Tethered : Book 1

By JerlaniWorldOfficial

134 9 0

Building a chaotically marvelous world. POWER, LOVE & MYSTERY. More

The Powers That Be
Versorging Vineyard
Versorging Vineyard II
Versorging Vineyard IV
Versorging Vineyard V : No More

Versorging Vineyard III

8 1 0
By JerlaniWorldOfficial

Recounting what they encountered, the trio concluded that a psionic practitioner had to be involved in some way. They are clearly very powerful, if they are able to influence so many people at the same time, in such a manner and from a great distance. Adrian, Leon and Mathias finds themselves back out in the hunting grounds to try and figure out what is going on. Arriving back to where they were the last time, Adrian feels that strange magic again. Reigniting the symbol on his forehead, Leon is able to share Adrian's senses temporarily amongst the three of them. Now collectively feeling the same thing, they come to the realization that blood vines are being used.

Blood vines are plants that only grow when given fresh human blood to feed on. But these blood vines has been altered. They have been enchanted to be invisible and behave like snakes. Under their feet, the vines formed a bed that once a person is killed, their enter body would be fed on, leaving no trace. They also recall that two days ago, they faced at least 15 people. If they had not restrained themselves, they would have been fertilizer for the hungry vines below. The vines were crafted by a Dark Lord of Ida Hugh during The 4th Grand War. As such, it requires a Dark Lord class practitioner to grow and control.

Leon digs into the ground to expose the vines closest to the surface to test something. He cuts into the palm of his hand, and allows his blood to drip onto the vine. Just as he thought, the vines are transferring the blood to another location. It takes blood vines 4-5 days to fully use up the blood it absorbs from an entire corpse and at least two weeks to get rid of the corpse itself. Unfortunately, they had injured quite a few of those people last time. Despite the amount of vines here, there should still be traces of their blood in the vines, and there was not a single drop. It is as if the vines were just grown. This means that the blood is being collected somewhere else for some despicable reason. Leon says to them, "this is more than enough reason to confront the Vineyard masters and even involve the authorities".

They leave the Vineyard and returned to District 3. After discussing with some of the locals, they learn that it is not easy to find an official they could trust. They would often attend public conferences and attend State Events to find someone who has not been corrupted. By some luck, Versorging Vineyard was hosting a State Dinner, that would see the entire House Of Assembly and the newly elected Chancellor in attendance. Leon used his influence to gain an invitation to this dinner as a representative of the Sapphire Clan, with Adrian and Mathias as his entourage. Adrian noticed that almost everyone seemed to be eager to talk to Leon the moment they heard is from the Sapphire Clan. It would seem that the Sapphire Clan is to the east what Thayān is to the west. However, Leon was not too interested in their praises, but used it to his advantage anyway.

Adrian watched as Leon used his charm and status to go and come from any conversation he chose. Despite his rather flat jokes, he received forced laughs and praises. It would seem, offending the Sapphire Clan is not something these guys are willing to do. Not even by accident. In any regards, it is quite helpful and a lot faster than if it were just regular investigators. However, judging by Leon's personality, even if he were just a regular man, he'd still be able to command attention to fit right in with these pretentious officials. Leon would work the room for several hours, making his way back to Adrian and Mathias.

As expected, the majority of the Ministers Of The House were very corrupt. Out of the 14 ministers, they only found 3 that could be trusted to do the right thing. Although, their discussion with the Chancellor was most interesting. They saw an opening and took the opportunity to sit with him to discuss the matter at hand. He explains to them that the House Elections are coming up in a few weeks and he has been working round the clock to ensure certain ministers do not retain their positions. He adds that he has the support of the new Chief Justice and that she has begun to investigate many of the officials in the districts, especially in the capital. As it turns out, there was no probable cause to impeach the former Chancellor and that goes against the laws of the State. However, Leon suggests the plan of the former Chancellor, but for a different reason. The former Chancellor was trying to call a state of emergency to investigate the matter directly and with full authority, but Leon suggests fabricating a bigger issue to hide behind.

"What did you have in mind exactly?", the Chancellor asked. Leon answers cryptically saying, "the less you know for now, the better. Your reaction must be genuine and strong. You will know when it happens and I will send word to you when the time is right". They close off their conversation with a drink and called it a night. Leon also separated from Adrian and Mathias saying, " I will part with you today and meet you in three days with the plan. However, if something is to happen between now and then, you can reach me with this". He then pulls out two little silver bells and gave one to both of them. He continues, "simply ring them and I will come to you. They are silent to everyone but the person ringing them and the receiver ". Adrian couldn't force Leon to divulge his plan and he didn't have one of his own either. All he could do is wait and trust in Leon to do the right thing. For some reason he couldn't help but believe in Leon and his thinking. Something about him just expels an aura of honor, safety and understanding. Qualities that you look for in a leader.

Leon travels to the southern most boarders of Agard to meet with other officers from his clan. He slowly circles an old tree, three times forward and three times backwards. After the third time, two Sapphire Officers appeared and greeted him. One of the officers named Dean greets him first. "My lor... Sorry. Officer Leon, how was it in Agard? What do you need?". Leon no longer displayed a persona of dominance, but one of man lounging around with friends. He responds, "what I need is a plan that can trigger a state of emergency. Any ideas?" Dean remarks, "you're asking us for a plan? you are usually the one with the plan. 100% success rates and all. Though be it on accident sometimes". "I know. But all my plans can be quite destructive as you know. I am trying to impress. Not frighten", Leon responds. The two officers looked at each other smiling and nods. Dean says, " then we shall come up with a plan for you. What is our budget?". "budget? Oh. As much as you need. I'll deal with the all the resource mangers later", Leon ensured.

After about 13 hours, Dean presents his plan to Leon. "How about a staged assassination and kidnaping simultaneously? After going over the Agard Security Code, if members of the government are targeted or are in any in a life threatening situation, the Head Of State must provide extreme protection and investigate with emergency powers, with guidance from the Chief Justice. This marks it as a security threat to the State, of which the Chancellor is solely responsible for. What do you think?" Leon rubs his head for a while and responds smilingly, "it sounds like a plan to me. Very well thought through. Who will be our targets?"

After careful thought, the other officer named Rhea chimes in, "you mentioned three ministers that are trust worthy. Perhaps they would be willing to be our 'victims'". Leon answers sternly, "No. we will need them to remain free and in the loop. I have sent these three names to the Chancellor as dependable assets. However, I will still notify them if necessary. We will target others. It will surely stir up some fear in their accomplices and break down their illusion of protection from the Vineyard". When dealing with the morally corupt, shattering their sense of security is vital. You want them uncomfortable and uncertain about their actions.

Dean explains, "we have a wide range of ways to stage an assassination, but I have figured out the best and lest messy option. We will use sleeping gas but mask it with essence of looming death. We will then send someone to the State Morgue to exchange the bodies. As for the kidnappings, there will be three conducted using the same method, minus the masking. We will not only kidnap the ministers, but also a few members of their personal staff". Leon gives a wide smile and says, "I love it. But lets leave a little destruction to drive it home". Leon sends them off to get ready as he returned to District 3, making a few stops along the way.

Before he leaves, Rhea asks, "won't they suspect or detect Sapphire magic is at play?". A valid question, but Leon reminds her, "don't forget that our cloaking is stronger than their tracking. Our craft is beyond them. They won't even know they are looking at. Grandmaster has said that only His Excellency would have the ability to see our magical signature. Do not worry. No matter how powerful they may be, if they do not know, then they do not know".

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