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"Who the hell is that?" I groan as I tie up my night gown, ready to kill whoever thought it was a good idea to ring the doorbell at 6 in the fucking morning

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"Who the hell is that?" I groan as I tie up my night gown, ready to kill whoever thought it was a good idea to ring the doorbell at 6 in the fucking morning.

"All right, I'm coming!" Tracy shouts as the doorbell is rung continuously, not even giving us a second to answer the door.

The second she opens the door, a boy is pushed into the house. It takes me a moment before I realise who it as. I squint my eyes, convinced I was mistaken due to my fatigue. Yet, after I'd rubbed my eyes, I was still greeted by Tyler. That's right, the Burnywood boy that stole Carmen's stuff.

What the fuck is he doing here?

Suddenly, Carmen rushes down the stairs and practically attacks Tyler, clearly she's not over what happened.

"He's the boy who stole all my stuff at Burnywood!" She shouts, struggling in Tracy's arms as she holds her back. "And he's the careworker that did nothing about it"

My attention is finally drawn from the brown haired boy before me, and I notice that pathetic excuse of a man who made our lives hell at Burnywood.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Liam shouts all of a sudden, clearly having just gotten down the stairs. My brain is operating on only a few hours of sleep, so I furrow my brows in confusion at this. Not seeing Liam could have met Tyler. Surely he wasn't there when Liam was.

That is until I look at the other kids who are stood in front of me and my heart quite literally stops when my my eyes meet someone's eyes that I haven't seen in a while. Memories come rushing back to me. Ice cream and smiles, those are immediately replaced as I travel further down memory lane and suddenly my vision is clouded by police cars and video games.

I'm so lost in a trance that I don't get to stop Liam when he advances towards Jesse and punches him in the face. My hands shake as I try to calm my breathing, praying that someone else will pull them apart because my feet are quite literally rooted to the floor.

Fortunately, Dennis pulls them apart within seconds, however, not so fortunately, he throws Liam to the floor and holds him down with a boot on his arm.

"You wanna try that again?!" He shouts, and this is finally enough to break me out of my shocked state. I rush forwards, effectively pushing Dennis away from my boyfriend, a stern expression on my face as I think of the way he just man handled him. I mean, what kind of careworker does that?

"Liam, are you alright?" I ask, holding out my hand to help him up, desperately trying to ignore the fact that Jesse's stare is currently burning a hole through the side of my head.

We Go Down Together || Liam O'Donovan Where stories live. Discover now