By ParadexTM

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Crossover betwen That time I got reincarnated as a slime and Danmachi. Make sure to enjoy it. More



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By ParadexTM

[TTIGRAASxDANMACHI] Tempest Familia: A story written by ParadexTM

Chapter 1: Prologue

3rd POV

Hundreds if not thousands of years flew by after the Great Tenam War. A War that would have ended the lives of all on the Cardinal World, if it weren't for one hell of a overpowered slime that we all know, Rimuru Tempest.

As he was sent to the End of Space and Time he evolved into a True Deity so you could say thanks to Yuuki the Cardinal World shall never again fear destruction. Things like Time Warps, Reality bending, Law Manipulation, Unmeasured Strength, Turn Null Energy, Future prediction and Gravity manipulation were no problem for the True Deity: Rimuru Tempest.

Especially with the help of his Manas: Ciel who put's maximal efforts into her Master's wishes as well as skill performance and his defense as well as the ability to control the Voice of the World and her abnormal analyzing capabilities makes Rimuru to the Strongest Individual in the entire Multiverses.

And as such there was nothing else to do for him besides... Paperwork. His Archenemy as he was sitting in his office with a pencil going through the papers as if it were a battlefield where he needs to be victorious.

"Seriously Ciel, shouldn't I do something against this Paperwork? Like Burning it? It's just so boring"

Ciel who sat on his Office couch thanks to a clone she created answered without taking her eyes from the new fashion magazine "Danna-sama should do his job properly"

"Come on Ciel you shouldn't be this hard to Rimuru" It was the voice of a japanese looking young girl even though she is older then you might think "Let me help you" she said and took a few of the papers

"Thanks Chloe you're my savior!" Rimuru declared with a smile on his face which made Chloe blush a bit but she hid it successfully.


In the evening Chloe was seen drinking with a similar beautiful woman in a bar. Despite looking completely different with her white/gray Hair and Heterochromia eyes she was in no means behind Chloe.

"Fufufu that's what he said? I'm surprised he dared to say this while Ciel was in her Clone. And he even survived huh?" Luminous said smiling

"Don't joke around like this, Luminous!" Chloe said a bit angered

"Here are your drinks" Treyni said as she brought out the drinks

"Thanks Treyni, as always" Luminous answered

"Hehe, the Lord's wife are as usually welcomed here" Treyni answered and then went back behind the counter

"Hmpf- I can't believe he hasn't proposed to me yet. He just sees me as a child!" Chloe ranted about Rimuru not knowing that the whole conversation was being heard by a Cat with light purple fur.

"Hmm~ Well Rimuru didn't leave his office once in the past 3 years. Do you expect him to think about love then? And he is a bit problematic even though he likes everyone he is against having a big Harem even when it's pretty normal" Luminous said as she was the only person at the moment that is married to Rimuru besides Ciel.

"We should do something against that Luminous! I mean how can he not leave his office for 3 whole years!" Chloe said and then drank a bit of the cocktail they ordered.

"Fufu well I don't really care, you can have fun in an office too. Maybe it's even better~" Luminous said with a smug face

"Ugh-" Chloe looked at her disgusted

"What? You just said you want to be seen as mature but on the other hand you feel like that after hearing that you could have intimate time in an office?" Luminous said and sighed

"Anyways, what should we do about it?" Chloe asked to change the topic

"Hmm.. that damn overgrown Lizard visited another World for those damn good sacred texts. Maybe we can persuade Rimuru to do the same, a holiday you could say" Luminous said

The cat who had listened to this jumped down the window towards the street. Then starting running towards a dark passage where no one could see her as she then suddenly changed her form into a childish human beauty.

{Pictures are not mine}

'Mhh I should inform the others' Ultima thought and walked towards their normal house where they gather even if the Demon God's not really understand each other that well as they are all fighting for Rimuru-sama's attention.

Entering a rather dark room Ultima's Golden eyes seemed to shine as she said "Everyone I overheard an interesting conversation"

"Huh? You brat did you use that damn cat form again. Why do have such annoying skill anyways... because of that Rimuru-sama pats you all the time" A new pair of eyes began to shine in the dark room this time blue ones as Carrera began to rant about Ultima

"We are only living together because Rimuru-sama ordered us to do so, please be at least silent here. You see I need my sleep to keep my beautiful appearance for Rimuru-sama" A pair of blood red eyes joined the conversation

"Kufufu Testarossa, stressed again aren't we? Let's hear first what Ultima has heard" A pair of golden/red pupils shined the strongest through the room. All of the Demon Gods were tensed up.

"Your not our Dad Diablo so stop talking like you were" Testarossa said a bit annoyed by him

"Ehem.. could I start now?" Ultima said and waited till all their eyes were pointed at her "Rimuru-sama will visit another Planet to have a holiday"

"Kufufu as his secretary I shall prepare for my leave then~" Diablo said happy

"Is that so hmpf- seems like your cat form was useful at least once" Carrera mentioned

"Ara~ I shall go together with Rimuru-sama, I'm sure i'll be useful in that new world" Testarossa said smiling

Rimuru POV

"You want to do what?! Sorry but I can't leave Tempest alone" I said looking at Chloe and Luminous. Seriously, it's just morning and I have to deal with something like this.

"Dear we noticed that you are bored at the same time you didn't leave this office for 3 years. Seriously I don't want to need to do it in a office the rest of my life" Luminous said

I spit out the tea I was just drinking "Ehhhh?!"

"She has a point there danna-sama" Ciel mentioned from the sidelines

"Seriously you girls haa... anyways I'm practically the Leader of the Cardinal World some see me even as a God. I can't just leave like that" I said sighing

"After all you are the True Deity" Ciel once again cut in in our conversation

"Seriously Ciel you were the one who said I need to do all this Paperwo-"

At that moment the door was kicked open "We are here RImuru-sama and ready for the new World!"

I couldn't believe what I saw in front of me the four Primordial Demons completely clothed into merch about me and my slime form! Well only Ultima was in her cat form. I sighed even deeper and tried to calm down my temper.

"Ara~" Was the only thing Luminous said with an amused face

"Danna-sama I think a vacation would be an amusing change in our daily life, who knows maybe we can go on a few nice adventures and such. A new World is always exciting" Ciel said, closing a manga.

"Haa.. it's not like I can denie the wish of both my wifes huh?" I said laying down the paperwork and then looked at the three demons "You throw away that silly stuff and cloth properly!"

"Hai! Rimuru-sama" 3x

They changed immediately, probably happy that I allowed them to come with me. Normally I would take only one or two of them after all they are such a pain in the ass when they are together.

"Ciel I guess you'll take care of the [Parallel Existence] and the World we are visiting right?" I said looking at her as her clone dissolved

<<Of course danna-sama nothing easier than that>>

And as such our adventure in a World that I'll actually find entertaining had begun.


We were teleported through Space and Time and landed in front of a City I guess?

"Listen everyone! Hide your Aura completely after all we don't want to kill any weaker races or attract attention."

Ultima walked up to me and jumped up on my shoulder laying down. Well guess it's better this way I only need to deal with 3 active walking disasters. "Miauuu!" Ugh Ultima is really cute like that.

"As for the rules you won't attack anything without my consent of course don't get yourself killed even if it is possible to really die. Especially you three!" I pointed at Diablo, Testarossa and Carrera "If I see you mess something up I'll send you home instantly"

All three of them flinched

"As a secretary of Rimuru-sama I shall stay by his side anyways kufufu" Diablo said laughing weird

"It's not like I planned to attack the strongest races here or anything else!" Carrera said looking away

'Oh yeah you definitely planned that!' I thought

"Mhh I don't care about insignificant beings anyways. I'm only here to be with Rimuru-sama" Testarossa said calm

I sighed 'at least one of them is normal, mhh she sure is a calm beauty.. anyways' I thought and the spoke my next words out loud "We need information first so let's get into that City and find a nice Pub they are always good for information"

"Good Idea Rimuru, but how are we gonna pass those guards?" Chloe asked

"As if that would be a problem for us chloe, Rimuru even sneaked in and out of my churched for some time without any suspecting it" Luminous answered

"Ehhh-" Chloe had a disgusted face looking at me

"It's not like you think Chloe!" I answered

<<Anyways Ciel could you make us some fake passes? Should be a piece of cake for you, right?>> I asked

<<Indeed danna-sama, I am excited about this World fufu even though it was random on which planet we would land>> Ciel said

<<Hoo? Something got you excited? That doesn't happen often but please do not spoil me any further>> I said

In the next second everyone held fake passes in their hand and we entered through the main gate without any problem. I was surprised to see not only humans but demi-humans here.

As we walked through the streets we could see that people suddenly seemed to dodge something in panic. It was because a boy colored in blood from head to toe was running through the street.

I looked at him running towards us and dodged like everyone else but a smile could be seen on my face 'What an interesting Skill that boy has... he'll be a big figure in the future of this World' I thought

<<Ciel, keep an eye on that boy>>

<<Hai, danna-sama>>

"What was his problem?" Carrera asked

"If he would have spilled one drop of blood on Rimuru-sama I would have tortured him till death" Testarossa said with sharp eyes

"Kufufu how true Testarossa, Rimuru-sama's white robe and clothes are worthy of the True Deity and shall not be dirtied" Diablo said

'I take it back... Testarossa is just as a disaster like the other's this'll be a hell of vacation' I thought

"Stop it you three, let's follow my dear's orders yeah?" Luminous said with a very scary smile on her face that let the three demons calm down again while Ultima was sleeping on my shoulder.

<<Ciel, guide me to the famous pub around here>> I ordered

<<That would be the Hostess of Fertility danna-sama, just follow my instructions>> Ciel answered

"Rimuru, wouldn't we need money first before going to a pub?" Chloe asked

"No worries Ciel can take care of that" I answered

After a short walk through the busy streets we finally arrived at the pub Hostess of Fertility. As we were walking towards it a woman in a green maid outfit greeted us.

"Hello, you are Travelers right? How about a hit meal and a cold drink?" The Woman said, smiling and making a somewhat innocent seductive stance. But at the same time she was looking at us and I could feel how she was trying to pray into us, well bad for you that Ciel wouldn't ever allow something like that.

'analyzing while greeting huh? How interesting I guess she has more to her' I thought and then smiled "We are indeed travelers do you have a desk for 6?"

"Of course" She said and bowed "I welcome you warmly to the Hostess of Fertility, have a nice stay" Afterwards she showed us the free desk and then left us alone.

I immediately created a soundproof barrier around us. We were still able to hear everyone outside but no one would be able to hear what we say in here. A masterpiece, right?

"We can talk freely as long as no one is near our desk" I said

"Kufufu as expected of Rimuru-sama to find such an interesting Inn" Diablo said

"You felt it too dear, right?" Luminous said

"Indeed this Hostess of Fertility is not easy. The maids are I guess strong Humans for this world? I didn't saw that many of their level in the streets" I said


My task today was to get new customers for a few hours and it was finally finished as I suddenly saw a group of six people and a cat walking down the street. One of them Probably their leader had long blue hair and wore a mask.

'If that is not something interesting he?' I thought and confronted them with my best act. It seemed to have worked but my analysis was blocked instantly. I couldn't even see their strength nor their soul.

I brought them inside and then left for the kitchen. I looked at them for a few minutes. Would that person take down his mask? I can see them talk but hear nothing.

"Hoo finished already Syr? Then can you help with the guest inside you see I'm quite exhausted already" It was Anya, a fellow maid here at the inn and a Cat Demi-Human, perfect!

"Nee, Anya you have good hearing capabilities right? Can you hear what they at desk 32 are talking about?" I asked

"Hmm Syr you took a liking to some hot young men again? You'll be in serious trouble some day" Anya said and sighed "Fine, I'll try"

I saw her ears switching their direction they were facing and Anya closing her eyes "Sorry but I can't hear anything. Maybe because it's so full today and everyone is in a good mood" Anya said

"It's alright, thank you Anya" I said smiling

Then Ryu was walking out of the kitchen.. she is my last chance "Ryuu" Ryuu stopped and looked at Syr "Yes Syr?"

"Desk 32 is your area, right? Could you do me a favor? I'll buy you a meal later" I said smiling

Rimuru POV

"Good evening dear Guests, my name is Ryuu and I'll be responsible for you today. So which meals do you want?" Ryuu said

'Hoo? Formal, huh?' I thought and we ordered everyone what we wanted.

"I see thank you" Ryuu said and then looked at me "May I ask a question?"

"Sure go ahead" I said smiling behind my mask

"I heard you are travelers. You see it's quite rare to see travelers here in Orario so I was wondering what are you doing in our fine CIty and where are you from Sir" Ryuu asked with a smile on her face

If I wouldn't have my favor for elves under control I would probably have spilled everything "We do not have a special goal here in Orario and we are from a far away land. We heard that this CIty was interesting so we landed here" I answered

"I see. I'll bring the food then when it's ready" Ryuu said bowing slightly

"Seems like they want to know about us" Chloe said and I nodded "They might be connected with a high standing person or organization like an Adventurer Guild... well we'll see about that someday" I said smiling

Afterwards we enjoyed our meal, they even brought something for the Cat.

3rd POV

Bell had entered his favorite pub after he washed up. He wanted to see Ryuu the elv again. Maybe he even just wanted a warm meal after the embarrassing situation he was facing earlier this day in the Dungeon.

He found an empty chair in the corner of the pub, perfect! Just as he wanted to sit down he saw a book laying on it. Without knowing what it was he picked it up and opened it.

For a second knowledge flooded his head and in that moment he knew what it was. A grimoire a very expensive book were you can learn low level Magic Spells

'Oh no, what if someone will search for it?' Bell panicked 'Wouldn't I be suspicious if I sat where it was? I can't possibly pay for something like that! They would maybe even make Goddess Hestia pay for that, no way!'

Bell looked around and could spot a free chair on a big desk "Could I possibly sit here?" Bell asked, smiling at the masked person.

"Hoo sure? It's not like we are 7 so just sit down and order when Ryuu comes back" Rimuru answered smiling behind the mask... he exactly saw what had happened and he knew whose book it was.

Rimuru was very interested in this situation and it didn't end as a group of people entered the Inn led by a red haired woman 'A Goddess huh? To expect they would be under humans and that without any of their powers' He thought excited

Other Guests began to whisper

"The Loki Familia!"

"Damn it was such a good mood in here"

"Seems like they are out of the Dungeon already"

"That trickster Goddess watch your pockets!"

Rimuru was interested in all that they were saying. Familia, Dungeon, Trickster Goddess and other stuff. He already has destroyed his own barrier because he didn't knew if a Goddess would be able to spot it,

"Did you say that brat? Aiz saved him and afterwards he ran away painted like a tomato hahah!!" Bete said laughing loudly

"I think it would be normal to be scared in such a situation" Ainz answered

"Heee? Ya playin' the motha again huh? Maybe because he's so weak haha! Anyways let's search for a table" Bete said

Rimuru could see how Bell clenched his hands, probably embarrassed and angry.

"Look over thee they are finished already, let's just take that desk oho... if that isn't the tomato brat" Bete said smiling

"Bete watch your manners" Finn said

"Let's just take a table in the garden" Riveria said

"Hoo? But I want to sit here" Bete said as he leaned onwards the table

Loki who usually not interfere with such Situations as it is more important to let them do it under them was shocked as she suddenly felt danger "Finn, fast go between them" she ordered

"Yes Goddess Loki'' Finn the Captain of the Familia said but was too late as Bete's face was already facing the desk with such force that the desk broke and his face now was buried in the ground.

On top standing Diablo "How dare a lowly dog interfere with my Lord's peaceful time" He said in a angry voice

"Diablo that is enough he already passed out" Rimuru said sihing

"Yes my Lord" Diablo said and got back to his seat"

Not only all the Guests were silent seeing what happened even the maids stood still as well as the Owner of the place Mia and the Loki Familia including the Goddess.

'He took out bete with just brute force? He must be at least level 6 but I never saw him before' Finn thought and his guts told him not to mess with the people of this table.

"Well it seems like we destroyed this peaceful mood of the pub" Rimuru said and snapped with one of his fingers. Within a few seconds the ground and desk were repaired again "Please enjoy your meals and ignore us" Rimuru finished his sentence

"As for you guy get this rude guy and take seat at an empty desk no need to pick a fight over just a desk" Rimuru said

"Aiz get Bete we'll get a desk at the garden, you guys just got out of the Dungeon no need to pick some unnecessary fights." it was Loki who answered and then left

'I need to talk to Freya about those guys someday later, but now let's get some sake fufu' Loki thought

Aiz got Bete's sleeping body and Finn apologized to Rimuru's party. Afterwards the tension in the Air got blown away and the pub was just like before.

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