Dragon's Tale Book Two

By DragonBallFan2085

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The following is a fan-based story, all plots, concepts, themes, and characters are owned by their respective... More

Round One
New Challengers
It's Brawl in the Family
Lessons Learned
Never Miss a Beat
Beginning of the End
Battle of Beacon
Heroes and Monsters
End of the Beginning
The Path Forward
The Next Steps
Of Runaways and Stowaways
Tipping Point
A Much Needed Talk
Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back
Taking Control
No Safe Haven


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By DragonBallFan2085

The following is a fan-based story, all plots, concepts, themes, and characters are owned by their respective creators. I acknowledge that without the series; RWBY, Fairy Tail and Dragon Ball my story would not exist. Please support the creators of these shows by watching any or all of the original series.

The sun rose over a forest. The sunlight glistening through the leaves that rustled in the wind. Not too far away was a cave, and from that cave a small boy walked out the cave's entrance while rubbing his eye. The small boy had black hair that reached his shoulders, and he wore nothing but a ragged pair of brown pants with a rope to keep it from falling

The boy yawned as he exited, then he ran out to a large dragon that was sitting down and admiring the view from the cave's small cliff that extended to the forest. The boy ran in front of him and jumped up and down to gain his attention

Boy: hey! hey, Uncle Yaomoshi! Can we start our training now?

The dragon gave a small laugh, then lowered his head to meet with the boy

Yaomoshi: your enthusiasm never seizes to amaze me. Very well, we'll begin your Dragon Slayer training for today

Boy: alright! What am I gonna do today? Take on a Beowolf? Punch a boulder until it breaks? Learn how to do that cool thing where you shoot lasers from your mouth?

Yaomoshi: you will learn to harness and control the Ki that already resides in you

Boy: aww man, again?

Yaomoshi: listen to me, Dakkon. you must learn to control the power you possess before you can even hope to beat a foe stronger than you. There will come a time when you face an opponent that you cannot beat without your Dragon Slayer magic

The young Dakkon grumbled in response

Young Dakkon: but what if I'm strong enough to beat them with my raw strength?

Yaomoshi began giggling, and the young Dakkon became confused. Wondering what he had said that was so amusing

Yaomoshi: Dakkon, not every opponent can be beaten with raw strength. Everyone needs to use their head in fights, only then can they win effectively. Before you even throw a fist...

Young Dakkon: you must beat them with your mind. You keep repeating that

Yaomoshi: only because you never seem to understand what it means. Sometimes you just need to engulf your mind into your every breath and movement in that exact moment. Not one second before, not one second after, just in that moment. Just focusing on everything around you in the present

Young Dakkon: how do I do that?

Yaomoshi: you wake up your mind

Young Dakkon: I... what?

Yaomoshi: wake up, Dakkon

Yaomoshi's voice slowly shifted into a more recently familiar voice. The voice of a girl. The voice of his lover, the voice of Yang

Yang: Dakkon, come on. Wake up already

Dakkon slowly opened his eyes and looked over at Yang who has hanging her head over his with a worried look on her face. She then pulled back and crossed her arms. Dakkon quickly observed that he was in a hospital room

Yang: geez, you had me worried half to death there

Dakkon slowly and painfully sat up in the hospital bed, grunting at the pain. Yang placed a hand on his chest and guided him back down

Dakkon: what happened? Where... is Atiass?

Yang: the fight's over... and you lost

Dakkon's eyes widened then he looked down to see his body covered in bandages

Dakkon: I'm sorry

Yang: don't be, there was nothing you could do against him. He was too strong

Dakkon: no, it's not that. I broke my promise, that's why I'm apologizing

Yang walked over and gently hugged Dakkon, being careful not to cause any pain to him

Yang: it's fine. These things just... happen, I guess

Dakkon: where's everyone else?

Yang: Ruby went to see the next fight, the rest of your team are there too. Weiss and Blake are at the food stands.

Dakkon: how long until I'm out?

A doctor walked into the room, holding a clipboard, and checking off a list

Doctor: you should be okay to leave in about thirty more minutes. Until then, rest properly. I'll be doing a few more checks to make sure your recovery will be as swift as possible

Dakkon: thank you. Well, I suppose now you'll be leaving Yang

Yang: hmm?

Dakkon: well, your worries have been put to rest now that I'm awake again. So, I guess you'll head over to watch the next fight too?

Yang: not all of them. You were talking in your sleep. You said something about... 'beating them with your mind' or something, and you kept repeating a name... Yaomoshi. What was happening, were you dreaming or something?

Dakkon: yeah... I guess... actually it felt more like a memory or sorts. As you already know, Yaomoshi was the dragon that raised me. I was just... recalling something he once told me

Yang: well as long as it's nothing bad

Dakkon: yeah... hey, how long until the next match starts

Yang: it's starting in about ten minutes

Dakkon: you'd better hurry before you miss the airship then

Yang: hmm, no. I think I'll watch it here with you instead

Dakkon smiled and Yang angled the television to face them. She then turned it on and sat down next to Dakkon's bed


Professor Ozpin walked over to his desk, holding his mug in one hand and a teapot in the other. As Ozpin reaches his desk, he pours himself some more tea and watches as the randomisation process began. Through the screen, Doctor Oobleck's voice could be heard

Oobleck (over intercom): alright, it is now time to begin the randomisation process for our second fight for tonight!

Professor Ozpin placed down the teapot and moved around to sit in his seat

Port (over intercom): it looks like our next contenders are... Penny Polendina from Atlas! And her opponent... Pyrrha Nikos from Beacon!

Over in Amity Colosseum, Penny and Pyrrha both faced each other in the arena. Penny had both hands on her hips and a wide smile on her face. Pyrrha, on the other hand, was still concerned about the recent events

Penny: Sal-u-tations Pyrrha Nikos! It's an honour to finally meet you

Pyrrha said nothing and instead raised her hands to inspect them

Penny: this is going to be so much fun!

While this was happening, Mercury and Ruby also faced each other in the maintenance halls of Amity Colosseum

Ruby: Mercury... what are you doing? You were hurt! Why...?! Uh... what's going on?

Mercury said nothing in response, instead he glared at her with a sinister smile

Ruby: fine. If you're not going to tell me...

Ruby took a step to her side, but Mercury did the same. Ruby took a step the other way, and Mercury followed again. Ruby eyed off Mercury and Oobleck's muffled voice could still be heard

Oobleck (over intercom): fighters, are you ready?

The muffled sound of the crowd cheering caused Ruby to look over her shoulder. Out in the arena, both Penny and Pyrrha were prepared to fight. Pyrrha had shaken off her worried thoughts and was now focused on the battle

Oobleck (over intercom: three! Two! One! Begin!

Penny used her control over her swords to swing them around and send them at Pyrrha one after the other. Pyrrha ran at them and began avoiding them to get closer to Penny. The swords then stopped and turned around to fly at Pyrrha from behind. Back within the maintenance halls, Mercury decided to have a bit of fun himself

Mercury: show time

Mercury stepped closer to Ruby, and she tried to step out of his way. Then Mercury began to sidestep again and again to stay in front of Ruby as he had done before. Ruby, running out of options, decided to try and use her Semblance to get past him. She jumped forward and activated it, only to get kicked out of it by Mercury

Ruby lands on the floor back where she had started, and Mercury begins to approach her. Ruby quickly pulled out her scroll to try and call for help, but Mercury shot it out of her hand before she could

Mercury: let's just keep this between us friends

Back out in the arena, Pyrrha had closed the gap and they were now fighting close-range. Penny began spinning her blades in a collective circle in front of her as Pyrrha deflected each one. Penny continuously rotates her swords to strike again and again, but Pyrrha doesn't let up her defence

Port (over intercom): my word! What a tremendous display by Miss Polendina!

Penny managed to knock Pyrrha back, but she recovered and gained distance between them. Penny threw a sword at Pyrrha but she jumped on it and then jumped again over to Penny. Pyrrha swung down on Penny, and she blocked it by creating a barrier with her swords. Penny pushed Pyrrha off her swords. Then rushed in as Pyrrha landed and began swinging her swords in a collective circle again

Pyrrha blocked every attack that she could but was eventually pushed back due to Penny's relentless attacks. Pyrrha then used her Semblance to call her shield back to her arm. It was clear that she acknowledged Penny's strength and now wasn't holding back. Over in the stands, Nora wasn't letting up her support

Nora: whooo! Yeah! Gooooo Pyrrha!

Beside her Jaune stayed silent but watched the match closely. While watching Pyrrha's visible emotions even closer. Down on the arena, Pyrrha was losing control over her emotions, and it began to show. Without realising, she activated her Semblance and Miló and Akoúo began to bend. After a small moment of this, they snapped back into place as if it never happened

Over in the maintenance halls, Ruby was struggling without Crescent Rose. Mercury kicked Ruby's chin, but she managed to duck and avoid a high kick. Mercury tries to slam his leg down on Ruby, but she uses her Semblance to move past him. Ruby gained a large amount of distance between them and continued running away

Back out in the arena, Penny continuously threw her swords at Pyrrha, who deflected each one with Akoúo as she got closer. Pyrrha then slashed at Penny with Miló in javelin form and she stumbled back. Pyrrha moved in front of Penny again and slashed her upwards. As Pyrrha jumped to meet her, Penny recovered in time to block two attacks before being kicked down again

Penny lands on her feet and slides back, collecting her swords again. Penny then folds each blade and begins firing laser blasts at Pyrrha. Pyrrha dodged and avoided all of them, while blocking any swords that were thrown at her. Pyrrha continued to do so, until she found an opening to which she charged forward and smacked Penny with Akoúo

Penny flies backwards but eventually recovers. Pyrrha, who was proud of the hit, stands tall, but she then feels slightly dizzy. Penny then charges back in, and with Pyrrha's sudden dizziness, landed a clean jump kick. Pyrrha is sent back but quickly recovers, Penny then sends her swords to knock Miló and Akoúo out of her hands

Penny is successful and as Pyrrha attempts to recollect Miló, Penny sends another sword to knock it away again. Penny recollects her swords and has them aim directly at Pyrrha, while they remain behind her. Emerald takes this opportunity to over exaggerate the number of swords in Pyrrha's vision. They continue to grow at a rapid pace, and Pyrrha takes a step back, overwhelmed by them

The number of swords increases to reach the point where they took up most of the arena, while in reality only eight of them were there. When Penny threw the eight swords, the thousands in Pyrrha's mind all flew at her. Reacting with only her instincts, Pyrrha used her Semblance to push the swords back

Since the number of swords in her mind were exaggerated, Pyrrha used too much power in her Semblance and Penny's metal body was affected. Penny froze in place, and Pyrrha couldn't stop her outburst. The wires attached to her swords wrapped around her body and slowly crushed her. Eventually the stress placed on her body was too much to handle, and she was torn into pieces

The crowd gasped collectively as Penny's lifeless metallic body fell to the ground. A small piece of cloth that was once attached to Penny's clothes floated down but was stabbed into the ground by Penny's sword. Pyrrha herself stood in shock at what had just happened

Port: no!

Penny's lifeless, synthetic body now lay on the arena floor, the crowd were all shocked and in despair, including Pyrrha. Outside the inhabited areas, Grimm turned their attention in the direction of all the negative emotions being harboured in Amity Colosseum. Ruby ran out of the maintenance halls, and fell to her knees in despair once she saw the arena and Penny's decapitated body

Ruby: Penny...

Ruby began to tear up uncontrollably and the arena floor lowered back down. Pyrrha still hadn't moved a muscle, still staring at what she had just done. Behind Ruby, Mercury peaked out of the hallway, but smiled and walked back in once he saw the arena. In Doctor Oobleck and Professor Port's commentary box, they tried to cut the broadcast

Oobleck: broadcast, what are you doing? Kill the feed!

Broadcast operator: something's wrong! We don't have control over the cameras! We can't even stop the broadcast!

Oobleck: what? How is that possible?

Behind them, the screen turned to static sounds, then showed a black chess piece with a red background

Cinder (over intercom): this is not a tragedy. This was not an accident. This is what happens when you hand over your trust. Your safety. Your children. To men who claim to be our guardians. But are, in reality... nothing more than men

Members of the crowd either, wiped tears from their eyes or looked in horror at the screens. Jaune, in particular looked down in horror at Pyrrha, worried for what she might be going through in her head

Cinder (over intercom): Our academies' headmasters wield more power than most armies and one was audacious enough to control both

Ironwood, who sat in the crowd, grew angry and stood up from his seat. Ironwood then stormed off to enter the commentator's booth

Cinder (over intercom): They cling to their power in the name of peace, and yet, what do we have here? One nation's attempt at a synthetic army, mercilessly torn apart by another's star pupil

Pyrrha lifted her hand to cover her mouth, as she herself was horrified at what she had done. Tears began filling her eyes and she was about to burst, but held in her emotions

Cinder (over intercom): What need would Atlas have for a soldier disguised as an innocent little girl? I don't think the Grimm can tell the difference

Over in the food stands, Weiss and Blake sat at a shop looking up at the hacked broadcast. Blake's face grew angry, while Weiss' grew worried

Cinder (over broadcast): And what, I ask you, is Ozpin teaching his students? First a dismemberment, now this? Huntsmen and Huntresses should carry themselves with honour and mercy. Yet I have witnessed neither

Yang and Dakkon were also viewing the hacked broadcast from the hospital room. As Cinder continued, Dakkon looked down and clenched his fists. Yang placed a hand on his shoulder

Cinder (over broadcast): Ozpin even allowed those they call Dragon Slayers into his school, ask yourself, why would he want such powerful monsters in human skin attending his school?

The other members of team WNGD, Makarov and Erza also glared at the hacked broadcast as Cinder spoke. But they all said nothing, as Natsu gripped the railing and slightly crushed it

Cinder (over intercom): Perhaps Ozpin thought as though defeating Atlas in the tournament would help people forget his colossal failure to protect Vale when the Grimm invaded its streets

Professor Ozpin himself was also watching the hacked broadcast, but simply sat in his chair as Cinder continued

Cinder (over broadcast): Or perhaps this was his message to the tyrannical dictator that has occupied an unsuspecting kingdom with armed forces. Honestly? I haven't the slightest clue as to who is right and who is wrong. But I know that the existence of peace is fragile

Professor Ozpin then looked over his shoulder and out the window to see all the Atlesian airships passing by

Cinder (over broadcast): And the leaders of our kingdoms conduct their business with iron gloves

Emerald had made her way towards the exit, and took one last look at the chaos before turning around and leaving

Cinder (over intercom): As someone who hails from Mistral, I can assure you; the situation there is... equally undesirable

Two Atlesian guards that stood at the kingdom's border watched the broadcast over one of their scrolls

Cinder (over broadcast): Our kingdoms are at the brink of war. Yet we, the citizens are left in the dark

Distant howling and growls from the approaching Grimm could be heard. The Atlesian guards instantly dropped the scroll and turned around to start firing. Unfortunately, the sheer amount of Grimm approaching led their few kills to mean nothing

Cinder (over broadcast): So, I ask you... when the first shots are fired... who do you think you can trust?

The large screen in Amity Colosseum blacked out then turned to static

Oobleck: the feeds are all jammed! We can't get a message out!

Port: will somebody tell me what in the world is happening?!

Before they could continue, loud sirens started, and all the members of the crowd looked up in fear

Emergency announcer: alert. Incoming Grimm attack. Threat level: nine. Please seek shelter in a calm and orderly manner

While the crowd members paid no attention to the suggestions and began panicking and running around chaotically, Ironwood made his way into the commentator booth. He paid no attention to Doctor Oobleck and Professor Port as he grabbed the microphone and held it close to his mouth

Ironwood: ladies and gentlemen, please! There is no need for panic

Before he could continue, a large Nevermore landed on the dome of the arena and let out an ear-piercing screech. The Nevermore then flew up to crash down on the dome and began to peck at it. In the stands, Sun finally got out of his seat as he looked up. Coco, who was next to him, did the same

Sun: a Nevermore?!

Coco: how'd it get past the kingdom's defences

Ren stood up next to Sun

Ren: it wasn't alone

Over in Professor Ozpin's office, Ozpin was staring out the window in shock. Behind him, Qrow and Professor Goodwitch ran into the room

Qrow: Oz!

Ozpin: get to the city!

Qrow: but-

Ozpin: NOW!

Qrow and Professor Goodwitch looked at each other, then turned around and ran to do as they were told. At the abandoned outskirts of Vale, a horde of all types of Grimm rushed towards the city at their own pace. All screeching and howling as they approached the collection of negative emotions. Back at Amity Colosseum, Ironwood looked up to the Nevermore that was slowly breaking the dome, then called Professor Ozpin on his scroll

Ironwood: Ozpin, the girl... I- I can explain!

Ozpin: you brought your army to my kingdom, James. Use it

Ironwood's face turned serious, and he redirected his call the airship fleet. While the call was being made, an airship was under heavy attack, and the crew were running around trying to fix the problem

Captain: dammit! This is Blue Four. Blue's Two and Three, fall into defensive position!

Blue Three: Roger! Blue Three, in position!

Captain: Blue Two, what's your status?

Over at the airship in question, soldiers lay either unconscious or dead on the floor. Sparks ignited from the control panels, as the captain's voice could still be heard over radio

Captain (over radio): Blue Two, come in! someone answer me, dammit!

No one responded, however a girl in the Atlas ship's uniform walked out of the main bridge and into the prisoner cells. She carried with her Torchwick's cane and hat, along with her own parasol that she twirled around while it sat on her shoulder. Once she stopped in front of a prisoner cell, she pushed on the controls and the hatch opened. Neo stood confidently smiling at Torchwick

Torchwick: well... it's about time

Torchwick stood up and took his hat and cane from Neo. The two then made their way back to the main bridge and began messing with the controls. Torchwick turned the airship around and began firing at the other ships. The first one fell and crashed into the second one, taking it down with it

Torchwick: woohoo hahahaha! Oh, it is good to be back!

Down in the city, several transport airships landed and opened their hatches. Inside each airship, were several members of the White Fang

Adam: bring them to their knees!

Another transport airship's hatch opened, and an Ursa jumped out and roared once it landed. Several more jumped out after, and all spread out in every direction

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