Sign of the Times [Weak Hero...

By LOML4205

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Mei Shisui is the new transfer student at the infamous Eunjang High School. She meets some pretty interesting... More

Chapter 1: Are you an Ent?
Chapter 2: Two More Dumbasses
Chapter 3: Battle of the Boy Bands
Chapter 4: Jimmy Bae
Chapter 5: pinky promise
chapter 6: A promise is a promise.
Chapter 8: Aftermath
Chapter 9: Donald Na
Chapter 10: War
Chapter 11: Sleepover?
Chapter 12: A glimpse at the past part 1?
Chapter 13: A Glimpse of the Past- part 2
Chapter 14: A Glimpse of the Past -Part 3 (final part)

Chapter 7: Eunjang vs Yoosun

224 16 1
By LOML4205

As the bell rang and everyone was getting ready to head home, Mei and Gerard were waiting for things to clear out before doing the same.

"I have to get to my part-time job so I can't walk you home today." He said putting his bag over his shoulder.

"Oh okay that works, I'm supposed to hang out a bit to talk to the headmaster today anyway." Mei shrugged continuing to put her stuff away.

"Good luck with that," Gerard laughed before walking out. "Peace out."

"Hmph," Mei sighed and headed to the office. That was until she was grabbed from behind, a hand around her mouth.

"You're coming with me, quietly, if you want to help your precious boyfriends." Philip Kim whispered in her ear.

Shivers went down her spine, and they weren't the good kind. 'Disgusting'.

Mei broke out of his honestly feeble grip, and glared at him, "where are they?" she asked ignoring his comment on her relationship with them.

"Follow me, and I'll show you." He laughed before walking past her, purposely shoulder-checking her.

'I'm ending this sick fucker as soon as we get there.' Mei rolled her shoulders before following the boy to the incinerator. Mei noticed an extra bag in his hand wondering whose poor soul that bag belonged to.

When they got to his destination, Philip threw the bag down at the strawberry blonde's feet. Jimmy Bae looked up at Philip and then over at the girl, he scowled at her and she raised an eyebrow in response.

He looked away and at the boy. "What's with the bag, and her" His voice filled with disdain.

"Oh this- the bag's from the fucker that beat up helmet, and she's," he poked his thumb at the girl, "she's part of Big Ben's crew, plus ya know thought you might want a rematch. Show us all that it was just a fluke, right?" Philips's voice was challenging like he was hoping to piss off Jimmy.

That's when Mei looked over and noticed Gerard surrounded by some Yoosun minions. She caught his eye and sent a questioning look over to him. He shrugged before mouthing, 'waiting' she nodded in acknowledgment before turning her attention back to the conversation in front of her.

"I'll deal with her later..." he was stalling, Mei and Philip both knew, "But the one who beat up helmet? Oh- that infamous psycho freak? Perfect. I was getting quite curious anyway. Haa- you see I told Helmet to go crush him, and that pussy ended up going into hiding. Hehehe."

'They're talking about Gray, fuck.' Mei clenched her fist. There was more going on here than she originally thought.

"Yo Phillip- if we finish this up properly today, don't forget to pay up the remainder- " Jimmy smirked up at the rich kid.

"Don't worry, I got you." The boy grinned back.

Mei got the idea that these two had an... interesting relationship to say the least. That's when everyone's attention was drawn to Gerard who had just K'O'd one of the goons messing with him.

Jimmy got up, intrigued, "Yooo! Where did that come from?"

"Heard they called him 'Hot-Foot Jin of Do-Eui Middle School'" Philip said and Mei tried to stifle her laugh which got her a glare from all three of the (relevant) boys.

"Hot-Foot? What the fuck is that? A nickname?" He approached Gerard, Mei stopped laughing and got ready to move. Fast. "What a stupid fucking title... You think you're robo-cop or something? You're obviously outnumbered and about to be ganged up on, and you were still cocky enough to just let it rip- You're scaring me, man Keep that up and you'll get hurt real bad, shroom head."

Mei noted that he was incredibly bad at trash talk in her mental character information sheet.

Gerard scowled, "How 'bout you shut the fuck up you dainty little-"

"Boo!" Jimmy exclaimed moving closer to Gerard's face. Gerard sent a kick to Jimmy's temple.

But Jimmy had stopped it, "There it is again. Just whipping it out by habit. I think I'll..." He launched at Gerard, "Fix that for you." Gerard was sent falling backward by the punch.

But before he could even hit the ground Mei was behind him, catching him. "Ya know, for someone who just got their ass whooped a couple of days ago, you seem pretty confident. Maybe you should think before you punch." Mei stood up, walking between Jimmy and Gerard.

Jimmy looked startled at first, but kept his cool, Mei guessed his crew here didn't know about the events in the pool hall.

"These Eunjang fuckers have spirit, don't they? Just about every one of them will act tough, even a girl." He laughed.

Gerard coughed, Mei turned and crouched beside him, decidedly ignoring Jimmy.

Jimmy kept running his mouth, "If you're gonna spout lies like that, at least follow through on them before bowing out. In any case, your friend here, hot pot or hot sauce or whatever he's called. He better finish what he started."

Mei looked up as someone places their hand on Gerard's back, "You alright Gerard?" the voice asked.

"Huh?!" Gerard asked and Mei smiled. "Glad you made it Big Ben."

A stare-down began as Mei helped Gerard up and they faced Yoosun High.

Jimmy sighed, "It's been a while, Ben Park, you son of a bitch. I thought you'd be on my ass immediately after I bloodied up Alex Go. But you must not be as tough as I remember. Huh, Ben?"

Mei started to chuckle, everyone turned to her. The chuckle grew, and soon she was laughing like a madman. It sent chills down Jimmy's spine, but he couldn't give up the bluff now, his pride was on the line. Even Ben and Gerard seemed thrown. But GoGo just smirked, he knew now to trust her.

"Sorry it's just," She wiped a tear, "The way I remembered it, you were the one bloodied up. But maybe your memory was short-circuited after you passed out." The faces of the Yoosun students varied, some were shocked, and some were laughing thinking the girl was crazy. But Jack Kang saw the look on Jimmy's face and knew, he really did get his ass beat.

Mei stopped laughing completely, her voice cold and scaring, "I'd love to jog your memory."

In the silence, the sound of a crack was heard and everyone turned to see a guy stumble out of the alleyway and crash on his back. The bag he was holding fell to Jimmy's feet.

"Man I thought I told you to hold on to it." He said picking up the bag, "Did some hero make his entrance or something?"

As if on cue, Gray appeared from the alley, face calm and eyes cold.

Jimmy didn't seem to understand the situation, because he was still mouthing off. "Wow, that was really impressive. Who are ya? Is this your bag? You really look nothing like I imagined."

Mei and the crew all shared one surprised brain cell, 'Gray Yeon...!!'

Big Ben spoke up first, "Jimmy Bae. I thought you came here for me. Why don't you focus on that?"

Mei respected his attempt to save Gray from the same fate as us.

Jimmy didn't share that respect, "No can do. This fucker's responsible for our beloved Helmet's disappearance. And he also crushed that idiot's jaw." He flung Gray's bag on top of the Incinerator, "That's why, I can't just let this dickhead walk. You can go get that yourself when we're done here. I'm feeling real pissed, for multiple reasons today-" He glanced at Mei, "And that's why I decided. I'ma have to kill everyone here, right now." He spread his arms like he was Pain or some shit, "Just. Like. This. All of you as a package."

The guy from the alley got up, "Argh... I'm gonna kill you. You fragile fuck."

Jack Kang approached Alex. Mei watched ready to step in, but when Alex got a good punch to the nose, Ben stepped in first smashing Jack's nose in with the back of his fist.

Jack reeled and fell on his ass. "Right... you fuckers really don't seem to understand, until you get hit."

Ben was angry.

"Wow... Gotta say. You kept it in longer than I expected, Ben..." He paused, "All of you... Rip them apart."

And so it began, Alex was fighting Jack, Ben stood off against Jimmy, Gray was dealing with the alley dude, and Gerard and Mei were fighting the four* leftover goons.

(*I added one more than the canon to make it a bit better for the fight.)

Mei and Gerard were back to back, encircled by the goons. Mei huffed and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, "Hey doesn't four on two seem a little unfair?" She asked smiling.

Gerard nodded, "Yeah it does kinda."

"Maybe I should tie one hand behind my back or hop on one leg, even it out a bit for our friends here." She was grinning ear to ear. Her whole body humming with anticipation.

Mei loved to fight. She didn't like to admit it to her "normal" friends, but she really did. Especially when they start it, they come into the fight so confident, but the look on their face when they realize their fatal mistake, it's so fulfilling. She can tell by their faces they all think the same thing in that moment, each one, the same face. They should've never underestimated a Shisui.

Mei laughed and launched into action, she got one by surprise with a punch across the cheek, she let her arm follow through before switching direction, and hitting him again with an elbow to the temple. While that one reeled, she stepped onto her back foot, lifting her front one up a bit, almost like a pitcher does before a throw, and stepped into a beautiful roundhouse kick. The goon, however, had time to block it, but he never felt the impact on his forearm, a second later he felt a heel dig into his shoulder.

Gerard's eyes widened, 'A Brazilian kick?? I've been trying to master that for ages!' While he was distracted one of the goons took his chance but was quickly shot down by Gerard's kick to the face.

Mei wasn't paying attention to Gerard's fight though, she was focused on the two opponents in front of her. Both in pain, she took that and used it. She grabbed the one she had just kicked by the hair and tossed him onto his buddy, the momentum lead them crashing into the wall. They stayed there, on top of each other, passed out.

Mei looked around and saw a little too smug Philip Kim hiding, watching the chaos from a safe spot. Mei bit her lip a little too hard and it drew blood, and so far it was her only scratch. She walked to where Philip was, and when he noticed her, his eyes widened in fear.

"Enjoying the show?" Mei asked menacingly. Philip started backing up but his hiding spot was enclosed, and his back hit a wall. "Looks like you have nowhere to run," she paused and made direct eye contact with him, "can't bluff your way out of this one, bud." She smiled.

"You get a kick out of acting so big and bad huh? You like knowing that there's nothing holding you up beside your own lies and your parent's wealth? But this time, you got yourself into something you can't buy yourself out of." She punched him square in the nose. His hands went to hold it, and she grabbed him by the hair and dragged him out of his little hole.

She looked around and saw that the fighting was mostly done. Ben had won, and everyone had stopped.

She dragged him into the middle of the spot, she threw him down at Jack's feet. "Get you're little lapdog and your owner," nodding her head in Jimmy's direction, "and get the fuck out of here. We're done."

When everyone realized that the girl didn't have a single scratch on her, they couldn't believe it. Eunjang and Yoosun alike were stunned, how had she come out of this looking better than all of them?

The only one who didn't look surprised looked just as clean as her, Gray Yeon was intrigued, he wished he'd seen her fight but he was too busy with his own to notice hers. He was so preoccupied that he didn't see one of the goons heading toward him with a stick. But his savior Eugene spawned out of nowhere tackling the minion.

Ben composed himself, "Hey you, we're done here, quit acting a fool and get out of here. Unless..." Ben glared at him, "you want more?"

The goon was visibly shaking with shock, he couldn't believe Jimmy Bae had lost, that Yoosun had lost.

After the Yoosun students (and Philip) had cleared out, Alex climbed onto the incinerator, grabbed Gray's bag, and tossed it to him.

Ben and Mei approached the pair from class 5, who were still in their gym uniforms, "Anyway, where the hell did you come from? Are you his guardian angel or something? Hehe." Ben asked the one with glasses.

Mei stood in front of Gray, the two eyed each other, before Mei held out her hand. "Mei." is all she said.

The boy took it, "Gray."

She laughed, "I know. You are kind of an enigma 'round here."

Gray nodded as Ben spoke up. "Well, Nonetheless, nevertheless, it feels a little too iffy to indulge in today's victory. Ain't that right, GoGo?"

Alex hopped down, "All depends on how Jimmy Bae and the rest of Yoosun decide to react to this." He pondered.

The glasses kid, "The way I see it... I don't think Jimmy Bae will try to make the fight bigger than it already is. Though he might try and attack again himself. He must have his own reason for attacking so suddenly today, but regardless of that... The general opinion of last year's fight between you and Jimmy Bae was mostly that he was crushed in the end. Isn't Jimmy Bae too big-headed to want to lean on the union for the same exact issue, and risk humiliation in front of Donald Na? The guy is a corpse without his ego. There's just no way. "

Mei nodded along in thought. Ben took the speech into consideration, "Hmm that actually does make a lot of sense. But, how the heck do you know so much about that crap?" He asked smiling with his hand on the brunette's shoulder.

"Huh? Huh?" He paused, "It's just... the kind of observational skill you get naturally by thinking a lot." He scrambled.

Mei chuckled before leaning toward Gray and whispering, "natural observation skills my ass."

Gray turned his head away, in what Mei hoped was an attempt to hide his smile.

"Ain't that right, Gray?" Ben asked, but the pair had missed the first part. So Gray just played it off, "well...".

Ben chuckled, "Alright Mr. Stoic. Hehe."

They began walking out of the gate when Ben got a bright idea, "Let's all go get noodles!!"

"No." Everyone chorused at the same time before laughing at Ben's dejected whines.


Finally got to the Eunjang vs. Yoosun battle!!

Also, I think I might change the title to 'Underestimate' but I don't know yet.

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