Holo★Managers 2nd Season

By thedirtycan

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After the incidents that took place in LA California related to the F.M.F, Motoaki Tanigo The CEO of Hololive... More

Chapter 1:Back where we started
Chapter 2:Back in Business
Chapter 3:Till midnight
Chapter 4:Meeting the Idols:Shuba Shuba!
Chapter 5:Confusion
Special Chapter:Holo♡Love
Chapter 6:Upcoming news
Chapter 7:A Reaper who's also a rapper
Chapter 8:Meeting the Idols 2:The most Seiso girl in Hololive
Chapter 9: A date?
Chapter 10:Break is over
Chapter 12:The Demon...Queen?
Chapter 13:Hololive Japan
Chapter 14:The Crimson Demon
Chapter 15:Still doubting
Chapter 16:Meeting the idols 3:Tactical Lion
Chapter 17:A bitter truth
Chapter 18:Behold!
Chapter 19:The Council
Chapter 20:Trial
Chapter 21: A Friendly Choice
Chapter 22:Concerns
Chapter 23:Old habits Die hard
Chapter 24:Distant memories
Chapter 25:Bad Presage

Chapter 11:Heiress

210 7 0
By thedirtycan



Please, Kato, hear me out!


JEnMa woke up breathing heavily, that voice, that day, that person

She stands up, wipes her face

JEnMa: People are killed..

but not the souls

Maki: You'll be in charge of her, Kato.

Kato: Who is she exactly?

Maki: The heiress to the leadership of our clan

She is human but is able to use the magic of divine power without falling to madness and ambition.

Kato: I thought that was just a legend, not even you are able to wield divine power magic to its fullest potential.

Maki: You dare to offend me like that? just because I have discarded you as successor of our clan does not mean that you are useless, you are still a valuable warrior of our clan

Kato: Tsk, I understand

And what will they do with me?

Maki: Calm down dear

We will help you master your magic better


J-chad:Is everything okay JEnMa?

JEnMa:Yeah,just some thoughts..

J-chad:Is it about that again?


J-chad:*Sighs* Sorry to ask

JEnMa:No,I'm sorry

J-chad:It's okay,also


J-chad: Be a little more grateful of where you are now, how are you now, we are free people now, you are someone free now

JEnMa: I know..but...

J-chad: Hmm?

JEnMa: Was Kato a bad person?

J-chad: It was since it became known that you were the heiress and not him

JEnMa: So it was my fault that the whole clan was-

J-chad: It wasn't, you're not a bad person for killing him... you defended yourself and did what you could to stop him


J-chad: Try to think about it, okay? You're free now, no more hiding

JEnMa: Thank you J

J-chad: Huh?

JEnMa: If you hadn't found me that day

J-chad beating up a drunk man and going for snacks was one of the first memories she had with J-chad

JEnMa: I would be worse than ever

J-chad: Cheer up, we have work to do, let's go

JEnMa: Right away

You're dead




..no one...


EnMa: JEnMa!

JEnMa: Huh? w-what's wrong EnMa?

EnMa: I need you to come with me to see some documents that we received recently.

JEnMa: Okay?...

We are guards and we monitor the normality of the abnormal

The normality of the abnormal? what did you mean by that?

EnMa: I have noticed that you have been somewhat disconnected today

JEnMa: I've been a bit stressed with the reports, besides what happened with Ma-kun 2 days ago, we really should have helped him more

EnMa: I understand

JEnMa: We shouldn't have lied to him..

EnMa: *Sighs* I know, but it's over, I'll try to trust him more

Jenma: It's ok..

EnMa: But going back to-

JEnMa: Can we not talk about that? please

EnMa: What I want to say is that instead of hurting yourself thinking about the past, try to redeem yourself, what's done is done, but now you can do things, even more so that we have him as our apprentice

JEnMa: But you don't know who he really is... I don't want to take those kinds of decisions again...

EnMa: I know you don't want to, don't worry, if he goes crazy I'll take care of him, so you don't end up with a conscientious charge

I was expecting that answer... though

JEnMa: It's ok, I'm sorry EnMa

EnMa: Okay, let's continue with the work, this way

JEnMa: Yes

I expected something more ... encouraging


What does that mean?

Kato:It means I and some of my subordinates will be teaching you

If she tries to resign or becomes insubordinate...execute her

Maki:You are under their watch,try to be nice and listen to their advices,okay?

Is Kato-kun a bad person?

Maki:If he was,I wouldn't assign him to you,you should be grateful to have him as your tutor, we are guardians of the normality in the abnormal,understand?

So, he's a good person?

Maki:Of course he is, he served me well

Kato...I hoped you could be more..honest


JEnMa:Hm? Hang out?

Employee:Y-Yes! I was wondering if you have some free time after your turn

JEnMa:I'm sorry,I need to go somewhere else

Employee:I see..



JEnMa went out of work,while walking,she passed by a store


I should bring something,just in case..


Why you do not trust me?!

Kato: Do ​​you think he'll let me win after so long?? So much that I have tried, just for YOU TO ARRIVE, AND TAKE MYSELF WHAT I RIGHTLY BELONGED TO!

Maki: What's going on here?!!

Kato and Misaki were breathing heavily while Maki, Misaki and Kato's teacher and current leader of the clan looked in horror at a beaten, slightly bloodied and injured Misaki.

Maki: Kato! Stop right now!

Several guards entered the place and restrained Kato

Kato: M-Ma'am! It's not what you think! only if-


Misaki was therefore helped by other guards

Maki: I'm disappointed in you, I thought you were capable of handling even the heaviest of situations, look at you now... you disappoint me... Kato

Kato could only exhale heavily and tried to contain his frustration.

Kato: After everything I did and have done for you, for the clan

Maki: No, you did it just to be able to have the leadership, I appreciate your effort but if you expected us to worship you as a god for your achievements...

Kato just looked stunned at her words

Maki: Then you are not fit to be a leader.

Misaki was lying on a bed, trying to get up but one of the nurses stops her

Nurse:Hold on,you need to rest

Misaki:W-Wait,what is going on-

Guard:Nurse,we need some help

Nurse:I'll be back,just rest,okay?

As the nurse leaves,Misaki is falling asleep,but after a couple minute,she starts to hear screaming and hears water splating and...nothing

14 minutes later...

Misaki wakes up

Misaki: What...why is it too quiet?

Misaki began to walk out of the room, and as she went out into the hallway

Misaki: W-WHAT?!

Traces of blood and one or another body were found in the corridor

Misaki: W-What was... who did this?!

Misaki with great caution, advanced slowly looking for the exit, and incidentally, check if there was anyone left alive

Misaki:What..W-Who did this?..

Misaki kept walking through the hallways of the small building which was the hospital

Misaki:Where are the nurses? The guards??

Soon she would-


The sound of something sharp slicing meat, liquid dripping on the floor and someone's choking, bubbling voice was present as Misaki, cautiously and without making too much noise, approached the next turn and there she saw it... A person was drowning in his own blood, this because his windpipe had been cut, that man... was his friend... Matt

Kato: One less... it seems that the captain's position is left to you, Sho

Sho: It will be a pleasure

Misaki couldn't believe his eyes, but why would he do that? And why did he look... happy?

Misaki turned back and rapidly walked to the other side of the hospital,crying,hoping to find Maki


JEnMa was standing in front of a two-floor house, the vacation home, owned by Cover Corp.

JEnMa:*Sigh* Give me good news

JEnMa walks to the door and before she even rings the bell, the door opens.

EnMa: Hi JEnMa, what brings you here?

JEnMa: I came to visit, I brought some snacks, do you want?

EnMa: Just in time, come in please


Misaki was in her room,once there she changed her clothes to her combat ones and walks off her room,towars the principal building,at the end of the small town

Misaki:Please be alive,please be alive,please be alive

Misaki was trying to not lose her last hope,her former master and adoptive mother,Maki,once she arrived the building,she was horrified at the stage in front of her...

Several guards were already on the ground, killed, some with missing limbs, others seemed to have been tortured.

This place was the headquarters of the leader and high officials of the clan

Misaki: This can't be happening, first Matt and now... all of them, I need to find her

Misaki was accelerating his course although little by little, because he did not know if there were still more of his henchmen hanging around the area

Her goal was not only to survive, but to find Maki and stop Kato and his allies.


EnMa: That's how things have been, it's still in that state

JEnMa: It worries me to see him like this, don't you think we should call a doctor? to be sure that he-

EnMa: JEnMa, it will be fine, Choco and Shion made sure of it

JEnMa: But... how?

EnMa: He is in a coma, according to Choco it will be something relatively short, she said that in 3 to 6 days it would take him to wake up, but that in case of any anomaly, we will call her


EnMa: What's going on?

JEnMa: Do you think that what happened in California, before Ma-kun passed out, he had a moment of lucidity in which he regained consciousness and knew what he was doing?

EnMa: I don't know, we would have to ask him when he wakes up, believe me, I was also surprised to see him get up again and kill Kira

JEnMa: Do you think...

EnMa: Hm?

JEnMa: Will he get his life back before he got here? Ma-kun at that moment did not look good, his gaze... a dark flame came out of one of his eyes...

EnMa had seen that look on Alex when he finished with Kira, Alex piercing Kira's heart with his sword, the look of hatred, something that was not normal in Alex, the dark flame that came out of his left eye, both eyes had taken a darker shade of crimson, like blood

EnMa: It could be... we just hope that if he comes back to himself

I don't have to get my hands dirty again


Misaki... dear, I'm glad to see you well dear girl

Misaki: Maki-san! what happened?! What happened??

Maki: It was him after all... Kato and some under his influence attacked us, they finished off almost the entire village-

Maki began to cough and with it, slightly large drops of blood came out every time she coughed

Maki: That damn poison attack... hehe, one of his best techniques and he used it against his own clan, what a rascal...

Misaki: But... why would Kato do something like that?? Wasn't he supposed to help me?!

Maki: Dear...


Maki: Fukuda Misaki...

Misaki is only speechless when she hears Maki dying. It seemed that he was about to say his last words

Maki: Kato is throwing a tantrum...because he's jealous of you

Misaki: W-What...

Maki: He is jealous of your abilities, of your ability to keep getting up even though what you are facing is stronger, you keep fighting for what you think is right, nothing and no one tells you what is right or wrong, besides, you were blessed with a great power, use it to change the people and the world around you

Misaki: My power... is just a damn curse, because of my "blessing" my parents... and now all... our friends, Mary, Shoko, Matt... and now you...

Maki: Honey..

Misaki: If I hadn't had such power... if I hadn't been born... this wouldn't be happening, you wouldn't be like this...

Maki: Honey, don't say that, you were born with a purpose, and you need to find it, now... I need to ask you a favor before you start your journey to a new world, both you and Kato are like my children, but, emotions of Kato cloud his judgment... I can't kill him, even if he was in my best state... I couldn't do it, that's why I want you to take care of him

Misaki: I...

Maki: Promise me that you will live after this, you have to continue with your life and not let this control you, I know it hurts *coughing* but you can handle this

Are you willing to kill Kato?


EnMa:You think Ma-kun will betray us?

JEnMa:That's not-

EnMa:If you think that's the case,then you shouldn't be here


EnMa:After the treatment we are and have been giving him, betraying us would be one of the stupidest decisions he could make, so you should just be grateful that he doesn't have the slightest idea of ​​himself, and apparently

JEnMa: Huh?

EnMa: He is afraid to remember his life before he came here, he is afraid that he has done atrocious things, he is afraid that we will turn our backs on him, and before you mention it, yes, the sudden murder of Kira by the hands of Ma-kun was something unprecedented, but it is something that we will discover as he unlocks his memories, until then, we have to show him that we are not a threat

*a cell phone starts ringing

EnMa: Will you allow me? it's from Yagoo

JEnMa: Go ahead, take your time.

EnMa: I'll go upstairs, relax a bit, okay?

JEnMa: Okay.

EnMa begins to walk upstairs while attending Yagoo on the cell phone, JEnMa turns and sees Ma-kun, lying on a sofa, with his hands on his chest, like a baby, looking at him with concern but also with a certain degree of calm

JEnMa: I'm sorry about this... Ma-kun, actually... I'm a bit worried that something similar is going to happen... you see, EnMa has told me and J-chad about your situation with what seem to be your repressed memories, but they are there, and well... I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I want to clarify the reason for my concern, if you can hear me



Maki: That's right, it's the only way I see to stop it... I couldn't do it by myself, I know it's a big burden, but-

Misaki: I will.

Maki: huh

Misaki: If I don't stop it, this won't just be an isolated thing, it will make everything we've fought for and created go down the drain.

Maki: I know you can, I'll leave it to you..

Maki's hands lose strength as she takes Misaki's.

Maki: In your hands...

Misaki wipes her tears, as she gets up and before leaving that place to face the cause of the massacre, she turns and looks at her teacher and who she considered as her mother for the last time

Misaki: Thank you for everything, Great Master..

Misaki leaves that place...walking calmly towards the exit of the building

Maki was dead

Kato was waiting for her at the exit, along with several of his henchmen, 6 of them including Kato, there would be 7 in total

7 against 1 only

Kato: Look, we only needed you, and it's good that you showed up, you saved me the intensive search

Misaki: Was it necessary? All this? And for what?

Kato: I hated seeing you always trying, despite having made an effort to be able to lead the clan after the battle of Ucoa, I didn't accept seeing you, just like nothing receiving everything as if you had paid for it, when I paid everything based on punishments, blood, sweat, tears, days and nights of suffering, nothing was as I thought, I was forced to understand and teach you, but I refused to do so, I don't expect us to fix something with what will happen later, but the truth is, I can't accept the way you are, the truth, after today I don't regret anything, release some of that stress... I needed it

Misaki just wiped her face, clenched her fists and a huge golden aura flowed from her, the wind blew strongly and a small drizzle began to form, the moment of truth had arrived, time to decide who was stronger

Misaki: You have always been ahead of me, was I cruel to you?

Kato just stared at her, with some resentment

Misaki: I understand..

Kato: If we finish this, here and now, my first challenge will be completed.

As Misaki carried her flow of power in both hands, she said to herself

"This is for all of them, and for me"


JEnMa was sitting, while looking at her cup with some green tea, she breathed in and out, put her cup on the table and continued

JEnMa: That's why I'm worried... I'm worried that the same thing will happen again, even more so because... you're my friend, and I don't want to have to... ahhh, you know... I'm sorry, I just can't make that again..

JEnMa's right hand began to tremble as she held her glass of tea, she took a deep breath, stopped her trembling with the help of her left hand and maintained her composure.

JEnMa: Maybe unlike Kato, you and I have only known each other for 5 months, but, unlike him, I really appreciate you as a friend, someone I can really...

Someone I want to trust..

EnMa was on the stairs, listening carefully without saying absolutely, she knew that JEnMa needed to get that insecurity off her chest when speaking about it.
Although it would have been better and more convenient to talk about it when Alex was awake, she didn't want to worry him, so she preferred to tell him to feel calmer with herself.

EnMa: *Sighs* I guess we'll be like this for a while, besides what happened, the incident with Ma-kun was something that took us by surprise

EnMa was lightly squeezing the stair railing

EnMa: You're not the only one...JEnMa..

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