No Straight Roads: Heroes of...

By Reptilario

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6 months after the events of No Straight Roads. A new threat arises in the city of Vinyl City, dangerous musi... More

Cover of the First Season
Chapter 1: Vinyl City Under Attack
Chapter 2: First Encounter
Chapter 3: "Saving Cast Tech" On the way to Club Planetarium
Chapter 4: "Saving Cast Tech" DIGITAL
Chapter 5: The Little Mermaids in Distress
Chapter 6: "Saving Akusuka" Attending the Little Mermaid Concert
Chapter 7: "Saving Akusuka" Octorchea
Chapter 8: The Orchestra of Discordance
Chapter 10: "Saving Natura" Orchestral
Chapter 11: Rhythm Stopped
Chapter 12: Returning to the Rhythm
Chapter 13: "Saving Metro Division" Musical Battlefield
Chapter 14: "Division Saving Metro" Primal
Chapter 15: Shattered Work
Chapter 16: "Saving Dream Fever" Art Recovery
Chapter 17: "Saving Dream Fever" Trรณpical
Chapter 18: "Saving Dream Fever" Harmonious Shadow and Discordant Shadow
Chapter 19: No Final Roads
Season Final Chapter: Farewell Voice
<||Acknowledgments, Notice and Synopsis of the Second Season||>
Coming soon
2nd Season | Chapter 1: Damages and Recovery
2nd Season | Chapter 2: An Inharmonious Tenant
2nd Season | Chapter 3: Viral Scandal
2nd Season | Chapter 4: Escape
2nd Season | Chapter 5: The Call of Discordance
2nd Season | Chapter 6: Unforeseen Surprises
2nd Season | Chapter 7: Great Rift
2nd Season | Chapter 8: A New Discovery

Chapter 9: "Saving Natura" the Child Prodigy in Peril

145 3 0
By Reptilario

—In the Akusuka District—

The lights of the area would turn on again while it could be seen in full view, the scene destroyed as a result of the joint attack of BBJ and Sayu towards a Discordant Sergeant who was possibly buried in rubble. The Idol Sirena would soon return to her usual white, yellow, cyan and pink color hue, until she began to feel a little exhausted as she returned to having a repentant behavior for what she had done and then heard the voice of her mother who it sounded sad.

Tila: Guys, guys please wake up! -She begged her while she gently moved the body of her best friend, the good thing is that he and the rest still had a pulse, they just needed to be woken up- Remi, guys, I'm going to be very angry if you don't wake up

Sayu and BBJ would go to where Sayu's team was, watching with worried faces as the rocking duo waited for the youngsters to wake up and Sayu would hug her mother to comfort her. Meanwhile, the refugees from Suka Pop Center would exit the building, among the crowd leaving, there were several doctors assigned by NSR in case an incident occurs at the festival. A couple of doctors would go to where the unconscious young people would be to treat them, soon they would contact one of the establishments located in each district known as Rhythm Hospitals. In a few minutes, several ambulances; a total of 4, they would arrive without problems at the place, thanks to the fact that the presences of those monsters had withdrawn from the place after the defeat of their Superior in command. Paramedics from one of the ambulances would take the unconscious youths away while others would stay behind to treat the wounded after the attack.

Sayu: Mom -She said as he released her from her embrace- go with them, I'll meet you when the situation is under control

Tila: But Sayu... -She wanted to beg but she was stopped by a calm smile from her daughter while her eyes fixed on hers-

Sayu: Don't worry Mom, the citizens need to feel safe in my presence when everything calms down -I answer while looking towards the citizens who some still had fear inside, she would look with a positive behavior- For something I am the one in charge of directing this district, I need people to be able to navigate in calm waters while there is still no storm that breaks

Tila, hearing her daughter's words, would understand in a nod, she would give her a hug as she said goodbye to Sayu and BBJ who responded with a wave of goodbye as they watched the young blue woman get on one of the medical vehicles in which she was found young Remi prostrated on a stretcher whose one of his lenses could be seen a large fracture.

After the departure of the pair of ambulances that had taken the young teenagers, BBJ would prepare to rest while they were attended by a paramedic while Sayu would go to where the scene was destroyed by the final combined attack. The mermaid would look at her with a somewhat guilty look for what she did since when her body had received that abrupt change, she felt that she was slowly feeling different from how she was before. While she thought about why she had felt that way, she could notice some noises produced among the rubble of the destroyed stage, she would swim a little upwards to have a better view to notice surprised and happy to know that the Discordant Sergeant was dating something. Difficulty out of the rubble.

Octorchea: *Sounds of effort* Stupid beams... -He would say in an exhausted tone as she tried to remove several metal supports that had fallen on the lower half of her body using the tentacles of her head-

As the Discordant Sergeant futilely tried to remove the debris that prevented him from moving, she heard a shrill voice that made her look open and then give an expression of irritation knowing who that voice came from.

Sayu: Wait, I'll get you out of here! -She said showing herself with her positive look-

Octorchea: ... -He would remain silent as she stared at the siren, in her mind she felt confused as to why her enemy was helping him, but even so, she didn't want to say an answer-

The Mermaid Idol would use her trident as a lever towards the rubble that was on the lower part of Discordant Sergeant's body, in a few seconds, the metal supports were slowly beginning to rise by the lever force exerted by the Mermaid Idol, when Octorchea felt that half of his body felt without any pressure, he would quickly propel himself with his tentacles to free himself from his shackles of scrap metal. When Sayu noticed that Octorchea had managed to get out of the pile of rubble, she stopped prying her trident, making a metallic noise that could be heard by some citizens and BBJ who looked alarmed and concerned when they saw the octopus face move. He was a few centimeters in front of Sayu.

Sayu: *Sighs relieved* I'm glad she's alright, I thought there might be dis... -She said in a friendly tone but then her words were cut off as she felt that the upper part of her body had been caught by the lower tentacles of the Discordant Sergeant- Uhh!

The Idol Mermaid would give a slight groan as she felt her arms and chest begin to be pressed as she looked afflicted towards Octorchea who was also watching her, BBJ and some fans would shout her name out of concern when they saw the artist from Akusuka in danger. The rock duo would run to her aid but her footsteps would slow through the crowd that was frozen in fear, preventing them from moving as fast as possible to reach Sayu.

Sayu meanwhile, she would look dejectedly towards the Discordant Sergeant who looked annoyed, but then, he did something that he wouldn't think he would do due to his discordant nature, in a few seconds, he would release his grip on the Siren who looked at him with a look. surprised.

Octorchea: *Heavy sigh* Damn... -He cursed as he looked into the Idol's heartbroken bluish eyes- I don't know what you managed to do a few moments ago, but I feel like my insides say that it doesn't want to kill you right now... * Tsk!* I don't know what you've done to me, but for now, I'll let you live this time, Miss Sayu... Siren Jar...

The Idol Sayu, upon hearing that last sentence, would give a puzzled look, one that had made her raise a question that she wanted to say facing the Discordant Sergeant, but soon she heard the voices of the rock duo approaching behind her to later see that the duo he was now in front of her, defending her from Sergeant Jarring who had a look of frustration towards the pair of indie artists.

Mayday: Don't you dare touch her with your disgusting octopus-faced tentacles! -She said grunting as she pointed her instrument towards Octorchea-

Octorchea: Kujujuju... Why, does it bother you? -He said mockingly, earning him a look of hatred towards the guitarist-

Both rockers would charge against the Discordant Sergeant, he would give a small laugh while his eyes were focused on those of the Idol. He would give a positive face that made the idol feel a bit confused but at the same time feeling calm.

Octorchea: Let's hope to see each other again miss -He said while bowing respectfully- because next time I will fight with all my strength to defeat you, see you soon Discordant Mermaid, may the waters and the wind be in your favor

After saying his last words, from his mouth, he would begin to release a thick black cloud that would cover BBJ and Sayu's field of vision, preventing the rocker duo from advancing for a few minutes, when the thick mist dissipated, the presence of Sergeant Jarring was no longer in the area.

Mayday: Damn, where did this guy go? -She said frustrated as she visually searched for where Octorchea had escaped-

Zuke: I don't know May... -He answered before lowering her drumsticks and looking at Sayu- Sayu, are you alright?

Sayu: Umm... Yes, I'm fine! -She would reply in her usual cheerful tone- (I wonder what she meant by Discordant Siren)

As she thought about what Octorchea had said, another sound was heard not so far from where they were, some scared cries could be heard from some citizens who were moving away from that area, both Sayu and BBJ would look in that direction and then notice that where they were. located one of the many food stalls, there was a Discordant Peon who had come out of the remains, he would look somewhat scared when he saw the rock duo and the Idol Sirena. He would run away as much as his legs could exert, BBJ would run to finish him off but, an Idol Sirena who looked happy to the point of wanting to cry would manage to catch the little discordant in a hug.

Sayu: Ahhh, I can't believe you're still alive! -She said as he happily hugged and shook the little discordant-

Discordant Peon: III'GHHH! -He would scream in fear as he tried to get out of the Idol's embrace who wouldn't let go of him at all-

The Idol would keep her embrace on the little discordant, she would give light caresses towards the stone face of the Pawn to reassure him. The little discordant, who was still struggling to escape, began to feel little by little reassured by the small affection that he received from the Siren.

Sayu: Now, now, you don't have to feel afraid, I don't want to hurt you and I won't let someone hurt you and treat you as if you were an object -She would say in a sweet kind tone while he continued caressing the face and head of the little discordant-

In a few minutes, the Peon's fearful demeanor would begin to wane as his attempts to wriggle out of the embrace gave way, then he felt that he had been carefully placed on the ground as he would turn and look from his point of view at a beautiful mermaid who was smiling sweetly at him. BBJ would go with their instruments in hand as they reached Sayu and the little discordant, the Peon seeing that the rock duo approached him with hostile intentions, he would hide behind the Siren's tail. Sayu would look at the action of the Peon to turn her gaze from him and see that BBJ would be coming towards where she was.

Sayu: Stop! -She would exclaim while making a gesture, stopping the passage of the rock duo, she would turn around and then look at Mayday and Zuke- Don't get close, you're scaring him

The rock duo like most viewers would stare dumbfounded at what the idol was doing moments ago.

Zuke: Sayu? -He would ask while she looked towards the discordant that was clinging to the Idol's fish tail-

Mayday: Sayu, what are you doing?! That thing is one of those monsters trying to destroy the city, we can't let them stay in Vinyl City! -She claimed while she was approaching with her instrument towards the little discordant-

In a quick movement of the Idol, she would make her trident disappear and then take the little discordant while she at the same time would swim upwards to get some height.

Mayday: Sayu?! -She would look puzzled at what she had done to the idol- Sayu, let go of that discordant right away!

Sayu: No! -I answered in an annoyed and childish way while she pouted and hugged the Peon who looked a bit surprised because she was defending him- You're not my Mom!

Mayday: Huh?! Sayu! -She would say something annoyed to receive a mocking response from the Mermaid-

The Idol without listening to her would stick her tongue out at the guitarist who would not take it in a pleasant way, a vein could be noticed on her forehead while with an angry look she would turn her guitar, pointing her eyes towards the little discordant but then she felt that someone would be holding back, stopping spinning his guitar.

Zuke: May no, stop! -I exclaimed worried as he held her shoulders-

The drummer was not the only one, some of his fans went to help him to stop the inner beast of his partner that had been unleashed a few moments ago, in the course of several minutes, the guitarist would calm down while on the ground and give a slight serious look towards Sayu.

Mayday: Sayu, you can go down, now... I'm not angry -She would look regretful while she was still held-

The Idol Sirena would give a slight nod to start descending to the ground, with her little discordant still in her arms, she would look with her tender annoyed gaze towards the guitarist causing her to feel a growing and strong feeling of fault. Both Zuke and her fans would release her grip to release the guitarist as she stood up, then looked down and rubbed her left forearm. Sayu would carefully approach the guitarist as she looked up from her to the idol.

Mayday: Sorry for behaving that way a few minutes ago, it's just that those monsters... make me feel angry -She would say in a neutral tone while she narrowed her eyes in frustration- for what they are doing to Vinyl City

Sayu: I know, but this little boy, like the rest with whom we fought, was only following orders from someone who was also being controlled, even if it doesn't seem like it... -She would say, looking sad while clinging tightly to the little boy in his embrace discordant that looked calm at the moment-

Mayday/Zuke: Controlled? -They asked themselves at the same time, appearing confused by what the Little Mermaid said right now while the fans did not understand anything of what was happening-

Mayday: Sayu... What do you mean he was also being...? -I wanted to know what he was saying to the Idol until the mobile phone in her pocket started ringing- Oh?

Both Zuke and Sayu would also listen to the call that the guitarist was receiving at the moment, Mayday would take out her phone to see that it was a call from Tatiana, she would answer the call without hesitation and then activate the speaker so that both she and her partner and the young idol listened.

Mayday: Tatiana! -She would say in her energetic tone as she greeted-

Zuke: What's up Tatiana -He would greet her in her calm tone-

Sayu: Lady Tatiana?! Hello! -She would exclaim in her greeting with a cheerful tone-

Discordant Pawn: Uo'a Tat'na -He said in her discordant tone and then felt that the Siren Idol had covered his mouth with her hand-

Tatiana: Greetings BBJ, Sayu and... stranger? Who? -She would ask curious when hearing a voice with a saturated tone-

Mayday/Zuke: Ehhh... -They would say something nervous as they thought of a way to tell him that they had the company of one of their enemies with them-

As the indie rock band sweated to formulate an answer, Sayu would step forward to reply to his superior.

Sayu: It's... it's a... it's a new friend I made! Ehek! -She would say in her usual cheerful tone but inside she was dying of nerves while she would look with a smile towards the Pawn who would also be looking at her- (Maybe I should hide you for the moment)

Tatiana: I see... -She sounded a bit curious because it had taken her so long to give her an answer, but then she remembered that that wasn't the reason for the call- BBJ, there was a problem with Neon J.'s communication in the Natura district, I have also lost the signals of the drones that were defending the place, including some of the security cameras of the streets of the district, I am afraid that, it is probable that the Discordants have reached the Natura Concert Hall and that they are in problems right now -I would say in a serious tone-

Both BBJ and Sayu would worry alarmingly, Mayday and Zuke would remember what Tatiana had told them several minutes ago, if what they had heard was true, Yinu would be in danger. Without the CEO telling them, both rockers replied that they would go to the Natura District right now, Tatiana would breathe a sigh of relief and then in a calm tone tell them that she would send them the coordinates of the streets they should follow in order to get there as quickly as possible. to the Concert Hall. With the information received, both rockers and Idol would bid farewell to the CEO of NSR as they prepared to leave for the Nature District.

Sayu: I would like to accompany you but, I have to take care of maintaining control in the district, besides I have to keep an eye on this boy -She would say in a relaxed tone while he had a worried and downcast face for his little partner and pianist friend- Please BBJ Yinu and our people

Zuke: Don't worry, Sayu... -He said quietly-

Mayday: ...We promise that we will save them -I continue calmly-

Both rockers would say goodbye to Sayu and the people of Akusuka as they embarked on a marathon through the streets towards the Nature District.

—On a pink cobblestone path, minutes after leaving Sayu's concert area—

BBJ would be reaching the limits of the Akusuka district to later notice that the appearance of the road they were going through was changing both its appearance and color.

An autumnal atmosphere could be felt as the rockers jogged through the black cobblestone streets whose cordons were now marble blocks and brown-toned sidewalks, buildings whose structures varied in materials from wood, glass and concrete, painted in shades of brown, reddish, green and golden, adorn us with forest flora planted in soils and pots while the exterior lighting had only lanterns, lampposts and long garlands that illuminated the extensions of the streets of the district. BBJ had finally arrived in the Nature District.

Following the route traced by Tatiana, BBJ would run into what appears to be a large barricade made of wood and scrap metal, possibly made by the Discordants to map out and block off an area. With nothing left to lose, Mayday and Zuke would jump over the barricade and then get to the other side of it, when they had passed through the barricade, they noticed that what once felt like walking through a beautiful forest turned around to then be walking In a dark, gloomy and deep forest, the only thing that made both of them see some light was thanks to the moonlight that helped in the rock duo's field of vision.

Mayday: Ahhh, I don't like this at all... -She would say feeling a cold on her back that made her body tremble for a few seconds-

Zuke: Unfortunately they did it to scare the intruders who try to enter or escape, even so, we have to continue -He said feeling calm and then this time he continued trotting carefully down the road-

Mayday: Wait, Zuke, don't leave me behind! -She said something scared while she ran and then began to follow the rhythm of her partner-

As BBJ continued to advance forward, behind him, from among the trees, a figure barely visible in the darkness whose two pairs of bright neon pink ropes stood out in it, this figure would begin to descend from among the branches by means of a bright neon pink thread, whose three pairs of neon pink eyes would look towards the duo that was heading towards the Concert Hall and then, from between the speakers, a melody would begin to play in the dark area of ​​the district.

???: Giiii...

|Start Music (Looped)|

BBJ would follow the marked path to see that they would find a total of 10 Peons and 4 Shooters with three-shot weapons and 2 Artillery patrolling the asphalt path and then notice the presence of the intruders.

Discordant Artillery: ♫Rawr!♫ ♫Rawr!♫ *Making a quadruped stance* |0:14|*Shoot* *Shoot* *Shoot* *Shoot*

An Artillery Discordant would give small aggressive roars towards the rocker duo, who would begin to do his quadrupedal posture and then open the pair of hatches on his back and fire glowing projectiles. Mayday and Zuke would take a quick look up and then spread out to avoid areas where the projectiles would land.

*Pum!* *Pum!* *Pum!* *Pum!*

With the rock duo separated, 5 Peons, 2 Shooters and an Artillery were concentrating on an enemy objective.

Mayday would keep moving forward, avoiding the bright projectiles raining down on her, basic attacking every Peon in her path, when she was within close range of the Shooter, they would fire three shots at a time with their weapons, the guitarist would give a double jump to dodge the Shooter's projectiles and then give an acceleration, when Mayday saw that she was on top of both Shooter, she would descend in a diving attack, hitting one of the aforementioned discordant in the head and giving him a finishing blow First rank charged towards the other Shooter, sending him crashing into the wall of a room.

With Zuke, he would also be advancing forward, projectiles fired from the other Discordant Shooters were heading towards the drummer who without problems, would deflect each projectile fired in his path so that they were destroyed and returned in small projectiles that ended up hitting each Shooter, with the Shooters out of action he would see bright artillery shells fall on him, the drummer would roll on the ground, narrowly avoiding the impact and explosion of one of the bright shells, after having dodged said shell, the Peons would They would surround to prevent him from advancing but, it was no use against the drummer who provided precise and rhythmic combos towards each Peon that fell one by one by the blows of Zuke's drumsticks.

With both Discordant Peons and Shooters out of the fight, only the pair of dinos remained who were retreating to no avail, as each began to take a significant beating that would leave the Artillery neutralized for it to vanish, while leaving three ammo of notes each of which were taken by the rockers. With the discordant patrol defeated and the road cleared, both rockers prepared to continue advancing along the paved road that would take them to the Natura Concert Hall.


Several minutes of jogging down the paved road, both artists would arrive at a park, going through the cobblestone streets illuminated by moonlight, they did not notice any discordant presences for the moment which was rare, while the duo continued to advance, Mayday without Noticing and feeling it, it had passed through a shiny thin thread that was just a few centimeters above the ground, cutting it in the process. When both rockers were halfway out of the park, the treetops would begin to rattle, causing sounds of moving leaves and branches. Zuke who had noticed this, would look attentively towards some pairs of trees that reflected said movements and sounds, looking carefully at one of the trees, he noticed that four pairs of bright pink eyes would be watching him and then, a neon pink glow would begin to illuminate Between the leaves and then that same brightness was launched towards the drummer, Zuke would quickly dodge with a somersault to the right, thus avoiding said projectile, but his guitarist friend was not the case, thus receiving the projectile instead.

Mayday: Ugh, what the hell is this thing?! -She said something disgusted when she felt something sticky between her right leg- Zuke! Why didn't you tell me at...?!

But her question had been interrupted to see a somewhat startled spider creature almost the same height as her slowly descend on her. The entire body of the arachnid creature was made up of a united body, this being the head, thorax and tail or abdomen, with four pairs of long legs and a pair of pedipalps and chelicerae, completely protected by an obsidian-colored exoskeleton. except for the lower part of the thorax and head that was illuminated in a bright neon pink as well as its three pairs of eyes and two pairs of strings that joined at both ends of its tail with the appearance of a string instrument, this being a Lyre, whose very strings secreted a substance, possibly sticky on them.

Mayday: Aaah, a giant spider! -She would scream in fright as he saw her approaching her while she desperately tried to remove the sticky substance on her leg using her guitar-

Discordant Spider: Giii! -She would screech aggressively in a high-pitched, disharmonious tone as she raised her short front legs to attack the guitarist-

Mayday: Aaah, help Zuke! -She would scream for the help of partner-

Zuke: Here I come May! -He exclaimed as she ran to get to where her friend was, but her path would be blocked by a couple more of those arachnids- Ehhh

Discordant Spider(2)/(3): Giii! -They would scream aggressively in unison-

Zuke was in a bit of a bind because of the discordant pair of arachnids blocking his path.

One of them would use its hind legs to play the pink strings on its abdomen, producing a chilling and discordant acoustic melody in the process, little by little, a neon pink spherical ball would begin to form and then, using the strings on its abdomen Like a slingshot, he would launch the sticky ball at the drummer.

Zuke would manage to do a double jump to avoid said projectile, being in the air, he would see his partner who was trying to move the arachnid away by waving his guitar with defensive intentions, the drummer realizing that he would not arrive in time to help her, he would begin to playing with her drumsticks, using the three note ammunition she still had at her disposal to launch three green projectiles at the arachnid that was trying to approach her friend.

*Impact sounds x3*

Discordant Spider (1): GIII! -She would screech in a pained tone when receiving the drummer's musical projectiles in her eyes, making her back a few centimeters-

Taking advantage of the fact that the discordant was distracted, Mayday would hit the sticky substance that would be drying, thus being able to cut it and free her trapped leg. When the discordant arachnid regained its vision, all she could see was an electric guitar hurtling down, hitting her head.


Discordant Spider(1): GGUU'IIIII! -She would recoil after receiving the blow and let out a shriek of pain-

The discordant arachnid would counterattack with its short front legs, but this would be easily dodged by Mayday who would do a back somersault and then start playing her instrument and shoot note projectiles at the discordant arachnid, receiving it squarely on her head and then being killed. accompanied by a muffled shriek as it fell onto its back, contracting its four pairs of legs, then began to fade and disappear.

Mayday: Hugh... -She would say something disgusted to see that her gift guitar was stained in pink by the blow she had given to the discordant insect, shaking her instrument a little she would be able to remove some of that dirt, then her gaze ended up being directed to his friend- I'm coming Zuke!

Zuke was dodging various sticky projectiles launched by the discordant arachnids but, in a wrong step, his left leg would be covered in that sticky substance, the drummer observed that one of the discordant spiders would begin to make a retracted posture with its legs and then propel itself in a great jump using his two pairs of long hind legs, Zuke seeing that the discordant would fall on him, quickly trying to prevent his drumsticks from getting stuck, he would perform combos towards the sticky substance that would soon solidify and then free himself and dodge the rough landing of the discordant insect.

Discordant Spider(3): Giii! -She would shriek in annoyance as he approached the drummer to attack him melee-

Zuke: Well, come closer... -He said in a serious tone to spin his drumsticks between his fingers and then run towards the discordant arachnid-

Discordant Spider(2): Giii'ii |1:20| ♫* Harp sounds *♫ -This would touch the strings of his abdomen, producing a chilling discordant melody and at the same time a sticky pink sphere with the purpose of being thrown towards the drummer-

Mayday: Hey! ♫Behind you♫ -She would say in a cheerful tone as he stood behind the discordant arachnid- *Pow!*

Discordant Spider(2): GIII! -She would scream in pain from the guitar hit received, causing her to miss the launch of her sticky projectile that ended up being directed towards her partner-


Discordant Spider(3): Gii'uu?! -She would shriek in surprise when she noticed that his body and legs were stuck by the web of his companion, preventing him from moving-

Zuke, taking advantage of the fact that his enemy was immobile, would give her the maximum number of combos to finish it off with a shot towards the head of the discordant arachnid, who would give a muffled screech so that later his legs contracted as he vanished. With his enemy finished, the BBJ drummer would look in the direction of Mayday who dodged a sticky projectile from the other discordant arachnid while landing several basic blows to the insect's head before knocking it out with a second-rank finisher to the glistening thorax of the insect. arachnid, causing it to flip and fall on its back while contracting its legs and vanishing in the process.

Zuke: Thanks for covering for me May -He said gratefully-

Mayday: It's okay Zuke, it's just that hughh... I hate spiders -She said in a comical tone and disgusted expression-

Without more discordant presences in the park, BBJ would manage to leave the place and follow the marked path to Concert Hall.


There was only less than a kilometer to go, they still would not know what would be in store for them on their way to get to the place where Yinu performed his concerts, meters away you could see the great golden building in the shape of a flower bud. The duo of rockers would go down the metal stairs and then continue moving forward, descending concrete stairs until they reached a water fountain, when the duo began to surround it, a flurry of pink projectiles hit the fountain causing the duo to take cover in is.

|2:04| *Pum!* *Pum!* *Pum!* *Pum!*...

Zuke: Damn -I would say giving a sigh-

|2:08| *Pum!* *Pum!* *Pum!* *Pum!*...

Mayday: Why are the shots still being heard? -I would take a quick look to see why the shots were still being heard, his question had been answered as he went back to cover- Oh Great... turret ahead Zuke

Centimeters from the entrance of the golden gate that was destroyed, there was a structure of rock and metal obsidian color and bright neon pink whose appearance looked like that of an organ. Obviously belonging to the Discordants.

|2:11| *Pum!* *Pum!* *Pum!* *Pum!*...

This structure would be shooting from its three cannons consecutively towards the source where BBJ was under cover, on each side, there were a total of 20 Peons divided into two groups and a Grunt, on each side of the turret. Both divided groups would go towards the source with the purpose of surrounding it. Mayday and Zuke who noticed what the discordant would do, decided to separate once again, causing the Turret to concentrate its fire against the drummer, meanwhile with Mayday, she would launch her guitar like a boomerang hitting a total of 5 Peons while it returned to having it in his hand and then performing several basic hits against the other 5 Peons, the Discordant Turret would move its cannons towards the guitarist, concentrating its fire now on Mayday who zigzagged back and forth to avoid the aimed projectiles.

With Zuke, seeing that the enemy Turret would focus on his friend, he would be in charge of providing a couple of combos to the Grunt's belly, being a total of 2 while he was dodging the blow of the same and then go for the Peons , climbing with each hit that the drummer was giving him against about 3 Peons which fell and vanished, now that his drum combo was a total of 8, when the remaining group of discordants joined to attack the drummer, he who showed a slight smile would make use of the modification put on his drumsticks. From his drumsticks, a solid glowing purple energy would form, giving the shape of small tridents which, when Zuke would swing them towards the jarring ones, the small tridents would begin to elongate to about the same height as the drummer, making these tridents , they will hit both the Grunt and every remaining Peon in the group. The move Zuke had made a few seconds ago was the modification on his instrument called the "Trident of Nepiunus".

The Discordants upon receiving such an empowered blow, they would be expelled and dragged on the ground by the time they stopped, they would begin to fade in the process. With the discordant units in the area out of action, BBJ only had to destroy the turret.

The Discordant Turret would continue shooting towards the guitarist who avoided each projectile that came towards her, Zuke would take advantage of the opportunity to run until he reached the discordant structure, when he reached the Turret, he would begin to surround it even more and then begin to propitiate it the maximum of combos until ending it with a blow from Nepiuno's Trident, thus ending up destroying it so that later the remains of the Discordant Turret would begin to fade. With the discordant structure demolished, both would run to the destroyed entrance gate to enter the exteriors of the Natura Concert Hall.


When they entered the area, after several minutes of advancing, they could see the large building in the form of a flower bud and with it, a discordant welcoming committee who would go in the direction of the indie rock band with the purpose of stopping their advance towards the building. Groups of 15 Peons and 4 Grunts would charge for them, the duo would charge for them together but, to the surprise of both, their legs would be trapped in a pink sticky substance, both rockers recognizing that they were the work of a pair of Discordant Spiders that descended from the trees, accompanied by another four more, being a total of 6 Discordant Spiders which these, would also accompany in the attack towards BBJ.

The rocker duo would try to hit the sticky cloth to cut it, but that only made their enemies get even closer to them, looking for a way out of this situation, they both remembered the ultimate special move they learned 6 months ago in said battle of rap. Both rockers would look at each other and nod to prepare their instruments and wait for the moment when their enemies got close enough to make their move. When the Discordants were approaching BBJ, confident that they would finally finish off the enemies who had intervened in their superiors' plans, their surprise was great when they saw that their enemies showed no resistance, implying that they would accept their fate. When they were inches away from being hit by the Grunt's stretched punches, the rocking duo would come together back to back and use their ultimate special move.

Mayday/Zuke: ♫♫♫♫♫!!

Discordants Peons: III'uhh!

Discordants Grunts: GROO'uhh!

Discordants Spiders: QIII'II!

When Mayday and Zuke got together and played their instruments, ringed and starry, melodic and harmonious energy fields formed around them, of colors between green and orange, being surrounded by a dome almost formed by hands with the respective colors of the duo. rocker. The Discordants who were close enough to the rock duo received the strong harmonic blow that made some go flying while others screeched and growled as they felt the strong harmonic energy that would be damaging them to the point that their bodies would end up collapsing until they fell inert. on the ground and begin to fade.

Mayday: Wow, "Shadow Dance" baby! -She would exclaim energetically to finish his Ultimate Duo movement together with his friend-

When BBJ had stopped playing their instruments, both the hand dome and the ringed field would vanish, the sticky web that had immobilized the rock duo completely gone, allowing them to move freely. Several meters advanced, both saw that they were not far to reach the building.

Zuke: Just a few more meters May -He said looking at the clear path-

Mayday: Hold on a little longer, Bunk Bed Junction will soon come to your aid -She would say showing a serious look as he continued to move towards the building-

After several minutes of jogging, both would be about to reach the building, being only a hundred meters from the entrance, they heard the sound produced by a battle that was taking place inside, Mayday and Zuke would feel alarmed that the Discordants were already starting their attack inside the Concert Hall, when they went towards the entrance, their steps had been stopped by a rain of pink projectiles that would make them go back, ending up taking cover between the trunks of the trees, both of them would take a quick look towards the entrance , noting that it was guarded by a pair of Discordant Turrets and 6 Shooters with three-shot weapons. The sound of the battle going on inside would make them worry right now.

Mayday: Damn... -She said, looking restless as she looked for a way to enter the place-

Zuke: Calm down May, we'll find a way -He Said showing himself calm to think of a plan that could end up against the Discordants who were guarding the door of the building-

Meanwhile the sounds of fighting inside would still be heard, implying that the young pianist would be resisting for now without problems, BBJ would still be under cover among the trees looking for a way to destroy the enemy defenses that prevented them from the passage to the entrance of the Concert Hall.

|End Music|

Good night readers, here I leave the next translated Chapter of this story, in this chapter I decided to introduce another of the discordant units which I will give it a proper name in the next Chapter since this is not an official Soundfall game unlike of the Discordant Turret (Which is official), well... with nothing more to write, we will see what it will bring us in the next Chapter, see you.

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