Once Fate Became Twisted | Ma...

By xxprinceanonymousxx

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Isoloses's life as the second prince of Caelestes was misery. He hated himself, but most of all he hated his... More

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965 72 22
By xxprinceanonymousxx


Isoloses made it back from the tavern with Uysasera and his mind was buzzing with activity from his earlier conversation with Uysasera. He felt something that wasn't exactly bad and he while he couldn't really discern what he was feeling precisely, it was... relieving in an odd way. He had never considered children as a possibility, nor a question... but he'd also been convinced he couldn't have them, and based on that alone it was easier to not want them than it was to want them and not be able to have them.

It was daunting really because while what Uysasera said made a lot of sense, he just wasn't... certain. He was worried Naevys was going to freak out mainly. They weren't really committed despite the relationship they had and it was... difficult to know if Naevys was thinking the exact thing that he was at some points.

While Isoloses knew that Naevys had some sort of affection for him, he didn't know if his feelings matched the ones Isoloses had. And, Isoloses didn't even know what his own feelings were when it came to Naevys. He knew that Naevys made everything better, even if he was still well aware that everything still sucked he felt better just because he was near Naevys. It wasn't magic or anything, but it worked for him.

Naevys was like the light at the end of the tunnel or something cheesy like that. He symbolized hope and peace for Isoloses, he was... he was home to Isoloses. He was nice and warm and provided something that was actually good for him to serve. Isoloses wasn't a leader, he'd never been one, and he had no idea how to handle it long-term. No, he needed someone to tell him what to do. More specifically, Naevys. He didn't want anyone else.

He was... Naevys is special. He's different.

He didn't feel awful when he was with Naevys, he didn't feel guilty much, or even focus on negatives... which is... something. Something complicated, and something that examining was daunting to think about. Isoloses was invested in Naevys, he knew that, but he didn't need to make it worse, to make it deeper, if he didn't have to. The feelings Naevys inspired in his life were not the ones that belonged there. Even before his father fucked with his genetics, he was still evil, a demon, and he didn't have room in his life for commitment.

He didn't deserve to be close to Naevys like this. Now that he was free of his father's command, even with the ability and freedom to mate with whomever he wanted, he felt like he was too ruined anyway. He wanted to pull himself apart, to watch the pieces of the horrible life he'd lived fall apart at the seams and disintegrate into nothingness. He was a monster, with a legacy of destruction and unease. He wasn't... he wasn't good enough for Naevys.

Why should he be allowed to touch Naevys, who deserved so much more than him? Why should he ask Naevys something like this when he couldn't even be certain Naevys was serious about him?

Even with all of that in his head, though... he wanted Naevys. He wanted to spend his life chasing after Naevys as he goes about spreading light everywhere.

"Excuse me, sir?" A soft, feminine voice came from behind him and he turned around, taking in the sight of the maid standing behind him. He hadn't even realized it, but he'd stopped in front of Naevys's office door and was just standing there like a jackass. "I-I just was going to u-uh offer to open the t-the door if you needed assistance." She said, stepping back a little as if he might attack her. He fought back the urge to sigh deeply as he shook his head.

"I can open a door, I was just lost in thought." He muttered under his breath and raised his hand to knock on Naevys's office door.

"Come in," Naevys called, and Isoloses pushed open the door, stepping inside the office and shutting the door behind him. Naevys glanced up from his desk and smiled a bit, his black eyes gleaming a little with something. "Isoloses I needed to talk to you, so you're right on time," Naevys said, standing up from his desk before he walked over to his file cabinet and began digging through it.

"Oh, what about?" Isoloses asked, pushing his thoughts to the back of his mind.

"Isandro is looking for you," Naevys said, leaning over to grab a file before he turned to face Isoloses. "You need to go look for him before he begins looking for you a little too close to home." Isoloses let out a sigh and bit into his bottom lip.

"Why is he looking for me? I just left." Isoloses complained.

"I don't know, I didn't see that far ahead," Naevys said, walking forward towards his desk before taking his seat and flipping through the pages of the file. "I just know he's looking for you," He let out a little huff, shutting the file by slamming his hand down on top of it.

"Are you upset?" Naevys shook his head and let out a little groan.

"That's not it." He said snarkily, his head tilting forward as he pulled the documents from below the file to the top and then picked up his pen and began scribbling down a bunch of oddly shaped numbers or something.

"I can go see what he wants and come right back." Isoloses offered, and Naevys let out a sigh, his face blanking a bit as Isoloses caught sight of the vines crawling up the wall behind him a little. "Or I could just go tell him to fuck off," Naevys shook his head.

"You just don't get it," Naevys murmured, tapping the end of the pen against the paper he was writing on. "It's not so simple as... me wanting you to do any one thing." Naevys sighed deeply. "It's--" He broke off, his eyes darkening.

"It's what?" Isoloses pressed.

"You just got here." He said, his eyes narrowing a little. "I just wasn't planning on letting go of the leash so soon." He bristled. Isoloses nodded his head and walked forward, walking behind Naevys's chair and leaning over it to wrap his arms around Naevys's shoulders. He stiffened a little, his cheeks darkening. "What are you doing?"

"Being affectionate," Isoloses murmured. Naevys huffed a little.

"Do you intend to squeeze me into a better mood?" Naevys questioned, tilting his head a bit and Isoloses shrugged.

"Is it working?" Isoloses questioned, making Naevys hum.

"Not particularly, but you aren't squeezing very hard," Naevys muttered, smiling faintly. Isoloses squeezed him a little harder, making him grunt quietly. "Anyway, where have you been?" Naevys asked, pressing his nose against Isoloses's shirtsleeve. "You smell like Uysasera." He grumbled a little.

"He took me to lunch," Isoloses explained easily, and Naevys nodded.

"I didn't realize you two had met," Naevys said. Isoloses nodded his head, biting his lip. "I approve of your choice of friends." He muttered, before shifting a bit. Isoloses let go of him and he reached for his pen, grasping onto it and beginning to write something on the paper in front of him.

"Well, this... Isandro thing actually brings up something I wanted to... get your... uh... not permission, but kind of. I mean, no that's not what I was trying to say." Isoloses said, shaking his head a little as he walked around Naevys's desk and plopped down in the wooden chair. Naevys paused, his blank expression somehow falling blanker.

"Oh, what do you want permission for?" Naevys asked, somewhat cautiously. Isoloses shook his head.

"No, I just... I uh. Before I left... Caelestes, Mytherion--you know, the Royal doctor? The guy who followed me around for two years chirping about my shoulder?" Naevys nodded. "He found a cure... for my little uh... problem... you know, with the uh, nizzle-drizzle problem." Naevys blinked a couple of times.

"What?" Naevys asked, raising an eyebrow. "How much alcohol did Uysasera allow you to consume?" Isoloses shook his head.

"You know the... problem with my..." He motioned down towards his dick with an embarrassed look on his face, his cheeks heating up a little.

"Oh... Oh." Naevys paused for a moment, sitting his pen down. "You mean, your cum." Isoloses's cheeks heated up more, his head nodding. "So what does that mean? For you, I mean."

"Well... I don't want to get your hopes up for anything magnificent." Isoloses said, pausing for a moment. "But... Myth thinks that he can fix my... my cum. So it's not dead, you know if I... if I decide to do it." Naevys hummed, leaning forward a bit.

"You know that... I could get pregnant during my heat if you do that." Naevys said, and Isoloses nodded his head hesitantly. "Is that... something you want?" He didn't sound angry, nor did he sound entirely surprised.

"If it's... if it's with you," Isoloses admitted quietly, his eyes lowering a little as uncertainty passed through him. Not uncertainty over the decision, but over having even mentioned this to Naevys in the first place. He should've had the foresight to know it was a bad idea. It was embarrassing, and Naevys... well, of course, he wouldn't want to have kids with him. They were not even serious together.

"You should get the injection..." Naevys said, looking over at him from across the desk. "I am okay with the risk, as long as you take accountability for your actions, that is."

"You mean..." He trailed off for a moment, his eyes widening. "You're... okay with the idea of having kids together?"

"A child. Singular." Naevys said, sticking his finger up to symbolize the number one. "One." He said firmly. "So control your jizz, you got that?"

"I'll do my best!" Isoloses said, nodding his head. "I'll take care of you, you won't have to do anything. I'll take care of everything you want, I'll bathe you and cuddle you and feed you and give you my cock whenever you want--" Naevys hummed and put his hand up.

"I know," Naevys said, pausing for a moment. "You're the perfect mate. You'll be a great father." It was quiet and whispered, barely said above a whisper. Isoloses could hardly breathe for a moment. He couldn't really process the words being said to him for a minute unable to process Naevys referring to him as perfect in any way, and his mind couldn't quite wrap around the fact that Naevys had mentioned mates along with it.

He couldn't help the excitement he felt, or the despair either one. On one hand, the admission made him happy. It was exactly what he wanted--Naevys, forever. He couldn't escape the nagging voice in his head that whispered; you do not deserve this. It wasn't entirely wrong, and that made his head hurt and his chest feel a little hollow.

Isoloses hated himself, he wanted to pull himself apart. He wanted to take apart the very fabric of his being and atone for his crimes. He wanted to punish himself for the terrible things he'd done, but... he had always gone to Naevys to hide from his thoughts. He ran to Naevys and pretended that he had any right to even be there. As if he ever had that right, to begin with. But... Naevys always welcomed him back. Naevys deserved more than what Isoloses could give him, and that was unquestionable.

Isoloses... well he didn't know what he deserved himself. For years, he'd relied solely on the fact that he could always come to Naevys when things were too hard for him. He knew that he could crawl into Naevys's arms whenever the weight of everything was too much. Perhaps he was a little drunk, he couldn't even remember how many lagers he ended up having while talking to Uysasera, but... the fact that he'd never mated with Naevys; had never given him the mating bond he deserved...

Well, he thought it like he had something of value to offer Naevys when that wasn't even true. Naevys deserved more than he could ever hope to offer him.

He wanted to have more to offer. He wanted to be more than he was.

He wasn't and he's not, but he wanted to be so much. For himself to some degree, because he hated feeling how he felt but... mainly for Naevys--so that Naevys could have what he deserved. Isoloses wasn't really sure when he started thinking of himself as something--something worth wanting for more than just a toy.

Isoloses didn't know what he wanted to do about this. He still hadn't figured out what he should do about it. It was something that he'd never even considered a possibility because he'd been so sure it would never, ever happen. But... he knew what Naevys thought. Isoloses also knew one thing for certain... as long as it was with Naevys, he knew he wanted it. Life, death, family or not, he didn't care. He just wanted to be wherever Naevys was.

"Isoloses, you should leave for Caelestes tonight. I don't want your brother to find out that you and Ilsa are both here." Naevys said, making Isoloses sigh. "Isandro could take Ilsa's presence here in a very unsatisfactory way, and that's the last thing we want to have happen. The treaty between our realms is too new to have something like this coming to light."

"Well, at least let me grab my golden fiddle," Isoloses drawled, pulling himself up out of the chair.

"Pick up your sword from the weapons room. There's no telling why he's looking for you, so I want you prepared." Naevys demanded. "Oh... and Isoloses be careful," Naevys muttered, picking up his pen. Isoloses walked around his desk once again, turning his desk chair around and pulling him up out of the chair, curling his arms around his waist. Naevys let out an annoyed huff, but curled his arms around his waist and buried his face in Isoloses's chest.

"Master," Isoloses murmured, "I'll be back as soon as possible." Naevys nodded his head.

"Send me letters so I know you're okay." He muttered, and Isoloses nodded his head.

"Of course." Isoloses agreed. Naevys nodded and ushered him to the door of his office, smiling a little as he pulled open the door and pushed him out of the room.

"Be a good boy. I love you." Naevys said, and then as if he hadn't even meant to say it, his eyes widened a bit and he slammed the door shut in his face. Isoloses stared at the door for a moment in stunned silence, his jaw-dropping a little. He didn't try to get him to come back, he knew that was a lost cause. When Naevys shut the door, he wasn't opening it again and Isoloses knew that. He couldn't help the smile that slipped across his face though or the warmth that spread through him at hearing Naevys say I love you.

Hell, his day just got a lot better, somehow.


Naevys was an immortal, the oldest left of his kind, the last of his kind. He'd seen the realm he grew up in turn to ash, a barren wasteland of nothing. He'd moved his people to Cassian's realm, and watched the land transform from almost dead to very much alive. He'd watched villages build themselves into cities, friends, lovers, and allies coming and leaving. He'd watched everyone he loved die, with thousands of years' worth of memories carved into the back of his skull like hieroglyphics in caves. He'd watched generations enter and leave the realm, and it repeats, on and on, time flying by and left him feeling as if he'd miss the seasons change with each blink of an eye.  

For centuries, he'd been content observing life as it flowed around him, detached and distant from the ones around him. Sometime in the past eight to nine hundred years, however, he became aware of an odd sense of emptiness that engulfed him, a strange longing that'd not go away no matter the number of bedmates he had. He entertained the thought very little, pushing it to the back of his mind, and for a few decades, his longing had been satiated. 

In the end, however, the feeling always returns to him when he is alone. As settled as he was as Cassian's second, as fulfilled a life as he had lived, as many adventures as he'd gone on in a hunt for some meaning... he was always left with the endless feeling of missing something

Until the Siphon of Destruction managed to siphon a hole in the witches' wards surrounding the realm. It shouldn't have been possible, really, but Naevys had seen it coming--though he couldn't predict the time or the exact location because he hadn't seen distinguishing markers. 

It wasn't until his eyes locked with Isoloses's that he felt something spark in him that he'd not felt in centuries. Naevys had felt a shock of excitement as he fought Isoloses the first time, it had been intense and it was a close fight. The only reason Naevys had the upper hand was his vines. Without them, he could've easily lost that night. He was not only strong, but he was also ruthless and an impressive swordsman. His precision and timing were lacking, he had many things he could fix about his methods but there was one thing Naevys was sure of... he didn't lose fights often.

Making a pact with him had been the best possible outcome of the scenario he found himself in, based on what he had seen when he'd looked to the future. He had many things he had to be sure of when making a decision. Each little decision had to be carefully thought out, and each plan measured absolutely and without room for failure--unless that was a part of the plan. And yet, the decision with Isoloses had been... split second. He'd given himself no time to go over other options, pros or cons. He'd merely agreed. He knew better than to do that.

Immortality had given him more suffering than joy if he were being honest, and he'd built walls around his heart because he didn't want anyone near him. He didn't want another person in his life that could be wielded against him, another person to die in front of him while he continued to live on. The walls he built, were meant to last and had through multiple lost loved ones, friends, allies, lovers, and yet--

When his eyes met Isoloses's something in his chest cracked, and Isoloses slipped into him. Isoloses was reckless. Self-destructive. Ruthless. A warrior, strong and capable. He was on the path to dying soon. But--Isoloses was also kind. Despite seeing way too many battles, he was still surprisingly sweet and affectionate. He would humor his whims no matter how nonsensical they were, lavishing him with gifts and attention. Even his eyes, the way they hungrily followed his moves... it was arousing.

They burned with desire, the same way they did during battles or rounds of high-stakes poker. It's not the same as his normal expression, the one he wears when he thinks no one is paying attention. They are not dull, flat, or empty. Instead, they are bright, lucid, and alive, and it thrilled him to know that he was the one to draw it out instead of an intense battle or an exciting round at the poker table. Maybe it was simply the way he looked at him as if he were trying to will away his clothing with his mind. Perhaps it was his lust-addled mind deluding itself, but there was something uniquely enticing about being desired the way Isoloses desired him.

No one has ever dared to look at him in such a way before.

Isoloses is still close, much too close for mere acquaintances or just a fling, close enough to where his scent was ingrained in his home. He should scarcely trust a word from Isoloses's mouth, and yet he still... did. Isoloses face was perfectly trained, capable of jumping from calm and collected to sarcastic and flippant with ease, whatever the situation called for there was a mask to match it. Naevys tried to keep in mind he was sleeping with the enemy, that he would say or do whatever was needed of him, and that he was loyal to none other than his king and had no obligation to divulge the truth to anyone else. 

He really had no logical reason to fret over Isoloses's possible dishonesty, and yet he couldn't help but do so. It's such a silly thing to worry about when Isoloses couldn't lie to him. Isoloses was shameless, fearless, and hopeless. He'd tell Naevys anything he wanted to know. He trusted him, blindly, fully, completely. It was... endearing. Isoloses was endearing. He could still remember the first time he thought about Isoloses.

The air in the room was filled with the lingering scent of sweat and sex. A warm, hard body was intertwined with his, Naevys's back to Isoloses's chest, an arm wrapped possessively around his waist as Isoloses nuzzled into the crook of his neck. The ends of his hair tickled a slight bit, and his jawline was covered in stubble that was prickling and slightly irritating but he didn't quite mind it. Well, not entirely. He did mind it, to some extent, but at the same time, it wasn't the most unpleasant feeling he was sure he'd experienced. 

A content hum slipped through Naevys's lips as Isoloses's fingers brushed ever so slightly against his skin, moving his head just enough to press a kiss to Naevys's ear. The brief touch of Isoloses's lips against his skin made Naevys shiver a little, and he couldn't fight back the urge to shift and moan quietly as the knot inside of him moved. Isoloses let out a quiet hiss, his arm squeezing around his waist. Gently, subtly. Affectionately.

Another shiver wracked him as Isoloses's fingers ghosted along the bump on his lower abdomen where Isoloses's cock was pushing against his walls, sending pleasure swirling through him. Isoloses didn't apply pressure when he definitely could've, Isoloses's touch was completely innocent in the aftershocks of his orgasm, subdued. Gentle. 

The kind of touch that said he was afraid to break him, afraid to touch him too roughly. A sweet notion, one so soft it didn't match the man behind him at all. Really, Naevys knew already that Isoloses wasn't nearly as stoic as he pretended to be however it never failed to catch him off guard when he was so openly affectionate. Naevys didn't know how to take it. He had never done well with receiving affection, and--he didn't know how to interpret the way it made him feel inside. 

"Go to sleep, Isoloses," Naevys murmured, making Isoloses huff behind him and scoot even closer to his back. 

"I don't want to. That means I have to leave sooner." Naevys sighed. He was aware, a part of him was excited about that time. Another part of him... wanted to cling a little tighter to Isoloses's arm. He's endearing in his own way, Naevys thought, pressing a kiss to the back of Isoloses's hand softly. 

"Lord Naevys," Laiex said, drawing Naevys from his memories. "I have returned from seeing Isoloses off," Naevys nodded and waved his hand flippantly, pouring himself a glass of Ɗɦẚꬶóƙḥ--an elven alcoholic drink. It tasted of wildflowers and fruit, but it had a kick like a mule. Elven alcohols can be very strong, and this one was one of the stronger ones.

"Did he make it alright?" Naevys asked, swirling his drink around in the Glencairn-style glass he was holding in his hand. Laiex nodded his head.

"Yes, Lord Naevys," Laiex said. "...If I may speak so boldly, are you ever going to allow me to organize your shelf of courting gifts? It is quite unsightly how messy your office has become." Naevys sighed and waved his hand for a moment before he downed half of his drink. 

"Courting gifts? Whatever do you mean?" Naevys said. Laiex let out a sigh, motioning towards the shelf.

"The shelf that you had built to put all the knickknacks, trinkets, objects--just everything that Isoloses brings you, Lord Naevys." Naevys pulled his eyebrows together, confusion running through him. "Don't you think someone should organize them?" Naevys sighed and stood up, waving his hand.

"Go ahead, do as you will." He agreed, walking over to the window of his office and peering out, looking over the sky. It was dark and empty tonight, the dark moon barely visible against the sky. He was unsure why he felt so unsettled knowing that Isoloses was in Caelestes. Perhaps it was just the inevitable question that has always run through his mind. The little voice in the back of his head that whispers; He's not coming back, you know... every single time grated on his nerves.  

His earlier slip of the tongue was ever-present in his mind, despite doing his best not to think about it. Isoloses had, admittedly, for once caught him off guard. More with the children thing than anything else. He couldn't lie and say that he'd never thought about it, though the thought had never taken root. It was foundationless, something he could dismiss because it wasn't something in the realm of possibilities. Now... it could be. 

"Lord Naevys," Laiex called, and Naevys glanced back over his shoulder. "Why did you give your brother's sword to a demon?" Naevys let out a hum.

"It'd really piss off Eezis, yes?" Naevys asked, and Laiex let out a noise that indicated that was precisely what he was thinking. "I'm sure you've heard rumors about the glass sword and its... significance to our race and its magical properties."

"It's one of the only remaining High Elven artifacts," Laiex said, pulling a hum from Naevys.

"Eezis's sword was crafted from Ḣᶏɕṗɦ𝑦ɭīṭɘ crystal, it is only called the glass sword because of its clear color when not wielded." Laiex nodded his head as he sorted through the bottom shelf of trinkets, "However, the sword is so sharp that, with enough training, there is a technique which one could... perhaps open a mirror world to battle in. One in which, the opponent will be completely unaware of what has happened..."

"You gave a weapon that powerful to a demon prince of Caelestes, and furthermore you allowed him to carry it back to Caelestes with him?!" Laiex exclaimed, something making a small clattering noise. Naevys turned to glance back over his shoulder once again.

"I gave it to him for a reason," Naevys said flippantly, narrowing his eyes. "Be careful with that stuff or leave it alone." Laiex nodded, an apologetic look crossing his face. Naevys fought back a sigh and turned to the window once more.

"What was this reason?" Laiex asked.

"Consider me this," Naevys said, his eyes roaming over the waterfall in the distance. "Why not?"

"Is that  your way of saying it's none of my concern?" Laiex sighed, and Naevys nodded. It really wasn't something he could explain. It stemmed from Isoloses's recklessness, really. If he wielded the blade when in battle, once he learned to access the mirror dimension, he'd be essentially unkillable. The mirror dimension looks like the area they're battling in, only there are invisible mirrors, and only the one who wields the blade can see them and manipulate them, and thus, they can project their image wherever they want to and attack from elsewhere without it being obvious that it was a mirror image. Honestly, that was the least terrifying thing that sword could do when wielded properly, which is the only reason he divulged the information at all.

Outside of the mirror dimension, it can manipulate shadows and dark magic, and even turn them solid. It knows their blood. It makes the blade able to do things like tracking, emulating their techniques in battle, knowing their weaknesses, and stuff like that. However, the sword itself syncs with the person wielding it, and forms as an extension of the person wielding it.

With Isoloses's siphoning ability, the sword--in theory, at least, each time the sword pierced the skin of one of his opponents, would gain some of their strength and magic. Naevys couldn't lie, if he miscalculated and gave the weapon to Isoloses and he wasn't trustworthy, it'd be a huge problem. There was a part of his brain that was telling him he made a mistake, but the part of his brain that needed to ensure Isoloses's safety was stronger. 

"In so many words," Naevys agreed. He knew no one would really understand his desire to protect Isoloses, especially given that he couldn't even be certain he could trust Isoloses. He had been in this world for more than a thousand years and had lived through the passing of many people. Lost... many, many loved ones, whether to death or other complications it didn't matter. He knew it was rather silly, childish, even, to be harboring such sentiments for Isoloses, he was able to care for himself.

Still, he couldn't help it. Naevys turned his full attention to the waterfall, letting the cool night air wash over his skin. Having the ability to make his windows disappear was amazing, he loved being able to look out over the waterfall. Even as calming as it was, it didn't soothe the ache in his chest. He... 

He missed Isoloses, and he'd only just left. Naevys tossed back the rest of his drink and sighed deeply. This was going to be an annoying inconvenience, he could already tell. 

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"Real lifeမှာ စကေးကြမ်းလွန်းတဲ့ စနိုက်ကြော်ဆိုတာမရှိဘူး ပျော်ဝင်သွားတဲ့ယောကျာ်းဆိုတာပဲရှိတယ်" "ခေါင်းလေးပဲညိတ်ပေး Bae မင်းငြီးငွေ့ရလောက်အောင်အထိ ငါချ...