Zombies 7

由 Meloetta246

6.6K 138 135

Adulthood brings many joys: promising careers, marriage, children...... the list goes on. And now our favorit... 更多

Welcome Back
Happy Birthday Ezmae
Football Practice
No Rest for the Weary
Adults Only
Trip to Z-Tech
Visiting Hours
The Park
Stranger Danger


1.6K 16 19
由 Meloetta246

The last few months since the wedding had gone by in a blur. Between doctor's appointments, cravings, and monitoring the construction on their new home they barely had time to rest. Thankfully, Zinnia had allowed them to stay with her until their home was finished being built. They had decided they only way to have a home they both loved was to have one built the way they wanted.

They had hoped their home would be built in time for the baby's arrival. However, even with the long hours of construction, it would still be another two months before they could move in. That's why they were grateful that Zinnia was more than willing to let them stay in her home. She saw it as an opportunity to spend quality time with her new son and her grandchild once they were born.

Eliza closed her eyes and took a deep breath as another pain shot through her stomach. She had hoped the pains were just false labor and would subside. But after three hours of steadily increasing pain, Eliza was beginning to accept that she may be in the beginning stages of labor.

Eliza rolled on her side then pushed herself into a sitting position. After steadying herself, she reached over and grabbed Wyatt's shoulder, gently shaking him.

"Wyatt. Wyatt wake up."

Wyatt groaned and cracked open his eyes. "What is it Eliza? Do you need me to get you some Froyo? You know, I'm pretty sure Coach keeps the Froyo shop open 24/7 just for us."

Eliza shook her head. "Its not a Froyo run this time. We need to go to the hospital. I think I'm in labor."

Wyatt's eyes shot open as he sat up. "Are you sure?"

Eliza nodded, placing a hand on her stomach. "I've been having pains for about three hours. They started out light but now they're about ten minutes apart and they're getting stronger."

Wyatt leaned over and pecked her lips. "Then let's not wait. Grab your bag and I'll wake your mom."

Eliza smiled. "Okay."

Wyatt got up and made his way down the hall to Zinnia's room. He took a deep breath then knocked on the door.

"Zinnia? I'm sorry to wake you but could you come out here please?"

Wyatt's ears twitched as he picked up on the sound of movement inside the room. Zinnia appeared at the door, tying a robe around her nightdress.

"What is it dear? Is everything alright?"

"Eliza thinks she's in labor." Wyatt explained. "We need to go to the hospital."

Zinnia's eyes sparkled in excitement. "Oh my. Well let's not dilly dally. You go help Eliza and I'll go get Zevon. We'll all meet downstairs when we're ready."

Wyatt nodded. "Thank you."

"Of course." Zinnia smiled. "Now go. Shoo. Help your wife. Leave the rest to me."

Wyatt laughed. "Okay, okay, I'm going."

Zinnia closed the door and rushed to her closet to get dressed. After throwing on some clothes she made her way across the street to Zevon's house. Zinnia knocked on the door, feeling giddy with excitement. She was going to be a grandmother.

Zevon opened the door, yawning as he greeted her. "Hello Zinnia. Its awfully early for a visit."

"Zevon, its time." Zinnia smiled. "Eliza is in labor. Can you take us to the hospital?"

Zevon immediately straightened up. "Of course. Let me change and grab my keys."

"Thank you Zevon." Zinnia replied. "We'll be waiting on my porch."

"I'll be out in moment." Zevon assured her before closing the door.

Zinnia walked back to her home just as Wyatt was helping Eliza outside.

"Zevon will be here in a moment." Zinnia told them. "How are you feeling Eliza?"

Eliza placed a hand on her stomach. "Its not too bad right now, but the pains are getting stronger."

"You're going to do great." Zinnia said softly. "It will all be worth it in the end."

Eliza nodded. "You're right. It will."

Lights flashed across the porch and they saw Zevon's truck pull up in front of the house. The three of them made their way over and climbed inside. Zinnia took the passenger seat while Wyatt climbed in the back with Eliza.

"Thank you for taking us Zevon." Eliza said, getting settled in her seat. "We're going to look into getting a car once the house is finished. It just hasn't been at the top of the necessities list until now."

"Its no trouble." Zevon assured them, taking off toward the hospital. "Zinnia asked me to be on standby weeks ago. I've been expecting this."

Eliza turned to her mother in surprise. "You arranged this for us?"

Zinnia smiled knowingly. "I don't drive and neither of you have a car. I wanted to be prepared should the need arise."

"We appreciate that." Wyatt replied. "Guess we weren't as prepared as we thought."

"That's why you have family and friends to help you." Zinnia replied. "Some things can't be done alone."

"Very true." Eliza agreed before squeezing her eyes shut.

Wyatt gently rubbed her stomach. "Another contraction?"

Eliza nodded, taking a deep breath. "Please tell me we're close."

"Pulling up now." Zevon replied, pulling his truck into the hospital parking lot.

Once the truck had stopped Wyatt helped Eliza put of the car. Zinnia grabbed the bag from the backseat and followed them to the doors.

"I'll park the truck and meet you inside." Zevon called out to them.

Zinnia gave him a thumbs up before following the young couple inside. Wyatt was already talking to a nurse while another helped Eliza into a wheelchair and started to take her back. Wyatt finished talking with the nurse and turned to Zinnia. "They're going to get her set up in a room and monitor the contractions. They said that based on what we've noticed and the fact that Eliza is a zombie, labor could be slow and we could be here a while. You're welcome to join us in the room or wait here if you like."

"I'll stay here and wait with Zevon." Zinnia replied. "You can always come and get me if I'm needed, but I want you and Eliza to share this moment. I'll get my chance when the little one is finally here."

"Alright, I'll keep you updated." Wyatt promised before heading the way the nurses had gone.

By the time he reached the room, Eliza had changed into a hospital gown and was sitting on the bed as the nurses hooked her up to the monitors. Wyatt walked in, grabbing a chair from the corner of the room. He pulled it up to Eliza's bedside, sitting beside her. "How's it going in here?"

"They're tracking my contractions now." Eliza explained. "And the doctor is on her way."

"Good." Wyatt nodded, taking her hand. "Just let me know if you need anything."

"I will." Eliza smiled before leaning back and screwing her eyes shut.

Wyatt gently rubbed her stomach with his free hand. "Just breathe Ellie, you're doing great."

The doctor walked in and spoke with the nurses who showed her the readings on the monitors. The doctor read over their findings then grabbed a pair of gloves and moved to the end of the bed.

"Hello Eliza." The doctor smiled. "I'm just going to check to see how far along you are. Just try and relax."

Eliza squeezed Wyatt's hand, focusing on his presence beside her as the doctor completed her exam. She watched his thumb move as he rubbed circles on the back of her hand. It was a calming feeling.

The doctor completed her exam and tossed her gloves in the trash. She turned to the young couple, a smile on her face. "Everything looks good, but it will still be a while before you are ready to deliver. Zombies tend to have slower deliveries so I suggest you both make yourselves comfortable and let us know if you need anything for the pain."

"I will. Thank you." Eliza nodded.

The doctor nodded. "Very well. I'll be back to check on you later."

The doctor and the nurses left, leaving the two of them alone. Eliza shifted herself over in the bed, patting the space beside her.

"Lay with me?"

Wyatt smiled, climbing into the bed beside her. Eliza laid her head against his chest, relaxing against him. Wyatt sent a quick text update to Zinnia before closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of Eliza's fingers running through his hair.

"Let's try to rest while we can." Eliza whispered. "It's going to be a long night."

Time skip brought to you by Bucky stealing Mothership👽


Wyatt awoke to the sound of groaning beside him. He turned his head to see Eliza laying beside him, her face contorted in pain.

"Ellie!" Wyatt sat up in alarm.

"Get the doctor." Eliza whimpered through gritted teeth. "Its getting worse."

Wyatt scrambled out of the bed and rushed out the door. He looked around until he spotted the doctor at the nurses' station.

"Doctor!" Wyatt rushed over. "I think Eliza is getting close. She's in a lot of pain."

The doctor nodded, turning to give orders to a nurse before turning back to him. "We're going to start preparing for delivery. If she's feeling this much pain after the pain reliever we gave her then she's likely getting close."

"Pain reliever? When did you....?" Wyatt stopped as he passed a window. It was daylight. Just how long had he been asleep?

Wyatt made his way back into the room, taking his place beside Eliza. He looked up at the clock and realized it was 10:30am. Seven and half hours since they arrived at the hospital. Wyatt took Eliza's hand, kissing it gently. "You're doing great Ellie."

Eliza nodded slowly, focusing her concentration on breathing through the pain.

The nurse walked in just as the doctor finished her exam. "You're ready to start pushing. Just let us get set up and then we'll get started."

Wyatt kissed Eliza's head then walked over to the doctor who was setting up. "Excuse me."

"Yes?" The doctor asked, turning to face him.

"I was wondering if it would be okay if I sat on the bed behind Eliza during the delivery." Wyatt explained. "I know it's an odd request but back at the den the males support the females during delivery. I want to support Eliza as much as I can."

The doctor smiled softly. "As long as she is comfortable, it is fine with me. Just know that you will have to get out of the way should problems arise."

"I understand. Thank you." Wyatt nodded before returning to Eliza's bedside.

"Eliza, I want to sit behind you for the delivery so you can lean against me. Is that okay?" Wyatt asked.

Eliza nodded and Wyatt helped her sit up. He kicked off his shoes and sent another update text to Zinnia before sliding into bed behind her. He positioned himself so Eliza was sitting between his legs. She leaned back against Wyatt's chest, turning her head so that her ear was pressed against him and she could hear his heartbeat.

Wyatt took her hands in his. "Are you comfortable?"

Eliza nodded. "I like this." She mumbled into his chest.

Wyatt smiled and turned to face the doctor who was ready to begin the delivery.

"Alright Eliza, the next time you feel pressure, push."

Eliza nodded. She didn't have to wait long before the next contraction hit. She squeezed Wyatt's hands as she pushed before falling back against his chest.

"Very good." The doctor nodded. "Just keep that up and your baby will be here soon."

Eliza waited for her next contraction then pushed again. And again. And again. Eliza collapsed against Wyatt's chest, breathing heavily.

"I can see the head." The doctor smiled. "It won't be long now."

Wyatt kissed the top of her head. "You're doing great. Our baby is almost here Ellie."

Eliza nodded just as another contraction hit. She groaned, pushing hard through the pain.

"The head is out." The doctor announced. "One more good push should do it."

Eliza squeezed Wyatt's hands and pushed hard with her next contraction. There was intense pressure, then sudden relief as high pitched wails echoed through the room. Eliza fell back against Wyatt's chest, looking up at him as she listened to their baby's cries.

Wyatt smiled down at her. "You did it Ellie. You're amazing."

"So are you." Eliza breathed, resting against him.

The doctor walked over, a small bundle in her arms. "7 pounds, 4 ounces, and 19 inches long. Congratulations on your healthy baby girl."

Tears formed in Eliza's eyes as the doctor placed the baby in her arms.

"Hi." Eliza smiled, cradling the newborn. "Oh Wyatt, she's beautiful."

Wyatt rested his chin on Eliza's shoulder, smiling as his daughter wrapped her tiny hand around his finger.

"She needs a name." Eliza whispered.


The name was out of his mouth without a second thought.

"I mean, I like Ezmae." Wyatt corrected quickly. "It was one of the names Addison mentioned for Kenzie and it always stuck out to me. What do you think?"

"Ezmae." Eliza let the name hang in the air. "I like it."

"Our Ezmae." Wyatt grinned.

Ezmae squirmed in Eliza's arms, shifting the blanket around her. Eliza's brow furrowed when she caught a glimpse of something odd. She pulled the blanket away from Ezmae's arm, examining it closely. "Wyatt look, she has a birthmark."

Eliza ran her finger over the small, reddish colored blemish on Ezmae's upper arm. "It looks like she was kissed by a rose. Wait....Rose...."

"Ezmae Rose." Eliza and Wyatt said simultaneously.

The two of them laughed before returning their attention to their daughter.

"It's perfect." Eliza smiled softly. "Welcome to the world Ezmae Rose Lykensen-Wells."


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