. Woddy can't roll wit me. I wanna stack some paper."

"Shit, you kno I'm always down. Just gotta drop lil shawty off then we can link."

"You don't have to drop me off, I can roll with you."

"I'on know bout that. Shit can get deadly real quick." LaMarques told ha.

"I'ma strong bitch that knows how to hold her own and I ain't afraid to die...ain't that right Tru." Between what she had just said and the look she was givin' me. She had a niggah in a choke hold wit out even touchin' me.

"Um I can see you gots this niggahs tongue he can't even if you cool, I'm cool wit it. Lets roll"

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