Mafia Contracted Wife

By Flourishwrites

115K 3K 570

Ava Anderson thought she had everything life could offer her, from a nice wardrobe, a well paying job, great... More



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By Flourishwrites

Lorenzo Romano

Dante left the room quietly to do as I said while I remained in here looking at the letter from my mom. I was beyond shock to know that this marriage contract was her idea, I would not have believed it if it was not typed but I recognised her handwriting.

I dropped the letter on the table and wiped off the tears that had managed to escape. The feeling was overwhelming because I can't remember the last time I cried, it was probably the day She died.

The tears continued to fall but I did not wipe it off. I just hope that one of my men would not enter the office.

It would be the talk of the day to see a mafia don crying.

The fridge I kept my alcohols in the office was empty and there was only two people to blame because they are the ones that enters the office when I'm not around.

My thought flew to the only time we ever had a family time. My father had come home that day without being drunk, which surprised all of us because it was a normal thing for him to either come home drunk or with one of his numerous never ending whores.


"Mama, I got a star for being the best student in class" Marco said as he rushed downstairs into the kitchen with the badge on his Cardigan. Mother was preparing dinner while I was cutting the carrots.

"Really baby. Mama is proud of all her kids" Mother bent down to his level to kiss his cheeks.

The sound of the door opening stopped everyone from what they were doing. Seven year old me was shaking with the knife still in hand.

Maximo, my father entered the kitchen with a gift bag in hand. He was walking normally and his girlfriends were not with him.

He looked neatly shaked and dressed in his suit, which was odd. Once he saw us, he rushed over and walked to mother kissing her on the cheek.

"There's a movie showing at the cinema tonight and I want my family to be there" He said without his slurred speech. Marco jaw was on the floor as he stared wide eye at Maximo, he was also shocked like everyone.

Mom pulled away from his hold eyeing him suspiciously "You never take the family out, so why now?" She asked as she cross her hand on her cheek.

"I just want to celebrate"


Throughout the movie, Maximo was quiet and obeyed everyone of our request. I was still on guard because that man was up to something.

Once it was over, he took us to the park which was beside the cinema. We were waiting in line to buy cotton candy when a young man came to ask my mother for her number.

"She is my wife" Maximo yelled at the young fellow gaining the attention of other people.

"I'm sorry, her wedding band was not on" The man said and moved backwards nervously.

Dad looked at mom fingers and the next I know, he slapped her.

"Leave my mother" I cried out holding his leg as he was pulling my mom hair slapping her continuously. The stupid people around were just videoing the scene instead of helping out.

"Help" Marco shouted as Maximo was hitting my mom. Maximo slapped his face throwing him to the floor.

In the process, the gun felled out of his trousers and I picked it up aiming it at Maximo head. One thing I will never regret in this life is when I kill him.

"Leave my mom alone" I yelled out, the gun still in hand. Dad removed his hold on mom as he stared at me wide eye.

The resonating sound of a gun being fired was heard as dad fell on the grass clutching his arm. The gun fell off my hand as I screamed.

People rushed around in different direction as more gunshot were heard. I did not pull the trigger.

A man came to stand beside my mother as he pulled her up, he was with a gun which I assumed was the source of the gunshot.

"I always shoot to kill but I will spare your useless life today" He said glaring at Maximo who was groaning out in pain.

The last I remembered was the sound of siren indicating the arrival of the police.


Ava Anderson

Marco had imputed me on all I need to know concerning how I ended up being here. All I know is that some certain people are after my life and neither he nor the kidnapper who I gave the name, Mr sniper, knows.

Marco was stirring whatever he was cooking while I decided to scan the kitchen since I did not do so when I came in. It was large enough to accommodate least thirty people, which was not surprising since they are the mafia.

A marble island in which I was perched upon stood in the middle with seven stools surrounding it. In the left side of the kitchen was where the cabinets were and some kitchen utensils were hunged on the wall.

On the right side stood different kitchen machine like the blender, oven and the largest refrigerator I have ever seen. My thought drifted to the possibility that they could be keeping human body parts like they do in mafia movies.

I hope that's not true.

There were two other doors in the kitchen apart from the main door, one leads to the dining room and the other, I assumed it to be the store.

"Lunch is ready" Marco announced. He brought out two plates from one of the cabinet and dished the meal.

"What's this?" I asked eyeing the food. To be sincere, the appearance was not all that attracting but we can judged a book by it cover.

"It's called carbonara, Nonna taught me" He said. I learnt how the meal was prepared, like we shouldn't pour the egg, pepper and cheese into the pan with the stove on.

The kitchen door flew open as a man who looked a year or two older than me walked into the kitchen. He scanned the place until his eyes landed on me, a small smirk forming at the corners of his lips.

It sent shivers down my spine.

He waved happily before running out of the kitchen, banging the door behind him. That was weird.

"Who was that?" I asked nodding towards the door. Marco seemed not to be surprised by that man's action, like it was a normal occurrence.

"Dante" He answered and poured himself a glass of water.

"Tell me about him" I said and collected his plate, I decided to wash both plates since he was the one who cooked.

"He is the kind of person that derives joy in making people annoyed" I turned around and leaned against the sink with my hands supporting my body.

"Okay.. I'm leaving today, right?" I turned back around to face the window. There was a small garden at the back of the mansion, it was so beautiful with different types of flowers.

Never knew the mafia loves flowers, perhaps it was their Nonna who took care of it.


I snapped out of my thought and turned back around to see he owner of the new voice. It was my kidnapper who was standing at the entrance of the kitchen.

From my view he stood at an height of about 6'2 compared to my 5'8. His face was void of any sort of emotion with red eyes like he just finished crying.

His hands were balled in a fist which made his muscles more prominent. If those hands ever slaps me, I might never recover.

"Stop staring" He said walking into the kitchen with some glare on his face.

"You are not leaving today" He stated like he was the owner of my life. He said something in Italian to Marco as who responded with a shrug.

I got to get a better view of his face since he was closer, his eyebrows was well trimmed and shaped with a barely noticeable scar along his-

"I said stop staring" He said harshly. So you are standing right in front of me with a few inches and you are expecting me not to state?

Not possible.

"You are blocking my path" I stated replying with the same tone which almost made me crawl into one of the cabinet with the harsh glare he was throwing my way.

"You are scaring her, Lorenzo" Marco came to stand between us and pulled me out of Mr Sniper line of sight.

"He has a nice name but it doesn't fit his personality" I muttered more to my self. The eerie silence that followed have me the clue that he heard me.

"Take her away" Mr Sniper snapped. He was holding the glass cup tightly like he wanted to crack it.

"You caused it, you were scarin-"

"Take her away" Mr Sniper yelled as he flexed his hand, a loud shattering sound followed thereafter leaving me stunned.

My feet stayed rooted on the spot as the man began crashing things on the wall. Marco pulled me out of the door that lead into the dining room.

"What was that?" I asked to a Marco who was busy pulling his hair. Different men with guns entered but when back out when Marco told them the cause of the commotion.

One even asked whether the don was at it again and the others laughed.

"Ava, Lorenzo is not always like that someone must have made him angry" Marco said. He tilted my chin until I was looking into his eyes.

"Okay" I nodded while still trying to act like I was not frightened. Deep down, I just want to get out of here.

The same woman from before whom Marco told me was their Nonna which meant grandmother came into the dining room. She peeped into the kitchen but locked the door once she saw the commotion that was happening in there.

What she did next was not what I had expected, not from someone I did not know.

She hugged me before I even had the time to process everything, I remained standing in her embrace like a log of wood confused whether I should hug her back or not.

I managed to pat her back before she release her hold on me and dragged me further into the dining room.

The dining room was not at all what I expected, there were no hundreds of seat but instead it was just one table that accommodated ten chairs in total, four facing each other while the remaining two were at the opposite end. Different golden utensils were arranged neatly on the table but one stood out.

It was different from the others and was placed at one of the end, even the chair was different from the others. That must be for the don whom Marco told me was Mr Sniper.

There was this sense of tranquillity that floated in the room, it was because the walls of the dining was filled with different art works and family pictures.

It made the room feel more homey.

A particular picture caught my attention, it was a family of five. An oddly familiar man who stared at the camera that took the picture was putting on a blank expression.

I had seen this man somewhere but could not place it.

A young woman was perched next to him, she was beaming at the camera while her hands were holding two young boys that were frowning as it seemed like they were struggling to get out of her hold. A young girl stood in front of them.

I almost laughed at what the position the boys were in. The young girl was smiling just like the woman, mud was plastered on her fore head.

My eyes drifted back to the stoic faced man. A shiver ran down my spine as I felt like he was looking right at me even if it was just an ordinary picture. I asked the one question that was at the tip of my tongue.

"Who is that man?"

I did not expect such response.

What is your favorite food?

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