We Go Down Together || Liam O...

By kat_writesss

49.9K 703 442

Life in care has never been easy, Kiara Taylor is no exception to this cruel reality. From the moment her fat... More

~ CAST ~


1.4K 26 28
By kat_writesss


"Who the hell is that?" I groan as I tie up my night gown, ready to kill whoever thought it was a good idea to ring the doorbell at 6 in the fucking morning.

"All right, I'm coming!" Tracy shouts as the doorbell is rung continuously, not even giving us a second to answer the door.

The second she opens the door, a boy is pushed into the house. It takes me a moment before I realise who it as. I squint my eyes, convinced I was mistaken due to my fatigue. Yet, after I'd rubbed my eyes, I was still greeted by Tyler. That's right, the Burnywood boy that stole Carmen's stuff.

What the fuck is he doing here?

Suddenly, Carmen rushes down the stairs and practically attacks Tyler, clearly she's not over what happened.

"He's the boy who stole all my stuff at Burnywood!" She shouts, struggling in Tracy's arms as she holds her back. "And he's the careworker that did nothing about it"

My attention is finally drawn from the brown haired boy before me, and I notice that pathetic excuse of a man who made our lives hell at Burnywood.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Liam shouts all of a sudden, clearly having just gotten down the stairs. My brain is operating on only a few hours of sleep, so I furrow my brows in confusion at this. Not seeing Liam could have met Tyler. Surely he wasn't there when Liam was.

That is until I look at the other kids who are stood in front of me and my heart quite literally stops when my my eyes meet someone's eyes that I haven't seen in a while. Memories come rushing back to me. Ice cream and smiles, those are immediately replaced as I travel further down memory lane and suddenly my vision is clouded by police cars and video games.

I'm so lost in a trance that I don't get to stop Liam when he advances towards Jesse and punches him in the face. My hands shake as I try to calm my breathing, praying that someone else will pull them apart because my feet are quite literally rooted to the floor.

Fortunately, Dennis pulls them apart within seconds, however, not so fortunately, he throws Liam to the floor and holds him down with a boot on his arm.

"You wanna try that again?!" He shouts, and this is finally enough to break me out of my shocked state. I rush forwards, effectively pushing Dennis away from my boyfriend, a stern expression on my face as I think of the way he just man handled him. I mean, what kind of careworker does that?

"Liam, are you alright?" I ask, holding out my hand to help him up, desperately trying to ignore the fact that Jesse's stare is currently burning a hole through the side of my head.

Liam is breathing heavily and judging by the way he's looking at Jesse who is stood beside me, it looks as if he's about to pounce on him again. I shake my head and that seems to convince him as he turns his gaze to me for a second.

He barely spares me a glance before he's on his feet, ignoring my outstretched hand as he brushes past me and up the stairs. Hurt consumes me as I immediately think of everything I had possibly done wrong. I hear Jesse scoff and mumble something that sounds awfully similar to pussy.

I send him a glare, consumed with hatred for him as I remember everything I had pushed so far back in my brain. My anger is only amplified by the smirk on Jesse's face. He seems to notice this as his smile fades and his expression turns serious.

"Kia, can I have a word?" I cringe at the use of my nickname, digging my nails into my palms to resist the temptation to punch him. "Please"

"Yep, you can have three actually" I smile sarcastically and he sighs at this. "Go to hell"

And I fucking mean it.


"Liam?" I call softly as I enter bedroom. I had knocked twice but he hasn't replied either time. When I walk in, I find him laying on his bed, his hands clenched into fists beside him. "You okay?"

"Mhm" He mumbles, his nostrils flaring as he takes deep breaths, making it clear that he is in fact not okay.

"Please don't be mad at me" I whisper, as I sit beside him, biting down on my lip to stop my tears from spilling.

"I'm not" He sighs, looking at me with an apologetic expression which reassures me that he's not mad at me. But he's obviously mad, and it upsets me to see him like that. "Not at you. At that son of a bitch"

"Me too" I reply, laying down beside him and swinging my leg over his.

"You probably have more of a reason than me" He admits, looking guilty as he stares down at his bruised knuckles.

"Probably" I shrug and he frowns at me, seeming confused to which I laugh, confused. "Why you confused?"

"You're not mad at me" He sounds shocked. God damn have I got that much of a shit personality, he thinks I'll get mad at everything.

"Why would I be mad Liam?" I ask, exasperated. "He deserved it. You know, for months after he was locked up, I almost convinced myself to visit him, it wouldn't have been difficult to find him. You wanna know why I didn't?" When he nods I keep talking, taking his cut up hand into mine. "Because of you. I hated you, for ages and I didn't see it at the time, but you distracted me enough to not actually go through with it. I have no reason to be mad at you. You saved me then and you saved me again today"

He looks confused as he stares at me, I find comfort in the silence of the moment as he rubs circles on the back of my hand. "How did I save you today?"

I sigh, wishing that he hadn't asked that question, it's not exactly something I'm proud of. "Because I probably would've talked to him. I mean, I think I'll have to eventually, especially if he'll be saying here but..." I trail off when Liam snatches his hand back, the peaceful expression in his eyes having faded, leaving an angry look that I haven't been on the recieving end of for a long while.

"You're gonna talk to that bastard?" He practically shouts, kicking my feet off of where they rest on his shins. "The fuck is your problem?"

"Don't talk to me like that" I frown, my voice barely above a whisper. If there's one thing I can't take, it's shouting. Maybe that's a bit hypocritical because I'm not exactly known for being soft spoken, but there's something about screaming and yelling that reminds me of things I don't want to be reminded of.

I force myself to take a deep breath and calm down, it's not as if this is the first time Liam has shouted at me in our lives. But this is different. I didn't love him back then, I didn't care about his opinion of me, but I also wasn't terrified of him, not like I am right in this moment.

"You know how much he fucking hurt you!" He screams, causing me to widen my eyes and my hands to shake as my vision blurs and Liam's face is becomes unclear.

Suddenly, it's not my boyfriend who is stood before me. It's my dad, shouting at my mum as he tells her he's leaving. It's Keith, telling me I'm worthless and stupid.

"Please stop" I breathe heavily, blinking quicky to stop the tears from falling, but it's too late, I'm just able to recognize a change in Liam's face. His expression changing as he realises what he's done.

"Kia" He whispers, looking extremely guilty as he walks closer to me. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry"

"Please don't" I sob, holding up a shaking hand to stop him, which works as he holds up his own hands in surrender. They're shaking aswell but I can't seem to recognize that as anything but an aftershock of his previous anger.

Maybe that's not fair. Maybe he deserves me to give him the benefit of the doubt, he's done that for me too many times to count. But I can't seem to do that. I guess I've never been all that fair.

"Can we talk about it?" He asks having backed up a few steps, maybe he's scared himself as much as he has me, or maybe he's worried that he'll scare me more. Nothing is making any sense and I can't seem to differentiate between anything. I can't seem to know or understand the boy in front of me. The boy I've been so sure I was in love with for months.

"I'm sorry" I cry, wiping at my tears as I brush past him, we both flinch slightly at the contact and I'm pretty sure I barely make it to my room before I'm collapsed on my bed, sobbing uncontrollably into my pillow.


"Kiara?" Someone calls from outside my bedroom door. I've stopped crying but I haven't moved from my bed or done anything for about an hour. I should probably go have some breakfast but I'm not really hungry. I freeze as I finally recognise the voice: Jesse.

Every part of me wants to scream at him, tell him to walk the fuck away from my room and keep walking until he finds himself a lake to drown himself in or a cliff to jump off. That's probably a bit cruel but I can't seem to care. I open my mouth to reply, willing those ruthless words to leave my mouth, but I can't.

I hear him mumble something that sounds like 'I'm coming in' before he walks in. "Have you been crying?" He asks immediately after he shuts my bedroom door.

I look away from him, picking up my phone from my bedside table and scrolling aimlessly through apps to make it look like I'm as unbothered as I'm making out to be. "You can't ignore me forever"

"What do you want Jesse?" I sigh, closing my eyes, already drained from this day. On days like this, when everything is going wrong and it feels like no one gives a shit, I wish I could fall asleep. I don't want to die. I just want to fall asleep, and not wake up for a hundred years or something. Sleeping beauty really was a lucky bitch.

"For you to look at me for starters" He pleads, and if it weren't for the fact that he sounded genuine, I wouldn't have complied, but I suppose I'm a bit docile in my current state of numbness.

I open my eyes and instantly wish I hadn't, he's got a smile on his face. A smile that used to give me excited butterflies, now it just makes me feel sick to my stomach. That and the plate of buttered toast in his hands. The thought of food is making me want to throw up.

"You missed breakfast" He says, holding the plate out to be causing me to scrunch up my nose, the food not looking appealing at all to me. He laughs slightly, mumbling cute under his breath.

That alone is enough for me to look away from him as he nods in understanding and places the plate on my bedside table. "Kiara, what's up with you?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, genuinely confused as to how on earth he has the audacity to ask what is up with me. As if I owe him anything. As if I've done something wrong by reacting the way I did at his return.

"I mean, do you not wanna know anything about why I'm even here or whatever?" He shrugs, looking slightly hurt at my lack of care for him, not that he has any right to be.

"You really hurt me Jesse, you didn't think we were just gonna pick things up where we left them, did you?" I ask, and his face falls, confirming my suspicions that he thought those exact things. "I mean, we never even got any closure from things, I don't know anything about you anymore"

He nods understandingly and I brace myself, terrified that he'll get rid of every excuse I have to hate him. That he'll justify everything he ever did perfectly.

"I'm in care because my parents disowned me" I widen my eyes, of all the things I had expected, that wasn't one of them. "The police called them that day and they said I wasn't their kid no more. That when I got out of juvie they should stick me in care or something. Which is obviously what they did" He waves a hand across the room to drive his last point home.

"I'm sorry" I whisper, not because I am, but because I feel like it's what I should say given the circumstances.

"No, I'm sorry" I resist the urge to shut my eyes and cover my ears. I want nothing more than to  block him out and pretend he doesn't exist. I don't want his apologies, I want him gone. "I'm a horrible person and..."

"Jesse don't" I shake my head, biting on my lip to stop the tears, to stop myself from forgiving him. I realise that's why I can't hear him apologise, because otherwise I'll run straight into his arms and forgive him.

I don't love him anymore.

I don't, not even in the slightest. But in this moment I realise how much I don't hate him, or at least how much I don't want to hate him.

"Please leave" I mumble, and to my surprise, he nods in understanding and walks out the door. He sends me one last longing glance before he shuts the door behind him, locking me in with my thoughts.

As I nibble on the toast, more so for something to do rather than hunger, I make the horrifying realisation that in this moment, I didn't mind Jesse's presence nearly as much as I would have Liam's.


Liam's pov-

I hurt her. I fucking hurt her.

My whole life, I've been known for being careless. Every care home I was at, every foster family I stayed with. Nothing ever lasted because I never gave a fuck.

Then Kiara came along. Something about her had me hooked. I may not have liked her, but I cared about her. Constantly, I was thinking about her, what she was doing and who she was with.

Eventually, my thoughts went beyond caring for her wellbeing. I liked her. Long before I ever let myself admit it. It's the only rational explanation for why her being with Jesse bothered me so much. Why my heart literally broke for her when she came back into the house crying that day. Why I can't breathe right now.

I haven't moved, I haven't said a word, I've barely been living for the past however long it's been since my girlfriend left my room, crying her eyes out.

Suddenly, all of my care for Kia throughout the years I've known her seems insignificant. What was the point in caring if I was only ever going to hurt her, arguably worse than Jesse ever did.

I wish I hadn't shouted. I wish I hadn't let her leave. I wish I had told her how much I love her.

I love her so fucking much it hurts. In a completely selfish way, I almost wish I didn't love her as much as I do because I know it will be my downfall in the end. She doesn't love me nearly as much as I do. She probably doesn't even love me at all.

If she did, she doesn't anymore. Not after what I just did. I know what she's been through yet I fucking hurt her.

Not being able to take the ache in my chest anymore, I leave my room and warily approach hers. Walking slowly so as not to make my presence known.

Slowly, I raise my hand to knock, stopping when I hear the sounds of her soft cries. I'm sure it's been hours. That thought combined with her sobs is enough to make my eyes prick with tears, and I bite down aggressively on my bottom lip to hold it back.

I don't remember the last time I fucking cried.

I don't deserve to cry about this, as if the hurt and sadness I'm feeling even compares to how she feels. How I made her feel.

I need to give her time.


Kiara's pov-

After what feels like hours, I've finally worked up the courage to leave my safe place. Aka, my bedroom. I'd much rather not go into the living room, but I figure I might as well try to get on with the Burnywood lot.

Of course, the second I entered the room and was greeted by over a dozen pairs of eyes, my confidence faded and I decided to sit on the sofa instead.

I scroll through my camera roll, facing away from the pool table where both my boyfriend and ex boyfriend are staring at me, not paying much attention to the game before them.

Suddenly, a blonde haired girl, who looks way too dressed up for home, walks in. I hadn't realised her before but I can already tell she's annoying as hell.

"Can I play?" She asks the boys who finally let their attention stray from the pool table, Liam, Jesse and Rick are unbothered, the former two turning back to look at me and the latter studying the balls on the table. However, Johnny and Frank are instantly mesmerised, their jaws dropping and eyes widening.

Fortunately for the two of them, Gus stands up before either of them can embarrass themselves. "I have Jesse, Tyler, Rick and Kitty's name, I need to know yours"


"I want to add you to my notebook"

"What if I don't want you to?"

"Why wouldn't you want me to?"

"Maybe I'm a spy..."

"You'd still have a name"

"What's yours?"

"Gus Carmichael, what's yours?" I breathe a sigh of relief when this annoying conversation finally seems like it's coming to an end.

"He won't give up till he's got it" Johnny informs causing me to frown. He's pathetic, that shy boy act is never gonna charm her.

"It's Lizanne" She finally says with a sickly sweet smile on her face before spelling it in an extremely annoying voice and walking towards the boys.

Suddenly, Carmen rushes into the room, an angry expression on her face and a half empty bottle of shampoo in her hands.

"Right!" She yells to announce her presence. "Which one of you skanky burnywoodies has stolen half of my shampoo!"

We all stare at her blankly and I'm finally able to breathe a sigh of relief when I feel Liam and Jesse's stares move away from me.

"It was you wasn't it?" She stupidly accuses Tyler, pointing at him. God, these lot have been here two minutes and they've already upturned my entire life. I won't ever get a moment of peace as I know Carmen and Tyler will be continually butting heads. Obviously Carmen has like zero brain cells, otherwise she would have put two and two together and figured out that Lizanne is clearly the culprit.

"Catch me smelling like a girl!" Tyler yells in response, looking outraged.

"Calm down Carmen" Frank pushes her gently towards the door, clearly trying to protect Lizanne as he's figured out that she's behind it.

"You don't know what it was like!" She shouts, crossing her arms. "You weren't there!"

"I was" I huff in annoyance, standing up, willing to do anything to shut this girl up. "And I'm not here starting arguments for no reason, am I?"

"No you're not" She admits, but her tone tells me that she's not finished arguing her point. "Instead, you're starting fights between your boyfriend and your ex boyfriend just because you're too much of a crybaby to deal with your problems yourself"

I freeze, going red as I feel everyone's eyes turn to me. I'm not even mad, I'm hurt. Have I not treated Carmen like a little sister since the moment I met her? But clearly she's not above treating the people closest to her like shit.

"Shut the fuck up Carmen" Liam speaks and I can't stop the flutters in my stomach. Just when I thought I was too mad at him to ever care about him anymore, he proves me wrong. And all it took was for him to speak.

In that moment, my phone buzzes on the sofa and my heart fills with gratitude for whoever that is, thrilled at the prospect of distracting myself from this situation.



L- Heyy, party later, you wanna come?

K- Where is it?

L- Joshua's house

K- Cool, I'll just tell my care worker I'm going to yours.

L- Alright, see u xx

K- See ya


I fucking hate parties.

The crowed spaces filled with drunk teenagers. Most of whom I hate. I mean, having to go to school with a bunch of people I can't stand is annoying as it is. I don't exactly wanna hang out with them in my free time aswell.

But my best friend Lyla is the complete opposite of me, and she must have sensed that I desperately wanted to get out of the house. We must be telepathic of something, guess that's what happens when you've known someone since you could talk. Shame she's changed into the type of person we used to hate.

Ignoring all of the eyes on me, I leave the room to find Tracy, knowing that she'll let me go to 'Lyla's house' as long as I'm home by 7.

A part of me wishes I had nothing here. That I hated the dumping ground and everyone in it. If that were the case, I would take this opportunity and leave, never coming back. But I have two siblings who need me, I have a boyfriend that I'm so painfully in love with and I actually like the Dumping ground, despite my complaints.

So I know that I'll definitely be back by my curfew, hopefully but most likely not feeling better. Probably feeling worse, but I'm willing to do anything to make it feel like I'm not drowning in my own fucking body.


I wouldn't say I make a lot of decisions that I'm proud of, but this is certainly the worst of them all. Wandering the streets, drunk at 6:45 pm is not exactly the most ideal situation to be in, but here I am.

I vaguely remember being mad at Liam, but in this moment, I haven't got a single clue why, and that is how I find myself dialling Liam's number.

'Kia?, What's wrong?' His voice fills my ears, immediately bringing a smile to my face, the concern in his voice completely going over my head.

'Liam!' I yell excitedly, giggling when I stumble over my feet and find myself on the floor.

'Where are you?, I've been looking everywhere for you' He asks, his voice frantic and raising slightly when he hears the loud thump of me falling to the floor.

'I dunno' I shrug carelessly, pulling my legs to my chest and wishing I hadn't worn such a short dress as the cold air freezes my exposed skin

'What?, Share your location with me, I'm on my way' He basically orders, his authoritive side taking over.

'I feel a bit funny' I reply, frowning as a wave of nausea rushes through me

'You're drunk' He states, sounding disappointed, but not angry.

'Only a teeny tiny bit' I hold up my fingers go drive the point home, though that isn't much use as can't see me.

'Kia, please. Just share your location with me' He pleads, breathing heavily over the phone which is enough to get through to me.

'Okie dokie' I reply, clicking on my phone to send him my location.

'Okay, I'll be there in a minute, please don't move baby' He rushes out, enunciating the last sentence in order to emphasise it to me. I frown when I hear the beep, signalling that he's hung up.

I don't have much time to dwell on it, as only 3 minutes later, he's sprinting towards me on the pavement, worry evident in his expression.

"Liam!" I squeal happily when he pulls me up to my feet, breathing in his scent as he pulls me closer to him, rubbing his hands up and down my arms to warm me up.

"How much did you have to drink?" He asks, placing his hands on either side of my face and staring me dead in the eyes.

"Not a lot" I say, wrapping my arms around his neck and standing on my tiptoes to reach him. I kiss him passionately, moaning when he kisses me back for a second but whining when he pulls away.

"Not now baby, you're deunk. How about we et you home?" He pulls his hoodie off of his body and pulls it over my head after urging me to lift my arms. I snuggle deeper into it, content with the warmth still left from his body.

"My feet hurt" I groan which draws his attention to the tall heels that I borrowed from Lyla.

He bends down before me, pulling one shoe off before placing my bare foot on his thigh and holding me up as he takes the other shoe off. I smile when he lifts me up effortlessly and holds me closer to his chest, handing me my shoes to hold.

I snuggle into his chest, letting the darkness consume me as I fall asleep. Shockingly, the darkness brings me more comfort than the light ever has.


I groan as I wake up, my head pounding beneath my fingertips that are rubbing my temples. I hadn't lied when I told Liam I had not had a lot to drink. But, being this was my first time drinking, I probably exceeded my limit.

The headache I've awoken with is enough to remind me to never go to a party. Ever again. I can't believe Lyla let me leave the party, drunk as fuck when it was getting dark. But I realise I have bigger issues than that in this moment.

I look around the room, finally having processed that I'm not in my own bed judging by the dark blue sheets.

"You're awake" Liam states, watching me from his desk chair, smiling slightly when I yawn.

"What time is it?" I ask, panicking that Mike and Gina found out I'd been drinking.

"8:30, you were only out for like two hours" He assures me. "Everyone's gone to their bedrooms. Don't worry, I told them you were tired"

"Okay" I nod, looking down and noticing that I'm no longer wearing my uncomfortable dress. Instead, it's been replaced with Liam's hoodie that fits me like a cloak and a pair of his joggers.

"Where are you going?" He asks as I stand up, picking my dress and heels up from where they are on the end of his bed.

"To bed" I reply, shrugging as if it it's obvious, which it pretty much is.

"Can we talk?" He asks, causing me stop on my way to the door. I contemplate ignoring him and leaving anyway. "Please" His voice breaks slightly which is all it takes for me to sit back down on his bed, ready to hear him out.

"Shit" He breathes out, running a hand through his hair. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Honest to god that wasn't my intention. I just care about you...so fucking much and I could not deal with the fact that you'd wanna talk to him. But I get it now, and I'm willing to do whatever you want."

The sincerity in his voice has my heart literally breaking and my brain filling with hundreds of guilt inducing thoughts. I can't believe I thought, even for a second, that I was safer with Jesse than I am with Liam. His anger doesn't justify his actions but him apologising is all it takes for my anger and fear of him to be flushed out. Jesse never would have never apologised which is yet another reason why Liam is a million times better than him.

"It's okay" I whisper, walking the rest of the way to him and hugging him. Relieved to be back in his arms, it didn't feel the same when I was drunk. I pull away slightly to look at his face. "I forgive you, but I really need you to understand me and why I want to talk to him eventually. You don't need to worry about me, I'm fine, really"

"I understand" He says, the pause in his sentence telling me he has something else to say. "I, uhm. I love you"

What? He loves me?

My heart stops at those three words and if it weren't for the firm grip that Liam has on my hips, I would have already fallen over.

He must have wrongly read my shocked facial expressions as his face immediately looks scared and worried. "You don't have to say it back or anything. I just wan..."

"I love you too" I cut him off, wrapping my arms around his neck, kissing him. His arms wrap around my waist and pull me impossibly closer to his body, slipping his tongue into my mouth.

I bite down on his lip lightly which causes him to stumble back and fall onto his desk chair, taking me with him. I straddle his waist and continue to kiss him, moaning quietly when he moves to plant kisses on my neck

"Can I sleep here tonight?" I ask breathlessly, and despite the less than innocent situation, my request is one hundred percent innocent which Liam can clearly tell from the way he pulls away from my neck and places a sweet kiss on my lips. As much as I love and trust Liam, I'm not ready to sleep with him just yet and him being understanding of that is all I could ever ask of him.

He picks me up and places me on his bed, climbing under the covers beside me, wrapping his arms around my waist when I snuggle closer to his chest.

I've never felt safer.


We wake up to the annoying sound of Carmen's screeches in the corridor. We've clearly slept in, judging by the way everyone else is laughing at something.

"Come on" Liam urges me out of bed. "This'll probably cheer you up"

He's right of course when I'm greeted by the sight of Carmen with her hair in a matted mess. "Who put glue in my shampoo?!" She screams as the rest of us laugh uncontrollably, me leaning against Liam, weak from the after effects of my hangover aswell as my laughter.

Suddenly, Gus begins to scream aswell and emerges from the bathroom a minute later, covered in suds of soap.

This does not help everyone's laughter, I've always had a soft spot for the poor boy, but even I can't deny that the sight is absolutely hilarious.

I barely notice as Kitty and Tracy brush past us, trying to make it to the stairs. The commotion in the corridor immediately stops when we hear a shout from Kitty and Tracy's shocked scream. I glance in their direction, just in time to see Kitty pushing Tracy down the stairs.

"Oh my god" I breathe out as we all rush to the railing of the stairs and watch as Tracy tumbles down the stairs rapidly.

Once she's reached the bottom, I notice that her eyes are closed and she has cuts on her face.

"Is she dead?" Tee asks, sounding horrified which causes Kitty to widen her eyes, clearly terrified at the prospect of her having killed Tracy.

"She's not dead" I reassure, but even I'm not so sure as I watch Mike run down the stairs, ordering us to stay at the top.

Liam slips his hand into mine, squeezing lightly to comfort me. In this horrible moment, I realise the best thing ever. As long as I have Liam in my life, I could never be anything but comfortable.


5466 words.

Thankyou for reading! I'm honestly really shocked and kind of proud of myself for getting this out today. I didn't focus much on the actual plot of this episode because I wanted to work on Liam and Kiara's relationship. I'm aware the timeline is a bit messed up, but this was the only way it would work out. I also missed out on quite a lot of bits from this episode because I didn't want to make it long, but I may end up adding some into the next one. This next chapter might take a while because it will be longer. I'll try to update soon but I've also got a very important maths test coming up, so I'd like to focus on revision. Bye, love u <3.

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