Capturing the leader's heart...

By Abby_kebabby

148K 3.3K 524

Aurelia was born in Amity and from her bright smile and kind personality everyone believes that Aurelia belon... More

Dauntless visit Amity
Are you sure you're Amity?
The dinner party
The dinner party continued
Trust the test right?
Welcome to Dauntless
My name's Four
You chose us, now we get to choose you
Let's play a game of Candor or Dauntless
Waking up in bliss
Chapter 13: Dauntless visit Amity round 2
Chapter 14: Dirty little secret?
Chapter 15: Coming to an end?
Chapter 16: Returning then Leaving?
Chapter 17: Capture the flag
Chapter 18: Surprise Surprise
Chapter 19: C or D, Go
Chapter 20: Stage 2 will now begin
Chapter 21: Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh My
Chapter 22: Change of Ranks
Chapter 23: Finally some Answers
Chapter 24: Visiting Day
Chapter 25: Be my Guest
Chapter 26: Let's Play a Game
Chapter 27: Meeting an Old Friend
Chapter 28: Let us take a look
Chapter 29: The Plan
Chapter 30: I better get to work then Sir!
Chapter 31: Heads Up
Chapter 32: I told you you wouldn't like it
Chapter 33: Report for Stage 3
Hey guys

Where do i belong?

4.5K 111 14
By Abby_kebabby

Can I say that I love you guys, you are all truly amazing fans especially my regulars, I never thought I would have these kind of numbers for my first story, which is over 1000 reads now, anyways enjoy this chapter my lovelies, love kebabby13 xx

Aurelia's POV

Divergent, I'm divergent, my mind can work in a million different ways, unpredictable, feared.

These are the thoughts that are running through my head as soon as I was on the truck back to amity, should I stay in amity or try somewhere else, will I be safe anywhere else? What do I do? These thoughts will more likely kill me instead of my divergence I thought, I walk to the stables needing someone I can trust to talk to, and that's Capricornia, I know call me crazy, but she can listen and I won't have to worry about her breathing my secret to anyone cause she is well, a horse. I think the one time I had peace serum laced bread is starting to screw up my brain.

"Hey pretty girl, how are you? Huh,do you want to go for a little ride?" I coo to her as I enter the stall with her bridle in my hand, I start to walk slowly too her softly cooing as I slip the bridle gentle over her head and buckle it up, once she is happy with that I walk back at and grab the saddle pad which has a built in saddle, courtesy of erudite, and I slowly approach her with it before putting it on her back and once I'm done with that I lead her out of the stall and to the entrance where I quickly mount her before letting her stretch her muscles by running off past the fields and crops and into the forest, once we are there I then tug gently on the reins and slow her down to a walk and take a deep breath trying to expel some of the stress.

"Just what am I going to do, Cappi?" I ask Capricornia, knowing full well not to expect a reply, but still, I let her walk all over choosing where she wants to go, I feel like it's the least I could do, since I've decided what I'm going to do, come the choosing ceremony tomorrow. Once I feel like we have been out long enough I grab the reins and lead her back onto one of the paths and we canter back to the stables before slowing down to a walk then halt, then I dismount and walk her around to the shower bay to cool her down.

I remove her saddle and bridle once I've hooked her up to the cross ties in the shower bay, I let her cool down a little further while I take her tack back to the tack room where I also grab a treat and her brush kit before walking back to the shower bay where I see Capricornia is asleep, I can't help but laugh, but then it makes me think how she would take to me leaving, would she be as sweet as she is now or would she once again become untrainable, I refuse to dwell on those thoughts, I won't , once I've finished grooming her I walk her back to her stall and let her in and before I leave I give her a special extra long hug as a way of saying goodbye and I think she knows that, "incase I don't come back, just know that I love you, I always will, and that I'm doing this because I feel I have too, goodbye" I whisper to her.

I walk the path back home quietly as I try to keep the tears at bay, I wonder how my family would take to my choice, would they be happy or sad? I arrive home just as the sun begins to set and the moon starts to rise, I see dad while I'm in my way upstairs, mum was in the kitchen making dinner. He's creating another painting, I go to stand next to him and watch while he paints, "What is wrong my little firefly?" Dad asks without even looking at me, how does he do that I wonder, "you don't seem happy, are you all right, how was the test?" He asks, "the test was okay, but I got sick from the serum and I was let out early but I completed it, Did you have a hard time with choosing?" I ask.

This makes him turn around and look at me thoughtfully before answering, "Well, yes and no, yes because I felt like I didn't want to leave my home, my parents I was scared for leaving them if they would become unhappy but I had nothing to worry about regarding them, and as for the no, I wasn't really cut out for erudite, sure I was smart but I was also peaceful and happy, always happy and I always admired the amity and their way of life much to my parents disgust who are your grandparents by the way who were nothing but a bunch of computers who didn't know how to love their only child, so I decided to transfer back to amity to be with some people who I had hoped would come to love me and I wasn't disappointed".

"And you had no reason to be, I had always found your dad cute, sure i had the pick of the lot including max, but for some reason I was drawn to your father and I knew that what I was feeling was something strong so I decided to talk to him, at first he was so shy as if he was afraid but then he warmed up to me and we feel in love and decided to transfer to amity together and were taken in by his grandparents and the rest is history" mum says from behind me and I turn startled, god she was like a ninja sometimes, so sneaky.

"Anyways,what I'm trying to say is, the choice is yours baby girl, there is no need to feel pressure to stay here just for us, you need to make this choice for you and you only, and remember that no matter what choice you choose, we will always love you and support you, no matter what, you are one of my finest creations and I'll never abandon you, never will your mum or anyone else okay?" Dad says with a little bit of a quiver in his voice as if he's trying to hold back tears and i go to hug him and mum hugs us.

"Oh by the way you too, dinner is ready" mum says after hugging us and we go to the table to have dinner for what may be the last time with me, afterwards I give everybody a kiss and hug, just to be safe, and somehow I fall to sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

Skip to the Choosing Cermeony...

My family and I arrive at the Hub which is where the choosing ceremony is held every year, basically all 16 year olds must go through the aptitude test, and then they can choose to stay in the faction they were born in or they can transfer to another faction, since we arrived early we were able to get the elevator which is full of amity, some Candor (awkward, Candor and Amity aren't the best of mates) and some erudite, we all move in and stand out the front waiting for the elevator to go up, it's seriously dead quiet in here, who'd have thought that, mum and dad smile at the other amity and they smile back which earns them a glare from one of the Candor couples who seem to have a son with them, like them he's glaring, what a jerk.

Finally the elevator reaches it destination and we all pile out, I take a deep breath of relief before continuing to follow my parents who are already walking to the amity section, we're all arranged into sections so that we know who is who, it pretty much goes abnegation who are the selfless, amity who are the peaceful (and might I add sometimes happy crazy), erudite the intelligent, Candor the honest, and finally dauntless the brave, we pass erudite on the way and I see dad smile at someone walking down the stairs, tight fitting blue suit, hair pulled back into some fancy style, glasses, yep a erudite, "Hello jeanine, how are we today?".

"Hugh, it's been too long, I swear it feels like yesterday when you left, erudite misses you, you really could have fit in, and this is one of your children, I had no idea she was choosing today, I'm Jeanine Matthews, leader of erudite and you are?..." Jeanine asks, she seems nice enough but I don't know...., I decide to ignore the feeling and try to blend in, I smile and answer "Hello I'm Aurelia, a pleasure to meet you Jeanine" I shake her hand even though I know I should've hugged, but she doesn't seem the cuddling bear type.

"You have a big decision to choose today Aurelia, I hope you know where you belong, I believe you will make the right choice, the future belongs to those who know where they belong, choose wisely and prosper Aurelia, have a good day, same to you Hugh, and Diana" Jeanine farewells before heading back to her faction, yeah I definitely won't be choosing erudite, that's for sure.

The bell rings and we all walk to our designated factions and take our seats. The choosing ceremony has begun.

I see jeanine walking to the stage where she crosses onto from the stairs on the side as the erudite have the opening speech this year, yay, she finally begins, "the system is a living being, made up of cells which are all of you, all work together to provide sustenance to the system which we view as a beating heart which need blood, all factions provide this blood, we have the erudite who make our medicine, supply technology and education and educators, doctors and scientists, you have the amity who farm the lands and provide us with food, crops, art and peace, they are our nurses, midwives, child carers, artists, musicians, we next have Candor who are the law in our system, they believe in the truth and justice and provide us with truthful judges, next we have the dauntless *loud cheers and claps* who guard us from the dangers within and beyond the wall, who help keep control of the factionless and help keep the peace, they're our protectors, and finally the abnegation our selfless leaders who we trust to run the government and to make decisions based on the needs of others before their own, today, our dependents have the choice of choosing one of these amazing factions and provide their skills to that faction! the future belongs to those who know where they belong! thank you" jeanine finishes with a smile, finally, and walks back off the stage, there is clapping from all the factions, she knows how to pull a speech off for sure.

As soon as jeanine walks off, Marcus walks on and stands behind the faction bowls, " Welcome to this year choosing ceremony, thank you to jeanine for the welcoming and speech, now we can begin, ..... Today when we all leave this room you will no longer be dependents but full fledged members of our society, ready to make a difference in your faction if choice, in front if me are the 5 faction bowls which represent each faction, we have the burning coals for dauntless, the grey stones for abnegation, clear water for erudite, clear cut shards of glass for Candor and finally soil from the land for amity, now we will be going in reverse alphabetical order, so please listen for your name......." I tune out until I hear caleb prior's name called, I look and see that he chooses erudite, there are huge gasps as he makes his way to the erudite section.

"Beatrice Prior....." Marcus calls out as she makes her way to the bowls, I hold my breath as she makes her choice, it looks like she is going to stay in abnegation as she holds her cut palm over the grey stones, then at the last minute places her hand over the burning coals and lets one drop of blood sizzle on the coals ".....Dauntless" Marcus yells out her choice and she makes her way to the dauntless sector who are yelling excitedly and clapping, I see one clap her on the back and I smile.

Harmony transferred to erudite , while Cedriana went to Abnegation, but the biggest shock so far was seeing Belisse put her blood on the glass of candor, now there was a shocker, but I'm happy for her as she can be herself now.

There are a few more names until mine is called out " Aurelia Moonshine, *various chuckles* ...." I stand up and hug both my mum and dad for what may be the last time and both whisper I love you, and choose for yourself to me, I then make my ways down the stairs and make my way to the platform, I take the knife and slice my palm and hold the cut palm above my other palm so i don't spill the blood into the floor, wouldn't want to leave a mess of course, I make my way over to the amity soil which is on the other side and hold my palm there, I don't know what to do.

Do I choose amity? Will I be happy? Do I go or stay? If I transfer will I see him again? No don't think about him, the seconds are ticking even though it feels like forever, I turn to see mum and dad looking at me, with encouragement in their eyes ' choose for yourself love' I see my mum mouth to me and that drives me to move to the other side where I place my hand on the other bowl and hold my palm out and a drop of blood, my blood, sizzles on the burning coals of dauntless.
"......Dauntless" Marcus yells out my choice.

I've chosen dauntless, there's no turning back now.

I thought I'd try leaving you guys on a cliffhanger, like always I will try to update ASAP, also thank you my loves who have read my story and kept up with it, in honour of reaching over 1000 views I would like to say thanks to all my fans who seem to love the story as much as me, please keep voting commenting and of course reading, ciao until the next chapter :) mwah

PS comment if you would like me to or would be interested in me writing another fanfiction about one of jai Courtney's other movie characters, and if so which character of his you would like, I do have one of my own stories sorted and ready to go but I'm open to other suggestions of course :)

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