red skies

By kyahax

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rumi sequel "i'll paint the sky red for you..." More

character catch-up


142 5 13
By kyahax

07.07 * austin, tx


He smiled as I glared at him through our FaceTime call. I shook my head.

"Can you smile? I said I'm sorry." His smile softened.

Marcus ended up reaching out to me through his best friend's Instagram account. He actually reached out to me last night after my dad dropped the news, but we were too caught up in family dealings for me to handle that.

So I'm handling it now.

It's only 3pm and I'm already tipsy for the day. Today is Aviana's birthday, so her, McKenzie, and I went out for brunch this morning. And let's just say, these fakes did what they were supposed to do.

Maybe a little bit of liquid courage is exactly what I need to deal with my life right now.

"No, Marcus. You had me fucked up, forreal."

He nodded. "I know, mama, and I'm sorry. That shit had my head fucked up. Put yourself in my shoes."

"I tried! I told you that you had every right to be upset by what you saw, but I asked you to trust me. You didn't. I asked you not to shut me out. You did."

"So you hate me?"

I rolled my eyes. "No, I don't hate you. I'm disappointed. I was hurt, and you had no faith in me."

"Do you accept my apology?"

I shrugged softly. "I accept your apology, but I don't forgive you yet. You gotta work for it."

"And I will."

To be honest, I never thought about how far this thing with Marcus and I could go. He's about to be a freshman football player in college soon, and I will only be a senior in high school. He already has a name for himself so you know how that goes. In plus, he could go meet some beautiful women his age or older and prefer that over me.

"Why you lookin like that?" He raised his eyebrow at me, biting the inside of his lip.

I could have told him how I really felt about the situation, and how I worried about how our bound would suffer once he starts college so I felt like detaching myself now would hurt less than detaching myself later. But, I didn't feel like getting into that right now despite how emotional I am when I'm tipsy.

This was his time to be kissing my ass.

"I'm just tired."

He pouted. "So you finna hit me back later then?"

"Yea, I'll call you later. I'm gonna take a nap."

"Aight, baby girl. Hit me later."

"I will."

After exchanging a few soft smiles, we disconnected the call. As much as I wanted to lay back and take a nap, I now had too much on my mind and I needed to vent to my good sis.

She was in Amere's room so I threw on some sweats and my slides, grabbing the room key and my phone before exiting our room and heading to Amere's room.

I did a little knockity-knock before McKenzie opened the door. Her eyes widened when she saw me, and at first I thought I was interrupting something nasty. But, she stepped out of the way and I saw Angel sitting on the bed across from Amere, his right arm held up by a sling.

I felt like I could throw up.

"Audri, walk ya ass in here." Amere yelled from across the room just as I was about to sneak away. "I know that's yo ass."

I wanted to run in and slap Amere in his mouth. But, instead, I let the little bit of liquid courage I had left in me settle in and I stepped into the room.

"Oh shit." McKenzie giggled once she closed the door behind me. "It's about to get real."

I ignored her and walked over to where Amere was sitting, acting as if Angel didn't exist. I went and sat next to Amere, propping my legs up on the bed Angel was on.

"What's up?" I asked him, laying backwards and pulling my phone out. I heard Kenz giggling behind me.

Mere glanced at Angel then back at me. "What's up? What you was doin?"

"Chillin', not much. What were y'all doing?"

"Same shit, chillin' wit' Angel. He sittin' over thea', you see him?"

Kenz busted out laughing while I tried to hold back my laugh. Leave it to 'Mere to say some dumb shit.

Angel smacked his teeth.

"I seen him."

"Wassup, Dri?" Angel cleared his throat.

I waved at him. "Where's Jalesia?"

Amere and McKenzie laughed so loud, so dramatically, and I could tell that it pissed Angel off. But, I didn't care. That was my goal right now, to be honest.

"I'on unda'stand what's funny." Angel stated, which only made Amere and McKenzie laugh harder.

I giggled a little. I knew they were just being dramatic, intrigued by what was unfolding in front of them.

"Probably the fact that you're speaking to me."

He scoffed. "Oh I can't speak to you nie? My fault, lil mama. I ain't get the memo."

"Oh you didn't catch the hint when I ignored all 14 of your texts and calls? Hm, weird how you had all that time to blow me up when you were with your girl."

"Tuh, aight. You got it, Dri."

Amere clapped his hands. "Aight, aight. Y'all chill out."

"I'm chill." I shrugged.

Angel waved me off. "She got it, bruh. I ain't finna deal wit' that shit."

It's really not a good thing that I'm tipsy right now.

"And you don't have to, the fuck? Not forcing you to deal with me, and definitely not begging. Matter of fact, why are you even here? Don't you have a bitch to tend to?"

Angel chuckled sarcastically. "Yea, aight."

"Tuh, yea aight." I mocked him, rolling my eyes.

Mere rubbed his temples. "Y'all arguin' like a married couple."

"I ain' arguin' wit' ha. She got it."

"Man, why are you here?" I asked him again, getting irritated.

Angel chuckled, and him continuously chuckling at me was only pissing me off more.

"This whea' I'm stayin'."

"Go with your girlfriend."

He shook his head. "She had ta' go back home cause she gotta work."

"You shoulda went with her."

"I can't, ya pops made that clear."

Oh yea... I definitely forgot about that. I didn't have a slick comeback because it was facts so I simply just rolled my eyes.

"Keep rollin' ya eyes and they gon' get stuck like that."

I smacked my teeth. "Angel, shut the fuck up talking to me."

"That liqua' gettin' to you ain't it?" he chuckled, yet again.

That's the last time he was gonna laugh during this conversation with me.

"No, you've gotten to me! My heart is so fucked up because of you, Angel. I hate you, but I love you so much. I don't wanna be near you, but I also don't want you near anyone else. And it sucks so fuckin' bad to know that my heart cries for you, and I have to tell it no every single time!"

I wiped away the tears that managed to form and fall from my eyes.

"You don't have to tell it no, Dri..." Kenz grabbed my hand.

I snatched it away from her. "No, yes I do. It's been nothing but betrayal from him for I don't know how long now. Even apart from that situation with my dad, there was so many let downs. So many "there's no one else" when the whole time, there was someone else. So many "no one has my heart like you" when the whole time someone else did have it. We were texting damn near every day and I still had to find out about your new relationship thru Instagram, bro. Hell, you just told me the other night at the hospital that you wanted nothing more than to be with me again, and then was with your girlfriend the next day. That shit hurts!"

At this point, I was sobbing. Mere sat me on the bed, handing me some tissues to clean my face.

"No matter how much you have broken my heart, I try to love you with every fucking piece. And you just keep fucking breaking it. Over and over, and you don't even care to realize." I panted, talking through tears.

I was hurt. It's been hard keeping that locked up, but what's really the point of being vulnerable like this with someone who won't do anything to fix it?

"Audri, I put my heart onna table for you and you walked away from the table multiple times." Angel shook his head. "Aight, yea I fucked up by not tellin' you bout Lesi. I shoulda kept that shit a buck witchu, but I ain't lied to you bout nothin' else."

I started to argue him, but he put his finger up to hush me. "No no, lemme finish. I let you talk, let me talk. I told you nobody got my heart like you, thassa fact. I told you I ain't want nothin' more than to be witchu again, thassa fact. You the one steady runnin' from me like you expect a nigga to be perfect. I know I fucked up and I know I hurt you, but you ratha' focus on that than focus on how good shit was between us. I'on know how many times I apologized to you, waited fa' you and all you did was diss a nigga."

"I don't expect you to be perfect, bro. I expect you to fix the fact that you fucked up and make shit right. Not be playing under me the whole time and then hop out on social media with another bitch just because I haven't jumped back into your arms as fast as you fucking wanted me to."

"As much as a nigga in love witchu, I ain't sittin around waitin fa'eva."

I slammed my hand on my lap. "It's not about waiting for me, Angel! You didn't have to wait for me, I never expected you to. But as somebody who I used to call my best friend, I expected a hell of a lot more respect from you. Period."

"Okay, Audriana, and that's my fuckin' bad!" he semi-shouted, putting his hand on his chest. "I will yell it from the fuckin' rooftop, girl. It seemed like I done fucked up back-ta'-back witchu, but I swea' I'll neva' give up on us. Friends or whateva', I want- man, I need you in my life."

He always knew just what to say to pull at my heart strings. But, it's his actions that are constantly showing otherwise.

"Aye, you my muh'fuckin' dawg!" Amere and Angel dapped each other up.

I pursed my lips. "At the end of the day, actions speak louder than words..."

"And 'Mere, shut the fuck up." McKenzie laughed, swinging at him.

Amere smacked his teeth. "I'm just sayin', if she don't take him back, I will."

If there's anything Amere can do, it's definitely make people laugh.

"You can come talk ta' me outside?" Angel asked me, putting his left hand out for me to take.

I glanced over at Kenz who was smirking at me before taking Angel's hand. He guided me out of the room and into the stairwell exit. Making sure the coast was clear, he grabbed my face with his hand, placing his lips on mine.

It was a very soft kiss, but I could feel the aggression he was holding back. My body relaxed under his touch, like it used to.

He walked me backwards until we hit the side of the staircase. He wrapped his left arm around my waist, lifting me up until I was sitting on the rail just enough so that my legs could wrap around his lower half.

Deepening the kiss, his tongue slid past my bottom lip. I could feel him getting hard which caused me to let out a soft moan, and a sigh of relief.

His phone started ringing in his pocket, bringing me back to reality. Jumping down from the rail, I shook my head. "You have a girlfriend, Angel. We can't."

"I know, I know." He rubbed his free hand over his face. "Shit, I'm sorry."

I quickly shook my head. "No, no it's okay. We just- um, let's just keep that between us."

"Fasho', fasho'."

His phone started ringing again. I grabbed his phone out of his right pocket, and slid it into his left hand so he could pick it up.

"Wassup, Amere? We was talkin, we finna come back now. Yea, we can do that. Aight."

Hanging up the phone, he put his hand out for me to take and lead me back into the hallway area.

"Mere tryna smoke, you comin'?"

I thought about it, but ended up denying. "No, I'm actually gonna go and take a nap before we go out tonight."

"Oh aight then."

"Just let Kenz know I went back up to the room."

"Aight, fasho'."

We split ways, and I went down the hall to Kenz and I's room as he went back down to his and Amere's room.

Actually wanting to nap now, I laid down and cleared my mind as much as possible before finally being able to fall asleep.


You a bad bitch
And it's your birthday
Gon' head and fuck it up in the worst way
If you a bad bitch
And it's your birthday
Gon' head and fuck it up in the worst way, c'mon

One time for the birthday bitch
Two times for the birthday bitch
Three times for the birthday bitch
Fuck it up if it's your birthday bitch

Aviana downed her 7th shot of the night, and we had only been here an hour. We cheered her on, hyping her up as it was, in fact, her birthday.

My girl got lit this morning and she was getting even more lit right now. We weren't judging though. My parents thought we were out on the beach, but no. We used our fakes to get into this club, and it was definitely well worth it.

All of us were here except Dayna, which was perfectly fine with me. Apparently she wanted to go to the movies by herself, and neither of us cared to argue her on that. She thought we were at the beach just like our parents did.

Avi and Dre stayed on the dance floor, while Kenz and I headed back to our section. Amere, Angel, and Adrian were already there. Angel was sitting there with a drink in his left hand and a blunt in his right.

"I thought you weren't supposed to drink on your medication." I glared at Angel, taking the blunt from him and hitting it.

He looked at me with low eyes and licked his lips. "I'm not."

"So why are you?"

"It's just a sip, ma. I ain't drinkin' no more afta' this."

I scoffed. "I bet."

A girl stumbled over to the table, looking my brother dead in his face twirling her hair in her hands. I could see the confusion on Adrian's face.

"Can I help you?" I asked the girl, moving Adrian back so I could be face-to-face with her.

As soon as she opened her mouth to speak, I could smell the Remy. "Oh i-is that your b-boyfriend?"

"No, but that's my brother. You need something?"

"I-I was trying to s-see if he wanted to d-dance with me." She hiccuped.

Girl, you can barely even stand.

I looked over at Adrian who was shaking his head. "He good."

She stuck her tongue at Adrian causing me to laugh before she stumbled off.

As I scooted back next to Angel, my Apple Watch vibrated on my wrist. Leaning it towards me, I read the notification.

from : marcus🖤 (11:22 pm)
Ight baby girl hmu when u get back home

I glanced over at Angel who was looking at my watch before he chuckled and looked away.

"Lame ahh," Angel laughed, making me hit him in his chest.

I rolled my eyes, quickly sending a text back.

to : marcus🖤 (11:23 pm)
i will if ur still up 💕

McKenzie tapped my arm. "Why is she here?"

We all looked in the direction she was looking in, my face turning into a scowl once I seen Dayna on the dance floor.

"I don't know, but we can find out." I stood up from the table and made my way over to Dayna. Grabbing her arm, I gave her a fake smile. "What's up, sis?"

Her eyes got wide once she turned around and saw us.

"Fuck you doin' wit' him?" Angel happened to be the only one to notice the guy behind her.

Adrian pulled his pants up once he realized who Dayna was with. "Wassup wit' it, fuck boy? What you tryna do?"

At this point, I was completely disgusted with this girl.

"Dayna, why are you here with Cedrick?"

ooo, dayna ain't sh*t 😂

hope you guys are enjoying this story. 💋

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