The Gay Guy On The Block {16+...

By Mr__Joseph_

273 47 2

18 year old Jack, a light skinned, curly headed boy with an average height has always been the odd one on his... More

Chapter 1 (How it all started)
Chapter 2 (In which he has things for bad boys)
Chapter 3 (Friends and betrayal)
Chapter 5 (Sex and murder)
chapter 6 (Love makes you stupid, doesn't it?)
Chapter 7 (Thin line between love and war. The closing chapter)

Chapter 4 (Out of the closet and back in he went)

26 6 0
By Mr__Joseph_

Hello dears, this chapter contains Explicit bxb scenes so this is your warning.

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Grief; Intense sorrow, especially caused by someone's death.

That was something Jack hadn't felt in a long time and he most certainly wasn't feeling it now. He came to learn-- from a now weeping, grief strucked Kim-- that Tyrone, her late boyfriend, had been killed. The obvious killer? King. When she ran to his house, bawling her eyes out Jack could only stand there and watch her without much emotion. He didn't give two fucks that the piece of shit was dead and Kim? He still felt hurt from her betrayal.

If Tyrone had killed him, it would've been her complete fault! He was hurrying to slam the door in her face but her foot wedged it.

"Please Jack! Please! I'm so, so sorry, I didn't know that he wanted to hurt you!" She begged.

Jacks eyes were steel, hard and cold, "oh? But you just openly decided to bring a fucking criminal into my home?! Without asking me? Sounds like you know what his intentions were to me! I guess you're too blinded by a black coc-" he cut himself off realising he was going too far. He was just angry and... Hurt. He didn't even know Kim and Tyrone were together.

"Please... Please Jack.." Begged Kim as she ignored his last comment.

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever," and he opened up back the door allowing her entry. She went to the couch crying and regardless of his anger he was still a good person, he sat beside her and comforted her as best he could.

Kim asked Jack to accompany her to Tyrone's funeral and even though he greatly hesitated, he did.

It wasn't the biggest funeral but it had a fair amount of people and to their surprise King and all his men were there. Seeing a gang, it frighten the people there. Tyrone's father was angry but didn't act on it, i mean why would he? Unless he wanted to end up like his son, and the mother struggled to hold herself together. Seeing the people scared of him, King announced that all was okay and he that he didn't come for no trouble. He made it clear that he just wanted to see his 'friend' for the last time.

I scoffed at that, "Prolly just wanted to make sure he was truly dead."

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A few weeks later everything was normal again...

One night when Jack was home alone as his mom worked two jobs, he heard a sound coming from the door. A bit fearful, he went down to investigate and saw that someone was trying to break into his house. Lucky his mother insisted on keep a metal baseball bat behind the wall separating the living room from the kitchen. Before he could get it the thief was already inside of the house and grabber Jack.

"H-hmmp!" Jack tried screaming for help but his mouth was covered. The anonymous person squeezed his lips roughly and Jack groaned in pain.

"You gon' shut that pretty mouth of yours boy. You got that?" Said the man and Jack nodded vigorously.

That voice... It was oddly familiar..

Then Jack saw the tattoos that cascaded up the person's arm, their light brown skin was embedded with coloured ink that formed the most beautiful tattoo he'd ever seen. Just like that it clicked. King.

Jack forced King's hand off of his lips and breathed in air, "we ain't got no money!" He rushed out, confused as to why King was there. King only laughed. Jacks back was pressed against King's front and when he realised the position his face grew hot.

Why the fuck was he breaking into my house? We ain't got nothing! I know for certain he ain't come to kill me, hell, he would've done it already! That means he came for something else, but what??

"My mom works two jobs and we have nothing but food, King!!"
When Jack shouted King's name he abruptly let him go and looked around confused. He sighed and removed his mask since Jack already knew it was him. That didn't ease Jack's confusion though.

"What do you want?"

King's eyes fell on Jack, "You're gay right?" Jack's words faltered about before anger rose in him.

Did this Fucker come to my house to insult me?!

"What?!" Jack asked ready to spew his mind but the entire rest of the world ceased out when King grabbed his face and planted a sloppy, hungry kiss on his mouth.

Almost immediately Jack reacted, kissing King back.

King's hand rubbed up the sides of Jack's face and into his curly brown hair before he tugged on the locks slightly making Jack groan. Seizing the opportunity, King shoved his tongue into Jacks mouth. Jack groaned and clutched onto King's arms. Its like his mind wasn't letting him believe that this was real. That he was really having a hot make out session with King! The King!

"You taste so sweet, damn." King groaned as they pulled apart for air. Jack was in a daze. His lips tingled and his cock, goodness. His eyes fell to Kings groin and Jacks own cock twitched at the sight.

'He's fucking massive,' Jack thought before King grabbed his face again and consumed his lips.

"Bedroom," Jack whispered when he pulled away. He grabbed Kings hand and hurriedly led him up the steps. As soon as Jack's bedroom door opened King lifted him up and began kissing him again. He rushed Jack to his bed after closing the door and threw him on top of it. King looks like an animal and Jack his prey.

King began to remove his belt, his eyes gazing hungrily into Jack's. When jack's eyes travelled down with Kings pants as it fell down to his pants he gulped when he looked up back to see Kings big dick already pulled out from the confines of his boxer shorts.

"Mmm do you like what you see?" Kings husky voice sends vibrations down to Jacks cock. He licked his lips and crept closer to King on his knees upon the soft mattress.

"I love it," Jack said weighing Kings cock in his hand although keeping eye contact. Jack licked his pink lips and lowered his mouth to Kings red headed tip and sucked. King release a throaty groan and clenched his fists. Jack sucked softly on the head, released his mouth from Kings cock and blew cool air on it. King hips jerked forward.

"Don't look away from me, King." Jack said seductively, eyes connected, Jack began to take more of Kings black cock into his mouth. He used his saliva to lubricate and carry his mouth further down Kings length and pumped the rest he could've fit. He pulled back up, then repeated the same motion until his head was bobbing up and down taking the big black cock into his throat. King was groaning and his knees were weakening. Jacks lips were soft and sweet and he loved the way it wrapped around his cock.

King ran his fingers through Jacks hair and held his head still before he began to ferociously fuck his mouth. Jack allowed it, he loved it and his hard cock proved just that. Jack pushed back his gag reflex as King shoved his cock down his throat and released throaty groans sending vibrations down to Kings cock. He stiffened and quickly pulled out, breathing heavy. He was about to cum.

"Turn around let me see that ass," King commanded but Jack hesitated.

"I-i've never..." Kings eyes soften for a second.


"-but we can. I don't min--"

"No, I can prepare you for next time though." King smirked. "Now bend over!" He demanded and Jack obeyed. He bent forward on his hands and knees and allowed King to pull down his shorts exposing his round ass. King spread apart Jack's ass and spat directly on his hole before slowly easing a finger into him. Jack groaned in pain and clutched the sheets.

Eventually he grew accustomed and King added another. Simply playing around and making each other cum, that's how the night continued.

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The next morning early King got up and hurriedly put his clothes on. Right before he left he snatched Jacks neck and muttered.

"I ain't gay."

But Jack smirked, "Then why are you getting hard right now?"

King growled, frustrated. He knew if anyone was to find out what he did the night before people would lose all respect for him and he would be dead. King squeezed Jack's neck tighter and he gasped in pain.

"I said I ain't fucking gay! Got it? Tell no one of this." King said in a murderous tone.

"Okay! Okay!" Jack cried and king released him before leaving.

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Days passed and Jack couldn't forget what he and King did in his room couple nights before. He found himself smiling every time he remembered for King was not only his crush but the first person he'd done anything sexual with, but he was confused. King didn't actually fuck him, he cared enough when Jack told him he never had someone in his ass before and chose to do it the next time. He loved how they made each other cum though. There was so much intimacy.

But why become a total dick afterwards?

Maybe he was just confused about his sexuality. Which was A-okay by Jack. Jack would let King have him any day.

During lunch, Kim and Jack were having lunch when King popped up with his boys. They saw Jack and Kim and approached their spot and Jacks eyes widen when he saw King sit beside Kim and kissed her, she kissed him back.

"I'll come to your crib later," he said to her, not even acknowledging Jack. Jack scoffed while Kim said yes and King's hard eyes fell on Jack. He couldn't let Jack act up in front of his boys so he had to put him to his place.

"Yo, watchu say, fag?!"

"I ain't say nothing." Jack shrugged.

"ohhh, nigga that's what I thought!" And then him and his boys moved off.

Jack grabbed Kim's hand and whispered harshly, "The fuck?! Didn't you tell me he killed your nigga?!"

Kim shrugged him off, "A girl got to do what a girls gotta do." Is all she said before she continued her meal. Jack just looked at her and from then on he knew, he couldn't trust her at all.

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Word Count: 1748

Hey Everyone! I hope you liked this chapter. It was more lengthy so you're all welcome!

See you in the next chapter!!

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