His Flower Named Hope

By allovetovictory

120 13 0

The first time Yoongi noticed the rising feelings of love was the day his pale skin turned to pink seeing the... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Two

10 3 0
By allovetovictory

"As our new Class President, Jung Hoseok, and by his side as Class Vice President, Min Yoongi. That is all for news today, have a good day." The voice that made everyones' eyes heavy spoke into the income.

"Let's give Yoongi around of applause." The class teacher told the class. The teacher started the claps, and student copied and some didn't. Yoongi didn't care, he just kept his head laid on his forearms, actually quite annoyed by the clapping.

After a minute, they stopped and the teacher continued to teach about whatever she was teaching before the announcements. Yoongi kept his head ducked, wondering about what responsibilities the administration would make him and Hoseok do.

Unknowingly, his concentration went to the one boy he disliked the most, Jung Hoseok, well he didn't really dislike him. Yoongi had nothing against him, but maybe a small grudge from yesterday still had an impact on him but it was all.

As long as he was left alone to be at peace, Yoongi really didn't have any problem with anyone.

He took his notebook for this class out and wrote down things he thought were important while the class just did their own thing or didn't bother with what the teacher was trying to teach them.

"I need to use the restroom." Yoongi stood up.

When he got confirmation, he left the classroom, and used his mental map for the school to find the furthest restroom, that way he wouldn't have to go back to class in a short time.

And since he was now, Class Vice President, Yoongi didn't worry about getting into trouble.

There he walked, alone with boredom flowing through his blood, until he seen a taller body match his pace. "I wanted to apologize for what I said yesterday. It wasn't so nice of me." He cocked his head over to Hoseok, giving a disgusted expression.

Yoongi balled his fists up, ready to risk it all, but not right now. "That was the worst apology I have ever received." He scoffed and turned away from Hoseok. Yoongi could sense the effort Hoseok was trying to put on, but it seemed like it was forced.

On the other hand, Hoseok sighed and kept walking with Yoongi, founding out it was somewhat difficult for him to walk the same pace because of his longer legs, but he tried to make it work.

"What was the best apology you gotten?" Hoseok asked, just curiously.

Yoongi shrugged. He didn't want to share that one night when Mina, his only friend, apologized for an accident they had long ago. That night, the two best friends grieved in each other's arms.

After that night, Yoongi knew Mina was going to stay by his side for a very long time and he wouldn't be complaining. Not one bit.

"None of your damn business." Yoongi coated.

This sparked a match in Hoseok's soul. He didn't like the attitude Yoongi always had with him. In any case, Yoongi would have some sassy counter that swirled him with angry.

And the thing is, when he would voice his upset feelings with Yoongi, he would only get another sassy comment because Yoongi believed he didn't have to give more energy than he need to.

Hoseok rolled his eyes, "I really do hate you." He muttered under his breath. Yoongi huffed a laugh, "and do you think I care? Come on, ask yourself." Yoongi spoke with playful grin. Hoseok groaned as he continued to walk with him.

"Yeah, I didn't think so." Yoongi mumbled and spotted his two acquaintances from afar. He changed his destination and walked over to them. Yoongi  could sense the pent up feelings coming from them. 

He took a glance at Hoseok noticing that he also felt the aura the boys gave off, "holy shit. President and Vice President, all at the same time." Jungkook elbowed Taehyung's arm as he spoke to the others.

Yoongi only nodded, changing his spot to lean on the lockers besides them, seeing that Hoseok followed him to stand by his side. "Are you going to give detention? Because if you guys are, not today, Jungkook and I have shit to do later. Tomorrow would work just fine." Taehyung loosely told, teasing the chairmen in front of him.

Hoseok was the only to give a reaction, a low growl, that made Jungkook and Taehyung know he was slowly creaking. "Go to class." Yoongi mumbled. He kept his eyes plastered on Jungkook who only stared back at him with anger, "what a real friend you are, Yoongi." He whispered and walked off.

Taehyung didn't waste time to go back to Jungkook's side, but before he did, he gave Yoongi and Hoseok a glare each, then he was off.

Yoongi sighed softly, calmly turning his body so his spine would touch the mental lockers completely. He could see Hoseok following his motions to face him, "you should go back to class too, you know?" Yoongi told, he hoped Hoseok wouldn't catch onto him stealing glances of his facial features.

Hoseok only shook his head, stepping closer to Yoongi's cornered body. "Who's really in charge here?" He whispered, with no emotion whatsoever. Yoongi halted, why did he sudden feel his heart flutter when Hoseok spoke so lowly to him?

Yoongi's heart felt speed up, "I am." He whispered back. Yoongi bit his lip, watching Hoseok huff a laugh as he turned to a different direction before looking back him. "I'm sure you are." Hoseok mumbled, grinning softly as he glance at Yoongi head to toe.

Yoongi ducked his head down when he felt his cheek beginning to feel warm, "move, Hoseok." Yoongi's voice went back to his deep forceful tone. This made Hoseok timidly react to move to the side, watching Yoongi, curious of what he would do next.

In all surprise, Yoongi walked with his head down to his feet to where they went from before. Hoseok didn't stop the faint grin from making an appearance. He followed behind Yoongi, hearing the mumbled cursing Yoongi did under his breath.

This is something Hoseok liked about Yoongi. He wasn't afraid to speak his mind. No matter the circumstances. Yoongi will always voice his like and dislike about anything on his mind. He is very blunt.

"We- we have an office, Hoseok." Yoongi stopped in his place, speaking as he read the email he just gotten. Hoseok continued to catch up to him and looked at Yoongi's displayed phone.

Hoseok nodded softly, taking his own phone out trying to find an email, but he found nothing. "Why didn't I get an email?" He questioned, narrowing his eyebrows looking harder for an email.

Yoongi snickered, "because they know I'm in charge." He ticked Hoseok and began to walk again. Hoseok looked up and jogged to Yoongi, "I thought you didn't want to be in charge?" Yoongi didn't give a reaction to this, he kept it walking.

Hoseok raised an eyebrow at him, wanting a response, "I don't, but seeing how you handled Jungkook and Taehyung, made me realize you are not going to be a good leader." Hoseok halted causing Yoongi to do the same.

Yoongi figured Hoseok took offense to this by his expression, "you're a piece of shit, Yoongi." Hoseok stamped at Yoongi with a face contorted with rage. Yoongi shrugged, he didn't mean it in a mean way.
Yoongi thinks that some people weren't born to lead and Hoseok was one of those people.

There's no shame.

But, seeing the hostile glare Hoseok provided him. made Yoongi believe that he took it the wrong way. "If my words offended you, that maybe means I'm right." Yoongi plated and started to move his feet again, and for Hoseok, he still followed behind him.

Hoseok wanted more of a reaction from Yoongi.

But, Hoseok guessed he was asking for too much for when Yoongi opened his classroom door and left Hoseok in the hallways with no glance, no nothing.


"I'm rich, Yoongi, do I really have to study?" Yoongi looked up from his notes he token days ago as a review and made a judging point towards Mina.

"You may have money, but wouldn't you want to be seen as something more than just your wealth?" Yoongi made a point that made Mina rethink her decision. He could see he made an imprint on her.

But, Mina sighed heavily, "yeah, you're right, but you know I'm not cut out for school." She dwelled.

Yoongi gave a soft smile and shook his head, "maybe, but you are smart, Mina." He gave his opinion that made Mina instantly smile.

However, the two incoming bodies that sat on the opposite side of the rectangular table, made them discontinue their conversations.

"Hey Mina. Are you ready for that quiz in math class?" Yoongi watched how Chaeyoung didn't try to hide her glances around Mina's body. "Oh- no, I'm going to fail without a doubt." Mina chuckled at her own words.

Chaeyoung laughed along, enclosing the space between them. "You know, you can peek a look at my paper. I'm confident I'll pass." She lowered herself to Mina's face. Mina hummed and moved away, not liking how close their faces were to each other, "I'll keep that in mind." She mumbled.

Yoongi shook his head in disproval, but gradually, he had stopped to listen to faint snickering that was around him. He tilted his head to the side, and huffed, Jung Hoseok sitting there watching the two girls interact with each other as he laughed.

"Why doesn't she take the hint? Mina doesn't like her." Yoongi shared his thoughts no one in particular, but he hoped it would reach the person. Hoseok stopped and looked at Yoongi, "can't you see that she's literally like a tomato because of Chaeyoung?" Hoseok scoffed and went back.

Yoongi huffed a laugh, "Chaeyoung, you're making her uncomfortable, stop getting closer whenever she moves away." Hoseok's eyes widen when he seen Mina nod her head agreeing with Yoongi.

Chaeyoung got embarrassed by Yoongi's calling out and whispered a small apology to Mina who just accepted. "We have to go to that office in the second half of lunch." Yoongi returned after his calling out.

Hoseok bobbed his head at the words from Yoongi's voice, "okay." He simply complied. Yoongi hummed and went back to what he was doing before everyone got seated at the table, writing his essay for English.

Mina showed Chaeyoung that she wasn't interested but she wouldn't take the hint. Whatever she did, nothing worked. Chaeyoung is very pushy. "Are you listening?" Chaeyoung asked, pouting her lips.

Mina faintly sighed before she looked up from her phone, "yeah, I am." She blatantly told. Only then, Chaeyoung gotten the message, "well, damn." Her words spoke herself and then, she left the table with Hoseok taking her side.

This caught Yoongi's attention.

He looked up and watched the two others leave with an unsatisfied expressions. Yoongi grinned and looked at his friend, "you should have told her you weren't interested." Yoongi suggested and only was answered by a head shake.

He was going to say more, but the dinging bell stopped him from doing so. "I'll see you soon." Yoongi told with a smile as he got his belongings together, getting ready to leave.

When Yoongi left, Mina stayed behind using her phone to pass the rest of the time for lunch.

Yoongi took his time going to that new office the principal sent him an email of and by the time he got there, the principal and Hoseok outside having a small conversation until they saw him.

"Hello, Yoongi." The elder smiled as Yoongi only nodded his head, whispering a faint greeting.

There was an awkward silence between the three until the older man used his two hands to point at the small room behind him.

The principal looked back at the two students, "this is where you two will be spending more time than your classes. Follow me and let me explain." He instructed, walking to the locked door, he opened with his key.

Before they went inside, the principal held the key to the boys, to see how would take it first. He could see Hoseok hesitating signaling Yoongi to grab the key.

He smiled and opened the door wider for them to walk in, "you two can organize the room however you feel comfortable as this will be used for the two of you." He told.

Yoongi nodded, lurking through the room. It had two exact desks and a couple of chairs and he also took note of the whiteboard with two markers.

"In the next quarter, you guys will have gaps in your schedules. So, the staff and I came up with this. You guys can do anything here. School work, study, or work on the tasks we give you."

The elder explained and for about fifteen minutes, the principal continued on take about the room and the rules that came with it. "Good luck." The elder said and left the boys alone.

When the door clicked shut, Yoongi walked to a desk in the further left corner, "well, I'm taking a nap." He told his plan to Hoseok.

He ignored Hoseok's mumbling and sat down on the seat provided and plopped his head down on his arms, immediately closing his eyes.

Hoseok rolled his eyes as he watched Yoongi stick to his plans. He walked to the other empty desk that stayed in front of Yoongi's desk and sat down, sneaking glances at Yoongi's unguarded frame.

After a minute of watching Yoongi do absolutely nothing, Hoseok opened his backpack and searched through to find his mathematic homework he so desperately needed help on.

He wasn't the best at math, but in the end, he still manages to get a perfect score on his report cards. Hoseok placed the white sheet of paper that displayed all his worst nightmares onto his desk, and without even trying, Hoseok has already given up.

Yoongi wasn't actually going to sleep, he was simply resting his head and closing his eyes. So, when he heard Hoseok faint whines from the other end of the room, he raised his head and planted his chin onto his arms, observing Hoseok get upset with his work.

A soft laugh made Hoseok's head look up, with widen eyes to see where that noise came from. When he realized it was Yoongi, he scoffed and went back to struggling on his homework.

"It's not funny, stop laughing." Hoseok mumbled. Yoongi picked his body up and leaned back on his chair, "who said I was laughing at you?" Yoongi asked. Though he was indeed laughing at Hoseok, but wanted to mess with him too.

As expected, Hoseok gave Yoongi a reaction. "Shut up, Yoongi. I don't need your stupid comments, go back to sleep." Hoseok shooed Yoongi away, but Yoongi had already decided he would be staying.

With this being declared, Yoongi gotten out his book he was reading in his own time. "Good luck." He said to Hoseok and left the conversation. Hoseok hummed sarcastically and continued to rumble comments on his homework.

From the corners of Yoongi's eyes, he could see Hoseok having hard time with that paper in front of him. He lifted his head and felt his lips lift to make a grin, he would tease Hoseok but he felt the need to console him first.

Yoongi placed his bookmark between the two pages and closed it, "bring it here, I'll help you." He said as he slid his book to the side of his desk. Yoongi searched for his pencil while he waited for Hoseok, but when he didn't hear anything, he looked up.

He huffed, "hurry the fuck up or else I won't help you." He snapped at Hoseok. As a result, Hoseok scrambled to get his paper and pencil and over to where Yoongi was settled. "Thanks." He whispered.

A head nod was the only thing Yoongi gave in turn, as Hoseok placed the homework down on the desk and wait for Yoongi to understand what lesson it was. "This is easy." Yoongi mumbled, taking his pencil and wrote the formula to solve the equations.

Hoseok didn't say anything and read Yoongi's messy handwriting to try and understand before he was asked questions he wouldn't be able to answer.

When Yoongi finished writing, he tilted to look up at Hoseok who was almost hovering him. He gulped and tapped his finger on the paper, "do you understand anything?" Yoongi asked, eyeing the way Hoseok's eyebrows furrowed together.

Hoseok shook his head in the end, lowering his head to meet Yoongi's hooded eyes, "no, I don't." He frowned. Hoseok beginning to doubt himself. Yoongi probably thought he's the dumbest person ever.

And this was one consequences that came with being naturally smart. Whenever Hoseok didn't understand something and had to reach out for help, he always felt like he was being looked down upon.

And he hated it.

Yoongi hummed faintly, returning back to the homework sheet. "We'll start on number one first." He told, putting on his serious helper voice. Hoseok nodded watching closely so he could pick up on it.

For ten minutes straight, Yoongi taught Hoseok each step to solving the problems, step by step. He was patient when Hoseok would his questions and answered with easy to remember guides.

"Try number two by yourself." Yoongi slid the paper in front of Hoseok and silently observed how quickly Hoseok has learnt the lesson. "Like this?" Hoseok asked, after he spent five minutes checking his work.

Hoseok got a nod from Yoongi, "good job." Yoongi calmly said and gave him a soft smile. Hoseok beamed happily, "you're better than my math teacher. She can't teach for shit." Yoongi chuckled at the mumbled words that slipped from the concentration of Hoseok.

Yoongi leaned back on his chair and waited for Hoseok to finish the whole page so he could check it all at once. While he did this, his eyes roamed around Hoseok's close body next to him.

What a interesting person to capture with your eyes, that's what Yoongi thought. And he was definitely right. Hoseok was just eye catching. He is handsome. He is charming and intelligent. He's the boy you would bring home to meet your parents.

Hoseok was that person.

Before he was caught, Yoongi removed his eyes off of Hoseok and back to the homework. "You're doing great." He praised, reading Hoseok's neat handwriting. Hoseok's insides swirled at the affirmation from Yoongi.

With a bright smile, Hoseok straighten his posture as he slid the paper back to Yoongi for his work to be work. When he seen Yoongi have an raised eyebrow, his smile slowly began to fade and so did his confidence.

"Well?" Hoseok whispered. He was unhappy with himself whatever Yoongi had to say, he knew it wouldn't be any good. For a second, Yoongi shook his head and leaned back his chair, looking up at him. "It's correct." Yoongi smiled.

Yoongi was unsettled by the sudden change in Hoseok's aura, energized movements were formed by Hoseok's body. A smile went to his lips witnessing this new side of Hoseok he never knew he would see.

It was fascinating.

Hoseok caught himself when he was reaching out for Yoongi's hand as a thankful gesture he liked to do. "Uh- thank you." Hoseok went back to his calm aura. He quickly took his paper and pencil and went back to his own desk, not bothered when Yoongi's eyes were caught him.

A few hours went by and neither of the boys wished to speak into the hazy awkward silence. At this time, they were listening to the announcements and packing their belongings up to leave the school.

Yoongi was the first to scoot in his chair and settle his feet near the door, waiting for the bell to ring. Then, Hoseok, standing inches away from him.

"I'll be holding onto the key. If you need it, text me or find me." Yoongi told Hoseok. They left the room and both waited outside for Yoongi to finish locking the door from the outside.

"I don't have your number." Hoseok made a point that made Yoongi laugh.

When Yoongi locked the door, he placed the given key in his pocket and also took his phone out. "Give me your number." He held his phone out for Hoseok to take and place his phone number in.

Hoseok hummed to himself, checking the digits once more before officially giving Yoongi his device back. They gave each other a small nod and parted ways.

Author's note
I'll be updating every Friday!

Have a good day or night!
Please, vote and comment<3


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