Supernatural, DC and Marvel S...

By The_BatCats

258K 5.1K 1.5K

Willow has lived in the all female orphanage since she was 3 years old. What happens when she finally but slo... More

WARNING ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Supernatural Soulmarks
Marvel Soulmarks
DC Soulmates
Chapter 1 Mute
Chapter 2 Dean, Sam
Chapter 3 Dinner
Chapter 4 Something Else
Chapter 5 ADHD
Chapter 6 White Board
Chapter 7 Hand Holding
Chapter 8 Castiel
Chapter 9 I Know
Chapter 10 Knowing
Chapter 11 I Know Now
Chapter 12 Snuggle
Chapter 13 Their Girl
Chaoter 14 Shadow
Chapter 15 Sleep
Chapter 16 Scared

Everything You Need To Know About Whats Happening Now

1.1K 17 1
By The_BatCats

All things I'll be talking about

-Done editing
-Book lists (All of them)
-Thank you and control
-When I'm posting
-a bit about me to understand why

Please still read the next 2 notes if you are new readers 😀

So I'm very much excited to say that I'm finally done editing my old soulmate books, like completely done editing my old soulmates books, my thirteen (fourteen) soulmate books that I had to do.

The fourteen soulmate book is the 96 chapter soulmate book that I still need to work on… but that's being dealt with differently. So it's not on this list.

But I'm done editing my, (old book / new book)

DC Soulmate Book / Their Ruby

Twilight Soulmate Book/ Cold

The Vampire Diaries soulmate book / Their Soulmate

The Batkids / The Batkids Soulmate Book

Their soulmate / Their soulmate

The Avengers Soulmate Book/ Finally Out

Harry Potter Soulmate Book/ Sick

Harry Potter Soulmate Book/ Granger Twin

Supernatural, Marvel and DC Soulmate Book/ All Together

Marvel and DC Soulmate Book/ Delicate

Marvel and Supernatural Soulmate Book/ PTSD

Her / Her

Alone / Alone

On the other list

Avengers soulmate book/ Haunted

The one with two chapters in it is the newest book for the editing book of the Avengers Soulmate Book.

I also want to add on the newest books that I have added through the years of editing…. Year… sorry about that. (Do say, taking the time to do the editing did actually help me become better… but sorry for it being this long)


Help ~ DC Soulmate Book

Help ~ DC and Marvel Soulmate Book

Hiding ~ Marvel Soulmate Book

And to even add on my new books that follow shows,

Neko ~ Avatar: The Last Airbender Soulmate Book (Zuko)

Neko ~ Avatar: The Last Airbender Soulmate Book (Sokka)

Neko ~ Avatar: The Last Airbender Soulmate Book (Sokka x Zuko x Oc)

Outcasted ~ Legends Of Korra Soulmate Book

Three Souls ~ Hunter x Hunter Soulmate Book

Secret World Below ~ Trollhunters: Tales Of Arcadia Book

Lonely ~ How To Train Your Dragon Soulmate Book

And adding again,

I do have a one shot account

Name The_BatCatsOneShot

I would like to say thank you to everyone who was patient with me and stuck around.

The readers who didn't rush me or say harsh things as I worked through my books and life. I very much appreciate every single one of you. 

And to the people that were rude; not patient with me; thought it would be ok to go and comment rude things in my books comment section, dms and board, don't do that.

I don't like telling others what to do on their accounts or in their life, it's a pet peeve of mine, but there are a few things that I'm fine with telling others what to do and that's one of them. Don't be rude. (Of course if they are doing bad things, I'll of course step in)

[Respect is another thing I say that everyone should have. Kindness and respect for everyone]

Don't go to someone's account demanding things and being rude. Don't demand things to be changed or to hurry an author up. It takes time to write and it to be the way the author wants it to be. So no rushing them.

I will be completely honest with all of you who read this.

I had a time when I wasn't in control of my account. Yes it was me, no, no one hacked my account, but the comments,

"update" "update please" "please update" "ugh update" "come on update" "I don't care about what's happening in your life, all I want is chapters" and so on, made me feel pressured, bad, guilt every time I got an comment like that, (then the straight out rude/hate comments) I even felt bad when I got nice comments like "update", "i love it, please update when can", "please update when can", so on because I still felt pressured to get something published for you all, and even at times it wasn't enough. It was either too short or more updates even though I just posted a chapter and so on.

It's hard to explain how I wasn't in control of my account, a few things I can explain is the "update" made me push to hard to post chapters that weren't fully to my liking or 'done', but the guilt of not posting something got to me to the point it wore me down, not out, but down.
Then, since I posted my books on this account when I didn't have a computer, but just a shitty phone and with and still with a learning disability, my first books were bad. I can agree they are bad, they're fine, but they are bad: a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes between them, but the amount of hate i got for anything, small or big or even because i live in a different state and laws slowly got to me, I didn't know it did, but it did.
Then the hate I got for my notes was astounding, annoying, rude and very disappointing.
It was really annoying to keep and still keep commenting things like, "if you don't like reading notes, don't read them then, but most of my notes are important to read. The first few notes please read, those ones are the most important ones, especially the warning ones. Again if you don't read them, fine, but please don't be shocked if you're shocked by something I've written down in them. There's a warning for reasons."
The disrespect that I get with comments like this, "I don't care about what's happening in your life, all I want is chapters, I don't care about what else your-". I have a life out of writing. Understand that.

Do understand that writers-Authors do have a life outside of their books, accounts. You don't know what's happening in their life; you don't know if they are struggling.

Some authors like talking about their lives. Telling you things that make them happy, sad or depressed. Some might need help.

So please, just please be nice to everyone.

With a mix of these reasons(example) and even more, I lost control of my account, posting and my time.

When I realized that I wasn't in control of my posting and what I wanted to write, I brought myself back to being incontrol.

I've brought myself back to the point of being incontrol of everything on here.

So thank you to everyone who was patient with me and stuck around. I very much appreciate it.

And understanding that your incontrol of your account, no one should come in and demand or push you to change how you write, or to post or to do anything you're not comfortable with.

Now When I Will Be Posting

Yes, I'm done editing my books, but I have a lot and I mean a lot to do still for all of my books and accounts.

So I won't be posting for a month or two still, depending on how things go, I could be posting sooner, but who knows, I'm not giving any hope for myself and others right now. Life at the moment is a lot.

There may be some new books posted between the things I have to do, but that's probably because I couldn't get them to what I needed them to be before posting out this note. So if new books come out, it doesn't mean I'm back yet.

So again I won't be posting right away, but I wanted to say that I'm done editing and should be expecting a scheduled post soon.

Now, editing. The concept of editing, the concept of me editing my books is,

Please, please don't just read my old soulmate book and expect the editing soulmate book to be the exact same.

I've seen to many people voting gradually as they read my old soulmate book and then when they move to my edited soulmate book they go straight to quickly voting right after each chapter/post to the last chapter I've posted on it and when they get to it, they either say nothing or comment "update please".
I'm saying this because I've studied (Observe this) and I mean this.

This person could take 6 minutes to read one chapter of my old soulmate book, so through like 20 something chapters after every 6 minutes, so after a bit and I see them go to my new edited version of that old book they were reading and voting on it and the timing is seconds after each other and straight to the last chapter I've posted in it and half of the time they comment a "update please". The math and timing don't add up here, if it takes 6 minutes to read old, less worded chapters and seconds to read chapters that are now always made over a 1000 words, to me at least it means you're not reading the new chapters and… why aren't they.

The point I'm trying to get at is, please read the new books fully because I have books that have changed a lot and if you read my old one and just skip to the last chapter in my new edited book you may be confused on what's happening.

So please read all the chapters.

A bit about me to understand why

So the reason why it took so long to get most of all of my old soulmate books edited; and in general why it takes a bit to get anything posted-is for multiple reasons,

One of the biggest reasons is that I'm constantly in pain.

If it's not my stomach pain, it's my back pain, if it's not either it's my feet pain, if not it's eye pain and if not all of them at once. Don't forget the fricken cysts because of being a girl (I say that because it happens at the end of something…. -_- and only because of that thing (.) -_-) and multiple other pains and problems I have, but aren't going to list.

I could help myself with ice, but guess what? I'm frickin allergic to the cold. (That's why I'm terrified to get any of my teeth pulled because doesn't ice help with the pain and inflamed stuff😫😭).

There are things that we are still trying to find out.

I've been dealing with pain since I was a young kid. I'm working on getting more better, but it's hard at times(a lot of times × ×)

I also deal with depression, anxiety disorder, panic disorder and C-ptsd.

For the past years I've been dealing with these things and it makes it hard to write or think of writing at times. Thinking of books: easy, working on them around those times are hard.

So like I said up there, the reason why demand updates and being rude to authors when they already deal with other things can make authors not want to write. (That wasn't my case because I just continue to write, but write things I didn't like, that's why I have a request book that gives a few reasons to things I won't write for because if I write it when I don't want to it won't be good at all).

Another thing I didn't mention up there is that I deal with Maladaptive daydreaming (disorder). If you don't know what that is, it's this

Maladaptive daydreaming
Sometimes known as daydreaming disorder2, maladaptive daydreaming describes a condition where a person regularly experiences daydreams that are intense and highly distracting3 — so distracting, in fact, that the person may stop engaging with the task or people in front of them.

I've lived with this since I was young because of trauma. I was sick and had to go to hospital a lot (alongside other trauma things) and a thing that helped me was daydreaming and since I've done it for so long it has turned into a 'problem ' in a way.

Again since I lived with it, I've worked around it a bit. I can do things, like dishes; shopping; walking; a bit of talking to others(as i talk with them(i can have conversations with others because i can push my daydreams to the side for a bit before they come back crushing me back in), but most people know me as a quite shy person so people don't talk to me much when I'm out… most people when I do go out are usually my dad's friends… so… I'm not talking with them most of the time anyways. (I hardly have friends ×-× rip)

But the problem with my Maladaptive daydreams is driving. I'm terrified to drive because I love car rides because of the feeling it makes-it makes me daydream, so driving….😐😵nope… not for now. It causes me to take forever to get the dishes done even though I know I can daydream as I wash the dishes.

Shopping at times… I may almost walk into something or get separated from my family. 😟.

The forgetting to do things 😤😮‍💨. Two meanings here.

1, Forgetting to do the dishes and 2, forgetting on the way to do the dishes.

Two are different.

One I forgot all day to do the dishes because my mind won't stop going back to my worlds and washing dishes never crosses my mind.

Two, I remember to do the dishes and when I'm on my way to do them, my mind wanders off making me sit or do something else or completely forget what I was going to do or end up doing something else as i daydream because my mind is like, “oh wait we also forget to do this, so lets do it now so we dont forget later” ‘so big of a possibility of me forgetting that tasks because of me reminding of something else i was supposed to do’.

But the biggest(not really since the pain is more the bigger problem) problem I have (I don't go out much, like hardly much) is when it comes down to watching, or listening or reading things: it causes me to MD.

All my books are made because of my MDs. I read a soulmate book and my minds went wild with it, then of course I love a lot of fandoms and my mind went wild with any concept I loved with any Fandom I love; I read a polyamorous book, man did my mind go wild.

So me watching any clip, really any clip my mind will put me-well my OC's into those kinds of situations.

I have a lot of OC's ><

Music is so hard because half of the songs are directly for characters I love. So if,

Summertime Sadness plays Fred and George will come up into my mind and screw the daydream I was working on at the moment Fred and George dream will start up.

If Runaway from AURORA plays, man that's so dark witchy, runway MD world.

(If anyone wants me to post something that I was talking about videos or music that gives me into MDs, just send me a comment and I can post something to show you😁)

So… since my books come from my MDs it's hard to keep my mind from drifting off onto them, that's why some books have some copied ideas, but at the end will be different because when I tried to write my book my mind wanders off into that world and ends up changing it, and thing is; my first plot is amazing and the second idea for it is amazing too.

So editing was a… bitch.

Let alone old fandoms and new concepts coming to them… I've so many book ideas I want to make and work on.

Now another reason is this, I've talked about this topic before, but I'm quickly talking about it again. (I mean… I have to keep… commenting the same thing over… so… why not)

I have a learning disability.

I have edited all my books, but I still have to reread the chapter I want to post because there are still mistakes I miss. I still have a hard time writing and editing, but I’m working on learning more. I do know I have gotten better.

Like I'm proud to say that I've learned to write better on my own than any of my teachers ever 'tried' helping me.

So another reason why it took a while to be done editing is because I was struggling, and before others come in,(though thank you) I struggle, but for my books I don't need help.

I want to do this all on my own because I need help most of the time with what I struggle with in my life. With my writing, I don’t want that. Me doing everything for my books help me feel less… usless and stupid. I appreciate the help, I do, but I got this😁.

So yes, these are a few reasons … three, I think reasons on why it took so long for me to be done editing my books and a bit about me.

To everyone who has read this note, I really appreciate it 😁, thank you. I hope you're having a great day or afternoon or night time.

I really hope you like the new edited version of my old books and my new books.

I hope you stay still, I know it will still be a bit to go before I'm fully back to posting more. So I hope you stick around still.

Thank you 😁☺️🥰

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