Story Ideas

By WhovianJC

336 2 16

These are just my ideas for potential stories in the future If I can they will likely contain a rough draft o... More

The Return of the Strongest Avenger
The One Punch Hero!
Deku the New Knuckleduster
Ben 10 Deku Pt. 1
Godzilla Deku Story
Ben 10 Deku Part 2
What if Deku was Karl Ruprecht Kroenen
The Gerudo Hero
Ben 10 Deku Pt. 3

The Viridian Speedster (Flash Deku)

21 0 0
By WhovianJC

Central City The Speedsters' HQ ??? POV: 

     There are currently five members of the Speedsters, Central City's only Heroes. I Ali Khan have been trained for a long time to become their sixth member. My Mother is a High up executive in their association and recommended me personally, she also told me the truth about them. Their speed doesn't come from a quirk it comes from the Speed Force, so my being Quirkless won't be a problem. Today was the day I was to be bound to the Speed Force so I could join them, there is a special procedure I have to go through. 

     "Ali, Khan we are ready for you." The lead Technician and scientist Dr. Julia Torres said. I stood up and followed her back to the room. "Please strip to your underwear and lay down on that gurney." I did as she said and laid down on the gurney, another technician strapped me to it. 

     I looked over to see Dr. Torres filling a needle with a dose of a pale purple liquid, "What is that Dr.?" I asked her. 

     "This is a serum called Trajectory 2," she said setting it down on a tray. "It will aid in bonding you to the Speed Force," she said giving me a forced smile. She then placed two pads on my chest and two on my temporal lobes. "These are a set of EKG and EEG, to measure your pulse and brain activity they work wirelessly so we can place you in that machine."

     "Online Dr. Torres," her assisting Technician said. 

     "Righty oh are you ready Mr. Khan?" she asked me. 

     "As ready as I'll ever be," I said and she put a bite guard in my mouth and picked up the syringe injecting it into my arm. 

     "Quickly his body needs the Tachyon particles to stabilize him," She said and the Assisting Tech rolled the Gurney into the Machine. 

Dr. Torres POV:

     "Firing up the Machine now," my second assistant said after the door was locked.

     I walked over to the monitor for the EKG and EEG, "Let me know as soon as his body is fully saturated with tachyon particles," I said placing my hand on a large blue button which will initiate the final step. 

     "Subject should be completely saturated in approximately 1 minute" the Second assistant said. "Total Saturation in 30 seconds, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Now Dr." 

     "Righty oh," I said pressing the blue button which sent a large shock into the Machine. 

     "Particle levels have dropped," the Assistant said. 

     "Flat line on the EKG so vitals have been normalized like the other subjects," I said. "Brain Activity has risen significantly. Get him out of there and to the Medical bay and hooked up to the Specialized Equipment, I'm going to go and check up on the Core." 

     "You go down there everyday and nothing has ever been different so why do it?" One of the Assistants who wasn't taking Mr. Khan to the Med bay asked me.

     "Just because nothing is ever wrong doesn't mean I am allowed to break proto call," I said and left with out further interruptions. The levels dedicated to the Core are Restricted Access, only me, the speedsters themselves, once they have proven their trustfulness, and the absolute head honcho of the organization, know what actually gives the Speedsters their power. Once down in the Core I began to load up a trolley with a fresh pizza, a box of special nutrition bars and a whole lot of water. Once loaded I pushed the trolley with me to a special bulkhead which held access to the Core itself. 

     Opening the bulkhead I wheeled the trolley in closed the bulk head and let him know I was here for his break. Looking out into the Core you can see a large arch of Lightning slowing down and coming to a halt to reveal an old but still quite muscular man. He had Grey almost white hair a full beard and shocking blue eyes. he wore a very tattered scarlet suit and gold colored boots. "How are you doing today Mr. Allen?" I asked him. 

     "I am doing fine today Jules and please just call me Barry," He said taking a seat opposite me and pulling the Pizza box to himself and going to town on the pizza. "So Jules someone new joined today right?" 

     "Yeah he's a Higher ups kid names Ali Khan," I said grabbing a bottle of water and taking a drink. "The procedure seems to have gone off with out a hitch." 

     "Oh I am sure he will be connected to this fake speed force just fine," Barry said. "Though I shudder to think what will happen when I am gone and they get their hands on the next chosen  wielder of the true Speed Force." 

     "What do you mean?" I asked him. 

     "Jules I am a man who has lived for about 378 years my time is running thin to say the least." he said. "I can only out run the black flash for so long. He will catch up with me soon and when he does I will be gone and the Speed Force will chose someone new." 

     "How long do you think you have Barry?" I asked him. 

     "A week maybe," he said "I think once your newbie wakes up I will be gone." After that he stood up having finished his meal and grabbed a few of the Nutrition bars walking to the door. "Be sure to collect as much energy as you can I don't want them to depend on Velocity 9 or 10 what ever your higherup decision comes to." 

     "I'll do my best Barry," I said. 

     "That's all anyone can," He said and then ran off into the Core the Arch of Lightning starting again.

1 Week Later:

     I was in the med lab performing the bihourly check up on Mr. Khan, while observing his vitals he suddenly began to toss and turn in his sleep. Recognizing the signs I knew he was about to wake up and if what Barry said was true, he would die sometime today. 

     "Dr. Torres we are measuring an atmospheric anomaly!" one of my assistants shouted. "Should we send the Speedsters out incase a villain is causing it?"

     "No it isn't a villain," I said. "We don't need to waste resources on it." 

In The Core 3rd POV:

     We see Barry running around the Core in his ceaseless pace but he is clearly exhausted. Behind him we see a eerie blue flash as a portal opens up and out comes the Black flash, the grim reaper of speedsters. 

     "One last push I should think," Barry said realizing he was here. He pushed himself and began to run faster barely outrunning the black flash but he has begun sweating. He kept up the pace and then suddenly the Black flash was in front of him and he stopped. "Hunter long time no see, you finally beat me," Barry said smiling greeting the black speedster like an old friend and then let him touch him absorbing his remaining connection to the Speed Force and passing away on the ground with a peaceful look on his face. "See you soon iris," were the final words spoken by The Flash.


     The storm raged on and into the night as if the Speed Force itself was mourning the loss of a close friend. 

Musutafu, Japan 1 month later, Izuku POV: 

     Today was the last day of my second year of High School I hope today isn't to bad. I got dressed after checking the news for any hero fight coverage, I like to keep a journal of quirks I've analyzed. Going downstairs I grabbed some toast from my mom and went to the door to get my shoes on and head to school. I walked to school till I was stopped by a villain attack, I immediately rushed over to view the fight and take notes on the Heroes involve. "Wow a giant villain!" I exclaimed. 

     A hero swung in on wooden limbs landing in front of the villain, "Disrupting morning traffic unforgivable!" 

     "Wow its the hero Kamui Woods!" I shouted, "He'll probably use his signature move Lacquered Chain Prison." Kamui Woods began to build up to his signature move, but was cut off by a new hero dropping in. 

     "Canyon Cannon!" She said. I immediately began to write down notes on this Giant new hero then I realized the time and ran to school.

The Last Class of The Day

     "You all really need to think about your futures," my Teacher said then he took hold of a stack of papers. "So I'm going to hand out these job aptitude tests, oh who am I kidding you all want to go into the Hero Course." He threw the papers into the air. 

     Everyone was showing off their quirks and suddenly Kacchan jumped up on his desk palms releasing small explosions, "Don't lump me in with the rest of these extras teach!" he shouted. "I passed all the mock exams I'm going to UA!" 

     "Oh yeah we have two students trying for UA lets see, Oh yeah Midoriya wants to go there." he said outing me, I looked down at my desk focusing on my notes.

     "Deku don't you even dare to go to UA!" Kacchan shouted sending an explosion to my desk I barely moved my journal out of the way. "How can a Quirkless nobody like you enter the Hero Course?!" 

     "Who said I was going into the Hero course Kacchan I'm actually trying for the Support course," I told him.

     "Oh and what Support Items have you ever designed huh?" he asked me. 

     "I designed your first costume," I spat at him then the bell rang and I grabbed my stuff heading out. Yeah sure it was once my dream to go into the Hero course, but I moved on a little and settled for the Support course. Maybe one day I can be a hero with support items but who knows. I began to walk under an overpass to get home when I was nearly out from under it there was sloshing sound. Turning around I saw a mass of murky green sludge emerging from under a sewer grate. 

     "I didn't know he was in town," it said then it saw me there frozen in fear. "Uh a perfectly sized meat shield." He jumped at me and wrapped around me forcing his body down my throat. "Nothing personal kid I just need your body to get away from him, but at least your my hero today." 


     The sewer grate blew off and out came smoke obscuring a hero, "Everything is fine now! Why because I am here!" All Might said. He pulled back his arm and punched with tremendous force, "Texas Smash!!"

     The air pressure alone blew apart the Sludge villain and I passed out from lack of oxygen. When I came to I felt like some one was slapping me, "Oh thank goodness your alright!" All Might said. 

      "Thank you so much for saving me All Might," I said bowing to him. "I have something I need to ask you," 

     "Oh I am quite sorry but I need to get this guy over to the Police Station," He said holding up two water bottles containing the Sludge Villain. "Now if you'll excuse me young man I must be going," he crouched down and as he was leaping away I rushed in and grabbed his pant leg. "What are you doing kid, get off come on I love my fans but this is to much." He shook his body trying to shake me off. 

     "But if I let go now I'll fall to my death," I shouted up to him. 

     "Oh, good point ok give me a sec" He said and redirected our course to land on a building. "There if you keep knocking on the door I'm sure someone will let you in now I really must be going."

     "I need to ask you this question sir," I said which got him to stop. "I've had this question for a long time and your my favorite hero when else would I ever get the chance to ask you. Can someone who is quirkless become a hero?" 

     He looked over at me, then a burst of shock over came him and steam emitted from his body. when the wind cleared it up behind it was a man that looked like a skeleton. "Ah, what happened to All Might are you an Imposter?" I shouted out. 

     "I assure you that I am All Might Blgh." He said as Blood spilled out of his mouth. 

     "No way that's true?!" I shouted. 

     "No no, uh you know how at the pool guys suck in there gut," he said wiping the blood away I nodded. "Its like that." 

     "Really, well not much is known about your quirk," I said beginning to mumble. 

     "As for your question young man," he said and I perked up. "I'm afraid I don't think anyone could do this job with out a quirk. Its not bad to have dreams just try to make them realistic ones try being a police officer or fireman." he walked over to the door and opened it heading downstairs.


     "Another Villain attack busy day," I said seeing an explosion in the distance and running to the door to head over there and watch the fight. 

Small Time Skip to The Villain Fight 

     I got there as fast as I could, when I got there I saw a hellish site. There was Fire all over and the Villain that all the heroes were fighting was that Sludge Villain. 'This is my fault I made All Might drop the bottles.' 

     "I can't get in there this blazing fire is my weakness," Kamui Woods said to Death Arms. 

     "None of us except maybe Backdraft can do any damage but he needs to focus on the fires," Was Death Arms response. "And of course the Villain has a hostage." 

     'Wait that villain has taken another person hostage oh now I feel even worse,' I said looking up to see who the Villain took I saw red eyes and spiky blond hair I immediately knew who it was. When I saw the look in his eyes I don't know my legs just moved on their own, I ducked under the security tape and ran in dodging flames and stray explosions. When I was within range I took off my backpack and threw it at the villain's face hitting him in the eyes and disorienting him briefly. Buying Kacchan a valuable breath he desperately needed, I ran up to him and began clawing at the Sludge.

     "Deku?! What are you doing here?" Kacchan asked me. 

     "I don't know my body just acted on its own when I saw the look on your face Kacchan" I began clawing faster but soon I found my arms getting caught in the sludge slowly being pulled in. 

     Suddenly as one of the Villain's manifested arms was swinging at me it was blocked by All Might, "Ha Ha Ha. Would you look at that I had no right saying you couldn't be a hero considering we always put our life's on the line to do what's right thank you Young Midoriya for doing what needed to be done when none of these heroes could." He said to me spewing blood. Then he grabbed my arm and reached in grabbing Kacchan as well pulling us behind him before throwing a massive punch, "Detroit Smash!" 

     That singular punch held enough strength to blow the Villain apart and the wind pressure put out the fires. To top it all off the Wind pressure changed the Weather starting a rainstorm. After all that went down I was given a stern talking to by many of the heroes. When I was finally allowed to go I began to walk home and when I was almost home Kacchan ran up behind me.

     "Don't think that you saving me proves anything you Quirkless Deku!" He said and promptly turned around. 

     "I was just trying to help was all," I said. 

     "Well I didn't need your help," he said. 

     As I was going to reply something odd happened looking around I noticed that the steady rain fall had stopped. Heck it didn't just stop it began to rise up again 'Fascinating' was all I thought before I was suddenly struck by lightning and I fell to the ground unconscious. 

Katsuki Bakugou POV:  

     I heard the sound of thunder stupidly close like right behind me. Turning around I saw Izuku on the ground unconscious, "Somebody help! My classmate was just struck by lightning he needs help right away!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. 

     All Might suddenly popped up from around the Corner and bent down, "I know someone who can help him, here this is my number I'll fill you in later," He said and picked up Izuku jumping off to who knows where, I immediately ran to Izuku's house to tell his mom.

--- I hope that the Hand full of you to who actually read this would like to know that this story is likely one I will Write very soon this was one of the cases of spontaneous inspiration that I just had to act upon. So think of this like a piolet episode for it. Also if by some chance you read my Breath of the Sun Story as well the next chapter I work on will be for that I have made the Artwork I needed for it. ---

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