Empty Moonlight

Por LimboRikudo999

542 26 30

Madara had won. He had done it, what had been thought impossible by man was now just a semblance of his very... Mais

Eternal Dream


250 11 14
Por LimboRikudo999

The minute I stepped into the portal, my heart began to pound in ever increasing jubilation. Splatterings of color, so clouded yet clear. It was as if all of creation raced around me. Every noise I had ever heard played all at once, each voice on loop inside my head. All sensations amplified ten-fold, all in an effort to erase what had come to defy the laws of the universe.

Erase me? How laughable.

It was over as soon as it began. The tens of millions of colors shone brighter than ever, before fading away. The noises became a cacophony of entropy, before being silenced by the will of god.

And now I was here.

The first thing I noticed was the Moon. The ever booming light bounced beautifully off of my skin, making me light up in holy might. The silver orb above, a contrast to what I had grown accustomed to. White light seemed different then the usual crimson rays, not just in appearance, But feel. They felt...off.


The smells of smoke assaulted my sagely senses, my divine form causing it to coil around me in longing. Memories of imperfection flashed into my mind, of a world before god had lifted man into paradise.

As was soon to happen here.

My omniscient eyes took in my surroundings, a decimated city filled with flames and blood. Buildings lay crumbled in the streets beneath me, carnage from the sinful humans which built them.

I cast my eyes downward, glancing down at the people who were below me. They seemed bloodied and bruised, no doubt the efforts of a great battle waged in this world. I wonder if when they fought, mountains crumbled, if valleys opened, if islands sunk, if nations perished?

What did they fight for?

The two strongest among them stared at me in confusion and caution, two men on their last legs. My sensory abilities told me that they were the strongest that this world had to offer, to which I stifled a chuckle.

Ants to a god.

"Who are you?!" One man roared into the night sky, burning blue eyes narrow at me with intensity. His form was broken, blood smearing each limb. His clothes were in tatters, blue and red spandex that covered his muscular frame. His long, golden locks pointed upwards, a pitiful attempt to pierce the heavens.

Fool, that is my domain.

I didn't respond, instead floating down to the earth, abandoning my home of the sky above. All present stared, unable to look away from my alabaster form, the aura of the divine oozing from my soul. All seeing eyes gazed beyond the physical, peering into the conceptual existence in front of me. My ivory robes fluttered in the wind, my six paths power weaved into the silk.

They could see a mish-mash of color, swirling around in a cheap imitation of the divine. Like blinding stars, yet only burning with the embers of an old candle flame. But I knew there was more, portions of soul, each humming with the efforts of men long dead. With a breath, their forms were laid over top of the tower of a man.

Men and women of all shapes and sizes, seven shadows, seven faces. From fiery determination to silent apathy, they all stared at me in awe. Awe at the heavenly being before them.

Yet one stood out from the rest, a woman in navy blue, golden gloves adorning each fist. Her grayed eyes gazed at me, stare withered and decrepit. Her face was unreadable, but her soul said it all.




But each guess felt hollow, like it was missing the ethereal key to the secrets of this one woman.

How interesting.

"Get out of here, now! This is no place for civilians!" The golden haired man yelled once more, bending his knees, preparing to rush in. I glanced at him once more, a myriad of figures being cast in his shadow, not the ones I had seen earlier however.

The shadows of shinobi.

Tattered battle armor stained with wood and blood. Golden cloak a-glow with god-like might. Will of the dragon bared by the lowest.

I suppose that I'll know soon enough.

With that, I wordlessly dismissed the man, instead turning my gaze to the other power on the battlefield. As I laid my transcendent eyes upon him, I felt a sense of disgust wash over me. My divine features hardened, facing the imperfection.

A faceless man, identity lost to time. Midnight suit shredded and torn. Even basic symmetry defiled by his hulking left arm, an amalgamation of flesh and steel, jagged drills poking up from the ancient muscle. His mouth curled up in intrigue and disgust. Even without eyes, I could tell he was looking right at me, as if to assert his superiority.

Over me.


"Another hero sent to die? No, an innocent. While I commend your bravery, take heed in knowing it will be your last act." The abomination growled out, with a voice that should have been long buried. Its limbs tensed, mouth in a blinding snarl as it cackled into the wind. At speed invisible to most, the creature lunged forward, aiming to take my head.

"No! Don't you dare! This is between me and you, All For One!" His opponent roared, bulky muscles pulsating with second winded fury. He charged at the same time, fist cocked back ready to slam into the monster attempting to harm me.

I find intrigue as to why they act this way, as if my existence doesn't supersede their own by an infinite amount. Like my divine being doesn't exist so far beyond their comprehension, that just a drop in the ocean of my capability would reduce all worlds to ash. I chuckled darkly, a smirk of the divine adorning my pale face.

Such ignorance.

The two dying powers rushed to meet me, one on the defense, another on the attack. They reach me in seconds, ready to gamble away my life with a single collision of ideas.

My ideas are truth.

As I will it to be, both men stop in their tracks, bodies held captive by forces beyond this world. Emanations of god from the realm of limbo. Shock is mirrored on both faces, blue iris' widening in blackened screla. The demon facing me snarls, struggling aimlessly against the infinite power I command.

"Such nothings hold no weight in front of the almighty." I boom, before with a single thought the faceless man was sent flying back, colliding with the earth with a cry of rage. I could feel the planet weep with each step it took, clambering back to its feet with unsuppressed anger. But after a few moments I felt it simmer away, instead being held together by a mask of bravado.

"Perhaps you're not a civilian then. How interesting, if you may, what quirk is it that you wield, young man?" He asked me, a non-existent eyebrow raised. He stood as if he could intimidate me, lesson unlearned from moments ago. But still, his words gave me knowledge.

'Quirk? Perhaps it is what they call chakra in this world." I mused. The man stood before me, awaiting an answer, while the blue eyed, spandex man from before struggled against limbo.

"My quirk? How foolish to assume I draw on such a flimsy power, I am composed of something much more divine. I am the beginning and end, blessed with the powers of the Sage of Six Paths. I can do anything, for all of creation is my canvas." My heavenly voice boomed outwards, audible to everyone in the dying city. A spotlight fell over me, and with a glance I could see some sort of flying contraption above me, men peering down with a mixture of confusion, fear, and awe.

"Divine? Such arrogance, you think because you landed a cheap-shot that you are in anyway comparable to me? I'll show you the meaning of true power. Now, perish at the hands of the Symbol of Evil!" He bellowed, pointing his mutated palm towards me, a small opening composed of steel revealing itself.

"Air Cannon!"

"All For One, no!"

A blast of pressurized air flew towards me, blowing away the dust and smoke as it impacted me in full. The winds felt akin to a nice breeze, causing my bleach-white hair to billow in the wind, my heavenly robes fluttering a small dance before the attack subsided.

My eyes had seen through it from the very beginning, gazing into the guise of the broken man before me. But as the winds subsided, his confidence turned to shock, now aware of my unbroken body.

"Wha-! How?! No man can survive that unscathed!" He screamed, mouth snarling with rage and hatred. I chuckled, spreading my arms out to show off my full form.

"As I told you before, I went from a man..."

In an instant, I vanished from view, the screams of confusion and terror from the crowed going by me. My enemy swiveled his head, attempting to locate me.

It would be I who located him.

"To a god."

My whispers sent shivers down his spine, a massive arm rearing back to strike me from my new position behind him. I let the hulking limb strike me dead center in the face, and relished in the crunch of bone as it shattered.

No one could oppose me, neither here, or in any world.

The suited man screeched in agony, jumping back to cradle his now broken arm. He breathed heavily, growling as his bones merged back together, reforming after attempting to strike me. I could see every cell, every molecule screaming in terror, faced with the otherworldly might of yours truly.

Nothing escapes my eyes.

I could see the sheer shock in the golden haired man, still trapped by my will. His jaw agape, trying to process the sight in front of him.

It was indeed quite difficult.

"Who- No, what are you?!" The deformed soon-to-be corpse roared, to which I chuckled at his plight. My lavender orbs narrowed, piercing beyond the physical and even the spiritual, gazing into the abstract, the written code of the universe.

A code in my grasp.

To be rewritten.

By whom, you may ask?

"Who am I? I am the beyond, the above, the infinite. I am he who wills peace and love. I see with many eyes, and build with many hands. I am what grieves at the shape of creation. I am what ends the tale of woe. I am the savior of all worlds. I am God. No, I am beyond even that. Such a title is beneath me. I have transcended the divine, and have reached a world of pure bliss. After me, this ends. That is who I am. The End of the Real. The Sage of Six Paths. Uchiha..."

Another wave of air impacted my front, sending dust and debris rocketing into the buildings behind. The structures crumbled, much like the hopes of my enemy as the smoke cleared.


And in an instant, it was over.

My staff of pure night, the objector of humanity, jutting through the demon's chest, coated in his mortal blood. My form had rushed forward at speeds so blinding that light had moved in the negatives. My Rinne Sharingan had judged him, judged him unworthy of the moon's grace.

"H-how..." He pathetically whimpered, crimson pooling from his lips as he trembled in the face of death. My ghostly visage willed him eyes, so that he could see the face of the beyond.

"Because I willed it to be. I can tell that your time expired long ago, leaving a frail old man clinging to life with treachery and villainy. Too long have you gone unpunished, so now I am here. Be released from this realm knowing that your own ways have starved you of my soon to be paradise." My voice echoed calmly in his ears, reaching into his mind and beyond his soul, my very words transcending the physical world entirely.

I placed a hand upon his head, my Rinnegan glowing with a deep lavender luster.


And with that, a lilac figure seeped from his heart into my hands, all of his knowledge becoming synonymous with my own. I then let the soul loose, letting it drift into the winds, soon to become lost just outside a world of perfection.

How tragic.

I released my palm from his head, letting his body fall to the ground, crumpling under the infinite void now present in its core. Silence reigned, the winds lightly blowing through the broken city.

'Everything is clear now...'

I turned to face the remaining warrior, still held in place by limbo. His eyes were as wide as pinpricks, swiveling wildly from my own to the corpse in front of me. With a thought, I released him, his bulky form falling to its knees. I stood before him, concentric rings piercing into the rising man. He adjusted himself, before finally meeting my eyes.

"You....Uchiha...I must commend you. I do not know who you are, or where you came from, but you have done all of Japan a massive favor. The man you just killed was All For One. The strongest villain. But I must ask, who are you? I have never heard of a hero like you before." He explained, brilliant blue eyes shining with passion. I smirked at his notion.




I took a moment to look past the man, all-seeing eyes hovering on the faces around me. Some looked on in awe, matted with tears in blood as careful smiles broke on their faces. Others in rage, specifically one boy. Hair a pale blue, severed hands clamping down on various parts of his frail body.



They were all frozen, battles silenced by my arrival and actions, as if they could not believe their inferior eyes. But I could see past the now, and into the past. It was the same as the future.





But the future was not definite.


The future is determined by me.

The Hero.

The Savior.

I chuckled darkly, catching the man off guard. My ethereal form rose a few inches, ghostly visage heeding the moon's call. His eyes went from relief to confusion in an instant, still staring into the eyes of the beyond.

"I'm afraid you are mistaken, All Might. I am no hero." His confusion grew more intense, brows furrowing and his fist clenching unconsciously. "I am far more. I am the savior of this world. And I have come to bring salvation." I announce, rising higher and higher until I reach half of the height of the airborne helicopter above.

"Salvation? What are you talking about, Uchiha?" All Might questioned, fiery blue eyes lighting up as he stared up at me. The others followed his glance, heroes and villains alike, gazing upon their savior.

"I have come to bring the will of the moon, and eternal dream of pure bliss. A plane separate from the real, and into the infinite dreamscape above. A world of only victors. A world of only peace. A world of only love." The words were as familiar on my lips as the fire I had spewed during my countless battles. I raised my right arm into the sky, gesturing towards the blinding moon. All Might's face contorted into a mixture of confusion, intrigue, and resolve.



My words had a secondary purpose.

To goad him.

Into battle.

It had been far too long since I had participated in a proper skirmish. All For One didn't count, being a creature so disgusting that I could not conduct the intimate art of combat with him. But this man before me...

Would suffice.

"What exactly are you planning to do, Uchiha?!" He bellowed into the heavens, fist clenched as tensed his aching muscles, body ready to go at a moment's notice. I grinned madly, divine blood pumping through my veins at the thought of battle. I cackle wildly, my silver hair dancing in the winds.

"I will project an eternal illusion off of the moon, and capture everyone on this planet in it! I will sever the fate of this world and be rid of all consequences. When nothing is real..."

A transcendent aura pulsed from my body, shining brighter than a million suns. My eyes glowed like quasars, sparkling with knowledge higher than creation itself. All Might faltered, stumbling back from the blinding light. But still, he readied himself, the last embers of his power flaring up inside him.

I could see his shadows prepare themselves as well, the ghostly woman smiling with determination as she stared me down, unaffected by my display of power. Hollow words cast aside as I've found her true meaning.


"Everything will be!"


With that, All Might blasted towards me, fist outstretched as his veins pumped an ancient power through his body. It was as if dying stars circulated in each of his vital spots, passing on a piece of themselves to be rid of me.


With a roar his fist met my now outstretched hand, bare knuckled meeting black gloves in an earth-shattering shockwave. The pressure sent further buildings tumbling down, blowing away the helicopter. My laughter was deafening, all-powerful blood coursing through my body, my omnipotent heart making the world go round with each beat.

"Yes! YES! Dance with me!"

With a single gesture he was sent rocketing towards the ground, but his resolve didn't waver, shooting himself towards me as I descended. His blow was blocked by my staff, another resounding shockwave echoing through the battlefield.

"I can see it now!" All Might roared as he hurled fist after fist at me, each strike effortlessly deflected by my divine hands. "What happened to All For One was no act of good, or heroism! You merely waited for the opportunity to bring him down!" He swung a haymaker at my head, which I batted away with a single finger.

"To instate your own reign!" He continued, jumping back before crossing his arms, "Carolina Smash!" he called out, ramming himself at my outstretched palm with force strong enough to level a mountain. Impressive for a mortal, but...

Infinitesimal before he who transcends god-hood.

"AS THE SYMBOL OF EVIL!" He finished with a mighty roar, slamming his fist into my face. I let the blow make contact, a whirlwind forming behind me as the attack met its mark. Yet even with his power, I remained still. I unflinchingly raised a hand, before smirking.

"A good effort, but futile before my immeasurable might."

My Rinnegan gleamed with callous brilliance as a wave of pure force slammed into All Might, sending him careening into a skyscraper. I could hear the people shout, most notably a young boy, with hair a mixture of emerald and ebony.

"But worry not, Toshinori. It all ends soon." I lament as I gather up the infinite light in my soul, a burning beam of violet, holy will blasting from my lips, slicing through the blackened skies and burning right through the hero's shoulder. He cried out in pain, clenching his teeth as he covered the wound with his opposite hand.

"How do you know that name?!" He cried, leaping from the fallen structure like a comet, landing before me in a sonic boom. I cackled, widening all three of my eyes as I stared him down.

"Oh, I know lots of things, Toshinori." I call out, before disappearing in an instant, reappearing to his side, knees bent as I whisper.

"Lots of things."

Before he could react I lightly jabbed my knuckles into his left side, making him cry out in agony as he was sent blasting into the rubble of another fallen building. He landed with a crash, dust and smoke billowing from his downed body. I silently gazed at his fallen form, the smoke continuing to rise until all that was left was a skeleton of a man.

I relished in the commotion, the shocked gasps as the gaunt man slowly rose up from the ground, clutching his side where blood gushed profusely. His eyes were as wide as the glistening moon, true shock and horror written all over his face. Crimson seeped from his lips as he coughed harshly.

"No..." He whispered, the spotlight of the helicopter now directly over him, dozens of cameras all centered on the true form of society's greatest hero.

"H-how...did you...k-know of m-my...weak spot...?" Toshinori murmured as he fell to one knee. My piercing gaze narrowed upon him, eyes of the beyond staring right through his soul. I could see the shadows flicker, screams of anguish unheard by most.

I was not most.

The silence was deafening, everyone present frozen in either shock or terror. To see their paragon, their peak of strength, completely and utterly outclassed.

It was breathtaking.

"Nothing escapes me, Toshinori. This true form of yours is no shock at all." I cackle, ringed eyes wide in laughter. All Might grimaced, yet didn't give in, getting back up on his legs and staring me down, boney figure sharp and jagged, cutting into the night air.

"You may rest now. It is already over. In mere moments, paradise will arrive." I tell him, preparing myself to ascend once more, my third eye brimming with my immeasurable chakra, ready to plunge the world into a peaceful slumber. But just before I could begin my ascent, All Might called out to me.


I paused, glancing down at the wounded hero. His eyes burned with fiery determination, staggering to his feet as he glared dagger at me. My eyes could see his shadows glowing, pulsating with new-found power. He was near dead on his feet, only holding out on sheer will-power.


"You think you have even the slightest chance of fazing me? You couldn't before, and you certainly can't now. Give up." I sneer, my Rinnegan glowing with otherworldly power. All Might looked down towards the ground for a moment, as if to gather himself. Yet he stood strong, returning his gaze to me.

"That's where you're wrong, villain! As long as my heart still beats....evil will never prosper. I will keep fighting with all of my strength, such is the duty...of the symbol..." In a flash, Toshinori rocketed forward, his right arm bulking up with the dying embers of his power.

"OF PEACE!!!!!"

Although blinding to most, his speed was akin to a snail to me. I could have burned countless worlds in the time it took him to reach me, or have killed everyone here. Or have lived one thousand lifetimes before his fist ever even reached my vicinity. But yet...

I was impressed.

I could count on one hand the amount of foes that had stood against me with such valor. Even in the face of absolute power, he kept fighting. All fear abandoned to give the people something to root for.

To give them hope.

He had my respect.

And for that...

"Give me everything you've got..." I whispered into the winds, before halting my natural omnipotent aura, cutting the strings to my immovable being, leaving only a puppet inhabited by my infinite consciousness.


As if to answer my call, All Might roared with primal fury, slamming a powerful fist into my cheek, sending me flying into the crumbling city. The shockwaves cracked the ground, a force akin to a nuclear bomb.

"Is that it?" I laughed, emerging from the rubble completely unscathed. The blow hadn't even registered compared to the furious attacks I had taken in past battles, like pebbles to mountains. I could have simply stood there, letting the bones in his hand shatter on contact with my skin.

But I'll let him have his fun.

"Because if so, I'm rather disappointed." All Might growled at my taunts, leaping towards me with vigor, landing a blow to my stomach and an uppercut to my jaw. I silently let his blows connect, blowing me back and then into the dark skies above.

"Yes! Keep dancing, hit me harder!" I thundered, cackling as All Might leapt upwards and socked me in the chest, grabbing my leg and slamming me down into the pavement. I laughed hysterically, spreading my arms out and gesturing towards my face.

"Show me your heroism, All Might! Don't hold back!"


The hero blasted towards me, ramming his fist into my face and hurling me forward. My body crashed through a few buildings, before landing in one of the many vacant streets of Kamino Ward.

"I can feel you slipping, old man! This is it. I can tell that this next attack will be your last. So be sure to kill me, Symbol of Peace!" I bellowed, a cruel smirk gracing my lips. Dust and debris swirled around me, but my eyes could see clearly.

"You wanted my best? Well I'll give you better, and go beyond! Plus Ultra!" All Might bellowed, a fierce grin on his face as he brought all of his energy fourth, all eight blinding stars colliding in his open palm, before he clenched his fist and raced towards me.


Just before impact, the visage of a red beast was laid overtop him. A roaring dragon burning with fury, determination, and youth. I chuckled mentally at the image.

'You could never compare...'

His fist slammed into my face with enough force to shatter an island, forcing me towards the ground as a tornado kicked up around us. Whole city-blocks were torn away, leaving only an empty wasteland around us. I could feel the last of his power fade away, before leaving him entirely. The ghosts vanished, sent to the next by his display. Yet even with all of that power, no damage was dealt to me, not even a scratch.

As the winds died down, I could see the triumphant look on the hero's face turn to horror as my undamaged form rose from the ground, scuffing off the dirt from my godly attire. I could see the looks of shock and fear on the faces of the crowd, hero and villain alike.

"And here I thought you would be worth my time, but it seems that you have nothing left to give. Nevertheless, your next life will be one of love and prosperity." I lamented, rising above the city. Everyone dropped to their knees in defeat, tears welling up in their eyes at their imminent new world. Not understanding that I was doing them a favor.

Ungrateful mortals.

But it didn't matter now, they had all given up.

All except one.

"I won't let you!"

The voice of a youth shook me from my thoughts, my eyes narrowing on the green blur speeding up towards me. Viridescent lightning thundered around him, emerald eyes glaring me down.


Crimson and emerald lined the arm that was swung towards me, blurring at speeds many times faster than sound. The ghosts had returned, joined by a golden silhouette that reared back in fury. All eyes were on him, the only one brave enough to stand against me, the only one ready to knock me down.

Like a hero.

But no hero stands a chance against he who transcends the divine.


Heroes Lose.

Without moving a muscle, the boy stops in his tracks, fist frozen inches from my face. I gave him a small smile, one of adoration and respect.

"You have my respect, young one. I can give props to those who fight for what they believe in. I hope that your dream will be a most pleasurable one." I whisper, his jade eyes widening at the ease of his halt.

"Rest easy, Izuku."

In an instant, he was slammed back towards the earth, plummeting towards the ground before crashing into the cracked streets below. The lightning flickered, emerald energy screeching as it faded away into nothing. The people said nothing, their final hope's shattered by my all-powerful being.

It is time.

Without a word I rose up above the clouds, the city becoming but a speck to my all-seeing eyes. I raised a single hand, forming the sign of the ram. My third eye bulged, paradise ready to spring forth. The entire world sang its final notes, the end of an era of disgust and hatred now upon it.

"Shine upon the world."

Creation lit up, blinding lights engulfing the entire universe, every man, woman, and child crying out in bliss. For God had come to bring Eden, 'twas the banishing of sin. The end of Heaven, Earth, and Man's lament.

"Mugen Tsukuyomi."

The end has come.

Crimson light blinded all things, the moon now aglow with the moon's eye. The shadows screamed in terror as the light burned them away, the veil of evil and darkness finally torn away from this once horrid world.

All beings froze in bliss, Ringed eyes of lilac a glow with infinite experience. Dreams filled their heads, dreams of a better world.

A perfect world.

With the clap of my hands the world tree sprung forth, ensnaring each and every last one of the lifeforms on this planet, thousands of kilometers of holy wrath piercing the heavens. Millions of branches finally brought forth. The darkness skies cleared, becoming light blue with the scatterings of ivory clouds.

It has been done.

My sage senses flared up, reaching past the world tree to peek upon the new worlds.

An emerald haired boy born with power to save others, as opposed to born with nothing at all.

A blond-haired teen with piercing red eyes, praised as the best for the rest of his days.

A brunette child, born into wealth and love.

A golden haired man, laughing while having a drink with his still living master.

An ashen skinned boy, hands now torn away with a smile as he embraced his grandmother.

All is right in the world.

Time for the next.

With the focusing of my immeasurable chakra, another portal opened. A tear in space-time, a gateway to countless worlds in need of saving.

In need of a savior.

As I stepped into the darkness to once again see new light, a single thought went through my head.

'What a hero I am.'

Here you guys go! I suddenly was hit with a wave of inspiration for this story, so I decided to put it to paper.

Our first world is My Hero Academia! A rather simple one to start out, but still with something interesting. This is actually the second version of this chapter. The original had Madara arrive at the beach and wander into town, stopping a robbery before blasting off to U.A. But it was getting way too long, so I rewrote it to where he arrives during the battle in Kamino Ward.

I tried to get across how powerful Madara believes himself to be, a being above even the gods. So please tell me if this was conveyed well on my part. But trust me, he will run into some characters that will give him a much better fight than All Might did.

One More Chance will be updated soon, but school has got me quite busy. I know I said it would be done by last weekend, but it may not be ready until this one. I hope that you all understand.

I'm not sure where Madara will end up next. A few of the places that I'm thinking of are Bleach, One Punch Man, RWBY, Dragon Ball, Gravity Falls, Boruto (this would happen near the end of the story), Akame Ga Kill, DC (specifically Young Justice), and Marvel. The next chapter might not be any of these, but they are some ideas I have. If you guys have any suggestions, I would love to hear them! Please leave a review in the comments below, and until next time, peace out!

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