
By darlingrosexo

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"Mate" He says and I shift back only for the first word out of my mouth to be "Shit" Come along with Arietta... More



173 18 2
By darlingrosexo

{ Arietta's POV }

Alastair came out of Clarice's vision a few minutes ago, and he's been silently staring at me ever since.

"How are you even alive?" Alastair questions

"I don't know." I answer honestly

"I didn't know about that night. The council never sent guards after you. At least not that I was aware of. Morgana is going to be upset when she hears about this." Alastair says

"Why?" Marek asks

Clarice and Alastair share a brief look.

"Morgana is your mothers mother, making her your grandmother by blood." Clarice says


"If Morgana is my grandmother then why didn't she send for me? Or at least try to find me to protect me?" I question

"She tried to find your mother. She really did but she never had any luck. No one knew she was pregnant, therefore no one knows that you are her child."
Clarice explains

"Excluding Morgana." I say quietly

She nods with a sad look on her face.

"We could've tried harder. That I admit but it's hard to search for something you know nothing about. We had a feeling, but after a while we became overwhelmed with other things and gave up. It's then that the dreams began, and soon your presence was known..but still no one could put together the pieces. I'm sorry. It wasn't until years later I found out the truth, and I had to be patient with the process." Clarice says looking shameful

"I understand. It's just hard to hear." I reply then I continue with "Where is my mother? Or father?"

"I'm afraid those are questions for Morgana. As I mentioned we didn't even know she was pregnant so I'm not entirely sure who your dad is."
Clarice says

"But you do have an idea..." I say while reading the witch like a book

"Yes. In my opinion there are two possibilities, three if we want to assume the worst." Clarice shares

"Those three are?" I ask raising an eyebrow

"Remus, Alonso, or Rollin. I can't get into it anymore than that. Morgana will have to fill in the blanks."
Clarice says

"A councilman?" I question

Clarice nods and Alastair looks deep in thought

"So one of them may be my father, and one or more of them could be the one trying to kill me since I was a kid." I say out loud  realizing it to the full extent

Alastair sighs and says "I'm afraid so."

"Don't worry. We're here to help." Clarice says

I nod.
Not finding it in myself to tell her that her helping doesn't bring comfort only more untrusting feelings.
Trusting people leads to someone dying.

Am I willing to risk it?

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