Better Off Alone (Adopted by...

By GaylaBer

25.9K 669 201

Callie has been in foster care for six years, since her mother died when she was six, and her father gave up... More

1. Callie
2. Brendon
3. Callie
4. Sarah
5. Callie
6. Brendon
7. Callie
8. Sarah
9. Brendon
10. Callie
11. Brendon
12. Sarah
13. Brendon
14. Callie
15. Brendon
16. Sarah
17. Callie
18. Brendon
19. Callie
20. Sarah
21. Callie
22. Brendon
23. Callie
24. Sarah
25. Brendon
26. Callie
27. Brendon
28. Callie
29. Brendon
30. Sarah
31. Callie
32. Brendon
33. Brendon
34. Callie
35. Sarah
36. Brendon
37. Callie
38. Brendon
39. Brendon
40. Sarah
41. Callie
42. Brendon
43. Callie
44. Sarah
45. Sarah
46. Brendon
47. Sarah
48. Brendon
49. Callie
50. Sarah
51. Callie
53. Sarah
54. Sarah
55. Sarah
56. Callie
57. Brendon
58. Sarah
59. Sarah
60. Brendon
61. Sarah
62. Callie
63. Brendon
64. Brendon
65. Sarah
66. Callie
67. Sarah
68. Callie
69. Brendon
70. Brendon
71. Callie
72. Sarah
73. Brendon
74. Sarah
75. Callie
76. Brendon
77. Callie
78. Brendon
79. Callie
80. Sarah
81. Brendon
82. Callie
83. Sarah
84. Brendon
85. Callie
86. Callie
87. Brendon.
88. Sarah
89. Brendon
90. Callie
91. Brendon
92. Callie
93. Brendon
94. Brendon
95. Callie
96. Sarah
97. Brendon
98. Callie
99. Brendon
100. Callie
101. Brendon
102. Callie
103. Sarah
104. Callie
105. Callie

52. Brendon

223 7 6
By GaylaBer

Callie stared straight ahead. Just like Sarah had said. And did indeed drool. A lot. Her jaw was slack. Sarah tutted, then went to get a towel and replaced the drenched one under Callie's chin.

"They don't even change out her towel," Sarah complained. "How can they just leave her like this?"

I frowned. I agreed. Callie was still a human being. She still deserved respect and to be treated as such. I wanted to cry. Callie was somewhere far away from us and we didn't know how to bring her back.

I very carefully got up onto her bed and took her tied down right hand. I held it and stared into Callie's beautiful blue eyes. I looked for any sign of awareness. Something. Callie didn't even blink. 

I signed to her.

"Callie, it's Dad. I'm okay. I'm going to be okay. Please, honey, come back."

Nothing. I wiped a string of drool coming out of her mouth.

"Bren," Sarah said. "What if she's like this forever?"

"Then we bring her home, we keep her comfortable and we take care of her. Like we promised we would do when we adopted her."

Sarah nodded.

I took Callie's hand again and just stared.

Since I was still healing I got a bit uncomfortable and moved to lay beside Callie, just to get some pressure off my wound. I held her in my arms as we lay on her bed.

The four of us chatted some while visiting. Sarah would sign to Callie, Zack and Kala would take turns.

Visiting hours were drawing to a close and a nurse had already come in to warn us our time was almost up.

Suddenly, Callie took a deep, shuddering breath. I sat up quickly, which did not feel good, and looked at her. She didn't look different but I noticed something. Her chin was dry. She'd swallowed. Her jaw looked a bit less slack.

"Am I crazy?" I asked Sarah and Zack and Kala after explaining what I saw. Sarah looked at Callie.

"Baby?" She signed. Callie swallowed. Her eyes rolled and she blinked. She still wasn't focussed on anything or anyone but she was swallowing.

We excitedly started signing to her, hoping she was coming back.

Callie blinked one more time and then closed her eyes. I watched her carefully. Was she breathing? Yes. Yes she is.

"She's asleep," Sarah said, a slight laugh, slight sob coming from her. "She fell asleep. I don't think she's really slept at all the past couple of days."

I kissed Callie on the head, hugged her close to me and pulled the blanket up around her. We informed the staff of the changes on our way off the unit. They didn't seem interested, or that they even believed us. I didn't care. We were getting Callie out of here as soon as possible. I had some phone calls to make.

Back in my room, my nurse came in and tried to give me shit for leaving the unit.

"First of all, I am a grown adult. I can make my own decisions when I am awake and conscious. Second, that is my daughter up there. I know what she's been through. I understand her better than anyone else in the hospital, except for these three," I indicated Sarah and Zack and Callie. "Third, the conditions my daughter has been left in are abhorrent. How is a child with any sort of mental illness or crisis supposed to heal in a stark white room tied to a bed?"

"I don't know that the conditions are as bad as you say. The kids are treated with respect, they all have activities that they go to during the day around therapy sessions and even school during the school year."

I showed the nurse the picture of Callie I'd taken when we arrived in her room.

"Really?" I said. "Tell me, which activity is this?"

The nurse was flabbergasted.

"They're not supposed to leave the restraints on. And she should have at least a roommate."

"Well, she's alone in the room, tied to her bed and catatonic. So there aren't any activities for her to participate in. They have her in a diaper. I don't think they change it very often. And they just leave her to drool all over herself. So tell me, are those conditions in which you would expect a terrified 12-year-old to heal in?"

The nurse shook her head.

"If you'll excuse me, I have some phone calls to make and I have visitors."

The nurse turned around and walked out of my room.

"Go Papa Bear," Zack said, staring at me. "That was kind of epic."

I looked at him and picked up my phone again, making some calls to people who could help us in this particular situation. My first order of business was getting Callie out of that unit. Then I'd focus on getting her better. Even if we spent the rest of the summer here in New York to help her get better, I would do what it took to bring her back to us.

Zack and Kala went back to our rental and Sarah stayed with me until the staff kicked her out.

I sent a flurry of emails, texts and messages to people I knew who could make sure this never happened again

Just before I went to sleep, I sent one last email to one of the therapists I'd looked up before our trip. I asked to set up an appointment for our return and explained some of what had happened.

That done, I plugged my phone in and sighed. I was doing what I could to help my daughter and it was already more than the hospital had.  

I fell into a fitful sleep, worried about Callie. My dreams were filled with images of Callie and fire. I kept trying to reach her and save her from the fire, but she kept getting pulled just out of my grasp.

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